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    Unmei Kuran

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Unmei Kuran

    Post by Nobodyn4 Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:54 pm

    Bloodline Name: Unmei Kuran
    Clan Name: Der Zufalligkeit
    Village: Konohagakure

    Clan Description: A clan that has mystified the border between imagination and blind luck, The Unmei Kuran has been that of rumors and funny bedtime stories told to amuse the young ones before they go to sleep. The clan itself usually isn't known as a common name to most people.If They would be known at all, it would mostly due to the stories of the strange powers they have. The stories talk of them as if they were jesters or clowns of some sort who become warriors to appease their kages strange sense of humor. The truth isn't actually too far off. The Unmei Karan were artists and workers who found themselves able to channel their power in a strange way. Instead of focusing it and making it into just one thing...... they left it open and wild. This way of fighting had indeed become noticed by a kage whom insisted they learned to further expand their powers through training and becoming shinobi. Since then, the bloodline has skipped generations and popped in and out of the known world. Maybe it was hidden because of it's potential.... maybe it was made to be free and not harnessed. What ever the reason, it is hard to find.

    Clan Traits/Characteristics: Each member of the clan is different. That means there are no twins or triplets or ect. No one in the clan ever looks the same.

    Clan Personality: The clan really isn't gathered so it has neither a outlook on things nor a "known" leader.

    Bloodline Description: By using their own style of fighting, they release random attacks and hope to overwhelm or overcome opponents. With randomness, they try to make themselves unpredictable so that enemies cannot forsee or predict what might happen. On a battlefield where you can surprise your opponent at anytime, this can become a powerful antic.The Unmei Kuran can use multiple element jutsus, These elemental jutsu are unnatural and if the user does not have the element for the effect, it does not have strength against other elements and has twice the weakness against opposing elements. Lightning produced by these jutsus are not as fast as true lightning and are as fast as most common canon raiton jutsu.

    Bloodline Talent

    Name: Unmei Kuran Random Talent!
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description:A Unmei Kuran can customize his battle! The Unmei are random and in said randomness find strength. The Unmei Kuran are indeed special, being able to influence thier jutsu with thier own random power. The Unmei can only use this on one jutsu at a time and only once per post.

    1. 2x area spread
    2. Area spread halved
    3. weaken by 50%
    4. 2x power increase (Damage done by attacks done by using effect or influenced by effect)
    5. The jutsu uses up twice as much chakra as normal with no added effect.
    6. Effect of jutsu happens twice or is twice as effective (sticky, explosive, chickens are bigger, whatever)

    Clan Jutsus: Code for dice=
    (if a issue arises about a dice roll a mod must come in and confirm that the coding was used)

    Bloodline Jutsu:

    Name: Random Start
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description: The Unmei's most basic of jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a D rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: A bunch of chickens appear out of nowhere and attack anyone in the area.
    2: Vines grow up form the ground and wrap around the opponent
    3: A weak fireball falls from the sky torwards the opponent
    4: A small earthquake happens that throws anyone including the user to the ground.
    5: A strong wind blows at the opponent and rips away clothing.
    6: A pebbles seem to fall randomly into the area missing the user but, attacking everyone else.

    Name: Random Substitute
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description: The Unmei's Version Kawarmi no Jutsu. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a D rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. This can be experienced by the opponent during the following post after this was used.

    1: User substitutes with a banana. If struck, the banana will explode into a gooey pudding that is quite tasty but, also sticky and will stain clothing.
    2: User substitutes with a chicken that will proceed to peck the opponent.
    3: User substitutes with the opponent leaving both to wonder how they just switched places.
    4: User substitutes with a teacher dressed manaquin who will be substituted for a substitute teacher manaquin if destroyed.
    5: User will substitute with a giant bell that, if struck with a weapon, will chime "Ding Dong, ya jerk!"
    6: User will substitute with a average run of the mill log. Quite boring really.

