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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Riku Tensei
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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Riku Tensei Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:36 pm



    A few weeks had passed since Satoshi's first visit to the Fire Country. Though he had never managed to make it all the way to Konohagakure, the journey had still been an interesting one. Only a couple hours away from the village, he had had the pleasure of meeting another Uchiha by the name of Shizuko. This man had proven to be worthy of the Uchiha name in Satoshi's eyes. There was still a great deal of information to be had about this man, but Satoshi had enough for the time being. He was strong, determined, and did not seem plagued by the fabled Uchiha curse. If there was ever anyone within his own clan who would support his cause, it would be this man, or so he hoped.

    The evening skies were a dark grey overcast as a light rain fell down upon the land. With his face hidden by a hat to shield him from the rain, he approached the area where he and Shizuko had had their little spar. The scorched ground had almost entirely healed but a keen eye could detect where numerous blasts had taken place. Katon jutsu really were deadly.

    His eyes scanned the area, as if Shizuko would somehow be waiting in this area at this exact moment in time, waiting for their unspoken an unagreed upon second meeting. When nothing intruded upon his field of vision, he continued to head off towards Konohagakure.

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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty Re: A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Shizuko Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:56 pm

    As Shizuko began to open his eyes, he was nicely hidden from the rain by the tree he was sleeping in, as he looked around for any chakra types near him with his Sharingan, he jumped out of the tree swiftly, his cloak hiding most of his body. Shizuko appeared like a shadow, completely pitch black all except for his eyes, the three tomoe's swirling around constantly, he had finally unlocked his Sharingan unlike his brother, attached to his back was Paper Death and 10,000 Cold Nights, as he walked through the rain slowly, he noticed a familiar chakra type nearby, and with a single hand seal he faded into a flock of crows headed towards the area to investigate, he was started to think of who it could be.. As he neared the area, he reformed back to normal in a tree, near Satoshi, he looked down at him for a moment, thinking of what he should do..

    Without further hesitation, Shizuko shunshinned right in front of Satoshi, his shadow-like figure the only dark thing in the middle of the day, he probably wouldn't recognize Shizuko by his looks, but by his chakra and eyes, Shizuko waved towards him, his voice distorted now Hello.. as he sighed, stretching his arms out, he looked back to make sure Paper Death and Muramasa were still there, and they were, Shizuko look back to Satoshi with a curious look, Was wondering where you went off to, you suddenly disappeared after our little sparring match. he shrugged, awaiting Satoshi's response with a curious look.
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty Re: A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Riku Tensei Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:37 pm

    The sound of flapping wings filled the air ahead of Satoshi. It would not have drawn his attention had it not been so loud. Though it wasn't actually loud, it was significantly louder than a bird's wings typically were. Immediately his eyes darted around, looking for the source of the noise. A group of crows flew low through the trees, disappearing into the leaves. Something wasn't right here. Satoshi's midnight black eyes became a piercing crimson as he looked towards the birds, seeing a single chakra source. He wasn't alone.

    His hand reached back for the hilt of his blade just as a shadowed figure dropped down in front of him, speaking with a distorted voice. Had it not been for his words, Satoshi might not have recognized him. Whatever had become of Shizuko, he had changed somewhat.

    "I apologize. I'm a busy man, you see." He responded with a smile, more genuine than the one he had given upon their first meeting. "I see you've made some changes over the last few weeks."

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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty Re: A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Shizuko Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:51 pm

    As he looked to him, he shrugged. Perfectly fine.. the three tomoe in both of his eyes swirling around, something seemed darker about Shizuko, while it didn't affect him to an extreme, it was still completely visible something had changed him, but to be a bit more.. friendly, Shizuko caused his illusion to disperse, causing Shizuko to revert back to normal, a brand new haori like mantle, however his mask was missing and his face was now visible. He now had two different weapons, a katana and gunbai, two were both Uchiha artifacts and unless Satoshi had been completely deaf about their history, he'd most likely notice them. I never got to know why you decided to visit the Hidden Leaf Village, I suppose it doesn't matter now.. he shrugged, yawning.

    As his face became visible, it was a large frown, he had seemed almost shaken up, his eyes seemed lazy, however his stance was completely opposite to all of this, a very serious stance, standing straight and tall, he yawned, stretching out, preparing a few hand seals as his own shadow surrounded his body, re-cloaking him, Nice little technique, isn't it? Made it myself after leaning some jutsu, I also learned something else.. as he prepared a single ram hand seal, suddenly his body began to turn into several different crows, swarming around each other like a flock, flying into a tree as Shizuko reformed. Shadow Transformation and Crow Flash, both very useful jutsu..
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

    Fame : 626

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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty Re: A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Riku Tensei Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:54 pm

    "My intentions up until this point are none of your concern." The statement was directed at Shizuko's mention of Konohagakure and Satoshi's plans. It was blunt, direct, and might come off as rude, but he didn't care. What he did was his business and his business alone. Who was this man to question him? It wasn't a big deal however. He'd let it slide for the time being. As he eyed Shizuko, he spotted two new weapons upon the boy's back. Both of them were ones he recognized from fables and myths of the Uchiha clan. To see that they had fallen into his hands... Well it only further proved that Shizuko would make a great ally.

