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    Reina {Kirigakure}

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    Fame : 0

    Shinobi Information
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    Ryou Pouch: 500

    Reina {Kirigakure} Empty Reina {Kirigakure}

    Post by Panzer vor Wed May 01, 2013 1:55 am

    Name: Reina
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5’ 6”
    Weight: 110lbs

    Reina is a person who likes to dress for success; success in her mind being relative and thusly her tastes eclectic in nature. Tending to wear what she views as more interesting than the previous day is her motto. You will never find her wearing the same thing twice in some kind of time skip transition, at least if she has time to change. Obviously this would appear weird but she doesn’t really care she doesn’t like to bore herself so it’s the least of what she can do, and needless to say most of her money goes to her wardrobe. Heaven forbid that you make a comment though on what her outfit looks like, and how she is currently dressing, at least if you don’t like being told off or ignored.

    In the sense of fashion for the Kunoichi she doesn’t go for that whole fishnet thing that everyone raves about. Yeah it helps you move but the whole time you just feel like a used tool in a skimpy outfit. She prefers the more traditional black clothing or flak jacket, well if she could wear one isn’t at that rank quite yet. No she prefers the more standard be able to hide when you are fighting side of things at least if she isn’t caught off guard by a surprise attack. In terms of her weapons she won’t really wear them openly and instead uses scrolls or similar items to keep her person free from clutter. The only type of bad clutter is the type of clutter that makes it so your enemy can see what kind of heat you are packing, at least in her mind. Since being promoted to Chunin she frequently wears the jacket if only to make her Epeen feel a little bit better.

    In terms of her actual accessories she will typically wear rings or a hair band. She isn’t one to wear stupid hoops on her ears or anything like that unless she wants to prove a point against someone. Bracelets are also a go for her but only if they are tasteful or fit with the outfit. Normally though you will see her spotting some form of ear rings and maybe a ring or two. Necklaces get in her way unless she wears something that covers her neck or chest enough for it to not rub up and down her neck too much. Also this isn’t skyrim she can wear more than one ring. She also wears sunglasses to hide her eyes from others glances.

    Her skin is slightly tanned and thus not the perfect fair skin of the lovely maiden that you must save. So sad for the super hero of the story who will probably never need to rescues her in the first place. Her tan lines do give away that she purposely maintains it, and makes her appear all the more vein. Her hair color is that of a golden blonde, which flows down to her waist. Her eyes are that of a gold in color as well. She is right handed. In terms of her merfolk talent’s appearance it is just a simple mermaid tail that forms when she wishes via her legs both coming together; and she has gills appear upon her neck. It was simple and effective she felt without sacrificing much and still to this day she gives the guy who took the octopus stuff a weird look.

      Race: Caucasian.
      Hair: Blonde.
      Eyes: Gold.
      Body: Swimmers.
      Ethnicity: Mizu no Kuni
    Reina is someone who views the world as one giant playground; her own personal playground. This doesn’t mean that she believes that she owns everything, no quite the opposite. She views someone or the physical property that they have as theirs, and she will respect that, she just believes she is entitled to use it. She’s hungry she will just use your fridge, she desires some kind of entertainment she would use your game boy; all without asking you first. Her name is an ironic statement due to her personality, being named princess and acting like a spoiled one has made her not very popular with those who aren’t just tools. Her starry way of viewing the world has clouded her judgment on morality as she is a bit too positive at times, viewing many things as just the way it should be.

    Yes morality is something that she struggles with; or rather something she should struggle with. She views others as just another part of her playground, unless of course they somehow have authority; how they get it in her mind changes but she doesn’t have that standard. Anyway getting back onto the bitches point, she views others as part of her playground, meaning many times they are just object she can borrow or use. If said object refuse to do their “purpose” she just ignores them. It is perfectly understandable for her to just take her clothes off in front of someone down to her underwear and then expect you to wash it, and put it away, and find her a new outfit why? Because that’s what you are for isn’t it? No then get out of her life.

    Her lack of a grip on morality isn’t because she at the core is a horrible person, but is more of a defensive mechanism. Growing up without a father and a mother who is possessive will put you behind a barrier. She uses the excuse in her mind that everything in front of her is hers to just use to herself being used by others. It is tragic but it the view that she about the world as this moment, and it is the one barrier that she has up to prevent herself from becoming a reclusive hermit and dead inside. So lucky you, who get to deal with her mixed and deeply scared emotions!

