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    Post by Amesuke Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:31 am

    Clan Name: Vodarac
    Bloodline Name: Coralian
    Village(s)/Country(ies) Of Origin: Village Hidden in The Skies, The Sky Country

    Clan History: The Coralians, a very interesting collection of sentiments indeed. Sorry, but I kinda have to use the way it was used in Norbu's explanation, as confusing as it may be: The Scab Coral exists as a bubble in the multiple dimensions that make up the grander scheme of everything which is known as Vodarac and, is just the same as our little bubble that we call the 3rd dimension, aside from small traits. At the points in which the two bubbles come close to each other, this dimension coming together with that of the Coralians, there is a chance that objects from the Coralian universe may pass through and manifest into the 3rd dimension. While this may be confusing, in normal people terms, what this means is there are times where things that belong in the Coralian dimension can accidentally manifest itself in the 3rd dimension. This can manifest as literally anything from laws of physics to sources of energy.

    When the Scab Coral was first found, a religion was based around it known as the Vodarac. This religion believed that the scab coral, paired with the earth itself created an energy known as Transparency Light Particles. These particles are emitted by the thoughts of sentient beings, allowing the manifestation of beings known as Coralians where ridiculously high levels of sentient thought are manifested at a high frequency (for example, the scab coral). These Coralians act as the dreams of the Scab Coral, manifested via the Scab Coral itself. They are very receptive to the thoughts and ideals of humans, making them essentially blank paper for humanity to write on. A part of the Vodarac religion believes that these beings exist to find a mate who they designate the "writer." Another part of the Vodarac religion which dictates a large portion of their belief is "The Limit of Life." This limit is a belief that there is a limit on how much sentience can exist in one space and if the limit is ever broken, the universe would implode upon itself. As a result, when the Scab Coral made it's appearance, it moved into a state of dormancy to prevent both the humans and their own sentience from eliminating the other. The scab coral wants co-existence at any cost. Many believe that the Scab Coral is acting as a Noah's Ark for humanity, offering them salvation from their own sentience.

    Bloodline Description: The Coralians use a different energy than that of the humans. They use Trapar Waves rather than chakra which when compared to the shinobi, causes the Coralian to look weak or unprepared. The Coralian, on the other hand has many abilities humans do not have. For example, having a unique physiology and anatomy, the skeleton of a Coralian, while appearing identical to that of a human is able to passively focus trapar waves on a part of their body, creating an amazingly beautiful gem. These gems hold style points and a coralian may have 3 gems in total. These style points may only be accessed when in their Trapar Coat allowing the user to learn techniques and fight as if they have the three style points earned from this. A list must be held, explaining what style points were chosen and from what characters they were earned.

    Their first and most useful ability, is the ability to fuse with another person, taking of their essence and binding it to an "Archetype" or basically, turning the the emotions and memories shared with the person into a gem which is then pressed upon their body and cannot be removed. These "Archetypes" allow the user to gain a single style point, making the user stronger with each new friend.

    They can distort and bend physics, though never actually remove them completely by using trapar waves. This generally manifests as slightly distorting the trajectory of objects. Additionally, Coralians have a fairly weak, but useful, ability to distort the space around them, allowing them to travel from one place to another instantaneously by wrinkling the space between the two locations. This, however, takes an immense amount of Trapar Waves, being used fairly rarely.

    Bloodline Talents:

    Name: Archetype Gem
    Requirements: IC Permission. 100 Posts from each person involved. Or, you can just kill an RPC, turning their body into an Archetype Gem.
    Cost: 0 Exp from an RPC or 500 Exp from an NPC.
    Description: The Coralians use a different energy than that of the humans. They use Trapar Waves rather than chakra which when compared to the shinobi, causes the Coralian to look weak or unprepared. The Coralian, on the other hand has many abilities humans do not have. For example, having a unique physiology and anatomy, the skeleton of a Coralian, while appearing identical to that of a human is able to passively focus trapar waves on a part of their body, creating an amazingly beautiful gem. These gems hold style points and a coralian may have 3 gems in total. These style points may only be accessed when in their Trapar Coat allowing the user to learn techniques and fight as if they have the three style points earned from this. A list must be held, explaining what style points were chosen and from what characters they were earned. Taking all of the emotion and memories forged with great friends over time, the user will gain the ability to manifest these emotions and memories into a gem to be pressed on any portion of their body. After this, the user will gain a style point in whatever style they so choose. Additionally, if you want, you can just kill an enemy and turn their body into an Archetype Gem if that's how you roll.

    Name: Tech Armor
    Requirements: Coralian
    Cost: 0 Exp; Taken from creation.

    Name: True Coralian Frost
    Requirements: Coralian; A severe lack of emotions. Exposure to heartless actions. May not have Coralian Friendship. 80 Point Training.
    Cost: 400 Exp;
    Description: Coralians, being the clean slate for humanity to write on, is very impressionable to what happens around it.

    Name: True Coralian Warmth
    Requirements: Coralian; A great friendship or exposure to people helping each other. May not have Coralian Frost. 80 Point Training.
    Cost: 400 Exp;

    Bloodline Jutsu:

    Name: Spatial Distortion
    Jutsu Rank: Rank of the Jutsu
    Description: Describe the jutsu.

    Name: Name of The Jutsu
    Style: Type of Jutsu category that it belongs in
    Jutsu Rank: Rank of the Jutsu
    Description: Describe the jutsu.

    Name: Name of The Jutsu
    Style: Type of Jutsu category that it belongs in
    Jutsu Rank: Rank of the Jutsu
    Description: Describe the jutsu.

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