    He watched as Shizuko performed new techniques, becoming shadow once more and then vanishing into a cloud of crows and forming a solid shape once more. "Impressive" He commented. "You'll have to teach me those sometime." A smile formed on his face once again. "So, I see you've been keeping yourself busy the last few weeks."

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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty Re: A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Shizuko Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:04 pm

    Leaning against the tree whilst standing on the branch, he shrugged, his demeanor seemed bored and extremely lackluster, his robe started to fly through the wind with a sudden gust, Perhaps it is none of my business, especially under new circumstances. as he looked down towards Satoshi, he obviously looked bored even under his mask, he plomped down to sit on top of the tree branch, looking through his pack and yawning, as he closed it back down. Have you heard of the Uchiha Clan Leader's death? as he gave a more serious tone off, His name was Tatsuma Uchiha.. my brother. looking back to the murky sky.

    Shizuko hopped off of the tree branch, standing back next to Satoshi, pacing back and forth out of pure boredom, he pulled Muramasa from it's sheath, twirling it around skillfully as he continued to talk, Indeed I have been keeping myself busy, but I am slowly getting bored now.. I've been attempting to make new techniques that have a bigger bonus, but nothing has come to mind, so I am traveling outside of the Village to explore.. as he finally stopped, turning into an offensive position as he directed a swift slash towards a tree, skillfully slicing it in two, as he sheathed it back to his side. Eventually leaning back to his normal position, he was itching for something to do, he had plenty of normal conversation recently..
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty Re: A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Riku Tensei Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:13 pm

    Though Shizuko was indeed a man, he was still a boy in spirit. His posture and tone implied a strong sense of boredom, even going as far as to say out loud that he was growing bored. Satoshi let out a little exhale of air akin to a short laugh. This boy was still childish in his ways, but there wasn't much wrong with that. Nothing that couldn't be fixed or corrected.

    The death of the Uchiha clan leader was news to him. News that he felt he should have known. Such a thing was drastic, especially in his eyes. It was a sign that his ideals would come to fruition. The Uchiha clan leader was just one of the few obstacles in his way but one of the larger ones. With him gone, perhaps he could restore the Uchiha's good name like he had hoped to. "I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Truly, I am." He said with sincerity, perfectly masking the joy he felt from the news. Controlling his emotions had become second nature to him, making him able to fake or mask any of them at will.

    "Tell me, are you proud of your lineage? Are you proud to be an Uchiha?" It was a simple question that would transition into his reason for coming here.

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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty Re: A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Shizuko Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:49 pm

    As Shizuko finally had leaned back, stretching out as he saw Satoshi looking at him, a bit curious he stood up, staring directly at him with a curious look, his arms crossed as he listened to him, fiddling with his Gunbai and katana as he listened quietly, he didn't really believe the sincere apology, no one really liked Tatsuma, he was far too reckless, so he sort of just rolled his eyes at him, shrugging slightly as he listened to him. He was reckless, even if he was my brother, he could have endangered more lives then his own.. as he scoffed slightly, it didn't really matter right now, but he got curious from the next question he was asked..

    Shizuko looked at him curiously, his hands completely falling to his sides instead of playing around with his weapons, I am not proud of some of the things our clan has done, or some of the people I am related to.. Our Curse of Anger is strong, but I am proud to be an Uchiha even with all of the terrible things we have done, I believe the Uchiha clan can eventually become a clan that isn't known for it's hatred and brutality, even if some people most be sacrificed in exchange, that is the price of life, if I could have it my way, no one would die. But it's not up to me what happens to my clan, as such I cannot currently carry that burden around.. as he shrugged it off, My father was an evil man, my mother fell to it, that is the story of many Uchiha, we have bad blood, but that shouldn't rule our lives.. as he leaned back, looking towards Satoshi curiously.
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

    Fame : 626

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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty Re: A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Riku Tensei Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:03 pm

    Such a small question was given and yet such a large answer was received in turn. But it was not unwelcome as the answer once again proved the kind of man Shizuko was and what a shining candidate he had proven to be. Years of searching for those with the same ideals as him had proven fruitless yet finally he had been able to locate a member of his own clan who shared the exact same vision as him. Both of them were after the same thing; to bring the Uchiha to the light, guiding them out of the darkness they now wandered in blindly, searching for a way out but only further digging their tunnel. Things were falling into place after all these years and Satoshi couldn't help but crack possibly the largest smile he had made in ages.

    "That is a good answer, Shizuko." He began simply. "As a child, I was raised with tales of our clan. Stories of the heroics we once committed. Stories of the goodness our clan once represented. I am proud of what I am yet at the same time I am ashamed at what my name has come to mean. People judge me solely upon my heritage and it sickens me as a man should be judged upon his merit alone. It's why I choose to leave out my last name when introducing myself. It's also why I wasn't entirely truthful with you, giving you a false name when we first met. I apologize, but you must understand."

