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    Saotomi Kohaku (Completed)


    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
    Saotomi Kohaku (Completed) Left_bar_bleue0/12500Saotomi Kohaku (Completed) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
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    Saotomi Kohaku (Completed) Empty Saotomi Kohaku (Completed)

    Post by Amesuke Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:35 pm

    Name: Saotomi Kohaku
    Age: 14 Years Old (February 12th)
    Gender: Female
    Height: 4'9"
    Weight: 69.2 Lbs

    Appearance: This little girl can often be seen wearing a snow white or powdery pink bodysuit from head to toe with a fluffy hood that she tightens around her neck. From her head, long, straight locks of bright green hair can be seen reaching down to her lower back. Sitting in her eye-sockets are two beautiful eyes with an Amber iris. Due to her young age, her skin has very few blemishes and her skin tone is almost a perfect, pure, white color that denotes her heritage.

    Hailing from the land of frost, she tends to wear a small white cloak and hood over he clothing as a keepsake from her past. She tends to carry a small pouch on her lower back that contains all of the materials she will need for fighting and for medical care. Although she would have been a shinobi of the village hidden in the snow, she has nothing that points her back to that village. She was never a Yukigakure Shinobi, so she does not own a shinobi forehead protector of that village. On top of that, upon becoming a Genin in the Konohagakure no Sato, she received a white forehead protector. While it is too large to go around her head, it fits loosely around her waist.

      Race: Human
      Hair: Green
      Eyes: Amber
      Body: Thin, athletic.
      Ethnicity: Land of Frost

    Last edited by Rain Storm on Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:35 am; edited 3 times in total

    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
    Saotomi Kohaku (Completed) Left_bar_bleue0/12500Saotomi Kohaku (Completed) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
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    Saotomi Kohaku (Completed) Empty Re: Saotomi Kohaku (Completed)

    Post by Amesuke Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:01 pm

    Personality: Saotomi, often known for her wistful thinking and quick, precise thought patterns, can be seen as a sort of wise girl, even for her young age. Within her team, when the Team Leader is incapacitated or away, she tends to act as a "Vice-Leader" being able to give great orders and tactical plans, even when under quite a bit of stress.

    Though she is particularly introverted, around those that she knows very well, she can be very fun to have a conversation with. This is especially true for those who like philosophical conversations. When it comes down to questions that don't have an actual answer and conversation that's bound to only go in circles, Saotomi is a pro at keeping the conversation lively and unpredictable. Due to her introverted nature, she finds plenty of time to plan out her conversations with people, using old conversations as bases for new ones that she's not had yet. This is something subconscious that she does, not really doing it on purpose.

    Though she's great at following the orders set for her, she knows when it's time to stand up and become the leader, at least if only for a few minutes at the most. She doesn't like being in the spot-light, preferring to just follow well planned out orders to simply achieved goals. One of her flaws is her lack of physical fighting capability, she prefers to be a sensory ninja, causing several problems if someone is capable of getting through her sensors and capturing her. Though she is not particularly strong at ninjutsu, she proves to be an important part of any team by collaborating her Taijutsu Hand to Hand combat with her Ijutsu prowess to use devastatingly precise techniques. Her chakra control on paper generally ranks higher than most of her team mates.

    Rank/Village Title: Genin
    • Konohagakure no Sato
    • Iwagakure

    Title: Genius
    Organization / Team: None

    Style Allocation:

    • Ninjutsu: 0
    • Genjutsu: 0
    • Taijutsu: 1Minor
    • Puppetry: 0
    • Ijutsu: 1Minor
    • Fuuinjutsu: 0

    Kekkei Genkai/Clan: N/A
    Element: SuitonPrimary

    • Kunai x 5
    Starting Inventory: (Any Non Weapons and tools. This includes puppets scrolls, etc.)

