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    Here's one way to start a life!

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    Here's one way to start a life! Empty Here's one way to start a life!

    Post by Nobodyn4 Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:15 am


    Raives looked at the training post with the kunais in it. He had perfected his throwing enough that the continued act of it had almost bored him to tears. The instructor was off elsewhere, not really caring about what he did. To the staff, Raives wasn't really as much a student as he was a assistant of sort. He was much older than the other kids. He was smarter too but, he had entered in so late because of his father that it had taken so long for him to catch up to their levels. He was beginning to surpass them now though, he would seem almost infinitely weaker against someone his own age. He looked around again, making sure no one was close by. He decided to practice his own jutsu again. He didn't know how to activate it but, he did know that it involved letting his chakra do what it wanted somehow. He tried to release the chakra inside of him outwards so that it could be free. He pushed and pushed but, nothing happened. That's when he heard a voice from behind him, "You're doing it wrong you know? Did your father teach you nothing before I took him?" His eyes widened as he turned to face his aunt. "You!" He almost screamed at her. She couldn't of been more than 25, with flowing black hair and a short skirted brown buisness suit. He stopped paying attention to his chakra and focused it on her. That when he felt it, the chakra slipping out as if a crack had been formed. It was then he realized that he had been doing it wrong for so many years. He relaxed the chakra once more while he looked at her. It began to pour out of him, looking like a brown aura dissapating into the air. "Oh? Got it now? Too bad." A flick of the womans wrist sent a senbon into Raives stomach. His eyes went wide as he fell backwards in pain. It hadn't gone far into him but, it had done some damage. He only hoped that his jutsu would do something for him.


    and the jutsu he is learning.

    Number for Jutsu:
    Random number (1,6) : 5

    Number for Talent:
    Random number (1,6) : 6
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
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    Post by Riku Tensei Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:08 am

    Satoshi's henge appearance with a black cloak over.

    Finally, after all this time, Satoshi returned to Konoha. He was amazed at how easy it had been to infiltrate the village. The two, Satoshi and Shizuko, had simply changed their appearance with nothing more than the Henge technique and walked right in. Traffic through the Leaf Village had been high lately so they hadn't been too alert about people bold enough to walk through the front gates. It was almost laughable, but he was not here for an invasion. The two were here to scope out the younglings, namely the Uchiha, to search for other worthy candidates for their cause.

    Immediately the pair headed down to the training area. It was mostly empty, save for a few scattered students here and there practicing. Satoshi's eyes locked on one individual; a boy who seemed older than the rest. He couldn't be a genin, could he? Things all seemed to move pretty fast. An older woman, long black hair and a decent body, approached the boy. They exchanged words and, before he knew it, the woman had tossed a needle into the boy's stomach.

    Without even thinking, Satoshi reacted. He lunged from his hiding spot, charging towards the boy. Regardless of what circumstances there were, nothing could warrant attacking a child in cold blood like that. Before he reached his destination, a blast of wind sent the woman reeling back, her clothes quite literally flying off. Satoshi would have burst into laughter if the situation weren't so serious. "Any particular reason you're attacking this one?" He asked, a dark glare in his now emerald eyes.

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    Here's one way to start a life! Empty Re: Here's one way to start a life!

    Post by Shizuko Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:18 am

    As Shizuko casually strolled in through the Village, a blank expression on his face while he follow Satoshi, it was good to see his home again after all of this time, the two were here to search for candidates for their cause, whether it be Uchiha or anyone of a different clan worthy enough. As they finally arrived at the Academy, the two gazed upon the Training Grounds, various young ninja practicing things like cloning techniques, substitution. All except for one young boy, with his Sharingan it was visible that he was trying to oddly release his chakra into something, however he couldn't quite do it, watching quickly as he finally was able to with a grand smile. However it didn't last long as the boy had senbon thrown into his chest, and suddenly his attacker was in the nude completely, blood rushing out of Shizuko's nose slightly!

    With a single hand seal, Shizuk shunshinned inbetween the boy and the now naked woman, next to Satoshi, Nothing merits this, I suggest you run off first.. as he stared deeply into the females eyes, preparing a few hand seals to keep ready incase he needed to restrain her withe Genjutsu or something else, looking back at the boys odd chakra, he shrugged it off, staring directly towards the woman. He'd let Satoshi decide her fate, it wasn't any of his business, but he couldn't let a child be bullied like that, so he did the reasonable thing and stood in between it, keeping a hand on Muramasa while he awaited her reaction..
    Academy Student
    Academy Student

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    Post by Nobodyn4 Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:25 am

