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    Post by Amesuke Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:42 am

    This list is a archive of all of the canon talents that are listed on this site. They must all be requested in the "Help Wanted" section unless otherwise stated. Several of them can be added at creation, however permission must be gained from that on a case-by-case situation.

    • Name: Curse seal.
      Requirements: ICly have been granted a Curse seal. Fuuninjutsu RPC’s/NPC’s with 2 points in it can grant this talent to an RPC.
      Cost: 300 EXP.
      Description: The dreaded curse seals that have been “blessed” upon many shinobi and regular people within the world are a strange lot; originally created upon the basis of a clan whose name is no longer known to history. This clan could naturally gather natural energy, and using a reverse process of this the curse seals were born drawing from the users chakra naturally to “live” upon them and in turn grant them power otherwise hidden within them. The curse seals themselves have many different names and appearances such as “curse seal of heaven” but all of them have the same effects roughly allowing them to be classified as one entity. How a curse seal is gained is up to debate but the effects of all the known ones currently within the world are as follows: (as a note all curse seals while in use disable the ability to regenerate chakra).

      When not in “use” the curse seal appears as a small pattern on the user’s body and causes them to have 10% less chakra than they normally would, it may cause pain when using chakra but otherwise looks and functions like a special tattoo.

      When in “regular” use a curse seal’s pattern spreads across the body taking up normally half of the body to the full body in terms of it showing; while within this usage the curse seal increases all of the user’s abilities by 45%, and they regain 5% of the chakra they would previously have drained. Leaving this form hurts the user somewhat causing minor internal bleeding if it was in use for more than 8 posts, but otherwise isn’t hurtful besides the seal itself hurting a bit.

      The real deal of the curse seal is the second form of it that can be entered. Not only are the user’s features changed but they grow new mutations that vary from seal to seal and person to person. In addition to this all of their abilities increase by 90% while within this form and they regain all of the chakra they normally would be without. Leaving this form however has dire consequences even for the most trained of ninja. When one leaves this form they are effectively weakened by 50% physically for the remainder of the thread or until they have had at least three posts of rest (so no real combat). The curse seal itself can be held in this second form for as long as the user has above 20% of their total chakra.

      • Curse seal appearance (aka the tattoo’s appearance/pattern).
      • Second form appearance including the mutations you have grown (1-2 is normally what people gain).

    • Name: Sennin Mōdo: Sage Mode
      Requirements: Advanced Genin, or Advanced Chunnin; Jounin or kage level. Summons that have a dedicated “sage” boss/character within it, or a jutsu like summoning mode that has sufficient lore for sage mode.
      Cost: 1000EXP, and 200 point training.
      Description: Sennin Mōdo is the result of mixing natural energy along with the users own chakra to drastically empower them within combat. Sennin Mōdo Is a sacred art that requires the full commitment of the one who attempts to learn it lest they find themselves a statue within a garden of failures. Sennin Mōdo focuses on the gathering of natural energy which is made up of all living things around them, making the potential energy and in turn power gained from their surroundings incredible. The one reason why this art is not practiced by all is because natural energy without proper training is poisonous to the body, resulting in the potential user turning into stone (typically) in the shape of the animal tribe they are trying to learn it from; though it has been noted that some have gained it without the use of an animal tribe; the way that this has been done is unknown but the same process just with other catalysts is assumed. Training to learn how to control natural energy is no easy task and it is normally done in an area high in concentration so the user can get used to extreme amounts and be prepared for nearly any environment thereafter. The training involves gathering it while remaining perfectly still and focusing upon the nature and energy around them; slowly but surely learning how to sense said energy from the world and tap into it faster and easier. This process could only take a few days for some, while others it could take years; as it is with all things in learning. Once the training has been mastered however the user shall gain access to the fabled Sennin Mōdo which will drastically improve their capabilities and make all that time worth it.

