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    Post by Amesuke Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:39 am


    Arianna lays fast asleep in her bed...

    Yasuteru walks the cold desert nights, the yellow scarf which was beginning to look a bit brown from the desert sand blowing in the wind, was up to his mouth, preventing him from breathing it in. His blue eyes hidden underneath the sandy goggles on his face. He would travel through the night, his two companions behind him, a single file line. He stopped at the top of a sand dune and turned to the female behind him. Nodoka... I want you to stay here. It's not like I-- We could risk losing you. You've got all of the mission reports and such... Heh... The young man stumbled over his words a little, but managed to get a nice save. The girls cheeks went a rosy red, barely visible in the dark night, embarrassed. In truth, Yasuteru would like nothing more than to have said something as romantic as that to the girl, but he was ridiculously shy, not to mention afraid of rejection. Yasuteru turned to the male and said, Soka, You come with me. He turned and pointed down the dune to a small speck that seemed to be in the direct center of all of the dunes. He took out some binoculars, giving them to Soka. Take a look. Upon further inspection, it was found that this "speck" was a hatch, a trapdoor of sorts. Their mission was to infiltrate, find where it lead, gather any information on it's origins, then exit. Soka did as he usually did, make a little nod, sending the little red tips of his hair jerking forward a slight bit. Yasuteru had no clue if this guy could talk or not, but it didn't really matter because he was a good asset to the team and his signals were always spot on. Yasuteru handed Nodoka his scarf and smiled, turning to the dune.

    Yasuteru was the first one to slide down the dune, his hands planted firmly on the sand as he slid and one leg out in front of the other. Soka slid behind him, they made virtually no sound. Nodoka would stand watch outside and would communicate any information she came upon. For cover, she managed to find a nice spot in the sand where she could cover a large portion of her body, making her become nearly invisible in the dunes. She wasn't very large, roughly 5'3", so it wouldn't be an issue. She forced chakra into her head, allowing her mind to clear. As she did this, her mind was synced with Yasuteru's and she could see a great deal of distance in front of him as well as see in the dark or through smoke screens. She basically had become his eyes. Through this mind link, Nodoka said to him, I can see quite a distance up... I need you two to walk slowly, quietly, and keep low. I will map out the areas you travel by seeing through your eyes, do not worry about memorizing any of the areas. Yasuteru communicated the orders to Soka and he nodded his head once again, putting a mask on which covered his eyebrows and mouth, only showing his nose and deep black eyes.

    Nodoka is known in the village as not only being a great medical ninja, but she has learned chakra networks and the brain to a point where she can cast a genjutsu reaching a mile in radius, although these ARE technically genjutsu, they cannot be used as normal ones and the mile radius only affected those she had a close personal relationship tie with. Her genjutsu allowed her to infiltrate the mind of a person she wants and see what they see, speak into their mind, and if need be, take control of their body in a similar fashion as the yamanaka could. If the person she took control over died while they were in a mind sync, the user would die as well.

    ... After several corners, stealth eliminations, dodging spotlights, picking locks, and various other sneaky things, the two came to a massive door. Yasuteru leaned up against it and thought to Nodoka, Can you hear this? It's like... I don't know... Like something is-- Nodoka sat waiting for him to continue his sentence for a few seconds, then felt... Alone. She had lost contact with him. Yasuteru kept trying to feel if she was still connected, but it was in vain. He touched the door softly and within seconds, it lit up in a bright sea-green. Soka grabbed Yasuteru by the back of his collar and tried to pull him back, but it was like the door was absorbing him, pulling him inside. Like there was something for him to see. Soka forced a black energy to his arm to try to pull him back, but it seemed like the stronger he pulled, the stronger the door pulled. He was forced to let him go and stared at the door, pressing his hand on it and breathing heavily. He heard footsteps and turned around, seeing 3 ninja standing behind him. He sighed, closing his eyes and letting his black energy engulf his own body...

    Soka was known in the country as the black demon. He had absolutely no chakra, in fact, there was a study that showed that when he unleashed his complete form, he was able to passively and slowly draw the chakra out of enemies just by being around them. It was this that fed him and fuelled the transformation because his own body lacked chakra to fuel it. As well as being able to control this form, he is able to rip holes in reality, forming portals which he can step through and appear somewhere else. This ability is what makes him one of the strongest ninja in the country.

    The black energy faded away and Soka was left standing there, but many attributes of him were different. His hair was gone and his skin was a dark, dark black. His pupil was green and his iris was black. His canine teeth pointed down out of his mouth. His clothes were gone and he had grown about 2 feet in size from his normal 5'6" height. He grinned evilly, forcing the black energy to his palm, ripping a hole in the air. He stuck his hand through it, pulling out a massive blade and swung it downward, making it slam the ground between the ninja. He laughed evilly. The three ninja were never seen again and Soka was never seen again as well, no warning, no evidence, it was as if he never existed. It is said he pulled the three into the bowels of hell.


    Soka stood up, hearing the loud roar from behind the door. He looked straight ahead, he saw a young girl standing, staring at him. Her hair was blond and her eyes were a calm yellow. She had a headband on that had a single horn on it, like a unicorn. She had an athletic build, but it was a bit hard to discern in the dark. The girl spoke out to Yasuteru and he jumped for a second, making him miss what she said. Hey, you! What are you doing here? You're going to die! Yasuteru looked at her and tilted his head. What? What are you talking about? What do you mean I'm going to die? Do you know what the mission they gave you is really about?! It's a suicide mission, that door you pressed to get in here... It's more like a self destruct switch. This place is more than just a secret bunker. This place holds ALL of the information about the Sunagakure, the deserts around it, and pretty much every jutsu that has been created in the universe. It's about to all go to dust now though. Yasuteru's eyes widened a bit and he gritted his teeth. He had noticed ever since he came into the room, the humming had sped up and rose in pitch. The girl tossed a scroll down quickly, unraveling it and writing various letters on it. Hey... I was waiting for another person to get in here... If there's anyone you need to contact, do it with this. This scroll allows you to contact a single person... I don't have anyone to contact or I'd be out of here by now, so... You can use it... Yasuteru turned the offer down, but he did write a little something on a small photo he had in his back pocket. It was time for him to reveal the ability he had himself. He turned to the girl and said, Well... Since we're both fucked. I want to try something I learned a long time ago... Take my hand for a second, I'm going to need your chakra. The girl took his hand and he focused both of their chakra to his own eyes. They glowed a vicious blue and then an energy rose from his body like a ghost, a mixture of both of their energies. He could just barely control it. He forced himself to focus and sent it upward. Being an object with no real mass or density, it went through things, but did not puncture or break walls or anything, it was like a ghost. The energy formed itself into a massive bird with it's wings outstretched, just over the hatch. It made a sound similar to a caw which shook the earth itself, then it sat upon the hatch just as a bird sits on an egg. The humming stopped and there was quiet for a split second before a massive force could be felt from under the ground. The chakra had formed a seal over the opening, allowing the explosion to happen underground, yet not cause any fire or force to be sent up and out of the hatch. With his last breath, he protected Nodoka and she knew what he had done. The bird turned purple, then red, then shrunk and disappeared, dropping a small charred photo of him and her with the words, "Good Bye Nodoka, I Love You." in red ink. Small tears dripped to the ground and as the girl fell to her knees, the world spun around her...

    Arianna awoke in her room, a tear rolling down her face...

    I wrote this three years ago. Hard to believe my writing style has changed so much since then.

    I couldn't sleep, so I decided to find this post. I found it fairly quickly...

      Current date/time is Thu Jun 27, 2024 4:32 am