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    Bitter sweet promotion.

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

    Fame : 551

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    Post by Erika Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:36 pm

    The day was now fresh as the night had past. Successfully retrieving the individual that was Kohaku Saotomi Erika found it to be very insidious. The entire plan of the village to get this one girl just because she was from the enemy camp didn't sit well with her, since when was the limit? She figured she wouldn't really be a prisoner due to her rank, but the whole war caused everyone to become cruel in their practices, and Erika while it seemed lame missed the days when her biggest worry was her annoying bed time. Now she had to worry about kunai being thrown at herself, partners being killed; facing deadly threats like two high ranking enemy ninja. They were so short staffed she was sent after such high levels of ninja regardless of the difficulty of the job, and it made her nervous. She shouldn't be on those kinds of missions instead she should be on the simple kinds that train her to use team work and actually socialize, but instead she was getting closer and closer to the front lines. One thing did not help her get over this fact, and that was due to her getting promoted from it. She had taken another away from their goal and broguth them back to have unpleasant things potentially done with to them, and she got a new rank because of it. They had said it was due to her past performances and supposed skill, but she knew that was a load; they were just happy to get a new toy to try and win with.

    Capture a girl and get a rank up, the things that are allowed to get by, almost sickens me. she whispered to herself as she sat out on her balcony looking towards the villages spires and streets below. It seemed peaceful and she had earned a little respite as they had said to her, but still it was all so much and so annoying for her to think about. There was also that man that one night her friend had died and she had been beaten half dead. It was the first time she had actually felt real pain in all senses of the word and she didn't like; she also didn't like others within this war having to feel it on both sides, and it made her wis to get out to the front again despite being nervous and working to end the war faster. I suppose I need a break every once a while like anyone else, but still so much has to go by before we can have peace again doesn't it? Eh look at me talking to myself and looking out at everyone I feel older than I am right now.

    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
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    Post by Amesuke Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:47 am

    Upon returning to the Hidden Stone village Saotomi was given to the Council by Amesuke who ensured her that she would be fine. Though he wasn't completely sure, it was the least he could tell the girl, especially after he had taken her away from her original goal of returning to the Frost Country. Amesuke worried for the girl, but wouldn't dwell on it, having more of his own issues to deal with. After his mission against the leaf village, he had seen how they dealt with their issues, making Amesuke want to stay on the frontlines and fight for an end of the war. While in Iwa, he would have only been able to watch from a distance and that didn't quite satisfy him. Sitting outside of the council chambers, he would wait and listen quietly with his eyes closed. It was apparent that the girl wasn't in a significant amount of trouble, being only a Genin, but he wondered where Erika had wondered off to. He figured Saotomi was safe enough in the hands of The Council to leave and that's what he did.

    Standing up and leaving from the building he would wander the streets, his hands in his pockets. He hadn't been walking for very long before looking up and seeing Erika sitting on a balcony of what he assumed to be where she lived. Waving a hand with a smile on and his eyes closed tightly. Yooo! Erika! How're ya holdin' up?! He had a calm tone to his voice, similar to how he spoke before the two had gone on the mission. The Council had recently promoted her to Chuunin which was a great thing in his own eyes. He would continue yelling up to the girl, hoping to strike conversation, I heard you were promoted! You did a great job on the mission.
    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

    Fame : 551

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    Post by Erika Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:04 am

    Don't know if you are being ironic or actually congratulating me. Erika stated down towards him from up on high as she heard his words and looked down. Erika had not wished to see Kohaku be brought into the council room for questioning as she knew that it wasn't going to probably go over too well. She was technically an enemy even if she wasn't really mean and was just trying to get back to wherever it was she was going. Erika hadn't really asked that now that she thought of it, she would have too if she ever saw her again; though if she did ever see her again she hoped it wouldn't be behind bars but on a mission scroll as an escort or maybe a comrade. They were short handed, but she couldn't see the council letting someone who betrayed their village join; but then again they did send her out on that mission and she was but a Genin at the time so they could do anything. They worked in mysterious and sketchy ways. Regardless Amesuke was down within the streets and while he had asked her questions and she had responded she wished to ask him some now as well. Uh wait right there i'll be right down.