      Sennin Mōdo has many benefits with only a few (if not potentially fatal) drawbacks. Sennin Mōdo is a form which must be entered by gathering sufficient natural energy and as such takes a full 2 posts of preparation beforehand to enter; during which the user can move around and fight as normal; should the user have summons or a specialized catalyst (that is in contact with them at all times leading up to entering the mode) to help them gather natural energy the form can be entered within 1 post instead of 2. Sennin Mōdo has the benefit of restoring 15% standard base chakra pool per post to represent the reserves of natural energy within them; should you not use chakra in a post that you are within Sennin Mōdo you will instead gain +15% of a standard base chakra pool, which cannot exceed a total gain of 60%, or you will begin to turn into stone and need to discharge the energy. Sennin Mōdo also increases your capabilities within all your style fields by 15%, making all moves that much better for you overall; and allows you to learn a special type of jutsu “senjutsu”. Sernjutsu is usable both in and outside of Sennin Mōdo however it loses the special edge that it has when not used within Sennin Mōdo. Senjutsu is learned like Kinjutsu and functions like normal jutsu except it costs 2 ranks lower in chakra to perform whenever you use it while within Sennin Mōdo. Sennin Mōdo also gives the unique ability to dispel genjutsu by using natural energy to regulate your chakra flow; however doing this is risky, and not advised to be spammed. For every genjutsu broken in this way you lose your ability to regenerate natural energy or add it to your chakra pool, and lose 15% energy, though the effects are immediate for breaking out. Should you ever not be either regenerating natural energy or gaining it (even if you hit max 60% you “count as” regenerating.) you will leave Sennin Mōdo, and have to enter it again. Should you ever use up to 30% of your chakra pool (including natural energy pool) in one go (aka post), you will leave Sennin Mōdo immediately after the chakra expenditure that took you over the edge is launched/used. The cool down for re entering shall be 4 posts instead of just 2, without a reduction bonus from outside and inside sources possible. Being within Sennin Mōdo also confirms a 50% bonus to speed, strength, and endurance. Within Sennin Mōdo one typically has animalistic features and while a “perfect” mode is simply just having the eyes of the animal you learned it from (or tattoo’s if you used another method) there are other possibilities: simply list your Sennin Mōdo traits on your profile below this talent in a list format and a moderator shall review them, remember nothing game breaking as it is more for flare and fashion than effects.

    • Name: Kujaku Myoohoo: Mysterious Peacock method.
      Requirements: 100 point training.
      Cost: 400 EXP.
      Description: Years ago various meteorites were scattered about the world, but unlike other meteorites these were chakra infused. These chakra infused meterorites held a strange potential within them, one which Hoshigakure saw fit to attempt and use for their own gain. Years of training though and use of said chakra proved to be too dangerous for most people and in almost all cases users of the strange meteor chakra would die after a few years of using said chakra; this lead the village to ban the training, and keep the meteor as nothing more than just a reminder of their failure. This was not the only meteor that fell from the skies and others have been discovered and various training methods attempted. The result has been other ninja with this method popping up around the world, some able to survive through the effects and make the chakra useful, while others perish just like the star ninja or worse. Kujaku modifies the users chakra into a stranger form which is far more malleable than the “typical” chakra one has, and whenever a technique is in use typically a user will have a large purple shaded “peacock tail” behind them, thus where this techniques name came from. This effect gives them a 50% boost to all chakra control and allows for them to have 1 jutsu per post cost 1 rank less in chakra. In addition to this the Kujaku user has access to jutsu through this talent that are unique to the meteors chakra, all of which take 2 ranks worth of chakra less to create to full effect than other techniques.


    • Name: Jashinist experiment.
      Requirements: 100 point training.
      Cost: 500 EXP.
      Description: There exists a cult that focuses around the god of death who expects nothing less than utter destruction and death in the form of his followers enemies. Ritualistic prayer is needed within the religion to keep Jashin’s favor, and often time’s prayers simply involve asking for a good kill, or if unable to kill the target forgiveness. Jashinists are known for not being the nicest people, and typically within the ninja world are missing due to villages having some form of morality involving killing. One thing that Jashinists have been known for now is done through their secret arts to making someone a avatar of their god Jashin. These secret techniques which are currently unknown to the public, and enemies the Jashin have faced (meaning have fun with that lore part, when you write the sequence for your RPC) cause the Jashinist in question to become immortal in body. Able to survive nearly any injury such as being decapitated, or losing all of the blood in their body, even able to function so long as the parts in question aren’t snapped in half or removed. Their body also does no decay if say the heart is removed and the head cut off, and will reactive once they are connected properly again. The main disadvantage of this immortality is that while they are still impervious to many techniques they are not invincible. If their body is completely incinerated into ash for example they would be dead for all intents and purposes. Making it a situational immortality that while extensive is not omnipotent. Users of this method of Immortality have a technique that they favor above others known as “curse technique: death controlling possessed blood” Which all Jashinist followers with this talent can learn.

