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    A most elegant defense. {rainy}

    Panzer vor
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    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

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    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Left_bar_bleue0/0A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
    Ryou Pouch: 500

    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty A most elegant defense. {rainy}

    Post by Panzer vor Thu May 02, 2013 6:45 pm

    RainyDay wrote:Name: Taking back the outskirts
    Rank: A
    Requirements: Village member
    Rewards: 100-500 exp & 1500-10000 ryou
    Fame: 0
    Description: The outlying villages surrounding your own have been made the property of bandits in recent weeks. The bandits have grown bolder coming ever closer to the village as they sweep through several closer villagers raiding the farmers and merchants that live there. Your task is to hunt down these bandits and stop these raids. Given their path the next village should be [insert village name], you may be able to set a trap within or just wait if you're a bit over confident.

    The village hidden within the mist had allot of good natural resources, natural defenses and a naturally 'comfortable'climate. The one thing that is lacked was land, and the more of that which was lost the worse off they were. They weren't like the bigger mass wise countries that could sacrifice a few ports and towns, they needed them all; so when a new group of bandits reared their ugler head during the third great war Kirigakure put on it's big boy pants and decided to take them out. Unfortunately for Kirigakure many of their finer troops were off fighting against the two great 'evils" Konohagakure and Sunagakure, so they had to send those who were present. Originally the plan was to send only three people, but when two of those three found out who exactly they were being paired with they backed out and enlisted for the front. Helpful to the war effort but now it was a one man job, and that was not going to work against these rumored bandits. They had to send someone else too, and thus the one would become two and the march to take out the bandits would begin... as soon as the other showed up that was.

    Reina just hanging out by the village gates stood with her chunnin jacket on, and the whole ninja outfit, minus the sandals she had stubbed herself a few times in a fight and then went out and got some boots. Seriously who wears those things in combat? She would scoff at people for using it, and with an growing boredom within her Reina debated just attacking the bandits herself and then coming back flipping off the council for thinking she needed back up. The person she got was probably a kill steal-er and would thus ruin her entire day by getting all of them after she worked hard slowly killing them; and then get a promotion and think they were all legit and cool. Reina would not stand for that if it happened, but these thoughts were mostly due to her waiting there in the evening almost night like state as the sun could only barely be seen through the horizon and even then it was only it's fading light; made all the harder to see due to the natural mist surrounding the village. This mission was going to be an all niter for sure which is why Hime made sure to get allot of sleep beforehand during the day. All the weird peppy people come out at night though so perhaps she would end up with one of them... oh well she needed to stop just musing and think of other things like how exactly she wanted to go about killing those bandits.
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

    Fame : 505

    Shinobi Information
    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Left_bar_bleue0/12500A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
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    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty Re: A most elegant defense. {rainy}

    Post by RainyDay Thu May 02, 2013 9:50 pm

    Emi would walk through the village in the now twilight hours. It was shutting down for the most part at this time of day. The sun just barely peaking over the horizon to seemingly glare at the vampire that would walk the streets a bit sooner than she likely should have been. The village protected it's own though, and the mist would protect Emi from any threat of the sun at this point. It was one of the reasons the vampire flocked here. They could roam with a bit less caution while within the mist. Now however wasn't the time to be thinking about the sun or the mist or even her own blood. She was out and about so early for a reason after all. Emi had been tasked to partake in a mission with a Chuunin. From her small briefing the girl seemed to have a violent streak, which was why they had given her to Emi in the first place after all, and her last assigned team had run to the front lines. Was she really this violent of a person? It mattered not, she wasn't a threat to Kaori, at least not immediately. things that would normally kill a person had no effect on Emi. So she would have more than enough time to evaluate the girl.

    Though if she was truly so violent Emi would be making sure she didn't go about killing everyone during the mission. Certain deaths were unavoidable despite how much it hurt Emi to say that, however others were completely unnecessary. They were tasked with bringing down a bandit group out ransacking villages within the water country. While they had initially been sending a full team it would now be just two people. So the Mist had been run so short of people that it had resorted to this then? Very well, Emi had to do something regardless. It would kill her to sit around for much longer. As she would walk up to the girl at the gates she'd let out a quiet meow as she walked past and behind her teammate. It was at this point that she would transform back to her normal body. Looking down the road still she'd address the girl. I suppose you're ready to go, yes? It was an innocent question and one to test the waters. the girl had been waiting on her after all. Glancing back she'd give a playful smile before stepping off out the gates.
    Panzer vor
    Panzer vor
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

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    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Left_bar_bleue0/0A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
    Ryou Pouch: 500

    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty Re: A most elegant defense. {rainy}