    Taking a step towards Shizuko, he extended his hand for a proper greeting. "Satoshi Uchiha." He offered. As his hand was shook, he took a step back and continued with his speech. "Though I hate to admit it, the curse of the Uchiha's hatred runs deep, even within us. Though our hatred has been focused upon a different place: Our own clan." Stopping for a moment, he gestured to the necklace of Sharingan around his neck. "These eyes belong to brethren of ours who have forsaken our good name in lieu of what we've become."

    "I think this is not a curse but a blessing. It will give us the power to right our clan's mistakes. It will give us what we need to make the Uchiha the honorable clan it once was. I would like to extend an offer to you to help me achieve these ideals." Once more, he held out his hand but this time in a symbolic way to show that he was extending his friendship and hospitality.

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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty Re: A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Shizuko Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:33 pm

    As Shizuko listened in on his speech, he sat down and cross his legs, his mantle hanging down slightly, he was quite fascinated by what he was saying, perhaps an Uchiha that was as reasonable as himself, it was a godsend honestly, two men with the same ideals. Shizuko was slightly worried of any hidden intentions, but didn't think too much on it as he stood back up, and shook his hand while looking directly at him with a sly smirk, an alliance to finally create an Uchiha Clan that wasn't known for it's violence, it was a good plan and maybe these two could do it together. He looked towards the necklace of Sharingan, while he was for restoring the clans name, he was still against such violence, but everyone is imperfect in some way. All is forgiven.. Satoshi, I too heard of these stories, but barely, all I can truly remember as a child is my father who constantly beat my brother, in exchange for sparing me.. one of the things I feel guiltiest about.

    As he took a step closer, he listened in even more about himself, he once again motioned to the horrid necklace of preserved eyes around Satoshi's neck, if it weren't for his illusion, a slightly disgusted face would be seen, shrugging it off as he took a deep breath, thinking over all of what he had just said. I do not hate my clan, my hate is directed to those who would see the world in chaos, causing pointless war and take so many lives, while revolution is required some times, war for fun isn't. as he looked back up to Satoshi, his face turning even more serious as he continued, While I am against carrying trophies of fallen brethren, I will not protest your beliefs.. I believe the Sharingan is a gift, but a gift from whom is the question, from the Sage of the Six Paths? Or from another father of our rage.. as he looked down to the hand offered, he grabbed ahold of it tightly and shook firmly, I will help you Satoshi, I wish to see the Uchiha Clan prosper in peace, instead of war. he smiled under the shadows of his transformation, his sharingan widening. A new alliance was born.
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty Re: A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Riku Tensei Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:04 pm

    It was saddening to hear that Shizuko to had a harsh upbringing in a home full of turmoil and it seemed most of it was centered on their fathers. Satoshi's father had wanted to breed his son into the pinnacle of Uchiha power at any costs and it had taken a great toll on the boy. His mother, on the other hand, wanted nothing but peace and joy for her child. Funny how he had lived up to neither of their ideals. Was he seen as a failure in both of their eyes? He hoped not about his mother, as the woman had always been there to comfort him. His father on the other hand...

    "I assure you I did not kill these men in cold blood. They have done things that have merited their punishment. A gift the Sharingan truly is. A gift these men did not deserve. I apologize if it disturbs you." He explained, his hand tucking the necklace into his cloak to obscure it from view. A fair compromise, no? "You and I can create something great. I have a good feeling about this and my gut is right more often than not. We may come to crossroads and bash heads occasionally, but if we stick through it, I have a feeling we really can make the difference we seek."

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    Post by Amesuke Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:15 pm

    Completed and all that.

    Fame : 659

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    A Mutual Alliance [Kurama] Empty Re: A Mutual Alliance [Kurama]

    Post by Shizuko Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:23 pm

    Shizuko shrugged, his demeanor seemed much more serious, a bit better now that he didn't have to constantly stare at those eyes, as he yawned a bit. Well, I am pretty sure the Hidden Leaf thinks I died in an explosion, or have gone Missing or kidnapped, so I don't think me going into the Hidden Leaf is is a good idea right now, up to you right now, I don't have any plans yet.. he tapped Muramasa frequently, like a beat almost while he replied I doubt you did, they just bother me deeply. I too have a great feeling that we can make something great, I have many plans that we can discuss in a more private area, perhaps we should look for an area to call our 'base'?

    As he was finished with this area, he shrugged a shoulder and replied. Let's get out of here, and find a place to call a hideout for now.. and he was gone with a single hand seal, turning into a large flock of crows and turning in direction, flying away at an alarmingly fast scene, almost faster than the naked eye could handle, and he headed for the Outer Countries, they would either need someone with the ability to bend earth, or who knew how to make a decent hideout, Satoshi would most likely follow in on this with mixed thoughts, but Shizuko wanted to get far away from the Village for now, who knew what they were thinking about him, did they think he was dead, or missing?


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