    Name: Random Element Bullet Metronome
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description: Random Element Metronome is an extremely strange jutsu that allows the user to randomly fire a bullet of a random element. Uses up a B rank worth of jutsu to empower the jutsu this is used on.
    1: Fire
    2: Water
    3: Lightning
    4: Wind
    5: Earth
    6: Non-Elemental.

    Name: Random Sickening
    Type: Ijutsu OR Genjutsu (Makes people sick with Ijutsu, Makes them think they are sick with Genjutsu)
    Rank: B
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description: One of the Unmei's jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a B rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post. Can be resisted by pure determination.

    1: Everyone in a 100 meter radius around the user, start puking uncontrollably which lasts 2 posts after the effects take place. This does not affect any Unmei clan members, but everyone else, friend or for, is affected.
    2: Everyone in a 100 meter radius around the user, start shaking uncontrollably as they get an immediate case of diarrhea which lasts 2 posts after the effects take place. This does not affect any Unmei clan members, but everyone else, friend or for, is affected.
    3: Everyone in a 100 meter radius around the user, start sweating uncontrollably which lasts 2 posts after the effects take place. This does not affect any Unmei clan members, but everyone else, friend or for, is affected.
    4: Everyone in a 100 meter radius around the user, start shaking and sweating uncontrollably which lasts 2 posts after the effects take place. This does not affect any Unmei clan members, but everyone else, friend or for, is affected.
    5: Everyone in a 100 meter radius around the user, start shaking and puking uncontrollably which lasts 2 posts after the effects take place. This does not affect any Unmei clan members, but everyone else, friend or for, is affected.
    6: Everyone in a 100 meter radius around the user, start shaking, puking, and sweating uncontrollably which lasts 2 posts after the effects take place. This does not affect any Unmei clan members, but everyone else, friend or for, is affected.

    Name: Random Buffet
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description: This is a ranjutsu based on making a buffet of delicious food. For a mid-battle snack perhaps, conversation, meeting, anything really. Though you better be prepared, the food you get is not your choice.

    1: A Table full of assorted breakfast foods appear in front of the user, this table will never run out of food, and once some food is taken, another appears in it's place. Lasts for whole topic, and then disappears. Or the user can make it disappear whenever with willpower alone.
    2: A Table full of assorted Lunch foods appear in front of the user, this table will never run out of food, and once some food is taken, another appears in it's place. Lasts for whole topic, and then disappears. Or the user can make it disappear whenever with willpower alone.
    3: A Table full of assorted Dinner foods appear in front of the user, this table will never run out of food, and once some food is taken, another appears in it's place. Lasts for whole topic, and then disappears. Or the user can make it disappear whenever with willpower alone.
    4: A Table full of assorted Dessert foods appear in front of the user, this table will never run out of food, and once some food is taken, another appears in it's place. Lasts for whole topic, and then disappears. Or the user can make it disappear whenever with willpower alone.
    5: A Table full of assorted fruits appear in front of the user, this table will never run out of food, and once some food is taken, another appears in it's place. Lasts for whole topic, and then disappears. Or the user can make it disappear whenever with willpower alone.
    6: A Table full of assorted vegetables appear in front of the user, this table will never run out of food, and once some food is taken, another appears in it's place. Lasts for whole topic, and then disappears. Or the user can make it disappear whenever with willpower alone.

    Name: Random Fire
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran, Katon
    Description: The Unmei's fire jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a B rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: A large ball of fire is fired out of the users hands.
    2: A wallof fire erupts from around the user.
    3: A bird made of fire flys from the user's hand. Can be controled by user.
    4: A ball of bouncing fire drops within feet of the user and just randomly bounces around and sets stuff aflame
    5: A jet of fire erupts from the user's arse. (Not very comfy but, not damaging torwards user. People behind the user are burned and probably disgusted)
    6: A giant flame hand with a huge finger raised in a rude geture erupts around the user and the words "WHAT THE F*CK" can be heared before a thundoreus boom erupts. Does not cause damage to user but, also does no damage to people outside of a 10 foot radius of the user.

