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    Vampire Acolyte

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

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    Vampire Acolyte Empty Vampire Acolyte

    Post by Erika Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:04 am

    • Name: Vampire Acolyte
      Cost: 100EXP, IC character development, or character creation with appropriate background.
      Description: Originally created to be the super soldiers that would defeat the beasts of old, the beings now known as Vampires have a less than favorable past. First made from tests on various subjects with a new parasitic chakra designed to enhance their bodies it had mixed results. All the subjects would either be weakened heavily or die outright depending on the exposure of it, and the project was almost scrapped until the patients showed signs of life once again after their death. This impressed the people working on it and after more tests and research deemed the project.. a failure. The people were indeed better as far as combat went, but they lacked socially and had glaring weaknesses that made them unfit to fight for them. Deciding to kill them off they managed to only kill but a few of them, the rest escaping to attempt to live their lives as best they could. As they mingled within the populace over time they noticed clans, and bloodlines come into being due to chakra, much like themselves and becoming curious a few of them set about to create hybrids of themselves within the normal populace or just weakened versions of themselves, mostly out of whim. This talent is the result of them figuring out how to manipulate the experiment that had been done on them to their own means.

      Known as Vampire Acolyte’s this talent is what many within the society of Vampires would consider to be the lackey of the one that created them, though they aren’t actually bound to said creator. Acolytes like those who spawn them have glaringly obvious weaknesses, the first of which being an allergy to sunlight. While not as fierce as the full blown creators it still is unhealthy for them to be within the sunlight, and burns are a frequent occurrence after prolonged exposure without protection. A more realistic weakness is to silver, as the parasitic chakra within them reacts violently to said material and causes wounds to be more severe because of it, making it the preferred method of taking the dastards out. They also have the weakness of while appearing “normal” their skin being incredibly cold like a dead body that has lost all warmth, making them a odd person to hold hands with, or play tackle football with.

      The strength of said acolyte’s however is known to be intense and horrifyingly powerful; this is a load of bull. It’s mostly their possible ninja training that proves to be the real power, but regardless they do have some advantages. All Vampire acolytes are very intelligent even if they were previously a tard of the highest order. They also do not need to eat regular food instead ingesting blood as their main sustenance, making many of their organs while painful to have ripped from them and hurt not vital and thus useless in the long run to damage. The main organ by which they live is their heart which has been modified to convert the blood absorbed from others into their own sustaining and renewing their own “vitals” in order to keep them alive. A proper meal will last them for up to a month with this process unhindered, though taking damage generally prompts them to try and feed to recover. Having blood also allows for them to recover from light wounds within moments (single post), and heavier wounds within a week’s time, though obviously their heart being destroyed or their brain eliminated will be the end of them, and only those methods will really be the end of them. This isn’t much of a strength though as any smart opponent targets those parts of the body with their attacks often, making it nearly useless in practical battle. Finally they are slightly faster and stronger than normal; this is represented by a 15% increase to both. They can also see in the dark as their body is tuned to be more nocturnal than Diurnal.

      How one becomes a Acolyte is varied. It could be from a jutsu, or perhaps the old fashion biting and giving you some of their chakra, or you taking it from them; it’s all up to the one who gains this talent. This talent can thus be taken at anytime a talent slot is available for use so long as the plot behind it is appropriate. Regardless of how they become one they will only have these benefits above and no benefits from the bloodline proper. While not really a power a Vampire one time thought it would be funny to copy and theme his techniques based around bats, and it ending up catching on due to the vampire bat’s similarities and symbolism. As a vampire is turned they automatically gain the basic jutsu below, and can train the rest as per regular regulations.

      • Name: Bat replacement.
        Prerequisites: Vampire Acolyte.
        Style: Ninjutsu
        Jutsu Rank: D (Basic)
        Description: Like the replacement technique except with a signature flare about it. Bat replacement allows for the user to change their body into a swarm of bats thus replacing it, and move to another location pre determined before they use this move via their will. This technique while incredibly useful is impossible to spam, and when reforming the user has to take a moment for all the bats to gather leaving them vulnerable to a counter attack. Due to the bats needing to reform after each use this technique’s ability to be “spammed” isn’t very high and can only be done once every other post.

      • Name: Bat transformation
        Prerequisites: Vampire Acolyte
        Style: Type of Jutsu category that it belongs in
        Jutsu Rank: Rank of the Jutsu
        Description: Some guy thought he was clever when he choose the bat as his symbol for his abilities. It caught on and now everyone and their grandma’s who is a Vampire Acolyte thinks it’s awesome to turn into a bat. Unlike the normal transformation technique this one actually turns you into a bat making both a blessing and a curse. This technique while it has it’s uses makes the user vulnerable as they will be in a tiny form, and unable to access their other jutsu while within it. Thankfully it’s sealess and can be cancelled at will, just make sure you are in a good spot to do so and not hanging from a cave ceiling.

      • Name: Drain vitality
        Prerequisites: Vampire Acolyte
        Style: Ninjutsu and Taijutsu
        Jutsu Rank: C
        Description: The bite or touch that supposedly drains the victim of their life, this jutsu is one to be feared, but not for that reason. It doesn’t drain someone of their life, but it does increase their fatigue making the target becoming tired faster and easier; this technique only works on touch however making it hard to pull off, but rewarding if long term contact is maintained with the prey. It is also sealess which is a big plus for it.

      • Name: Swarm
        Prerequisites: Vampire acolyte
        Style: Ninjutsu
        Jutsu Rank: C-B-A-S-Rank
        Description: Forming a few hand seals the user will create a swarm of bats from their body whose sole purpose is the destruction of their target. They are chakra bats meaning that they are not just limited to biting and they can slash, cut, and ram just like any other chakra kind of attack the difference is their ability to adapt and change in flight to ensure their target is destroyed. Unfortunately this isn’t as grand as it sounds and they are slow to turn and rotate despite being fast to their target destination making them not too difficult to shoot down, and block. The number created depends on the rank of technique used, ranging from 10-20-30-40 depending upon the rank in that order.

      • Name: Receptive blood.
        Prerequisites: Vampire acolyte.
        Style: Ijutsu
        Jutsu Rank: A-Rank
        Description: Designed by a vampire acolyte who was tired of having to work their assess off to heal others as their career demanded. This technique allows for the vampire to transfer their own blood into another and have it work like this talent in terms of healing, the only downside is that it makes the one who received it sick and unhealthy looking for a week, but regardless it shall still heal them quite well. Not suited really for battlefield combat as much as off screen recovery for those who are not vampires, there is another use for the move. This technique can speed the recovery process of a vampire who has it used on them (even themselves as they lace their blood with more chakra than normal), and cause their ability to heal major wounds to be increased to make it only take 5 posts to fully heal. They are more sluggish and slightly weaker and thus lose their strength and speed bonus while this is up, but it’s still better than dying outright… right? It also makes them wish to properly feed more so than other times, but that was as the creator put it “an unavoidable side effect”.


    Fame : 2739

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    Vampire Acolyte Empty Re: Vampire Acolyte

    Post by Amesuke Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:56 pm

    Approved and all that fuzzy fun

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