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    General Forum Rules: Out of character and In character

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

    Fame : 551

    Shinobi Information
    General Forum Rules: Out of character and In character Left_bar_bleue500/500General Forum Rules: Out of character and In character Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)
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    General Forum Rules: Out of character and In character Empty General Forum Rules: Out of character and In character

    Post by Erika Sat May 11, 2013 11:03 pm

    Forum OOC rules
    Below is a list of rules we adhere to on this forum out of character, please read through all of them and follow them accordingly, remember they are here for everyone’s benefit.

    • No disrespecting other members: You may hate their guts or they were incredibly rude to you, that is fine complain about them to a friend on a messenger etc. Do not return fire with fire as it only leads to more problems as who knows maybe in a few hours will get along with them again just fine.

    • Posting content: Please refrain from posting NSFW content within signatures and within the forum and chat box, things that are very close to being NSFW will also be looked as negative: An example would be hentai, porno, or clips that seem to be very promotions worthy. More fan service like pictures and such so long as they are within reason are not a problem however.

    • Do not post or talk about illegal content: Do not brag about pirating or doing things illegal within your area on this forum; it’s just a bad idea in general to brag about it anyway especially on the internet where things are recorded.

    • Post complains/comments within the suggestion box: It is there for a reason for questions and complaints that you wish to see addressed, we are less staff oriented here and more member friendly so please keep that in mind whenever you go to complain/ask a question.

    • Don’t hassle mods: This does not mean do not ask them to do work just means do not spam them to do work; this site requires allot of maintenance and it only compounds when more and more apps are created. If you feel you are hassling a mod by asking them simply try and help out in apps yourself if you have potentially good input; remember the more you help a mod out the more likely it is they will look over your app/grading.

    • Do not post uselessly within apps: Silly and stupid comments are welcome in the OOC forums, but within apps we like to try and keep things so do not post in someone else’s app with something useless. A funny joke comment occasionally is okay (especially if they are your friend) but really we wish to keep the spam content in there to a minimum so if you must absolutely post something silly; please include some kind of productive context within the post as well, it will not only get a laugh but help mods and the creator out.
    • Forum rating: We consider this forum to around 13-17 years of age in content (as the word fuck is R17) and as such we do allow for swearing in character and out of character. This being said try not to just spam it it’s not really funny and only works in certain instances. DO not swear towards someone to be hurtful to them, but swearing in general isn’t a huge issue.

    • Do not sexually harass other members: Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual etc. While the occasional joke can be funny or use of slag terms can be okay we do not want to see it being used as direct harassment. This includes things like saying someone’s character is hot and you want to have sex with them and like omg etc etc. I have seen it done and it has been very creepy and unwelcome for the one who made said character. Even when not referring to a character do not do it; it’s just rude and very offensive.

    • Accounts: For every character you have you must have 1 account; which means most people at max characters will have 3 accounts. Keep in mind this is to track Ryou and EXP separately and works better for our systems on site. DO not view this as an excuse to just multi account and harass people while thinking no one will know who are you; it’s dumb and will get you banned. The account name can be related to your character and is recommended to be such; though it can be more general just keep in mind it will harder for people to recognize the character right off the bat.

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

    Fame : 551

    Shinobi Information
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    Ryou Pouch: 0

    General Forum Rules: Out of character and In character Empty Re: General Forum Rules: Out of character and In character

    Post by Erika Sat May 11, 2013 11:03 pm

    Forum IC rules
    Below is a list of rules we adhere to on this forum in character, please read through all of them and follow them accordingly, remember they are here for everyone’s benefit.

    • No metagaming: While some abilities might allow you to “metagame” to a certain degree (such as knowing someone’s bloodline, history etc through some method.) do not do it on purpose without anything to back it. This includes attacking a character as you must have SOLID evidence that you wish too not just “I didn’t catch them this one time they attacked my place and now know where they are etc.” the thread will be ignored. It’s much more fun to do the character development and find out things through the grape vine and fair ways than just claiming you can do it anyway.

    • No god modding: You cannot hit someone’s character automatically, even if you want too so badly. This is simply because we go by a post by post basis for attacking and defending meaning everyone has within this post enough time to react to you (normally), and it requires more than just a simple statement of “I hit you” to actually hit someone.

    • Escaping a topic: When the going gets rough and you want to leave this is how you do it: escaping a topic is very easy first post that you are attempting to flee (hopefully backed up by your character attempting to run away) and if no one attacks you or hits you in some way/gives serious chase, you are free to leave. You cannot attempt to escape a topic while incapacitated.

    • Post length minimum: We like all posts to be at least 100-150 words in length as it helps the other person to respond. We also like posts to be in third person however first person is acceptable if done in a way others can respond to it. the word count length should not be underdone (as in don’t post 50 words etc.) but you can post as much as you want over the minimum.

    • Splitting posts: This is a method which you make one post but put a breaker in it to let everyone know each section is a separate post in terms of count towards learning a jutsu etc. While this isn’t needed as much due to the word count option some people prefer to do it this way and it should be noted that this method cannot be used in serious fights. This method can be used in training thread or with another’s proven consent .

    • Battle topics: these are topics like event missions or places where you are actually attempting to fight to the death over an objective rather than just simply sparing. This style of topic varies but the rules are all the same: you cannot learn anything in these topics nor spend EXP and except to gain whatever it is you spent it on within the topic, the same goes for rep points etc.

    • Time in RP: Is slightly relative, keep in mind that events going on overall (such as a shinobi war) and such limit the ability to age an RPC relative to others, so just remember that, otherwise times is very liquid and can generally bend to an RPC’s plot within reason.

    • Topics: Finally you are limited to 1 topic per RPC you have, meaning you can only be in one topic at a time with each character. This is to keep things fluid in terms of overall story and so that you do not have to worry about death happening in one topic while you are hanging out in two others. The only time this rule is broken is if a jutsu or ability allows you to break this rule ICly in which case it will be stated within the talent/jutsu itself.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 7:00 pm