    Name: Random Water
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Requirements: Unmai Kuran, Suiton
    Description: The Unmei's water jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a B rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: Random water tentacles pop out of the ground and attempt to ensnare the opponent
    2: A horse made of water rushes around the field knocking over and trampeling people
    3: a large wave bursts forth from the users hands.
    4: Water Blades that look like boomerangs fly around the field.
    5: Jets of water rip through the ground torwards the opponent.
    6:Balls of water fall from the sky and can cause the damage as being hit in the head with a softball.

    Name: Random Wind
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran, Fuuton
    Description: The Unmei's wind jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a B rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: A small tornado flies forth from the user.
    2: A strong wind blows forth capable of uplifuting a person.
    3: A ball of wind flies from the user but, splits into tiny balls (Like a shotgun blast) half way there
    4: A wind that goes vertical down blows and can pin people to the ground. Affects even the user.
    5: a wind wall appears and traps the user and the opponent. Hitting the wind wall will make you go round and round and then spit out back into the middle.
    6: Creates wind birds that fly around and try to peck at the opponent.

    Name: Random Earth
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran, Doton
    Description: The Unmei's earth jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a B rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: A spire will erupt from the ground under the opponent.
    2: The ground will wave and bury any one caught in it's path
    3: A large earthquake occurs which majorly disorients everyone for 3 turns.
    4: Spikes will rise up around the opponent, trapping them.
    5: Golems will rise from the ground and attack the opponent.
    6: Clay hands will grow from the ground and stay there for the entirety of the thread. Anyone who gets to close will face being grabbed.

    Name: Random Lightning
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran, Raiton
    Description: The Unmei's lightning jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a B rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: A lightning bolt flies from the user torwards the opponent.
    2: A ball of lighting falls from the sky and bursts. anyone within 3 feet of the burst is hit.
    3: A lightning bolt falls from the sky torwards the opponent.
    4: Lightning fast, Lightning chikens run torward the opponent in a kamikaze like fashion.
    5: A bull made of lightning will run around the field. Does not disapate upon attack contact.
    6: The field will have many lightning bolts striking down. No one is safe.

    Name: Random Mind Blow
    Type: Genjutsu
    Rank: B
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description: The Unmei's illusion jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a B rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post. Activated by sound. The sound is the word SHOUT! which appears out of nowhere when the jutsu is used.

    1: The opponent is now under a genjutsu that makes them beilieve they are watching dancing sharks and bear shouting the word shout and giving eachother bro hugs.
    2: The opponenet believes that the entire place is on fire.
    3: The opponent is now halucinating as if they are on acid. They also get really hungry.
    4: The opponent now believes they are a giant pizza slice and the user is a hungry mofo who wants to eat them.
    5: The opponent thinks the user is a giant pizza slice and the opponent is now a hungry mofo who wants to eat pizza.
    6: The opponent believes they have randomly changed genders and/or they belive they are super old.

    Name: Random Power
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description: The Unmei's power up jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a B rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: The user's strength is up by 50% for 3 posts.
    2: The user's speed is up by 50% for 3 posts
    3: The user's chakra is increased by 50% for 3 posts
    4: The user's endurance is increased by 50% for 3 posts
    5: The user's attack potence is increased by 50% for 3 posts
    6: The user's strength/speed/chakra/endurance/attack potence is increased by 10% for 3 posts.

    Name: Random Healing
    Type: Ijutsu
    Rank: B
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran, Ijutsu Major
    Description: The Unmei's healing jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a B rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: Remove poison from you and allies.
    2: Heal broken bones of you and allies.
    3: Heal any major damage by half of you and allies.
    4: Heal any minor damage of you and allies.
    5: Heal any stun or mental damage to you or allies.
    6: Heal any soul or emotional damage to you and allies.

