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    Screw Fancy Pantsed Samurai [Mission]

    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

    Fame : 626

    Shinobi Information
    Screw Fancy Pantsed Samurai [Mission] Left_bar_bleue700/12500Screw Fancy Pantsed Samurai [Mission] Empty_bar_bleue  (700/12500)
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    Screw Fancy Pantsed Samurai [Mission] Empty Screw Fancy Pantsed Samurai [Mission]

    Post by Riku Tensei Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:24 am


    [1380 words]

    Samurai. The bane of shinobi existence. The two forces had forever harbored a deep hatred and distrust for the other. Each side worked their hardest to develop countermeasures for the techniques of the others, only to be forced to update their methods after each and every battle. Though the conflict doesn't get as much attention as the Shinobi Wars typically did, it was a very real concern. Who was right and who was wrong? Hell, why were the two even fighting? Their conflict dated back centuries and perhaps no one would ever know the truth to the beginning. But such things weren't important right now. What was important was the task at hand and that was to stop these samurai.

    A group had been terrorizing the Rice Country as of late. Whether they were a rogue cell or here on an actual mission was unknown and, once again didn't matter. All that mattered was that they were stopped. The Rice Country was not known for having a shinobi force, so what exactly were the samurai doing there? It only helped give credit to the idea that these may be rogue samurai, affiliated with no force. Regardless if they had business or not, they would be killed. Satoshi was not a forgiving soul.

    The Rice Country was beautiful this time of year. Autumn had set in and the leaves had already changed, beginning to fall from their branches now. A cool air had set in and a light wind rustled the leaves, filling the air with white noise. It was all quite calming and peaceful. It put Satoshi in a good state of mind. Oddly, serene settings like this prepared him for battle more than any amount of negative emotion or any of the other usual exercises. Despite being an Uchiha, he enjoyed fighting with a clear mind and this was the best setting.

    The black cloak he wore stretched out a bit as he spread his legs and sat down upon the hill he stood upon. His eyes closed and immediately he found himself deep within the world in his mind.

    The sky was filled with pitch black clouds, a deep purple hue shining through the cracks. Rain poured down, creating small ripples in the water below that made up the entire ground. Besides these few features, this land was barren and that was exactly what Satoshi enjoyed. He sat atop the water's surface as he had atop the hill, his eyes closed as the rain patted down against him gently. Rain had always calmed him from a young age and the sound of the droplets hitting the water's surface only added to the beautiful ambience around him. He waited here for a long while, clearing his mind and carefully locking his emotions away for the time being. The Uchiha were known for having strong emotions and he didn't want them interfering. His choices were made based upon logic and reason.

    As he felt he had reached his preferred state, he snapped out of his meditation. With a breath of fresh air and a stretch. he headed down the hill towards the village reported to be attacked the hardest.


    Dawn gave way to night as the sun set and the moon rose high into the sky. The full moon illuminated the land, casting the Rice Country into a state of twilight. It was, once again, so beautiful, but Satoshi had no time to admire the scenery. He was here to hunt samurai. Speaking with the individual whom had filed the mission, he had learned where the samurai were most likely to strike. Before they could get there, he laid out a series of traps with wires and explosive tags, ready to take out as many as possible.

    He awaited high in the tree tops, his hand gripping the hilt of his blade and his sharingan boring down into the ground below, waiting for any signs of the samurai. Hours had passed and so far nothing had happened, but they were bound to show up. Sure enough, the men in question made their appearance after about another hour. They strolled by, laughing and joking about the merriment and mischief they planned on getting themselves into tonight. As one let out an exceptionally loud cackle, his foot tripped a wire and a series of explosions went off, obliterating him and another samurai to nothing but chunks.

    The remainder of the group drew their blades, silencing themselves and looking about frantically. They were under attack and they knew it. Slowly the group moved together, triggering another of Satoshi's traps. Another explosion and another samurai was taken out. A third broke rank, turning to run, and ran directly into another trap. Only three samurai were left now, four if you counted the one lying on the ground bleeding out. Having activated nearly all of his traps, it was time to make an appearance.

    "WHO IN THE HELL ARE YOU?!" One shouted violently into the night, brandishing his blade at the figure which had descended from the trees. Satoshi's head lifted, looking towards the three men with his piercing crimson eyes. A hand clutched his robes, belonging to the injured man. Without even appearing to have moved, a kunai was thrown straight down and impaled the man's eye, killing him on the spot. The remaining trio didn't seem to enjoy this too much.

    Two charged towards Satoshi, blades drawn and moving with considerable speed. Nothing that the Sharingan couldn't keep up with, however. A single seal was formed and Satoshi shunshined just as the two closed in upon his position. They looked around, frantically trying to find him. "Come out and fight, coward!" They bellowed into the night. The target of Satoshi's shunshin had been the woods and, forming another seal, he performed a second which planted him directly behind the third and final samurai. The man turned to look over his shoulder but, before his eyes would even focus upon his assailant, his head rolled across the grass, Satoshi's massive blade out at his side. Once again, the remaining samurai didn't seem to find this amusing as they charged again. This time, they spread out, coming in for a pincer attack.

    Satoshi's blade was sheathed and he dashed forwards, dodging the tandem strike. With a quick flip and twirl, he found himself facing the duo once more. A flurry of hand seals shot forth a jet of electricity which caught one of the two, violently shaking his body before he fell to the ground limply. His blade was once again drawn and he too charged at the final samurai. The two met and Satoshi proved to be the better swordsman, his massive blade piercing the sternum of the samurai before his own blade could even put a scratch in the Uchiha. "I hope the rest of your kind are not as weak, else I'll have to wipe out your kind myself." He taunted, drawing back his blade and letting the body fall before him.


    "Here you are." Satoshi spoke as he placed a bundle of katana tied together upon the desk of the Rice Country's head. The man looked from the sheer number of blades to Satoshi, astonished that one man had accomplished such a task. Silence passed as the man seemed to be trying to comprehend what had happened. But he finally leaned over and opened a drawer in his desk, drawing out a sum of money which he counted. Pulling a few bills, he placed them on the desk between the two.

    "And there is your payment, plus a little extra. Thank you for doing our country such a great service." The man thanked Satoshi with a smile, bowing his head slightly. Satoshi, however, gave no response. Instead, he took the money and immediately counted it, finally pocketing it before turning to leave. He wasn't here to forge relationships. His only goal was to make a bit of cash. Had the Iron Country put out a bill to attack the Rice, he more than likely would have accepted it. In this day and age, there was no place for loyalties. Only profit. It was a grim way to see things, but it provided him with the freedom he desired to live as he pleased.

    Fame : 659

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    Screw Fancy Pantsed Samurai [Mission] Empty Re: Screw Fancy Pantsed Samurai [Mission]

    Post by Shizuko Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:47 am


    250 EXP and 350 Ryo to Satoshi for making a beautiful and well detailed post, hopefully more like this will come from others too, thread is closed.

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