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    Mitsuaki (Fire Country)

    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by Mitsuaki Tue May 07, 2013 4:45 am

    Name: Mitsuaki
    Nickname: "Mu / Matsu"
    Chatango: Amegaki
    Age: 17 (June 15th)
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 122 Pounds

    Mitsuaki is a a typical kid. While he, for the most part, looks like any other Uchiha, he's not a fan of the spikes they tend to sport in their hair. His jet-black hair is always in a straight fashion, down and back. His hair is particularly boring because he doesn't feel like he needs to make it look very distinct. Like all Uchiha, his eyes match his hair, being the jet-black that most would find similar to onyx. He'd probably change if it he could, but alas, the black uniformity of the clan is inescapable.

    He stands at an average stature for his age, if not a tad short. Standing at Five Feet and Seven Inches, he's definitely not one to stand out in a crowd which at times could probably be useful. This trait comes from his mother which stands at roughly 5 feet flat. It's a trait that he doesn't mind really, as standing out isn't really his goal. His body is fairly muscular, though not overly so. He prefers to use Taijutsu, though with the clothes he wears, it'd be almost impossible to tell from his physical musculature. Nevertheless, he manages to attract women here and there, though never the woman he's going for.

    He generally wears a blue and black shirt that sports the Uchiha clan symbol on the chest and left shoulder. Over his back sits a back-pack that is slung with a sash. On the sash sits a Konohagakure forehead protector which is sewn onto the leather. He tends to wear dark leather gloves on both of his hands and deep black pants with orange pockets. On his back he holds a Katana with a red sheath and a blue hilt. The blade is really nothing special, but he wears it almost everywhere.


      Race: Human
      Hair: Jet-Black, Straight
      Eyes: Onyx
      Body: Muscular, thin.
      Ethnicity: Hi no Kuni Fire Country
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by Mitsuaki Tue May 07, 2013 4:47 am

    Personality: Mitsuaki is fairly extroverted, not really caring who he is talking to, regardless of their rank of age. I feels that everyone should be treated equal and no one is above or below anyone else. This in mind, deep down, he believes he and those he cares about are above other people and isn't afraid to voice that thought. This ideal permeates into almost any endeavor he partakes in. There have been many times where Mitsuaki has dragged guys away from his younger sister, feeling they weren't good enough for her. Though he believes he's better than everyone else, he doesn't have a snobby air. In fact, he's very down to earth, he just believes everyone else is below the earth.

    He's very level headed, being able to sympathize with people while still maintaining the distance that he likes to give. He's never one to tell the same story about himself, even if the topic of discussion is the same. (He tends to tell different people lies so they'll go back and forth about it for his amusement) He enjoys watching other people stare in confusion and at times will say the most awkward of things for the sole purpose of making others stop dead in their tracks. He doesn't particularly care about others opinion of him, which makes him fun to be around as a friend. His sense of humor is great when you're not the topic of his discussion, however, when you are, you might find yourself at the end of a nasty joke.

    Although he likes to talk trash and throw banter, he's no punk. He will gladly back up any assertions he's got about you and is generally one to bash someone before becoming their friend. He likes to push people to their breaking point and see how angry they'll get before he'll respect them. He feels that if they're willing to stand up to him, then they can be a great asset. Once he finds a friend, he's extremely loyal to them, finding them extremely important. While he believes everyone who's not his friend is below him, he believes every single one of his friends is above him. Above all, he holds his little sister Amari which he'd die to protect.

    Mitsuaki is a little bit of a loudmouth, not afraid to be the one who stands up and stands out among his friends. He's more of a leader-type person, however, he's not afraid to sit back and let others take the lead of the show. He's one who can easily see his own faults, though not always easily fix them. He understands that he doesn't always have the best plans and is always willing to listen to suggestions if someone has a better idea. This in mind, he's not one to listen to nagging and complaining all the time and is cutthroat to those who decide to nag him.