    Name: Random Defence
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description: The Unmei's defence jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a B rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: The user is coated in a thin transparent film of chakra. The chakra can take 25% of any attack. lasts 3 posts.
    2: The user creates a kinetic barrier that stops weapons of all sorts. lasts 3 posts.
    3: Creates a barrier that blocks elemental attacks up to 50% of damage. lasts 3 posts.
    4: Creates a barrier that blocks non-elemental chakra based effects up to 50%. Lasts 3 posts.
    5: Creates a metallic armor that cuts speed by 20% but, increases defence/endurance by 75%
    6: Creates a copy of the user made of chickens that throws itself infront of any attacks.

    Name: Random Advanced
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description: The Unmei's advanced jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a A rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: The user and opponent are surrounded by a force feiled that is barely as thick as a person but as long as 60 feet. Tetris like blocks will fall down upon the user and opponent till one of them gets crushed.The crushing only results in a few broken bones and the force field and blocks dissapear after the crush.
    2: Land sharks randomly appear and begin to weave in out of the ground attempting to bite and destroy the opponent.
    3: A giant chicken appears. It attempts to attack the opponent with pecks and claws.
    4: Giant fire balls fall from the sky scorching the area around the user and the opponent.
    5: The ground erupts into mini volcanoes that spew lava torward the opponent.
    6: Shadows appear to grow and grab anyone in thier way. they will try to rip the person they grab apart. Does not effect the user.

    Name: Random Ultimate
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: S
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description: The Unmei's Ultimate jutsus. This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a S rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: Tons of spires grow from the ground, skewering all within their path. Doesn't effect user.
    2: The wind begins to blow around the opponent and then outwards. The gust can cut into people and rip them apart if they are too close.
    3: Beams of lightning fall from the sky ripping the earth asunder. Very dangerous.
    4: A super giant chicken appears. Hard to defeat and causes major damage if you get pecked.
    5: 10 Warriors made of lava appear in front of the user and attack the opponent.
    6: A giant water octopus appears and attacks things with it's huge amount of tentacles.

    Name: Random Russian Roulette
    Type:Ninjutsu (Kinjutsu)
    Rank: S
    Requirements: Unmei Kuran
    Description: The epitome of power for the Unmei Kuran. This is their endgame move.This jutsu has 6 different effects but, only does one at a time. It uses up as much chakra as a S rank jutsu no matter what the effect may be. The effects are determined by dice roll. The effect does not occer till the next post.

    1: User loses 50% of total chakra pool. (If they have used up more than half of thier chakra, they pass out from this.)
    2: Opponent loses 50% of thier chakra.
    3: User gains 50% of thier chakra back.
    4: Opponent gains 50% of thier chakra back.
    5. User is knocked out.
    6: Opponent is knocked out.

    Number of Members Allowed: 6

    Last edited by Nobodyn4 on Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:46 am; edited 4 times in total

    Fame : 659

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Shizuko Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:23 pm

    In all honesty, I think this is overpowered, and i'll give my reasons:

    1. You can use ANY bloodline talent so long as you learn it, no fighting style requirements besides your custom one.

    2. You can randomly use any element, of course it's at the cost of losing yours elements, and putting Style Points into a certain spec, it's still just as bad as Telekinesis, and you can't combine this with any Doujutsu so if Rinnegan was made you're SOL. Of course you could use something like EGF to absorb your enemies talents, and unlock the elements.

    3. You can basically spawn infinite food for no apparent reason, without losing a lot of chakra to replace the food, it's worthless as it's just food. it gives you no buff/debuffs.

    4. Without Ijutsu or understanding of the human body, you can just make someone sick with just a jutsu, make this require Ijutsu if you're going to do it. Along with random healing too.

    5. You can basically put anyone in a genjutsu, without knowing genjutsu, you can get random buffs, random healing, random defense, and even random attacks for shits and giggles, and a giant chicken that severely damages someone? Belongs in summoning scroll, if the system is ever implemented. Overall the final few abilities are overpowered, and should just be removed or heavily edited. If you want to use genjutsu/ijutsu/ninjutsu, put a requirement on it.
    Academy Student
    Academy Student

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Nobodyn4 Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:53 pm

    1. Albiet, that is true, it is also at random since you don't know what you will get stuck with. Could be EGF OOORRRR it could be the ablitity to use black fire from your toenails when thiers a full moon, you never know. You have to consider that this clan has no other limits of its own. Considering it gets it only for 1 thread AND only has a total of 1 talent where other bloodlines can have 3+, can you really fault it for having the variety over having mutliple talents?