    Post by Panzer vor Fri May 03, 2013 11:24 pm

    Well that sure was something, one moment there is a cat you wish to kick across a room, the next there is a girl who came from said cat; it was probably just a simple henge but to be honest Reina found it less than amusing. This was serious business after all and Reina did not wish to see a mess up taking place within the fight that was inevitable, that and Reina didn't want to have a kill stolen by the cat woman. Hopefully you aren't as much of a pussy on in actual combat. she retorted to her... ugh partner. Why did she need a partner anyway; she could totally solo all these guys. ego aside Reina did make her way past the girl taking the leading position and opening up a map peered down at it, right so, our objective is located at the X, if you can read symbols enjoy if not follow me it will be a slight while but the action will start hopefully soon. Tossing it back towards her Reina didn't even bother to wait for the girl to catch up and headed out full steam towards the objective. In between one of the two villages closest to Kirigakure was her goal. She knew it was probably too late for one of the villages but the bandits needed to plow through another one before hitting Kirigakure proper, well if they were the stylish type of bad guy.

    It was there she would wait for them, and kill the leader single handed (or so she hoped) so that the whole mob of them would flee in terror and bow before her awesome abilities. It did strike Reina as odd though how bandits had managed to do so much against the local security forces, which meant that the leader was probably a ninja themselves; which just made it all the better when they fell in battle. Her 'partner' however was just there within Reina's mind as the security that the village wanted around her, it started to become apparent to them that she wasn't the most subtle of officers; because of that many times recently she was assigned another or group of others. it pissed her off, but regardless she would try her best to not get her mission partner this time in complete trouble, after all she didn't need another lecture and pay reduction for "disorderly behavior".
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

    Fame : 505

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    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Left_bar_bleue0/12500A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
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    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty Re: A most elegant defense. {rainy}

    Post by RainyDay Sat May 04, 2013 10:25 pm

    Emi would give a giggle at her "teammates" hostile bit of an attitude. This was going to be interesting. She wasn't really scared of the girl, and the fact that she held her hostile attitude kind of interested the vampire. It was certainly going to be different than the usual people she got stuck with, which in itself was a bit of a fun thing to think about. The girl didn't mind issuing orders despite being a rank below her and didn't mind taking the lead either. This was going to be fun, even if Emi was going to have to go fight stupid bandits. It would all be worth it to see how the girl would react to the situation. Given her attitude Emi was going to have to control her a bit after the battle. She didn't seem to be the type to take prisoners.

    Well, i don't know about that. I do enjoy cats quite a bit. Emi would say following behind. She would catch the map, but she really didn't need to read it. She knew the basics of where they were going, and would simply follow the girl. The best course of action was likely to be setting a trap in one of the villages, so the bandits couldn't escape once they showed themselves. However this chuunin might have a different idea that was probably important for Emi to listen to. So what's your plan of action for the mission? Since you've had more time to think about it than me, surely you have a bit of it thought out? The girl had been given the mission a day or two earlier than Emi, so the logical thought was she had more time to think up a good plan of action.

    Though given the attitude she had, Emi wouldn't be surprised to hear the "I need a plan?" type response. Still she was still trying to test the girl's responses. Pushing buttons as it were. simply to see what kind of reaction would be had when she pushed each one. Curiosity was Emi's weakness after all. She was more than willing to take chances to appease her mind's requests to know what would happen if she did this or that. That's what made this so fun for her after all. She had never gotten to play with someone like this girl that was so... hostile towards others. This was going to be a fun night at the end of it all.
    Panzer vor
    Panzer vor
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

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    Ryou Pouch: 500

    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty Re: A most elegant defense. {rainy}

    Post by Panzer vor Wed May 08, 2013 3:00 am

    My plan of action against them? Reina stated as she stopped in the middle of the road inbetween two of the towns and planted herself upon the ground. obstinate in her stance she wouldn't look at Emi at all, and instead only focus on the goal at hand, or rather the road before her; same damn thing. I am going to wait right here for them to show up challenge their leader to one on one combat, kill any stupid mook who gets in my way of said challenge, and then kill the leader; simple and effective. They run away demoralized and leaderless while I walk away with a nice trophy and possible a pay raise. Shame about the pa-- people though but sacrifices sacrifices this is war afterall. She didn't care too much about the people dying really she just wanted to enjoy a good clash between her and someone she hoped was strong; Emi was here in case the annoying babies underneath the strong guy decided they had a pair and attacked her. While Reina was very comfortable with her plan of action she didn't know nor care if Emi would, but all the same there wasn't any noise around them so she would have to listen to Emi's BS reasoning for not just attacking the leader anyway.
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

    Fame : 505

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    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Left_bar_bleue0/12500A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty Re: A most elegant defense. {rainy}

    Post by RainyDay Wed May 08, 2013 3:28 am

    Well wasn't this going to be a site? The Chuunin's plan was one an academy student or perhaps even a youngling not yet in the academy would have thought up. It was to simply fight the bandits. Disregard the fact they were shinobi, that they operated in secret. Disregard the fact they were out numbered by such odds. This spot? This spot right here? Emi would say as she walked up to the Chuunin. Circling her now. Her foot dragging ever so slightly to leave a small circle as she circled her teammate. She wasn't trying to be intimidating, though it may have come off as such. Emi's curiosity simply had a hold of her mind. Stopping behind the girl she'd appear to be thinking for a moment.

