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    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

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    Post by Erika Fri May 17, 2013 9:27 pm

    Missions had come and gone like the wind and the only thing to show for it was more bloodshed and little progress made. Frustrating to the core the young girl known as Erika was quite fed up with the whole system and tired of having to fight others her age and above especially since her recent promotion. She had brought one poor soul to her village in hopes of them not being killed, but now she didn’t know what to think besides being selfish and wishing for her days on the front to be over and done with. Many upon the front lines and within the scouting leagues all commented to each other how their eyes had changed and their attitudes. It was no longer the eyes and attitudes of a dreamer but of one who have seen the worst humanity could offer and had the guilt of joining in with them. Sadly no one could escape the grip of war within this land, and as such despite how Erika knew she could run away; she knew that she would be hunted as a traitor and killed by her own people for simply desiring to not feel like the worst scum of humanity. She knew how Kohaku felt now more and more every day and it baffled her as to why Amesuke did not end this fighting. He seemed like the type who didn’t like to see comrades die for the purpose of getting land; or revenge.

    Erika’s mission today was simple border patrol that hopefully wouldn’t go wrong. She was assigned to a small group of individuals who were apparently very skilled at what they did, which meant they weren’t skilled at anything. The actual conflicts took place within the rain and grass country borders which meant that being just border patrols they didn’t have to have skills right now; they just had to be able to run away. It was frustrating for Erika to be away from her squad she knew but the village assigned her away from them due to her new rank and how she wasn’t a scout anymore. It was an easy but frustrating job, so she tried to lessen her frustration by communicating to her squad mates over the radio. Come in guys what’s your status all clear over in the fifth sector. Static was the only sound that she could hear coming from it. Again she tried to contact them, come in guys this isn’t funny… Again just static was on the other line, and she didn’t know if it was just a joke on their part due to her being the new member to the group, or if they had been attacked. She found it odd that they would have been attacked and she wouldn’t have, but luck could have favored her this day. She looked at the time she had kept and then figured where they would have been at such a time, and made her way to the closest of companions.

    Upon arriving at the scene she had but one choice to confirm her dismay, one them at least had been killed. His body didn’t show much sign of real eternal damage so she had to rule or some kind of big fancy jutsu, instead it was just a simple stab to the neck. Angle she couldn’t determine all that well due to how the perpetrator mangles his side, but she could determine the facing of the person. If they were right handed they would have attacked from behind, and if they were left from the front. Since despite these guys being simple border patrols were still of Chunnin rank and that meant the assassins were highly trained and had Intel on them, on her. This was bad she was a target as well and had to but guess that the assassin might still be nearby waiting for her to show up, so didn’t have much time to mourn or check on the other potential survivors. What was really strange though was the pattern of wound she saw it almost seemed like it was an Iwagakure pattern…

    She did not have much time to muse over this as soon as she started to think about it as she stared towards the wounded teammate a ruffle hit the bushes and a figured leaped from it kunai in hand and katana in the other. Erika turning around barely managed to have the katana miss her face by a hair, though it didn’t actually miss some hair and as the red strands fell she pulled up her own Kunai to block the next inevitable attack. Clashing of iron vs. steel could be heard and Erika felt the pressure coming down on her. This guy was far more competent in close combat then she was, and that was a problem. She couldn’t just wear this guy out and take him in a clean way as he would get the finishing blow far faster than she would get her; her main tactic was disabled for this engagement. Then there was the kunai he held in his other hand but was not using, clearly a weapon designed to kill the opponent from whatever angle they could and not designed to be used in close combat unlike their katana. Pushed back from her original position a good few feet simply due to blocking Erika did the one thing she knew would catch them by surprise. As her free hand performed hand seals behind her back she purposely let her attack miss the opponent and open herself up and as the opponent came down to slash her she would blast them with a face full of fire as they got stuck in her tendrils. It was the only good plan she had come up with to beat them and she hoped it would work.