    He loves to read and would probably end up making his own website dedicated to others writing stories for him to read. writing a book one day. He likes to read all types of books, though he secretly enjoys romance a little more than the others. He reads it in his free time and though he'll read it out in the open where others can see, it's never where anyone who might recognize the title of the book may see it. Naturally, as well as enjoying a good read, Mitsuaki enjoys all forms of art, from painting to music. He's able to play two instruments, three if you include poorly. He finds this to be his greatest weakness, as if he ever meets a woman who can play music beautifully or paint beautifully, he'll openly admit his love for her.

    Rank/Village Title: Chuunin
    Village: Konohagakure no Sato
    Title: N/A
    Organization / Team: N/A

    Style Allocation:
    Total Points to Spend: 3

    • Ninjutsu: 0
    • Genjutsu: 2 Major
    • Taijutsu: 1 Minor
    • Puppetry: 0
    • Ijutsu: 0
    • Fuuinjutsu: 0

    Kekkei Genkai/Clan: Uchiha
    Element: Katon Primary / Fuuton Secondary

    Weaponry: (The Weapons that are Equipped and ready to be used.)

    • Katana x 1
    • Kunai x 10
    • Shuriken x 25

    Starting Inventory: (Any Non Weapons and tools. This includes puppets scrolls, etc.)

    Last edited by Mitsuaki on Tue May 07, 2013 11:28 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Mitsuaki (Fire Country) Empty Re: Mitsuaki (Fire Country)

    Post by Mitsuaki Tue May 07, 2013 4:47 am

    Jutsu Total: Ten







    Kekkei Genkai: (The abilities granted by bloodline)
    Bloodline Jutsu: (The Jutsu learned from the bloodline)

    The Well-Kept Secret

    The Senju would look down to his son, sitting with his legs crossed in an enlightened fashion. Your first day in the academy is to begun today Mu. Both you an Amari are going to be in the academy together. Though your mother is against it, I have decided that you'll be able to take care of her. You will protect her at all costs. He would place a single hand on the head of his son, looking at him with a smile on his face. His tone was serious, but the energy he gave off was playful and energetic. You're her older brother after all, nothing should be happened to her without you knowing. Understand? Mitsuaki would nod his head, not actually ready to speak. His father had taught him about speaking out of turn when talking to his elders.

    Now... On to a more important topic. He would pause for a split second, as if looking for a better way to phrase his words. You unlocked something the other day. I know because I watched you fight... That was the sharingan. The boy's face would freeze as if shocked by the fact his father knew. Uh-huh... Just as I suspected. You are forbidden from using this anymore. Understand? You are an Uchiha, yes. But you are also a Shinobi like any other. You don't need tricks and gimmicks to win, especially tricks and gimmicks that have such taxing risks. Until you are old enough, you are forbidden from using the Sharingan. The boy's face would sadden, confused with the order, but he would not dispute the orders from his father. He would notice that the tone his father was using changed from the playful energy into a more serious tone. Additionally. Amari is not to know that you've unlocked the Sharingan. Understand? As far as you're concerned, you never unlocked it. Mitsuaki once again would nod his head, not wanting to dispute such a matter with his father. Also... I want you to understand. You will be fine. If you get into a pinch. Relax, sit back. Things will work out. Trust your body, trust your sister, and more than anything, trust your own intelligence. That is all you need to win and survive. Mitsuaki sat confused as to why this information was being imparted to him, but he asked no questions, simply accepting what was given to him. Mu, you may speak... Are we clear...?

    Yeah... We're clear. Crystal.

    The boy's face was calm, confused, but calm nonetheless. With his hands on his lap, he would look to his father whose black hair hung down the front and back of his body to the middle of his back and upper chest. Though he was a Senju, their resemblance would make it quite obvious that they were father and son. It confused Mitsuaki as to why this conversation had been brought up. It wasn't like it had been warranted. It worried him however, that his father would bring up the idea of using the sharingan before even joining the academy. Why was it that using the sharingan was forbidden from him?