    Very Well. With this she would walk towards a nearby tree. It was less than ten feet from the girl directly beside the small path they had been on. Sitting beside it, Emi would pull out her flute. Without another word she would simply play a sad tune. The plan, should it work, would result in the least casualties. It was the best way to handle the situation for the girl. Emi would close her eyes for a moment as she played her tune. It was one she deeply enjoyed, and one she would await the bandits with. If nothing else they would surely be drawn to the tune. Most males wouldn't play a flute, and what a good chance to have their way with a woman right? Perhaps they would simply enjoy music though? That seemed unlikely. Either way, Emi would wait while playing her sad song.

    Her partner no doubt would expect more from the vampire, but this wasn't an issue of what that girl would want. This was an issue of doing the mission she was assigned. This girl would be helping her to do that after all.
    Panzer vor
    Panzer vor
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

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    Ryou Pouch: 500

    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty Re: A most elegant defense. {rainy}

    Post by Panzer vor Sat May 18, 2013 8:36 pm

    Trying to lul them into a false sense of security or something geez, though I will admit it is a somewhat nice tune and she does have talent; gah got to focus on the bandits. Admiration wasn't something that Reina did very often, but she did have to admit when it came to her mind from time to time she had to give credit where it was due. She wasn't all horrible and violent all the time sometimes she enjoyed the finer things in life like the flute that was now playing. Reina's mind though was still mostly on the bandits until of course she started to see off in the distance them running towards their position; she didn't bother to get up. What she did notice (and yes before you ask she did ignore Emi circling her)was that the music was quite loud which meant that she was drawing them into Reina's grasp? Oh what a lovely partner this was she was going to actually lure the competition straight towards her, and maybe even weaken them a bit? While Reina did not like the idea of fighting a half crippled opponent she did like the idea of an easy job so long as the leader wasn't a complete letdown she would be satisfied.

    Looks like they are on their way flute girl, didn't think that a tune like that would lure in the rabble; so have at it first pick is your's so long as it isn't the leader. Only fair after all you lured them here, you get the first catch of the day. Though they probably would have come here anyway I just won't mention that and ruin her fun... for now.
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

    Fame : 505

    Shinobi Information
    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Left_bar_bleue0/12500A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    A most elegant defense. {rainy} Empty Re: A most elegant defense. {rainy}

    Post by RainyDay Sat May 18, 2013 9:23 pm

    Emi wouldn't pay her partner too much mind this time around. She was completely immersed in her playing and wouldn't even bother to look towards how many opponents they would be presented with. After all did it really matter for her? Not really. She could count them in a bit, but for now she was going to have to keep them all from being slaughtered. As grew closer and closer Emi simply kept playing her tune. She wanted them all nice and close. Besides it would confuse them to see two girls looking at them unafraid as they charged up the road. The sad song was a rather long one and would allow them to arrive completely and circle the two females. They didn't want them getting away after all right? Their leader pushed and shoved his way to the front now though he was a big burly man with a rather large sword slung over one of his shoulders. He would go to speak but the music would be ending as he was thinking of his witty remark. This would serve as a distraction for a moment and one that Reina might take to attack or something, but that wasn't Emi's concern either.

    Guess I should start the next song since we have an audience now, huh Reina? Looking around for a moment, the Vampire would again close her eyes. Placing the flute to her lips as she slowly would let the next tune begin. It was similar to the last in it's sad melody. Though unlike the last one, this one was laced with chakra. Chakra that would flow with the music into all that could hear it. Her Phantom Chains would play across the area. Letting them all feel the power of Emi's music and why she was really chosen for a mission that they were to be fighting so many opponents. It was simple after all. Numbers made no difference to Emi. It was just as difficult to beat one person as it was to beat one hundred for the Jounin.

    Standing up part of the way through her song a smile could be seen on Emi's face as she would begin to walk towards Reina and what was essentially the middle of the circle. She simply wanted to make sure she wasn't missing any of them and she needed to figure otu what to do with them all at this point anyways...


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