    Emotions are something that she won’t get out of her life though, they are always there. That sense of self satisfaction when she doesn’t anything, that feeling of how others aren’t amazing; it won’t go away. She has different views on emotions though doesn’t really muse over them like some people do. Her mind is strange in that it just takes things as they come, she isn’t really stupid per say but she doesn’t gauge her emotions. She would lose a match of poker pretty hard core if she ever played, as her face shows her expressions. Anger, love, joy, sorrow; she can feel them all unlike some who are just jaded.

    Anger is a powerful emotion for her; as it is a good driving point for her. It works perfectly as a façade for her life, and makes other’s believe that she really is like that. In truth she dislikes getting mad and get’s upset but you know if it can fool others it can work for her, though occasionally she will actually get mad. When she actually gets mad it’s more of a walk away fuming, and plan of how to take you out social or maybe physically.

    Love is something that she tries to avoid; sure it is used towards that close but not really in the ‘standard’ way. It’s an odd type of love one that while genuine is also afraid of being destroyed. Many wouldn’t call this love she does, at least until she can actually express it without worry.

    Joy is something she expresses on the inside and not the outside. She will say good work or something, but she won’t really be joyful with others around her. You can believe that she will be happy on the inside but don’t expect her to show it to you at all. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to do nice things for her, but don’t be surprised when she backhanded compliments you or makes a slightly strange remark from the normal reaction.

    Sorrow isn’t really something she feels, she feels a bit of it on the inside but it’s mostly in the form of confusion and less in the form of woe is me. That’s right folk’s she isn’t an emo as a matter of fact she is far from it, sorrow in the form of confusion is more of a mental release than an actual disorder. That’s her story and she is sticking to it, but you know what can you do she has a few issues but nothing she will go and crave unlimited power for; no she craves that for a different reason.

    That’s right she has a lust for power, but not for the ability to get revenge or cause pain to others. It is mostly for her curiosity and so that she can feel emotionally stronger about herself. The lust is more in the field of what can I improve rather than what I can improve for everyone’s benefit, but that doesn’t mean she goes out of her way to improve herself to harm others. She mostly just wants to be able to confront people normally even if that is only a subconscious desire.

    As far as her little god complex is concerned, it’s quite light. She might as stated above view everything as her own personal playground, but she doesn’t believe she is god, and there will always be someone stronger. That is specifically what she is counting to happen. She desires for almost nothing more than to have the world as her playground and to find the one who can stop her. Her god complex involves her wishing to fight to the bitter end against a foe that she cannot defeat; as that would bring closure to her.

    Rank/Village Title: Chuunin.
    Village: Kirigakure.
    Title: N/A
    Organization / Team: N/A

    Style Allocation:
    Total Points to Spend: 3

    • Ninjutsu: 2
    • Genjutsu: 0
    • Taijutsu: 1
    • Puppetry: 0
    • Ijutsu: 0
    • Fuuinjutsu: 0

    Kekkei Genkai/Clan: N/A
    Element: Suiton {Primary}

      • Name: Merfolk
        Requirements: Character creation or surgery done by a character with Ijutsu (RPC or NPC is fine)
        Cost: 0EXP at creation, or 200EXP if obtained later.
        Description: Merfolk or “Fishmen” have been the tales of superstition for many a generation, and rightfully so. No one really comes into contact with them or at least they don’t believe they do; making them but sailor stories and children’s tales. They are however quite real and do exist, primarily within the ocean or islands. They are a strange breed however and no true bloodline is between them, aside from them just being family, as many are born with different forms or born with a lack of certain forms. This making their linage scarcer and more diluted than the water they call home. Due to this diluted linage it is possible for those who have not been born as one to become one through newer surgery procedures; though high risk some tend to prefer it if they are forced to live near watery environments, or they just want gills for a weird reason. Regardless all merfolk be it surgery subjects or naturally born have the ability to breathe within water perfectly fine, and control it slightly. The ability to control it slightly however is somewhat limited and even with proper chakra training it doesn’t seem to improve. Water control range is up to 100ft for natural water and while water made from chakra is far harder making the range 30ft. The water control itself isn’t perfect and generally the bigger the water total they are trying to manipulate the easier it is, while the smaller it is the harder it is, so while perfect for the sea’s they call home it is not perfect for the land or shoving water up someone nose for a laugh. Merfolk are faster within water naturally increasing their base speed in it by 50%, and their bodies are highly resistant to temperature changes making water temperature changes (in many cases) unaffected them, though they can still be stuck within a block of ice etc. Upon land it is only a slight resistance to temperature changes, that helps make a breeze not so chilly or the sun not so hot but otherwise has no effect. The reason for the Merfolk name is due to the fishy appendages they have; even a strange skin color is counted amongst the traits. A merfolk can have any kind of fishy appendages and can hide them should they wish too; though many who are born naturally that way are more inclined to refuse too, and those who have it done via surgery are more inclined too. This isn’t set in stone just a notice by the common people due to cultural differences between regions and such. One thing of note is that Merfolk are not known for having the fire element, and cannot have it.