    As her kunai missed the opponent and she left her side open her opponent did not go to slash with the Kanata and instead got back and moved to the left just as she released the fireball towards him. Erika was stunned to say the least and as she moved her other hand back to grab a kunai from her pouch he was gone Preparing for an attack from behind by the sly bastard Erika turned around full force only to feel a sharp pain within her body as she finished her rotation. She was actually feeling pain which meant but one thing, they had pierced her heart and as she looked forward she saw the one she had been fighting, meaning that there was another behind her; they had indeed killed her squad mates and probably before they could radio for help. How they had gotten here wasn’t important, as she was about to be killed with but a few more heart pokes. She didn’t have anything to say but that she had been out smarted, and was about to be killed by unknown people within her own country. She wished she could apologies to a few people though for failing them, and as she fell to the ground she felt as if a tear would leave her normally dry eyes. The sound of the blade being readied echoed throughout the entire area for her as he began to plunge down towards her.

    No no no this will simply NOT do. You gents cannot kill this one like the others that would spoil the entire bunch. a man stated as Erika started to fade in and out of consciousness. look the poor thing is almost out cold all because you bullied her. just because you are the one who we are supposed to listen to on this mission doesn’t mean you can just do— The man who had been the stabber of Erika and the potential killer of her was now greeted with a sharp pain in his right arm, and no sword in his hand to finish the target off, Oh my sir you seem to have come down with a case of mutagen, it is a shame really but it happens to the best of us Take care of that arm wound will you~ The sounds of pain that could be heard would be described as going from human to inhuman in the blink of an eye and the man who was sparing Erika’s face underneath his mask wished it had the room to vomit. Kheine on the other hand did not bat an eyelash at it and instead looked down towards Erika and smiled, Oh wonderful she is still alive, in fact she should be just fine should I apply a little medic fu to her. Well what are you waiting for let us take her to the lab that your country has so generously given me. pointing down towards her form Kheine vanished into a veil of mist that seemingly came from nowhere (though we all know he made it just to be a show off) the one who was fighting her picked her up and began to move towards the base noticing that her skin was beginning to heal where the wound had been struck.

    Erika’s eyes slowly opened as she felt the pain throughout her body subsiding. It was a relief to have such pain be gone from her body, but why did she still feel it if she had been unconscious for a while now that was the odd part like something was gripping down on her heart and locking it in place. As her eyes widened she realized she could not see anything nor could she move all she could feel was a breeze upon her heart, her tendrils that were connected to it being locked into position by something. Oh looks like activity is rising too bad I have to use all of these crud and inhumane bonding devices or else I could see her pretty face. sir were you not about to just release her face retraints? Erika was puzzled but then the voice spoke but a second later, oh and now you have just RUINED the surprise, honestly can I never have one peaceful ham moments around here what do I hire you goons for anyway you always spoil my fun. Now then. a small thud could be heard along with the clamor of the machinery around her, the light from the ceiling blinded her almost as the darkness she was becoming familiar with faded into bright strobes. As her eyes started to adjust to the light Kheine was just standing there preparing something his wicked smile upon his face the entire time, while a body was next to him presumably the one who questioned and ruined his fun earlier. Erika did not know this man name however, but she did know that face and grin he was the one who killed Kaijo her friend, and beat her half to death. She didn’t want to think of it but now all of this made sense, but why was she still alive if he had wanted to kill her he could have, unless of course he wanted to do something else to her something far worse.