    • Name: Kageroo: Mayfly technique.
      Requirements: 70 point training.
      Cost: 350 EXP.
      Description: Kageroo is a talent which allows for the user to merge with nearby flora or the ground. This has a couple of benefits one of which is an increase of up to 50% of the users base speed while completely merged, allowing for light recon; and the ability to be completely removed from a chakra sensors abilities regardless of what they may be. This technique however does have its drawbacks, as entering and leaving the ground is at -50% of the users base speed, and they can still be detected by clever non chakra sensory techniques.

      • Name: Mayfly Communication technique
        Prerequisites: Kageroo: Mayfly technique.
        Style: Ninjutsu
        Jutsu Rank: B-Rank.
        Description: A technique designed to allow for the Kageroo user to communicate with others ‘far away’ from their location. This technique allows for the user to communicate with others up to 100ft away, so long as they are touching flora or the ground with their hand. This can be anyone so long as they receiving party are touching either the ground or some kind of flora connected to the ground. If the target of this technique is another Kageroo user the range is doubled.

    • Name: Hachimon; Eight Gates
      Requirements: Admin Permission per gate. Genin Level for Gates 1,2, and 3 at 30 Point Training Per Gate. Chuunin Level for Gates 4, 5, and 6 at 75 Point training per gate. Jounin level for gate 7 and eight at 100 points per gate.
      Cost: 100 Exp Points each for gates 1, 2, and 3. 250 Exp Points each for gates 4, 5, and 6. 375 Exp points each for gates 7, and 8.
      Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body. Any shinobi who activates this state will temporarily gain powers greater than a Kage, but they will die because of the damage done to their body. Due to the immense amount of chakra flooding the body all at once, drastic changes can occur upon the user's body. The most common of these changes are the darkening of the skin, eruption of veins around the temples, the eyes turning completely white.

    • Name: Sozo Saisei; Creation Rebirth.
      Requirements: Ijutsu Specialty. Admin Permission.
      Cost: 500 Exp Points to Purchase.
      Description: The absolute pinnacle of medical ninjutsu, created by the greatest of medical ninja, Tsunade, it is the ultimate regeneration technique. By releasing the great volume of chakra stored in her forehead at once, the body's cell division is forcibly stimulated by proteins, reconstructing all organs and all tissues making up the human body. The technique itself does not regenerate the old cells, rather it hastens the creation of new ones through division. If this technique is used, a body whose vital organs are so gravely injured that it cannot bear it any longer will be instantly restored to its uninjured state. As long as Tsunade has chakra it is impossible for her to die by any means, as such she gains a form of "immortality" throughout the duration of the technique. This lasts for 5 posts, after which the results of fatigue and rapid cell division will cause the user to faint, unless they can find a way to restore their chakra. This technique causes the user to age at an abnormal rate as cells may only divide a set number of times in their life time. As a result, if this technique is done many times in rapid succession, one could shorten their life time by a ridiculous amount.

    • Name: Jiongu: Earth Grudge Fear.
      Requirements: Character creation with a good enough background, or acquired through 100 point training, cannot have/removes bloodline.
      Cost: 500 Exp points to purchase, 500 additional per NPC heart.
      Description: Classified originally as a kinjutsu that hailed from the village of Takigakure, Jiongu is undoubtedly a powerful talent. Through an “unknown” process one can transform their body into that reminiscent of a rag doll. This rag doll effect is a result of the user’s organs, bones, and other internal body parts becoming that of thin and thick black tendrils. The only bodily parts that seem to remain are the skin, eyes, and heart. The skin is normally stitched up by the tendrils as to allow for their free movement outside of the husk of the users body. The eyes of an earth grudge fear user are distinguishable by them having no pupil though this oddly has no impact on their ability to see. Third and most important aspect that remains of their former body is that of the heart. The heart of a Jiongu user is their life force, and destroying it will kill the Jiongu user; though this isn’t the only part that the heart serves in being important. Jiongu users can take others hearts and assimilate them into their own body gaining certain abilities, and extending their life through the others heart. These hearts can be stored in all sorts of areas within the body and tendrils, be it just simply within the body, or within a mask upon the back. The possibility to gain others hearts and the potential bonuses they can give a user of Jiongu have caused this Talent be labeled as forbidden, as it causes “immortality”. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, while a Jongu user can only truly be killed by having their hearts either removed or flat out destroyed, they aren’t omnipotent. Their chakra network while lacking organs attached to them are still visible and within the same locations. Jiongu users do not have to eat in order to stay alive, however they still have to breathe and sleep like anyone else.

