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    Cellular Symbiosis

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

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    Cellular Symbiosis Empty Cellular Symbiosis

    Post by Erika Fri May 10, 2013 4:46 am

    • Name: Cellular Symbiosis.
      Requirements: My permission (as I will GM the NPC).
      Cost: 350 EXP and then IC interaction with the man known as Kheine (NPC), or someone who has his formula. (It will not be pleasant if you meet with Kheine).
      Description:A formula created a scientist whose only real interest was random research involving the human body. Dubbed by him as Cellular symbiosis he found it as a funny little experiment that could make people have weird adaptations about their body; without any real need to sacrifice their already amusing features. It was a true genetic breakthrough for him; and while it was mostly due to pure luck (as much of his science was) he employed it all the same to those whom he had within his care and previously had within his care as an “upgrade” for them. Sometimes nothing would change and he marked it as a horrible and un-amusing failure; other times all that would change would be their appearance, and again that would be boring. Sometimes though they gain a set of features he deemed to be acceptable, the dubbed “perfect” part of it by him; he would then move on and not slaughter them out of boredom. Cellular symbiosis has a weird set of traits associated with it; many of which are just simple enhancements to the normal body that makes it slightly better at performing nearly everything. Nicknamed as a super human formula he failed to mention it rarely has any effect unless other modifications or ninja training has been done by the one affected, and even then it has a high chance of killing them instead of safely mutating the body to where it accepts the new features; not that the bastard gave a damn.

      Several traits are associated with this ability, and throughout the testing processes allot of traits have been actively noticed; but only a few every manifest within one individual. While all traits are something the creator desired to come about; as it was an accident in the first place he didn’t pay too much attention to that and instead focused on what people gained rather than did not have; like any true mad scientist. The noted symptoms and mutations from this serum are as follows: adaptable lungs for breathing in unstable environments (though sadly lack of any oxygen will still cause suffocation), passive minor regeneration of the skin healing most injuries upon it in one post. Sub dermal armor that strengths (but retains flexibility) skin and veins against standard type weaponry level threats. Enhanced muscles making tiring from exercise nearly nonexistent (has had no seeming effect on chakra usage however); growths in terms of wings for possible flight, or claws comparably as strong as the standard shinobi Kunai. Enhanced intelligence has been noted as well making those affected look back on their past selves as imbeciles. Improved internal organ recovery and durability has also been noted in some though the effects are mostly related to clotting and resistance to toxic substances (Making getting drunk or high nigh impossible, but hell intoxicating effects from enemies aren’t a problem). Improved immune system for handling poisons (typically negating effects from poisons within your usable rank range), and finally vastly improved life span. Three is the noted “perfect number” and has the least chance for an imperfection to pop up and as such a successful subject normally has three and no more or less changes.

      The downsides of this serum however are made evident once you realize he didn’t bother to remove or reduce any of them; and while three recorded symptoms are shown within most people subjugated to the serum these are only the perfect ones he views as complete successes. There are those who die, or worse get the effects but in turn lose something within their own body as it mutates out of control. You can have more than three effects from above just are noted of the changes that will happen to you here, they are as follows: Infertility is rampant in those who are too far mutated which makes them failures for being evolutionary dead ends, that and their life span is shortened (cannot have increased life span). Damage chakra networks as the body adjusts its organs and structure to fit the (overall -30% to chakra control), the decay of senses making all senses 30% less effective; the decrease in muscle memory making training (yes all of it) 30% harder. It has been noted that for every two mutations over three (starting at four) the subject has suffered from one of these effects which has made them failure in most cases and destroyed for it.

      1. (three+ mutations chosen, if more than three chosen also list the flaw{s} here too).
      2. (three+ mutations chosen, if more than three chosen also list the flaw{s} here too).
      3. (three+ mutations chosen, if more than three chosen also list the flaw{s} here too).



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    Cellular Symbiosis Empty Re: Cellular Symbiosis

    Post by Amesuke Fri May 10, 2013 5:23 am

    Looks fine to me. The draw backs seem fair enough.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:40 pm