    Kheine sighed as he readied a needle and flicked the tip a bit with his pure white glove, My dear do not look at me with those questioning eyes, you are not smart enough to see what I am doing. Sorry to say but the foolish and stupid such as yourself will never grasp the genius that is me. does a genius constantly insult those who he is trying to get not to rip his face off? a chuckle came from Kheine, how delectably vicious, no my darling I was being considerate of you, as I simply would detest watching a young pretty flower like you wither as you try and grasp the might vision that is myself, though I should expect it anyway all children rebel against their parents at one point or another tis only natural. Erika’s face turned far more serious than scoffing, what do you mean… parent? Whoops did I just spill the beans, I am sorry my dear I should not have done that yet, but yes you could call me your parent for lack of a better term I mean I did not personally see to the impregnation of your mother via my own gene’s but I did raise you to be very unique and have a wonderful potential life! One which I now hope to further even more after this day. as Kheine approached Erika focused on him and the needle, whatever it was this pure white room (seriously is this color the guy’s fetish or something) reminded her of a JJ Abrams movie. She didn’t like that needle though and when he got in close and started to lean down to inject it she let her tendrils fly from her face to attempt to grab the needle as only her eyes remained intact. Almost wishing to smile she felt a tug on them from the other end and she hadn’t hit the needle at all; Kheine had grabbed her tendrils all of them with his free hand like I said rebellion is common, my dear why fight the one who gave you those magnificent appendages in the first place I am only trying to help you, then why did you kill my friend! backing away and letting the tendrils go Erika had them face back to form her face… somewhat she had lost allot of skin and probably wouldn’t be able to get it back which was a shame but she didn’t want to die by needle.

    On the contrary I was trying to bring him back but he wished to fight me so I tested him and he was weak, really dear he killed himself like you might do right now after all I do have little patience in the ways of medicine and children, so please be a dear and do not attempt that again his stern voice was followed by a cheerful smile of encouragement., as he approached once again and Erika didn’t do anything, she was trying too but she could not move at all., her only conclusion was that he used on a jutsu on her at that moment. Regardless of it he looked at her heart and touching it with his free hand smiled, and located the right vein to begin. Finding it within but a second he poked and pushed the fluid into the heart and sighed, See how hard was that my dear Erika, done already if only you had been nicer I wouldn’t have had to wait a bit to do it, oh well let me get my clip board don’t do any mutating before I get that you hear alright? Getting up from his chair Erika began to slightly pant (despite not having lungs go figure right?) and it felt as if her heart was on fire. Picture a organ being torn from the inside out and rearranged, that is what she was feeling and since it was her only organ and only area of pain a feeling she did not know well Erika was starting to have a panic attack. It was so much for her to deal with that she couldn’t and her vitals (that he was measuring) were starting to drop. Approaching with a clip board and pen Kheine sighed, really dear you must NOT have a panic attack and die, I mean you will survive this I am sure of it your genetic composition is quite strong and long lived, though I must say this might not make as long lived as you would have hoped but still… oh for heaven’s sake! Putting out a needle from his cloak he jabbed her heart with it and her rate slowed down and down until it was stable and her eyes were half glazed over, there no more pain for you for now let me witness your bodies changes without anymore interruptions please, and thank you.

    Slowly as she was all knocked out of it her face began to reconstruct and his hand took notes. She was healing in both her heart and her skin she had used against him in a failed attempt to be a badass. Kheine simply kept up his research and notes as he over the course of a week kept her sedated and studied. She gradually became something that he would have viewed as a failure it was wasn’t for the previous experiments that he had done when she was but a baby. When Erika began to stir once more there was no sign of him, and no real sign of any activity within the room for a good while it all seemed very empty and shallow. She felt herself all in one “piece” as it were and still trapped within the chair, seriously she had been here for how long now? She figured only a few hours but little did she actually know; and if she did she would be pretty pissed and want a shower. As she grew ever more aware of what she needed to do to escape from her binds, mostly because the key’s (or what she presumed were the keys) were right next to her chair. Reaching out from her face with a few of the little tendrils she picked them up and began to unlock herself, only now noticing that she had indeed had no clothes this entire time. She would have “blushed” but fortunately she didn’t have anything but a heart so who in reality cared about it.

    Looking around the room after getting her bearings upon the ground, again as she was used to being within the ‘chair’, Erika found what appeared to be clothes especially for her with a lovely little note. How did she happen upon them well they were the only things within the room besides the keys so it was quite hard to miss. Apparently Kheine’s fashion sense wasn’t too horrible as it was just a nice dress and plain underwear, but still it was creepy; and then she knew he had planned for her to “escape”. Unsettling to say the least Erika she didn’t waste time worrying about it and instead got dressed and picked up her ninja tools that he had so generously laid out for her too, along with a most curious note and folder which seemed to contain papers; no doubt documents. Erika scanned over the letter and almost didn’t want to read it until she remembered this guy always wanted to have things his way, and if she didn’t give him his way things would get annoyingly difficult. It felt like she was trained but she just wanted to leave and if it meant playing a little game for a second longer then so be it.