    The blood spilled out of him slowly but, steadily as he watched two people come and get between him and his aunt. His jutsu had worked, blowing away her clothes and leaving her naked. It had been unexpected and quite surprising to both of them. The woman thought about fighting back but, she was outnumbered and she was naked. It wasn't a hard choice, she decided to flee. "You'll join your father one day Raives. I'll make sure of that damnit." Strangely, she seemed to evaporate almost like water turning to steam. She was gone quickly and now just the three of them remained. "Damnit, She..." His stomach felt like it was on fire. He knew he had to be tougher than what he seemed. "Anyways, You two saved me. Thanks." He looked to the gate and then back to them. He was feeling woozy. Maybe he had lost more blood than he thought. "One of you wouldn't happen to know first aid or something?"
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

    Fame : 626

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    Post by Riku Tensei Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:31 am

    Seeing herself outnumbered and outgunned, the woman evidently decided it best to flee as her form dispersed into water like a clone. Was she just a clone or was it some technique she had perfected? It mattered not. What mattered was the boy behind them who seemed to be fairing much worse than someone whom had taken a simple senbon to the stomach. Had it pierced something vital?

    Whipping around, Satoshi turned to the boy and crouched down. His hand calmly grasped the senbon and he looked into the boy's eyes. "This will hurt a bit. Grab my shoulder if it's too much." He instructed the boy. Giving him a brief moment to prepare, he pulled the senbon from the wound, immediately pushing down and applying pressure. His left hand reached into his cloak, pulling out some bandages that he kept to tape up his knuckles and such. His hands moved quickly and he wrapped it around the boy. "Are you feeling alright? Do you want us to get you medical attention?" He asked the boy, attempting to asses just how injured he may be,

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    Post by Shizuko Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:24 am

    The woman had suddenly evaporated into water and steam, an odd defense, but apparently it was effective. Shizuko turned around to Satoshi tending to the boys wounds, Shizuko looked around for a moment, who was that woman, and why was she after the boy? He had to have been of some importance if she wanted to capture him so badly, he'd find out later first, he had to get this boy to a hospital. Satoshi, you can't deal with wounds like that, she could have punctured an artery. Let's get him to the hospital. as he attempted to pick the boy up in his arms, and rush off towards the hospital near the Academy, the injuries weren't that bad, but would get worse if an in-experienced person tampered with them, neither of the Shinobi were skilled in Ijutsu, they could only make things worse.

    Once the three had arrived at the hospital, Shizuko placed the boy onto a gurney and watched as a few medical ninja rushed him off to a nearby room. Shizuko sighed and turned to Satoshi, That was.. strange. as he stretched out his arms, noticing a Medical Ninja coming towards him and telling the two, The boy is fine now, if you wish you can visit him in his room. as he walked off, Shizuko turned back to Satoshi. He wanted to know why the boy was attacked, and what was so special about him? Did he have some rare Doujutsu, Bloodline? Or did she just want to take the boy for a personal reason, time would only tell as he walked off to the boy's room, whether Satoshi followed him or not, he wanted some answers and fast. He entered the boys room and sat down, not saying a word and simply waiting for the boy to say something.
    Academy Student
    Academy Student

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    Post by Nobodyn4 Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:44 pm

    Raives didn't say anything at first, a mixture of shame and shyness keeping him from really interacting. After a few minutes though, he started to talk to them. "Hey... uh... Look, Thanks for saving me back there. Docs say I could of ended up way worse f you two hadn't show up and helped me out. The senbon was pretty close to doing some major harm so, again... Thanks." He meant it since it was really due to them that he was alive instead of dead or captured. He sat up and looked at them, both of them seeming to want to ask him some questions. "The woman, the one that attacked me. She's my aunt... or so she claims. She kidnapped my dad a long time ago and now she's come after me. That's why she attacked me, to take me away for who knows what reason. That's all I know ok? Please don't get my mom involved. If she knew... she would be worried sick. I know you jounin have rules and regulations but, can you just not tell her?" He was sure these two were village jounin since he didn't know of anyone else that would interfere in a attack like this.

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    Post by Shizuko Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:43 am

    (Riku hasn't posted in 48 hours, skipping over him.)

    As time passed, he simply listened in to the boy, nodding slightly. His face wasn't visible due to the fact of his porcelain mask, he simply replied to the boy; You're fine now.. Kyo, I have some business to take care of, do you mind? as he didn't really give him a choice, Shizuko walked out of the room and then the hospital, his mind set on something else. Shizuko then prepared a single hand seal, dissapearing suddenly and off to another location. He first visited Hokage Mountain, staring deeply towards the head of the First Hokage, smiling slightly under his mask, the cold wind breezing right past him. He looked happy, and for once, alive. Shizuko then prepared another hand seal and was headed for the direction of the Hokage's Office.

    Academy Student
    Academy Student

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    Here's one way to start a life! Empty Re: Here's one way to start a life!

    Post by Nobodyn4 Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:35 am

    {Left due to all other people leaving T.T/ Also, gonna RP as being recruited into thier org.}

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