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    Some Organization

    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
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    Post by Riku Tensei Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:18 pm

    A few things on this site are in odd places or are just plain missing. I'm making this as a list of what I personally feel is odd and suggestions as to how to fix them.

    First off was the issue of EXP grading. I see no topic that states you can gain EXP from normal threads, as we've already established. Rather than making it its own topic, why don't you put it in the thread explaining EXP? That would make a lot of sense...

    Missions are in strange places too. I like what you're doing giving each village its own mission outpost, but it's sloppy the way it's being done since one mission has to be posted individually in each subforum if it's an event. Also, I feel this is an IC area and should be restricted to IC subforums. It would be easier to make one subforum near the archives and then have a subforum for each village then one subforum for missions available to multiple villages and maybe one for missing nin potentially. It puts everything in one convenient spot instead of having to open multiple subforums. This is especially annoying for missing nin since I have to go into Konoha's outpost, look through missions, go back to the homepage, then go to Kiri, back to the home page, and repeat through all the villages.

    The shops are another thing that's in a strange place. From what I can tell, there is no benefit to crafting a weapon within different villages, so it's pointless to have a separate shop for each village. These could be moved to a forum in the same section as the mission outposts perhaps, making it a little easier to find and more organized. Even if there is some benefit to each village, you can just have subforums or even just separate threads for each village, similar to the mission system I've proposed.

    With these, the marketplace and mission rules COULD be moved to these subsections, but might also be better off in the rules.

    This small section is just a pet peeve of mine but it might be helpful to other people. A few of the forums, I feel, are named oddly. For example, the archive. Jutsu and talents belong in the archive because they're being archived, but I don't feel rules belong here. I think they should have a separate forum, but that's not important as it does make sense to put them there in a way. The collection is a strange name too, as it's about the plot. The collection sounds like an alternate name you'd use for the archives.

    "Elements, Talents, and Safely Escaping a topic. " None of those three things have anything to do with one another. Why are they in the same thread?

    Experience Expendature Costs, first of all, is a redundant title. Costs can be removed. Also, this should just be in the EXP section as it's part of EXP, obviously.

    "Talents, Point Training, and other uses for Experience Points. And Jutsu Caps " Once again, a bunch of things oddly crammed together. Jutsu caps should go in a topic about learning jutsu, other uses for EXP should be with EXP, whatever's explained in talents should be grouped together with the stuff from "Elements, Talents, and safely escaping a topic.", and point training should also be with talents as, from what I've seen, it will more often than not have to do with learning talents anyways.

    These are just some suggestions on ways to better organize things and make stuff easier to find.
    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

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    Some Organization Empty Re: Some Organization

    Post by Erika Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:00 am

    Only one I really have an issue with, with the suggestions is the shops in every village. It makes sense for shops be in every village, especially during war times like right now. Shinobi can visit their own smith for certain stuff rather than everyone going to an OOC shop or having some kind of special protection there.

    It could do with maybe unique NPC's per village for some flavor, or maybe a materials list from a village making allies more important to get access to more materials that are readily available. (Like making a certain type of steel cost less in a village due to it being in high supply, when in another village it would be less in supply so they "order" from the other village.)

    It could also help a village economy... but that is probably getting too detailed.
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

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    Some Organization Empty Re: Some Organization

    Post by Riku Tensei Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:35 am

    That's an interesting idea but you're changing this from an RP into an RPG. Though I understand some things need to be earned to some extent, the money system is enough. Anything more and I'd just be playing some Naruto mod for WoW.
    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

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    Some Organization Empty Re: Some Organization

    Post by Erika Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:36 pm

    Meh your opinion vs mine at that point, as you wouldn't actually need to earn it; but it was me just throwing out word vomit anyhow.

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    Some Organization Empty Re: Some Organization

    Post by Amesuke Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:08 pm

    First and foremost. It says in the topic about missions that you may post a topic and request that a moderator look it over.

    Secondly, I understand what you mean about thinking the outposts are IC locations, and I suppose they could be. But it's up to the RPer really. On top of that obviously, a missing ninja wouldn't be taking missions from Kiri if they're in a topic in Konoha. Use your brain. You'd take missions from the location you're currently in.

    Third, the benefit to have a marketplace in each subforum is that some Blacksmiths/Mechanics will not want to leave their village or assist those who are not of their own village. The advantage is that if you have a particularly good or cheap blacksmith, the others will have to come to them to get good deals.

    Fourth, I originally had a Rules Subforum and an Archive, I found it superfluous and merged them together. I like the location they're in.

    Fifth, Whether or not things are in separate topics or not doesn't actually matter. If you read all of the information before roleplaying (which would be a good idea) it wouldn't matter if its in different topics because you'd get all of the information anyway. Personally, I think things are easily found, of course, that's because I typed them all up and know where everything is.
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

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    Some Organization Empty Re: Some Organization

    Post by Riku Tensei Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:34 pm

    I'm getting pretty annoyed that you keep assuming I haven't read anything. Gaki, I have read every single rule here. Not skimmed, but actually read. I've told you I've been looking for a NAruto site forever so of course I'd familiarize myself with the rules of a place. Anything you tell me is in these topics that I ask you about either is not or is written/located in a place where I have not noticed, which isn't a good thing as I've read 90% of the rules (excluding stuff like puppets which will never apply to me). Anyways...

    So in other words, you put something COMPLETELY unrelated to missions in the missions thread? That right there is why I can't find stuff. That should be in the EXP thread, you know, where I go to look for information regarding EXP.

    You're completely misunderstanding my concern... What area you're in is not the problem, especially when a ninja can just travel to another area in a matter of seconds (As I can just start a thread wherever, within reason, at any time). My concern is that is takes more time to click the fire country, click mission outposts, look through them all, see none, and then instead of just going back to the missions, I have to go to the main forum and then through the other four countries. But you've already moved this, so it doesn't matter.

    So if I earn the blacksmith title, I can only make stuff within the shops still? That's retarded, but whatever. I've got nothing to suggest here.

    Things being in separate topics does matter. Nobody is going to memorize every single rule. 3+ years on NRC and I still had to go look up how many posts it took to learn what jutsu of each rank. It's so people can find stuff for reference. Again, if someone asks me how to earn EXP, no one is going to think to look in the mission section, unless they're looking into doing missions. You just have stuff so unorganized and, though I know not everyone will have the same opinion on the way things should be, I don't get how you can't see at least the clutter.

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