    Instead of doing what many would expect like climb down the spires stairs and meet with him that way Erika did the thing that she liked to do the most. She didn't have bones so it didn't matter at all when she did this. Hoping over the balconies fence; she had made sure no one was below her as she then jumped off and landed on the ground with a thump. She had landed upright and her body resonated a bit from the shock of the fall; but she was fine. It had only really sent vibrations through the tendrils and those didn't hurt the heart more like tickle it; which amused her a feeling anyway; which is why she liked to do it. Yeah I got promoted for capturing a little girl; kind of makes me feel dirty about it, but if I can help end the war faster than by all means I should welcome it. I have been meaning to ask though. She put her right hand underneath her chin and stood in an inquisitive way; How did you make it away from those tow? They seemed pretty tough so I wanted to just get the Kohaku out of there while I had the chance; but you stayed around to hold them off. Thank you for that without it they would have chased after me, but still how did you get away? She returned to a more normal stance as she fidgeted a bit after taking in all that she had asked, if it's a secret you don't have to tell I just figured someone who could get away from people like that could give humble old me some good tips. Despite what the village says and the new rank states I am still a kid.


    Fame : 2739

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    Post by Amesuke Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:16 am

    The idea of the girl leaping leaping from such a great height would confuse Amesuke, watching as she landed on the ground very rigidly, taking absolutely no damage from the fall. Running his fingers through his hair confused he'd question the idea in his mind. But... How did... Alright. Laughing a little at the idea before dismissing it. Listening to the girl speak how she felt about the whole situation with Saotomi made Amesuke's face straighten out into a more serious look. He wouldn't respond to it immediately, taking time to understand what the girl said, nodding his head. Hmm... The sound he often made when he was thinking and focusing on a situation at hand. He would let her speak all she felt about the situation but was forced to interject when the girl asked about how he escaped the two enemy shinobi.

    Wellll... Stopping to chuckle a little. He thought about his father as he spoke. He had always been taught about how to handle a mission. The way the two shinobi had made their entrance was enough to show him that the two didn't know how to work as a team. He was smarter than the two of them and it was obvious. He merely pointed to his forehead with his thumb, without saying a word and with a childish grin across his face. He would poke the girl's forehead, saying Think with that. It was a simple enough tip, but it was a good place to start and in most cases, it was the simple tips that decided the direction of a battle.

    He would attempt to put his hand on the girl's head, saying, Don't worry about Kohaku and the Village. You're right, you're a kid and you need to be treated like one. Smiling, he would continue speaking, finishing his sentence, How about some food? Of course he would be paying. It wasn't like he had company when eating these days. The war took all of that away.

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

    Fame : 551

    Shinobi Information
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    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Bitter sweet promotion.  Empty Re: Bitter sweet promotion.

    Post by Erika Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:53 am

    Yeah yeah what do you think I have been doing all this time? she stated trying to not let the patting on the head, and the whole poking get to her all that much. He seemed to be making fun of her for the kid comment, or perhaps he was just being nice to her? She wouldn't try and guess really he was just being who he was and she couldn't change that simple fact. He had asked though if she wanted to get anything to eat, though it sounded more like a "we are going, cause i'm obviously nice like that". Erika didn't know how to break it to the guy as he didn't know she didn't eat anything ever, and couldn't actually eat anything. uh i'm not hungry but I guess I could join you if you want me too. I do have a couple more questions but... those can be saved for when you have had your little meal instead of out in the streets.

    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
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    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Bitter sweet promotion.  Empty Re: Bitter sweet promotion.

    Post by Amesuke Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:29 am

    He could see the girl was growing a tad bit agitated by his poking and patting on her head and would retract his arm, his silly grin still sitting on his face. He was a lighthearted guy and he was just being friendly. It didn't really matter who he was talking to. He would hear the girl speak about not being hungry and he would smile. It was of no significant consequence to himself. Digging into his pocket he would take some ryou, tossing it up and down within his hand. With the coins jingling on his palm he would count it subconsciously, realizing he didn't have enough for the girl anyway. He'd never voice this however, as offering a meal, then realizing you don't have enough to pay for it is a fairly embarrassing situation.

    With a smile on his face, he'd begin walking, headed towards no particular restaurant, but scanning the streets for a meal he was feeling up for. We can walk and talk if that suits you more. He had a calm demeanor in his face. For once, he could worry about something aside from fighting and war. He could just relax and worry about what he was going to eat today. Before I find some place to eat. What was it you wanted to ask me about? I don't like being worried with a full stomach. Sets you up for back dreams ya'know? He had a somewhat serious face on, but his tone was still relaxed and airy. He was genuinely curious about what the girl wanted to ask him and he figured he could get the question out of the way right now rather than waiting for after eating.

    Walking through the streets, he would look left and right at each of the restaurants. None of them seemed as appetizing as the ones back in Konoha, but Konoha wasn't home anymore. It wasn't like he planned on going back just to get a meal every now and then. Especially with this war going on. It was a goal he'd have to leave for later. One day, when the fighting was done, he was going to return to Konoha and go to his favorite restaurant. He wanted to see who was left and see if all of the fighting had been worth it all along.

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