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    A Day for Training [Private]

    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
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    Fame : 626

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    A Day for Training [Private] Empty A Day for Training [Private]

    Post by Riku Tensei Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:27 am



    The day was calm and beautiful. The Rain Country had always been such a peaceful place to Satoshi. Rain and the gloomy settings it brought with him was his favorite kind of weather. Ironic that something most people found so depressing was what brought him joy. Then again, Satoshi had always kind of been an oddball compared to what was considered normal these days. But who cared about such silly notions? He sure as hell wasn't out here trying to make friends. No, he was preparing for a battle. It would take a great deal of power to push the corrupt Uchiha clan from Konohagakure. Ironic once again that the only thing that would help him achieve his goal was the very thing that he despised his own clan for; power.

    This quest he embarked upon would be the test of his life. It would prove exactly what kind of man it was. It would prove his convictions and his will, his loyalties, and it could potentially change the shinobi world for years to come. But he was getting ahead of himself. This was the time to prepare. This was the time to learn the skills required of him to become the great leader he sought to be.

    A small abandoned cabin out in the woods had become his home for the last few days. It was empty and old yet not too badly out of shape. It definitely beat sleeping outside every night. So far no one had come to the cabin. Then again judging by the state of its furniture, no one had in years. Little places like this had been his home for the last four years. It was a price he was willing to pay to achieve his goals. Besides, it was nice getting to travel so much.

    A scroll was laid out upon a tree stump next to the cabin. It was a scroll he had taken from the library of one of the minor shinobi villages; one of the ones that legally shouldn't exist. Nothing special was contained in the scroll so he doubted anyone would miss it. All it contained was a series of basic Katon jutsu. Another scroll had been procured, containing Raiton jutsu. It was time to begin stocking up his arsenal of tricks and attacks. It was time to become a god.

    The first technique was a simple one. Something small that would likely me taught to a Genin or Chuunin. But anything was welcomed at this point. He felt naked with the small array of jutsu he already carried. Now would be the time he began to fix that.
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

    Fame : 626

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    A Day for Training [Private] Empty Re: A Day for Training [Private]

    Post by Riku Tensei Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:30 am


    Reading the technique, it seemed straight forward enough. Fire would travel along the length of a wire or something similar, charging towards the other end and incinerating anything in its path. While a rather direct attack, it could prove to have its uses in some cases. It couldn't hurt to learn, right? His hands set about furiously, attaching the end of a length of wire to the loop at the end of a kunai. This wire would provide the path for the fire to travel and be the conduit necessary in this jutsu.

    As the weapon was finished, he observed the knot a few times, making sure it was adequately secured. Satisfied, he threw it towards a tree about fifteen feet in front of him. It was nearly in the middle of a clearing, far enough away that Satoshi felt he could contain the blaze. The hand seals were formed and chakra was released into the wire. Fire raced along the length of wire, reaching the tree and engulfing it in flames almost immediately.

    He stood for a while, watching the tree burn before unsheathing the massive blade on his back. With a single swing, the tree was cleaved in half and fell to the ground where the blaze extinguished itself, leaving nothing but a burnt log.
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

    Fame : 626

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    A Day for Training [Private] Empty Re: A Day for Training [Private]

    Post by Riku Tensei Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:38 am



    Feeling satisfied with the results of his last attempt, Satoshi retired that technique. He felt he could quite easily reproduce the effects of the technique. It was child's play compared to what he was capable of, or at least what he thought he was capable enough. Never before had he truly tested his limits. He knew himself to be strong, fast, and filled with endurance, but he did not know where the outer bounds of those limits lied. Today would also be the day he determined that.

    Moving back to the scroll, his eyes scanned for another technique. They halted on one; Fire Dragon Bullet. It seemed similar to his Great Fireball Technique so pulling off the technique shouldn't prove too difficult, right?

    Satoshi stepped away from the scroll and faced the open clearing, breathing deeply. Meditations and such things had no place in combat, but learning a new technique required more focus and energy than performing one you were already familiar with. His chakra built up and he molded it, his hands running through the seals with ease. Releasing, only a single fire ball erupted from his gullet. With a sigh, he looked up towards the grey sky.
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

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    A Day for Training [Private] Empty Re: A Day for Training [Private]

    Post by Riku Tensei Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:42 am


    The rain fell down upon Satoshi's face in a light drizzle, dampening him but not soaking his clothing nor hair. It was the perfect level of rain to be outside and enjoy. Any less and it would seem disappointing. Any more and he'd be forced to watch from shelter or become drenched and potentially sick. No, this was perfect. He couldn't ask for a better day to train.

    His mind focused on the technique at hand, meditating and taking in every bit of information the scroll gave. He envisioned the jutsu, felt his chakra move, watched his hands flip through the seals in slow motion, all in his mind. It was such a simple technique, so how come he had failed it after the first attempt? His father's laughter filled his ears and he shuddered. Had the man been here, he knew he'd have been hearing the laugh for real, followed by a stern lecture riddled with unnecessary yelling. His father was power crazy and to see an Uchiha struggle with a fire technique would be agonizing for the male. Satoshi was glad he had fled home.

