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2 posters

    Sēji Hanabira

    Academy Student
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    Sēji Hanabira Empty Sēji Hanabira

    Post by Sage Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:08 am


    Name: Sēji Hanabira (Pronounced "Say-Jee")
    Chatango: Amegaki
    Nickname: "Sage"
    Age: 19 (October 13th)
    Gender: Female ♀
    Height: 5'4"

    Sage, in her younger years generally wore her hair tucked into a scarf that was wrapped around her neck. The scarf was generally of a light pink color, looking very similar to the color of a cherry blossom petal. On her body, she wears a black button-down sweater which is a little to long for her, only fitting in arm length. She also often wears a white skirt beneath the sweater. The skirt reaches to roughly the middle of her thigh with black socks coming up to above her knees. Unlike her shinobi peers, she generally wears black sandals rather than the blue standard issued ones from Konoha. Very few have seen her figure, but for those who have, they know that she is particularly small, looking as if she may be about the age of 16 or 17, despite being significantly older. As a result, she often hides herself from the view of others. Her legs and arms are fairly thin, showing off that she's not particularly built for fighting fist to fist. However this also works in her advantage, making it easy for her to slip away from enemies when used correctly. Some time around the age of 16 and 17, she cut her hair, making it shorter than for reasons she never truly explained.

      Race: Human
      Hair: Dark brown. Close to black.
      Eyes: Round, Onyx-Black, eyes.
      Body: Petite. Not particularly athletic.
      Ethnicity: Hi no Kuni (Fire Country)

    Last edited by Sage on Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Academy Student
    Academy Student

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    Sēji Hanabira Empty Re: Sēji Hanabira

    Post by Sage Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:33 pm

    Personality: Sage was born in a world where everything seemed to be okay until you looked just around the corner. She was from the ground up, typical when it came to her early life. She's a particularly bubbly girl around her friends and when she's around people she doesn't really know, she's quick to make new friends. Though she is quick to make friends, it takes her a while to truly open up about how she feels about people. This tends to cause her to have quite a few friends and very few "best friends". However, once she feels as though she's made a best friend, she will do literally anything to prevent them from being hurt. In the academy, she met only few best friends, maybe only one or two.

    Though she would never admit it, she's an amazing leader. She's able to keep a clear mind in even the craziest of situations and is able to do great work, even when under pressure. However, she lacks confidence and at times, will cause herself to fall behind because she doesn't want to be judged. It's a flaw that often guides just about everything she does. On top of that, she's a tiny bit selfish. She will often do things just because she wants to, not really thinking about the repercussions of her actions. There have been plenty of times where she's said things or done actions which compromise her team, just because she wanted to be the one to do it.

    Aside from all of this, however, Sage is very kind-hearted. She makes it her business to try and show everyone that the leaf village is a nice place. She's always the first to return a good deed and when she can't find a way, she'll use her intellect to make one. Her kind-hearted soul is balanced only by her rebellious nature. She often doesn't like being told what to do, wanting to control herself, but not exactly wanting to lead anyone around. She doesn't enjoy being under the rule of others and doesn't enjoy ruling. She feels that the ruler only has the right to rule due to the people and should respect the subjects above all else. That being said, she forgives slowly and her wounds heal very slowly. When she's been hurt, she makes it her business to let that person know. Though she finds it hard to forgive those she doesn't know. She finds it harder to forgive those she does know.

    Rank/Village Title: Chuunin
    Village: Konohagakure no Sato
    Title: Genius
    Organization / Team: (Any Organization or team that they are a part of)

    Style Allocation:
    Total Points to Spend: 3

    • Ninjutsu: 0
    • Genjutsu: 2
    • Taijutsu: 1
    • Puppetry: 0
    • Ijutsu: 0
    • Fuuinjutsu: 0

    Kekkei Genkai/Clan: N/A
    Element: Fuuton and Doton

    Weaponry: (The Weapons that are Equipped and ready to be used.)

    • 15 x Kunai
    • Tanto x 1

    Starting Inventory: (Any Non Weapons and tools. This includes puppets scrolls, etc.)

    • Empty Scrolls x 3

    Academy Student
    Academy Student

    Fame : 0

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    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Sēji Hanabira Empty Re: Sēji Hanabira

    Post by Sage Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:34 pm

    Jutsu Total: Nine
    Jutsus: (The Jutsu that are known)





    Sēji Hanabira was born to a family which had an idea of a normal life for her. They didn't want her to have the worries of a stressful childhood and more importantly, didn't particularly care for the idea of her fighting. It was only when Sage grew to the age at which she began talking that they stopped shielding her so much. She had this innate need to gather knowledge and was very interested in joining the academy and becoming a shinobi. Her parents, being of no particular shinobi blood, were startled by this but would eventually give in her her pushing to join the academy. Upon joining, the rebellious little girl was always quick to find trouble over trivial incidences. In the academy, she was yelled at a lot, often for disagreeing with the way the teacher taught particular techniques, believing she had better ways of going about them. When the yelling would become excessive, there was always one boy who would step in to defend her side, even if it was wrong.

    Sage and this boy became good friends throughout the academy. With Sage generally being picked on by other girls about her hair and boys about her small stature and boyish name. It was Amesuke who gave her the nickname of "Sage" saying that he believed her name was actually really cool and pretty, this boy was never rude to her and at times would defend her from the insults of the other children. The two would become great friends, growing up together and occasionally having their rival moments. They had many similar aspects, this drew them to each other where other children would have been pushed away. More than anything, what kept them together is having similar goals in life. During the exams to become a Genin, the two were asked to create three basic clones of their appearance. Sage was able to create 10 at once using a single hand. Needless to say, she passed that test and would move on to the rank of Genin.

    In her years as a genin, she was sent out of the village to fight in the war, though not on the front lines while Amesuke was not. However, while she was in the war, she continued to write back and forth to Amesuke to explain what was going on. Though she managed to try and keep in touch with the boy throughout that time, she began to miss being home and one day she returned so that she could tell Amesuke of the news. She was to be moved to the frontlines in only a few weeks and she wanted to at least let Amesuke know that. She wouldn't be able to write as much as she used to and didn't want him to worry about it.

    Fame : 2739

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    Sēji Hanabira Empty Re: Sēji Hanabira

    Post by Amesuke Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:52 am

    I dub thee Approved.

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