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2 posters

    Fumi Kurokawa

    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

    Fame : 0

    Shinobi Information
    Fumi Kurokawa Left_bar_bleue0/0Fumi Kurokawa Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Fumi Kurokawa Empty Fumi Kurokawa

    Post by Princelet Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:43 pm

    Name: Fumi Kurokawa
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'7''
    Weight: 136


    Long black hair and dark purple eyes with a beauty mark under her right eye. She's careful to maintain her looks as they're important to the nature of her job, but tends to run towards practical clothing when not going under cover. She also favors darker colors, like purples, black, and blues.
    Race: Human
    Hair: Black, kept very long to be pulled up into elaborate styles as needed.
    Eyes: Purple
    Body: Muscular, but lean. Though Taijutsu is her weakest form of jutsu, she trains often.
    Ethnicity: Land of Fire

    Personality: Fumi is someone who knows what looks good, and knows how to use it well. On the surface she's a pretty, mildly vain young woman whose make-up is always done to the best of her ability, with more closet space for clothes than you can shake a stick at. Any pay goes largely to keep her closet and make-up bag full, and she takes pride in looking good while still being able to do her job. She is not, however, so prissy that she can't stand getting dirty--what kind of ninja would she be if that were true? Deep down Fumi likes getting dirty and she takes a certain joy in rolling through the dirt and getting sweaty when she has to.

    Fumi acts aloof and distant, a veritable ice queen with a veneer of slyness and consistent calm. She tries to keep her cool in any situation, but is prone to bursts of anger and yelling once it all starts piling up and her mask cracks. A person can only take so much, you know? In all she's a skilled actress, able to tear up almost on command, and knows the right things to say to stroke someone's ego.

    By contrast however, if she's not working she becomes a little socially awkward, especially in situations where she's supposed to just act "normal" or interact with others on a friendly, genial ground. She does her best, and can get by alright when working with those older than her, but with children or anyone her own age she just becomes hopelessly lost, not knowing how to relate with them. She hopes to get a genin team at some point and hopes it'll help her overcome this.

    She has a flirty nature that she can't quite turn off and a quick, deadpan wit that can often come off as condescending. Not-so-hidden beneath it is an almost sadistic streak-- she finds most crying faces "cute" and will often "teasingly" poke at sensitive topics to get a reaction (such as if a boy is obsessed with being 'cool' she'll be quicker to point out and bring up the 'uncool' things they did).

    Physically she's not as strong as others due to a deliberating illness in her youth so she has to work twice as hard, but as a result she also puts most of her focus into genjutsu and boosting her mental prowess. She dreams of being a genjutsu master and being well-renowned for her illusions and of becoming a full member of the ANBU.

    Rank/Village Title: Chuunin
    Village: Konohagakure
    Title: n/a
    Organization / Team: n/a yet

    Style Allocation:
    Total Points to Spend: 3

    • Ninjutsu: 1
    • Genjutsu: 2
    • Taijutsu: 0
    • Puppetry: 0
    • Ijutsu: 0
    • Fuuinjutsu: 0

    Kekkei Genkai/Clan: N/a
    Element: Suiton (Primary)
    Talents: n/a

    Weaponry: (The Weapons that are Equipped and ready to be used.)

    • Naginata
    • Kunai x 7

    Starting Inventory: (Any Non Weapons and tools. This includes puppets scrolls, etc.)

    • Explosive Tags x 50
    • Sealing scroll

    Jutsu Total: 5 (not counting the basics)




    Kekkei Genkai: n/a
    Bloodline Jutsu: n/a

    Background: Born to a ninja father and "commoner" mother, Fumi grew up doing her best to make them both proud. However an illness that kept her bedridden for a good couple years made it difficult to get any ninja training and Fumi had started to resign herself to being "normal" when a cure was finally found. Fumi enrolled in the academy as soon as she could, though she started a bit late, and worked double time to catch up with her classmates.

    Following the death of her father her mother tried to dissuade her daughter from becoming a ninja, not wanting to deal with the pain of losing both members of her family. However Fumi was determined and, despite constantly dealing with her mother's disapproval at every turn, she persevered. As she grew older she realized that her near-inability to use Taijutsu was a handicap and that she'd have to find new ways to reach her goal and, after a good two years of study and figurative soul-searching, Fumi decided that using her looks would be her best advantage.

    With even more disapproval from her mother, Fumi carefully groomed herself to being as beautiful as she could, using every combination of skin and hair care products, taking up a good hour or more earlier just to put everything together (as she got older she could easily cut down the amount of time spent in front of the mirror, thankfully). Her body and her looks were her best weapon, and she knew it, using it accordingly to either play the seductress or the simpering damsel--whichever could help her out more.

    As a chuunin she's working hard to prove herself capable of taking on larger assignments and is eager to be promoted.

    Currently she's trying to perfect a genjutsu technique that's a variation of the toad summons' Genjutsu Kiss to work for humans. All she needs is a willing guinea pig to let her kiss them a bunch and mess with their mind.

    A Charm invests a face
    Imperfectly beheld—
    The Lady dare not lift her Veil
    For fear it be dispelled—

    But peers beyond her mesh—
    And wishes—and denies—
    Lest Interview—annul a want
    That Image—satisfies—

    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
    Fumi Kurokawa Left_bar_bleue0/12500Fumi Kurokawa Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Fumi Kurokawa Empty Re: Fumi Kurokawa

    Post by Amesuke Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:50 pm

    Looks fine to me. Conversed about the edits via messages. Approved.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:46 pm