    Opening the suspicious letter Erika read it to herself within her head, ”Dear my little new snow white (Like it I found it clever given the newest set of circumstances)

    Thank you for being such a smashing success this day. Please take your things and be off with you as there is no more need for your presence here and I do not wish to have guard dogs come down on you. I know you will NOT do this if I do not provide you with some answers, so thus I have! Am I not just the best adoptive father in the entire world oh honestly you should kiss me for being so nice as it rarely happens! I am personally proud of it too as it provides a detailed list of just all the things you probably want to know about and some of my old lab locations too boot; again kiss me my darling as I am truly the most generous of people. Anyway enjoy your freedom and always try and be in a situation where I can interrupt you as I have may an experiment later that I will simply need you for, oh and please do not kill yourself either I have done allot of work to make you better this day and the least you can do is not jump off a cliff.


    Snow white? also what a dick. She made sure to say the last part as she was sure he was listening somehow and she wanted him to hear that so much. Taking the folder but not reading it yet she headed for the doo4r and opened it without any worry at all, in fact the hallway was clear and there was a cute little arrow pointing towards the “exit”. As there was no one in sight and she presumed all the doors would be locked, and she right now didn’t care to look in them anyway she just ran following all the arrows. It wasn’t easier to run but she no longer had pain in her heart at all, and that is what counted right now, plus she could actually leave… hopefully. After a few dull moments of her running she saw the entrance bunker doors that were opened and going through it with a dodge roll (to look cool obviously!) and going a some more feet forward into the mountainous region she hear a loud thump from behind her. Turning to face towards the base she lost cool point as she looked at the explosion as the base collapsed and she was left out in the middle of nowhere mountain side. This was just great but at least she had “supplies” right? A folder that she did not wish to look into just yet and instead she wanted to report to Iwagakure about what had happened and who was running around.

    As she took a seat upon a nicely placed rock she sighed, and put the folder down and ran her hands through her hair only to catch something. When she saw a loose strand fall it wasn’t the normal red that she was used too but white, and taking a lock of it in front of her face she noticed that it was indeed white. [color:127e=red]So that’s what the dastard meant by “snow white” clever little jerk taking away my nice natural color, great I did notice that I am also a little taller too and do have skin back on my face so.. I probably look different. He probably planned that so I couldn’t tell anyone about it; but that still won’t matter Amesuke will know me if I talk to him. As she thought that and prepared to get up from the rock and move towards the directions he thought the village was in a kunai came flying out from behind some higher placed cover. Pulling out her own and blocking it Erika assumed a fighting stance and prepared to give whoever this was the run down. She assumed it would be the same two she had fought within the wooded area though this area had far less cover so they couldn’t ambush as well as they thought this time. Still this wouldn’t be easy and as she caught a shadow moving up above she saw him attacking directly the same katana in one hand the kunai in the other. As she blocked his Katana and jumped back to avoid having as much pressure upon her this time she started to remember something that she didn’t remember at the time. It was like she could think clearly even in this type of combat now, was it apart of that blasted mutation the “good doctor” gave her; well while she still was disgusted and unsure what was happening to her she was thankful that she was now remembering this piece of information.