    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

    Fame : 626

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    A Day for Training [Private] Empty Re: A Day for Training [Private]

    Post by Riku Tensei Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:45 am


    Thoughts of his family were pushed from his mind. They would only serve to set off the already strong emotions he carried due to his lineage. It had taken an entire morning of meditation to shut out his emotions today as they felt exceptionally potent. The last thing he wanted to do was undo all of that work. It would only waste time and make him even angrier, knowing that he had messed up such a simple thing for such a stupid reason.

    Tilting his head back down to the landscape before him, he took one last deep breath. He could do this. He was strong. He was more than capable of such a thing. There would be no more failure with this technique and hopefully less with the next.

    His hands ran through the seals with lightning reflexes. Chakra built up in his body, molding into Katon chakra and storing in his mouth. He took a deep inhale, leaning back with the breath for emphasis. Upon releasing, his upper body was thrust forward. Fireballs spewed from his mouth, shooting up and into the sky before exploding into vibrant flames.
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

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    A Day for Training [Private] Empty Re: A Day for Training [Private]

    Post by Riku Tensei Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:55 am


    [Knocking this one out with the word count]

    Once more Satoshi returned to the scroll to look up the next technique to learn. A sigh of disappointment escaped his lips as his eyes focused upon the next. Another flaming bullet technique. It seemed that the conventional Katon techniques were good for no more than shooting balls of fire. After he mastered these, he'd have to think up some of his own with the principals these techniques taught him. Hopefully Raiton techniques were a bit more diverse.

    His feet returned to the spot he previously stood on and he began focusing once more. A mental image of the technique filled his mind as he ran through each and every step with detail. Such visualizations helped one learn a technique, or so it did for him. It was a silly sounding idea but it was one that he had found worked for him years ago. It was better than just reading how to perform a technique and outright trying it right there. It was a process that needed to be handled and it was part of the reason Satoshi mastered jutsu so quickly. Another part of it had to be because of lineage.

    Once again his hands flew through a string of seals with immense speed. He leaned back and exhaled with his hand near his mouth. The chakra in his throat moved to his mouth and formed oil which, as he spit out, ignited into flames and flew with great speed. Though the bullets were smaller than the other flame techniques he had learned, these traveled fast and spread wide upon impact. Perhaps this technique was a little more useful than he thought it to be originally.
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

    Fame : 626

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    A Day for Training [Private] Empty Re: A Day for Training [Private]

    Post by Riku Tensei Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:44 pm


    [Word count]

    So far he felt he was making good progress. About a half an hour had passed and already he had mastered three new techniques. That was one technique every ten minutes. He wouldn't expect any less from himself. No, he wouldn't even accept anything less. He was too good for that, too strong, too experienced. Slamming his eyes shut, he shook his head. As much as he tried to fight it, the desire to become stronger was written in his DNA. It was a plague that ate at him each day and it took all he had to fight it off each day. It was especially difficult when the thing you detested was the thing you needed to carry out your ideals.

    With a sigh, he returned to the scroll and eyed it once more. The techniques listed near the top were all weaker techniques like what he had just learned. It was time to kick it up a notch. His hands unraveled more of the scroll and he looked it up and down for anything that would catch his attention. Finally he rested upon one. His sword had always been a prized possession, so any techniques involving it were welcomed.

    The technique was simple enough. Encase your sword with fire chakra and swing it around a bit. Easy enough, right?

    His feet stepped into the depressions he had begun to leave in the ground from his training. He took a steady stance and reached for Crimson Despair. His hand clenched firmly around the hilt and he drew the blade, bringing it before him. Once again, he looked to the sky and inhaled deeply a few times, focusing on the task at hand. He envisioned the fire traveling down his arm and into the blade, consuming it and turning it into a burning torch.

    As the vision came to an end, he opened his eyes and finished his preparations. It was time for the real thing. Chakra moved rapidly through his body and down his arm, surging into the blade. Flames immediately erupted from the blade, surging a bright and intense crimson color as opposed to the usual orange of typical fire. His arm swung the blade with incredible ease, ready to cast forth the promised arc of flames. Yet it never occurred. Instead the fire remained upon the steel, flickering but otherwise un-moving. He growled, eyeing the blade. He had done everything properly, right?

    There was no need to prepare the technique again as the blade remained aflame. All he needed was to give it a little push with his chakra and try again. With a slight nudge from his chakra, he attempted to push the flames out with another swing. This time he was successful. A large arc of fire erupted from the blade, shooting up and into the sky before exploding magnificently high above the canopy of trees. A smile came to his face. That felt satisfying, but he could do better. There was always room for improvement and this improvement was within reach at this moment.

    His arm swung the blade around and brought it back to his side. Immediately he began storing up more chakra, meshing together a larger mass. It surged down into the sword again and the flames reignited, burning brightly. Taking a better stance, the blade swung around his head rapidly. It switched between his hands freely as he swung it about, moving it in every direction as rapidly as possible. Fire spewed from the hot steel, creating a perfect dome of flame around him in the blink of an eye before erupting outward and dispersing.

    Another smile lit his face. Damn he was good.

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    A Day for Training [Private] Empty Re: A Day for Training [Private]

    Post by Amesuke Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:56 pm

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