    • Katana’s x2 (worn on her back).
    • Kunai x15 (3 pouches along her waist).
    • Shuriken x15 (same 3 pouches as the Kunai).
    • Smoke bombs x2 (kept in her Chunnin jacket pouches).
    Starting Inventory:

    • Radio.
    • Chunnin flak Jacket (kirigakure pattern).

    Jutsu Total: 9
    Basic jutsu

    • Name: Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
      Prerequisites: None
      Type: Ninjutsu
      Rank: E
      Description: Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. The Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja without substance. The copy resembles the ninja in every way. This clone can function as a distraction or as means to confuse one's opponent. As soon the Bunshin gets attacked or comes into contact with an opponent, it will disperse.

    • Name: Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
      Prerequisites: None
      Type: Ninjutsu
      Rank: E
      Description: Henge no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents. However, it does not grant one the properties of said objects or skills of that person, meaning turning into a weapon will not allow you to cut an opponent and turning into a dog will not give you a great sense of smell.

      This technique can also be used in conjunction with someone, who may a person, a pet or a summoning creature, in which case it is called Konbi Henge (Combination Transformation). However, its principles remain the same.

    • Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu - Body Substitution Technique
      Prerequisites: None
      Type: Ninjutsu
      Rank: E
      Description: Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack. Naturally, it won't work with another person unless their skill gap is enormous, and the object to replace oneself with must be close in size and weight to the ninja themselves. This technique must be set up a little ahead when fighting skilled opponents, otherwise, you may end up getting struck because you wouldn't have enough time to use it.

    • Name: Kai - Release
      Prerequisites: None
      Type: Ninjutsu
      Rank: D
      Description: A very useful technique that dispels or prevents the effects of genjutsu in its early stages. To perform it, the user only needs to hold their hands in a tiger hand seal and channel some chakra into it. A lower-level genjutsu will be dispelled without any harm to the user. This can also be done on someone else, in which case the user must touch them before releasing the technique. However, it is a low-level ninja skill, as there are more effective ways of countering genjutsu. This will only dispel genjutsu of B-rank or below.

    D-Rank Jutsu

    • Name: Hidden Mist Technique
      Prerequisites: Suiton
      Style: Ninjutsu
      Rank: D
      Description: This displacement technique is a speciality of the ninja from Kirigakure, where one causes a mist to spring forth by lifting up some water from either a pre-existing source or expelled from their mouth, then goes in and out of sight at will from within the pearly-white realm. The mist's thickness is controlled by the amount of chakra kneaded into it. It can't fool the Byakugan, but, due to the mist being created with the user's chakra, any Sharingan and Rinnegan-user will see the mist coloured by their opponent's chakra, which will effectively hide the user from the dōjutsu. Sensing techniques(such as Mind's Eye, or any bodily sensing techniques like hearing, sound, and touch -through vibrations in the round) have been proven to be the only successful way to detect the user when in a cloud of mist of their creation.

    C-Rank Jutsu

    • Name: Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique
      Prerequisites: Suiton
      Style: Ninjutsu
      Rank: C
      Description: The user shapes water into the form of a large shark, and thrusts their hand forward sending it towards the opponent. The shark moves at high-speeds and creates a powerful impact. The user can also ride inside the water shark to increase their swimming speed.

    B-Rank Jutsu

    • Name: Water Release: Great Water Shark Bullet Technique
      Prerequisites: Water Shark Bullet Technique
      Style: Ninjutsu
      Rank: B
      Description: A stronger version of the Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique. The user creates a gigantic shark out of water, and thrusts both hands forward, sending it to attack the opponent. This technique differs from the original in that it is able to absorb the chakra from an opponent's technique, and in turn, use that chakra to grow larger and more powerful. It will disburst after one lunge, and cannot be controlled like its weaker variant.