    2. Yes you can randomly use any element. I won't deny that but, without the randomness of all the elements, it would be a very very dull clan.

    3. Uh.... I'm not sure why the food makes it overpowered. Your own commented abouted made it sound like you were indifferent to it. o.O?

    4. What you said here is also rehashed in what you said in #5 so, lets pretend #4 doesnt exist and do # 5(Which is now the new 4).

    New 4/Old 5?. I have had others talk to me about this same problem but, I'm always on edge about implementing the whole ijutsu,ninjutus,genjutsu,summoning thing into it due to the fact that it would restrict some people build. I do understand that some of these fall into said categories but, as a penalty for having access to these with "Ranjutsu" they can't learn these type of things outside of the clan. It has its checks and balances in that remark. Example. If person 1 puts 3 style point into "ranjutsu" they would only be able to learn bloodline techiques but, only learn up to C rank of any other styles. If ranjutsu was not implemented, that person could place 1 in Ninjutsu, 1 in Genjutsu, 1 in Ijutsu and be able to learn all the bloodline jutsu accept for the last two AND B rank jutsus for said styles. Ranjutsu severely limits that and is actually a penalty for being able to learn out of style type jutsus within the clan, NOT a way around taking styles. Ninjutsu is the only thing a person with ranjutsu can learn outside of bloodline jutsus and thats up to B rank kin even if they are a specialist of ranjutsu.


    Fame : 659

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Shizuko Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:10 pm

    I can live with obtaining random talents, but nothing that requires you to have a Doujutsu. And with every element, I am still against it completely, make a new sparkly colorful element for it, but giving every element to this bloodline is a big no no for me. Food doesn't really make it overpowered, it's just a pointless talent, make it a non bloodline non element jutsu. And for the whole Ijutsu/Genjutsu thing, I am still against it too, you get healed WAY too much, i'd be willing to accept the Genjutsu if it was C-Rank. And you need to tone down defense talent, you can't be able to protect yourself from the damage, and then heal the remaining. Also, Mr Big Squid and Miss Giant Chicken gotta go, if a Summoning System is implanted, try it there.
    Academy Student
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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Nobodyn4 Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:17 pm

    It already says in there you cant get doujutsus. (It says they cannot learn or have doujutsus. The random talent thing would apply under that)

    I'm gonna have to ask for a second staff opinion on the element issue since I am very against the idea of changing it to just one element.

    The food isn't a talent. Its a jutsu. It's randomness is what makes it a bloodlldnine jutsu. You wouldn't find a random type jutsu outside of the bloodline.

    Heal too much? You only have a 1 in 6 chance of getting the heal you want. Considering the odds, I believe the amount healed shouldn't be a problem since it will be pure luck if you get it. Can you imagine wasting B rank worth of chakra to get your soul healed when you have no damage to it but, you do have a broken arm cause there is a chance that could happen.

    Why would it be more acceptable if I lowered the rank of the jutsu? Doesn't make alot of sense to me.

    Fame : 659

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Shizuko Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:22 pm

    I'll contact an admin for the second opinion, the food is fine I guess. But the healing is still too powerful, even if it's a 1/6 chance, you can't heal, reduce damage, put people into a genjutsu, and summon giant chickens all with one bloodline. And I meant to say increase the Genjutsu to A-Rank, i'd rather have it be touch based too.
    Academy Student
    Academy Student

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Nobodyn4 Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:29 pm

    Well, Before we go changing all that stuff, I would like to see what the second opinion would say about all this.

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Amesuke Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:30 pm

    My view on the matter is that since Ranjutsu isn't an actual type, it would be outside of the archetypes that I've already set up. And yeah, you may be like "Well Senjutsu isn't either" or something like that, but I already have plans for both Senjutsu AND sage mode.