    As the man came down upon her, she dodged to the left of his strike and with her free left hand entangled the sword with her tendrils, and started a tug of war with the masked man. I didn’t want to believe it at first, but that moment back in the forest it was a little too obvious, and you should have changed up your fighting style to really catch me off guard Sensei. The man in the mask didn’t act surprised and instead backed off himself letting her take his sword and removing his mask he chuckled a bit, you know Erika you were always smart and talented, guess he just made you more so to figure that out from being in actual combat. Still I think letting you go would be a mistake of a grand scale. Erika threw the Kanata off of the hillside and had the tendrils retreat into her hand that she had destroyed performing that attack, again she would go without skin for a while except that it was slightly recovering as she looked at it. Her skin could potentially regenerate, oh that made life so much easier and better now she didn’t have to stitch herself together anymore. Regardless she had to a thing or two to say to her sensei turned traitor. A mistake huh? That’s not your call right as he let me go and even gave me a nice present on the way out saying I was a smashing success; looks like your leash isn’t as tight as I would have assumed. Thank you for exposing yourself though because of that Iwagakure will know that you are a traitor to them too. Her sensei began to laugh instead of feel threatened, Oh you still think they want you back is that it? Tell me did he say that he was your father right? Who do you think commissioned you in the first place it certainly wasn’t your mom and dad; it was Iwagakure and now that he has had his way with you and changed you, do you really think that he would let you go back to your old life? No he wants to see you live a new one and with that explosion you have been killed off as the traitor who was double crossed by the Konoha assassination squad you struck a deal with. All figured from the beginning huh? What if I had beaten you in the forest? You wouldn’t have beaten him, and you know that. Perhaps I do know that I am no match for the one who supposedly gave me life, and I am no match for the plans that have been set against me, but one thing I do know is that I am a match for you Sensei. his expression turned slightly sour, You don’t get it do you, you were never as adapt as me at Taijutsu, nor were you ever as good as me at ninjutsu in fact you aren’t better than me at anything so sorry to say Erika but I am going to have to kill you here and now he may get mad, but he will realize that it was for the best.

    Erika’s expression for the first time in a long while became Smug as her former Sensei readied himself to make hand signs only to have tendrils from the ground below him pierce where his heart was and ensnare his hands, there was one thing that I am better at than you, talking until my ambush is ready, but you can’t really blame yourself you are a man after all right? Sexism does not befit you Erika. Perhaps not but death befits you, well that and I figured something out while I was leaving that blasted place; if I am nothing but a heart and tendrils on the inside and Kheine considers me a success despite my hair turning white and me aging then that must mean I have a shorter than normal life span correct, or at least some kind of flaw within my system. If this is the case he must have not killed me because I had a way to overcome it correct? He winced in pain as Erika’s tendrils coiled themselves around his heart and tugged slightly, So if that is the case and my only organ is the heart I can only assume that I can live longer should I take the hearts of other right? he coughed up a little bit off blood as an artery was cut by her, so this is what you become now huh, an actual traitor instead of just dying and letting the world work out better? No this is what I become when someone eliminates all my options to see my friend have peace in death, when someone takes away my home, and when someone betrays me in cold blood; but don’t feel bad Sensei. ripping his heart from its holdings and retrieving it through the lower back Erika had her free hand extend tendrils from itself and go and retrieve the heart, You get to be one with a traitor right? So you should feel proud that nothing about your blasted life will ever change. As he stopped moving she had her tendrils from her hand pierce the heart and retreat it back into her body and store it within her torso like the other one. It felt weird as she could feel two beats happening differently and then together and slowly start to happen at the same time, that and she also felt her chakra become slightly different too. Having all of her tendrils return to her body she sighed, she was going to need new shoes as she had torn a straight hole through these ones to get that awesome attack done. It was cool but now she needed more clothes and didn’t have a home.

    Looting him for his money Erika took the file and stored within her pouch as it wasn’t that big in fact it was compact guess he figured she would want it for the road. She didn’t have much choice of where to go and as she looked at the map that she had removed from the folder she noticed a lab that was “nearby” her location, with a silly face next to it saying “his favorite”. This man wasn’t just using her but he was challenging her, and until she found something better to do she figured it would be best to just play his game for a bit, well then Kheine I suppose you made me only have one path right now, and you want me to uncover secrets about you too? Well challenge accepted Kheine I hope you won’t whine too much when I beat you into the ground.

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    Mountain experiment {closed} Empty Re: Mountain experiment {closed}

    Post by Amesuke Fri May 17, 2013 11:53 pm

    I wanna say 1350 xD. I need to grade more stuff so I can get a going idea of what everything is worth.

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