    Go ahead then Mu... Also... This conversation...? This never happened. You start your first day in the academy in a few hours. I don't want anyone reporting to me that you've been using the sharingan. You'll understand when you're older. Mitsuaki would nod his head, closing his eyes. His lecture to him rang in his head as he sat with his eyes closed. It had been only two days since unlocking the sharingan and his father banned him from using it? What type of crap is that? Mitsuaki would stand, turning and leaving the room. Why was it that he would only understand once he had grown up? These were things that would come to him in time...

    The Academy

    His first day in the academy went extremely well, he escorted his sister to class, making sure she was to sit in the front, then promptly sat himself in the far back of the class. Keeping a watchful eye over his sister, he would make sure to also at the very least, learn the basics of each lesson. He was no genius, but he definitely wasn't an idiot either. He managed to trick the other children into doing his work for him, making it seem as though working for him was something they wanted to do, not something he wanted. This allowed him to pass the class while doing absolutely nothing. He knew his stuff very well, he just wasn't much of a "turn in work" type of guy.

    It didn't take him very long to notice there were boys here and there that had taken an interest in his sister. After all, he had taken an interest to a couple girls here and there as well. Of course, many knew that Amari was well-guarded by Mitsuaki himself. It didn't take him very long to get into his first fight with another boy who was interested in Amari. Well... You couldn't really call it a fight so much as an "ass-kicking." Finding the boy in the hallways, Mitsuaki would catch the kid in the gut with a punch, causing him to bend over. Lining his shoulder up with the boy quickly, he would spin across the boys back, wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling the boy to the ground. His athletic build made him a tad bit more agile than the students in his age group, however, he wasn't the most durable. Nevertheless, the boy was pinned and the cold stare that Mitsuaki often gave to his defeated foes was more than enough to send the boy running, crying to a teacher.

    As to be expected, Mitsuaki was given quite a reputation from this, mostly considered an ass hole, cock-blocker and various other names. Additionally, it gave him a reputation with girls here and there. There's always at least one girl that respects the bad kid. He didn't care, though, really only caring about the promise he had made to his father. It was in the academy that he was given the nick-name Matsu. Like the pine-tree, against all odds, he was going to stand strong and in any condition, he would hold his pristine form and nature. His father respected this name more than anyone else.

    The Genin Years

    Upon graduating, Matsu would immediately be given a team. Being a year ahead of Amari they would never be teamed together as genin. At least that was the plan. Matsu had a plan of his own however, wanting to make sure that Amari was never given the situation where she would need to develop the Sharingan, he would allow himself to fail the first set of tests to become a Chuunin, forcing him to be partnered with Amari. Matsu had planned everything perfectly, do to Matsu himself being fairly good at taijutsu and Amari being a Genjutsu user, their third team mate would have to either be an Ijutsu user or a Ninjutsu user, both being perfectly fine. It meant that they were useful when with the team, however, alone, they were useless.

    Just as he had planned, the third team mate had failed rather quickly in the Chuunin exams and the brackets fell in the favor of Amari, giving her opponents that were unlikely to cause her to awaken her sharingan. Matsu himself found little trouble against his opponents, they were all younger than him after all and he had very little to worry about. Then came the round of fighting his sister. Laughing at the idea of fighting each other, they humored the crowd to begin with. Matsu would give the girl a fair fight. He had to be careful not to push her too far however and he had to make sure he didn't make the fight look obvious as to his intent. They would both fight on even levels, giving a fight that would go back and forth before both looked tired. Now however they would disappoint the onlookers eager for a winner. Staring at each other they would both turn and give a bow towards the crowd and walk away to the torrent of boos. They didn't care though. They had fought all they would against one another. From this they would both be given their Chuunin rank and their story would continue to unfold.


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    Post by Amesuke Wed May 08, 2013 1:30 am


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