      When first gaining (or starting creation with) Jiongu, the user shall only be allowed to have 1 primary element, and barred from gaining special elements. Jinogu users can store up to 5 hearts within their body. These hearts can be from RPC victims, or NPC victims the latter of which have an EXP cost associated with them to obtain, and aren’t as powerful as other RPC’s hearts. When a Jiongu user gains another heart be it NPC or RPC they gain their first basic element as a primary in addition to their own original element, should it be the same then they shall gain their secondary as a primary instead, and if both are same then they gain no element. If the heart was that of an NPC the only thing gained is an element, but if the heart was that of an RPC then 1/3rd of the elemental jutsu that matched the element gained are automatically learned, unless they are clan specific or require a talent to work that the user of Jiongu does not have. The user also gains 25% more to their chakra pool, making for a total boost from this ability 100%. The tendrils themselves are capable of stretching up to 70ft from the users body, and are capable to stitching up wounds be it their own or others. The stitching of the wounds while it can restore bodily function to the part stitched the stitching isn’t done with chakra, and isn’t strong making for an easy detachment if not properly treated.


    • Name: Hydration Technique
      Requirements: Taken at Character Creation, or 80-point training; Admin Permission
      Cost: 375 Experience Points
      Description: By liquefying the whole body at will, this technique makes it impossible to receive damage from physical attacks. From a single hair to the skin and muscles, everything can be liquefied and solidified at will. Be it to evade an enemy's attack during a short range battle, to infiltrate a structure, or to launch a surprise attack in a liquefied state, this technique boasts a high strategic value. Using this, the user can also re-shape their body parts for suitable situations, as long as they have a suitable amount of water in their body. They could even use this ability to strengthen limbs to increase their strength by half, or even use external bodies of water to make themselves as big as a boss summon(though it requires much chakra to do). The only way to contain a user of this technique is to lock them up in an airtight container so they cannot move about. When the user passes out, they turn into a jelly-like state. As this technique turns the body into water, the user is vulnerable to lightning techniques.

    • Name: Geijutsu
      Requirements: Mod permission; 50-point training
      Cost: 100 Exp Points
      Description: This is an ability that allows a user to take their ninja arts to a whole new level, both figuratively, and literally speaking. The user will incorporate chakra ink to any kind of parchment, and instantly, the drawings come to life. This is an ability that only allows the user to perform many techniques that could be spawned from this, and nothing more.

    • Name: Toomegane no Jutsu: Telescope technique.
      Requirements: 20 point training.
      Cost: 100 EXP.
      Description: A technique in which the user uses either a crystal ball, or similar object (mirrors etc.) to trace an individual’s actions. There are a few restrictions to this technique, and the user of it must know the others chakra signature in order to track them. This techniques range is incredibly far able to track people up to a village and a half away, and is typically used to maintain law and order within a village or town proper.

    • Name: Chakura Kyūin Jutsu;: Chakra absorption technique.
      Requirements: 50 point training.
      Cost: 375 EXP.
      Description: A broad Talent that allows for the user to absorb chakra from another. Be it through a medium or simple contact the user of this talent can absorb chakra from nearly anything chakra related. There are a few flaws with this technique however, as only the users body can absorb chakra and not their jutsu themselves, making it somewhat suicidal if you are going after an enemies techniques. Some types of chakra (such as Bijuu, and Sage) are harmful, and can be fatal is exposed enough, making this technique risky to always employ. Unlike other talents this one can be turned off and on, though there is a post interval between switching.

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 01, 2024 7:36 pm