    • Name: Water Prison Technique
      Prerequisites: Suiton
      Style: Ninjutsu
      Rank: B
      Description: This technique is used to trap a victim inside a virtually inescapable sphere of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep at least one arm inside the sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. This technique requires a sufficient amount of water, which can be provided by expelling it from one's mouth. Despite the fact that the prison is made up entirely out of water, it is stronger than steel as stated by Zabuza Momochi. Once trapped the target is unable to move while within it due to the heaviness of the water. Because of the density of the water it can be used, to a limited extent, for defensive purposes if performed on oneself.
      Water clones/Shadow clones can be used in preparation for the technique, which block an opponent's attack and trap the attacker in the prison using the clone's own water

    A-Rank Jutsu

    • Name: Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave//Water Release: Water Prison Shark Dance Technique
      Prerequisites: Exploding Water Colliding Wave
      Style: Ninjutsu
      Rank: A/S
      Description: A stronger version of the Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave. With it, the user spits out a large amount of water, covering an entire area with crushing, unavoidable waves. The water then forms into a giant orb, instead of letting it flow freely like the original. After using the Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave, the user acts as the center of the resultant giant dome of water. Once this technique has been activated, the dome alters its position in order to reflect the direction of the user's movements, making it difficult for its target(s) to escape as long as the user continues its pursuit. This technique provides the user a tremendous field advantage if it has a way to brethe under water, allowing the user to freely move underwater while its target continues to drown as they attempt to futilely escape the large body of water. This technique is extremely effective in one on one fights, but the user would probably not be able to contain two enemies fleeing in opposite directions.

    Kekkei Genkai: N/A
    Bloodline Jutsu: N/A

    Background: Reina was born within the land of water to a family that was well to do. They were the upper echelons of a town that they owne4d the land deeds too, and rented out to those who wished to live there. Due to this she was the spoiled rich girl who had everything, but at the same time she didn’t have anything. She could order someone to go and do something for her, but she couldn’t get a feeling of self worth from it. Lacking in any real competence in many of the more social sides of life; and political she didn’t know what to do except eventually become some big shots wife and live a life of boring (Disney princess moment) splendor. She did not know what to do really, and it saddened her because her parents were not supportive or really around much. So one day she did what any intelligent young kid does, rebel against them and ran away from home like a boss.

    Running away from home with enough money you think will last you and enough supplies to make it somewhat far is a smart idea, looking like a 9 year old isn’t so she got throw into an orphanage; that and she refused to tell them who she was. Due to this she got recruited into the Kirigakure academy for ninja only a month after she inducted in the hell hole and got to escape it laughing all the way actually. It was within the academy however as she worked hard to become practiced in killing people that she found something to make her feel self worth. This feeling of self worth would propel her to become more and more talented in combat arts until it was her only focus. Others within the academy class began to call her a weirdo and no one really wanted to associate with her in the slightest; which made things difficult for her in terms of social growth. Instead of trying to impress or cull her obsessions she ignored the others and continued to grow her own talents. When the years passed by and the exam to pass onto genin was shown Reina knew she had to be the one to place first. The test to pass though would prove to be highly in her favor, and indeed she would get first place…

    The exam was simple a death match if you killed one student you passed. Only about half the class could pass and even the numbers might have been lower, but the students who came out of it were far stronger than before when their tests were simple measures like technique skill or a physical exercise. Most unfortunate for them was that this year Reina had decided that killing one kid wasn’t enough and that them bullying her was just all the more reason to ignore that shitty requirement. Killing everyone involved in the class Reina was passed with flying colors, though after all her rage had cooled her mind relaxed and her skills not in use she felt guilt about it; something she still to this day would not admit too. She was not assigned to a Genin team as there were no genin who wished to be assigned with her, and she didn’t wish to be assigned with them.

    She was instead placed within chunnin divisions and more advanced front line groups and quickly showed that despite many flaws she could hold her own against the more deadly of opponents. Kirigakure being an island nation however needed to have a strong navy and while many of their ninja were power houses on the coast lines they simply could not wage war upon actual land more effectively, and their navy while strong was not crushing and the enemies of their nation could still fend them off. Their solution was to copy that of one group within the outskirts of their village and implant it into those of their ninja who wished it. Reina was one such ninja as it gave her more ground to prove herself upon.

    Being modified by the village to be able to fight underwater in addition to on land equally effectively and being known for killing all enemies Reina gradually became a lone wolf type of ninja, which isn’t a good thing. She was sent on the missions no one else in their right mind wished to go on and came back just “fine”. Eventually becoming the one within Kiri that everyone wanted to have around to kill the baddies but no one wanted to talk to Reina because more and more focused within her ninja arts to a scary level. Many considered her to very mentally unhealthy and obsessed beyond recovery but still they kept her employed instead of risking defection from the village. So it is to this day that she is the cliché lone wolf type hanging out within a sea of ninja who exist only to kill in the name of whatever the higher ups say they are fighting for.

    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
    Reina {Kirigakure} Left_bar_bleue0/12500Reina {Kirigakure} Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Reina {Kirigakure} Empty Re: Reina {Kirigakure}

    Post by Amesuke Wed May 01, 2013 2:09 am


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