    • Senbon x 25
    • Rope x 1 (15 Foot)
    • Explosive tags x 25

    Last edited by Rain Storm on Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:38 am; edited 4 times in total

    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
    Saotomi Kohaku (Completed) Left_bar_bleue0/12500Saotomi Kohaku (Completed) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Saotomi Kohaku (Completed) Empty Re: Saotomi Kohaku (Completed)

    Post by Amesuke Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:01 pm

    Jutsu Total: Eight
    Jutsus: (The Jutsu that are known)





    Childhood Arc

    Saotomi hailed from a particularly poor family in the Land of Frost. Being situated outside of the Yukigakure, their family was not wealthy enough to own a house in the actual village. Of course, with the Third Shinobi war breaking out, many nations began to do underhanded jobs, some of which involved buying the young children and their families to do war against other nations, some times against the very nation they came from. Anyway, more to the point, Saotomi was born into a family and in the month of her birth, roughly 10 days after, she was purchased by a benefactor from the Fire Country. Her father and mother, being Shinobi that were far past their prime, were of no use to the purchaser and as such, left them behind, taking the young, easily molded girl for his own devious, dastardly plans.

    Saotomi, being one of the many shinobi children purchased as a tool of war was trained from an extremely young age, quite literally being able to run and walk before she would form coherent words or sounds. It was revealed to her trainers and instructors that she had a strange knack for learning techniques that many average shinobi would not even dream of. Speaking coherent words before reaching the age of two years and forming complete sentences at the age of three. On top of that, amazingly, the girl could run before she could walk thanks to the benefactors training. Upon being registered as a Konohagakure Citizen, the girl was enrolled in the Academy where she became friends with many others and was seen as the popular girl in her school. With no recollection of her past before the Fire Country, those who would question her origin and her difference among the darker-skinned Konoha ninja would find no answers from her.

    Upon joining the Academy, Saotomi was one of the few children to begin something that the Academy of Konoha had never seen before at her age. She had developed the ability to use her chakra for healing techniques rather than for cloning, replacement, or transformation. This was something that was unheard of for a girl at the age of eight, requiring extreme chakra control and a great pain tolerance. Saotomi, growing in the presence of other children began to hate the sight of hurting people physically and began to focus more on the tactical side of things and healing the physical wounds rather than immediately resorting to outright destroying her enemies. The test she was given, along with two other shinobi, was to make a decision of rather to save her friend with Ijutsu and let her enemy escape, or let he friend die to complete her mission. Naturally, she chose to save her friend, being the only Ijutsuist in the ultimatum. This proved her maturity to the Academy, allowing her to graduate the Academy at the age of 10 years old, a rather early age for a Genin.

    Upon becoming a Genin, she was put into intense training for two years as the Third Shinobi war raged around her. This was due to the fact that many of the upper ranking ninja had been killed in fighting. Her squad was next to be called into war and the thought of it horrified her. She wanted to be a simple medical ninja. She was far too young to be fighting wars, but the shinobi villages didn't care. They wanted victory at all costs, even the cost of a young girls life.

    Escape From Konohagakure Arc

    It was a calm day like any other, coming from the training grounds to her boarding house in the village hidden in the leaves. A commotion could be heard from the inside of the house. A usual thing in the house she had been living in for a few years. Those within the house would never hear her enter, leaving the door open behind her and the sound of the older people talking about her around the corner could be heard very distinctly. They were speaking of her origin. Something that she wasn't even sure of herself. It was at that very moment that she would understand her heritage. She would understand that she originated from the Frost Country and most of all, she would understand that her being here resulted from her parents not being able to afford to keep her.

    Tears would well up in her eyes as she would run to her room, not particularly caring whether or not anyone heard her. The older people who sat down stairs made small effort to try and talk to her, but it would be ignored. Saotomi had made her mind up. She would be leaving Konoha, heading back to where she had come from. She had taken a great bit of disdain to Konoha and its shinobi squads, making sure that one day she would return to Konoha for no reason other than to exact revenge on it's shinobi.

    Leaving that same night, she would find no opposition for the first few hours, managing to sneak through the worn battlefields and staying safe by using what she had been taught as a young child. This would eventually fail her as she bumped into an Iwagakure Shinobi who claimed to understand how she felt. She was skeptical at first, but seeing the way the Konoha shinobi began to fight, she began to side with Iwagakure. Eventually leaving the battle field with a young girl around her age by the name of Erika, Amesuke would stay and fight. When she reached the village, she would be taken by the Iwa council for them to decide her fate...

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