    Random healing needs Ijutsu, no working around that. The reason is because healing is something exclusive to the Ijutsu groups. It'd be like allowing someone with no skill in puppetry run around with puppets.

    The fact that these all have different elements, effectively allowing them to pull from any element in the group is a little unfair as well. Even with the randomness it's quite unfair. One thing I need to clear up is that even with random techniques, it should be clear that they cannot infringe upon other bloodlines, otherwise it'd defeat the purpose of them being bloodline techniques. They shouldn't be able to randomly have a Sharingan or other Doujutsu and they shouldn't randomly be able to emulate a bloodline talent.
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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Nobodyn4 Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:28 pm

    Ok, I'll give way. I'll remove the ranjutsu and turn things into genjutsu, ninjutsu, and so on and so forth. I'll remove the any talent from anywhere and create talents for the clan.

    I would however like to keep the elements even if its a little unfair. The inability to learn elemental jutsu outside of bloodline kinda softens how unfair it is and I don't feel that this clan would be half as fun or half as unique without it.

    I'm gonna add some talents and change a few things on here. Might add a few more jutsu. Suggestions or ideas would also be appreciated along with critisms.
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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Nobodyn4 Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:00 pm

    Ok, I updated it.

    I would still like to keep the elemental thing. Please?

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Shizuko Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:43 pm

    I'll let Rain or Pikmin make the call on elements, everything else seems fine now that you've added requirements. I'll give my 1/2.

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Amesuke Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:23 pm

    I'll leave it to pikmin.
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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Erika Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:32 am

    Wtf guy's thought I was supposed to just do library updates. That being said normally I would say no to more than one element. This being that then they can have all the elements without needing them as part of their own pool. That being said if despite the fact these are made with chakra (bear with me) they do not count as chakra elements for weaknesses and strengths then I am not opposed to it.

    Really a mechanic's issue going on within the sites element system limiting chakra elements, but if it just creates that stuff in a natural not chakra state then it isn't against a system, and is just generic stuff. Plus it makes some sort of sense with the clan.

    That's my two cents.

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Amesuke Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:38 am

    Thats why I left it to you. My opinion was an immediate no on the idea of multiple elements. Defeats the purpose of a system for it. I'm fine with it being natural energy though rather than chakra. As long as someone can't just straight up ignore weaknesses and strengths because they have every chakra element, I'm alright.

    Only thing however is that lightning shouldn't have the actual effects of lightning because striking someone with a bolt of actual lightning would be like an immediate kill.
    Rock Shinobi
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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Erika Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:30 am

    Not really people can live through lightning and have come out just fine, that being said the speed on it is the issue; as having the speed of lighting is pretty much auto hit unless the person has equal hax.
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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Nobodyn4 Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:03 pm

    Yea, my dad has been struck by lightning twice and he's still alive and kicken! Smile

    I have no objections to making it to where there are no strength/weakness on those elements. I must say, that is a brilliant idea for the element thing. Thank you.

    Well, don't know what to say about the speed of lightning. Kinda applies to more than just my clan XD
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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Erika Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:30 am

    Just put a speed measure on it, or if you dislike a specific number put a comparison to a canon jutsu in there.

    Of course it applies to more than this clan and will if I can catch it apply outside of the clan in other things.
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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Nobodyn4 Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:50 am

    Ok, Updated to state the elemental strength/weakness doesnt apply and that the lightning isnt as fast as real lightning but, is as fast as the common raiton jutsus.

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Shizuko Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:57 pm

    Looks good, Approved!
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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Nobodyn4 Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:49 am

    Updated elemental ideals on the jutsus.

    Single Element Random jutsu now require the appropriate element

    Multiple Element Random jutsu have no strength, double weakness against opposing element if the element used is not a element that your user has.

    Removed "Elemental Jutsu/No Element" "No Strengths/Weakness"

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Shizuko Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:50 am

    Re-approval 1/2

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    Unmei Kuran Empty Re: Unmei Kuran

    Post by Amesuke Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:54 pm


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