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2 posters

    Emi Roiyaru | Kiri

    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

    Fame : 505

    Shinobi Information
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    Emi Roiyaru | Kiri  Empty Emi Roiyaru | Kiri

    Post by RainyDay Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:00 am

    Name: Emi Roiyaru
    Age: 19 (Looks at 17)
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 93lbs

    Hair: Red
    Eyes: Purple
    Body: Small, Frail appearance
    Ethnicity: Land of Water
    Personality: Emi has a natural affinity for Ijutsu. Having trained in it for her entire childhood, she has grown to the point that she can't stand to see others in pain. She would rather someone cause her injury than to injure them herself. This can be viewed as a large weakness by the enemy and in all reality it is. However, given the choice between life or death the girl will choose to fight if for nothing else than to feel as if she's making the life he saved seem worth saving. On a battlefield the girl will often end up healing all sides afterwards. Stabilizing an enemies condition even if they will likely stand back up to fight her again. While this may be a good method to make a friend out of an enemy it's also tends to make enemies out of friends that don't want to have to put the same person down twice. As such she is often left behind when people go into battle for the purpose off using her ijutsu when they bring a friend back and not having to deal with her healing an enemies wounds.

    Strangers have been troublesome in the past, and now she avoids people as a whole as best she can. Emi quickly learned that strangers aren't always there to play nice. Starting after he died they have been nothing but a pain unto the girl, with the exception of a few anyway. When she does have to confront someone it is usually in a low, scared voice that she can't help but to have come from her lips. This usually ends up in strange looks as they respond to the frightened girl. This can be a double-edged sword as well though as people tend to find out if they try and take advantage of the girl. She can easily dispatch a lot of pain to would be attackers, even if she's going to patch them back up when she's done. This often leaves people talking the same way she does as she walks away from their shocked stares.

    On the occasion that she actually makes a friend Emi is extremely defensive of them. Willing to fight for them more than she is willing to fight for herself. The Vampire clings to the few people in the world she trusts with an almost unnatural devotion. It is these people that may truly understand her mind or that may get a glimpse into the past if they so desire. It is also these people that can see the true ferocity that is a Vampire in battle as she will hold nothing back to protect them from harm. This is the one and only true way to make the girl genuinely mad and you'll know you've done it afterwards though you may not always know for very long. In her rage she often loses the ability to avoid serious attacks that she would otherwise attempt to not use.

    Since the day she left her family, Emi has been fending for herself. She relies on no one else to get by. Fearing them more than she cares to admit. She fights her own way through the world day by day. Hiding the heritage that has left her life in a bloody mess in hopes that hiding it will save her a bit of trouble. While in reality throwing the name around may give her a bit of aid from the locals if out for nothing but fear for the bloodline she carries. The girl doesn't wish for them to help her though. They shouldn't waste their hard earned livelihood on her anyway. They really shouldn't even do as her brother had once done and save someone like her at risk to themselves. Regardless of if Emi would do it or not.

    Like the most of her bloodline the girl considers herself above most common people, though that may be her heritage as well. While she doesn't exactly show the arrogance of others this trait is there in the mindset of the Vampire as she fights an opponent and as she looks to help those in need. She views the actions of her clan however has left much to make up for, and feels it necessary to continue her ijutsu training for this reason. If nothing else she may heal a bit of the pain her clans wars have brought about. To help those in need isn't demeaning as other vampire may see it. To Emi it's the ultimate act of superiority, even if this is something that the very people she helps taught her. If you fear someone so little that you can heal them after a fight then you've truly reached a power that the clan represents

    Rank/Village Title: Jounin
    Village: Kiri
    Title: N/A
    Organization / Team: None

    Style Allocation:
    Total Points to Spend: 4

    • Ninjutsu: 0
    • Genjutsu: 2
    • Taijutsu: 0
    • Puppetry: 0
    • Ijutsu: 2
    • Fuuinjutsu: 0

    Kekkei Genkai/Clan: Vampire
    Element: Suiton, Fuuton


    • Flute
    • Katana

    Starting Inventory:

    Jutsu Total: 7



    Kekkei Genkai:
    Bloodline Jutsu:

    • Name: Cat transformation
      Prerequisites: Vampire Acolyte
      Style: Ninjutsu
      Jutsu Rank: C
      Description: Emi thought he was clever when he chose the cat, a black cat to be specific, as her symbol for her abilities. Unlike the normal transformation technique this one actually turns you into a cat making both a blessing and a curse. This technique while it has it’s uses makes the user vulnerable as they will be in a tiny form, and unable to access their other jutsu while within it. Thankfully it’s sealess and can be cancelled at will, just make sure you are in a good spot to do so and not sitting on a super small branch.
    • Name: Receptive blood.
      Prerequisites: Vampire acolyte.
      Style: Ijutsu
      Jutsu Rank: A-Rank
      Description: Designed by a vampire acolyte who was tired of having to work their assess off to heal others as their career demanded. This technique allows for the vampire to transfer their own blood into another and have it work like this talent in terms of healing, the only downside is that it makes the one who received it sick and unhealthy looking for a week, but regardless it shall still heal them quite well. Not suited really for battlefield combat as much as off screen recovery for those who are not vampires, there is another use for the move. This technique can speed the recovery process of a vampire who has it used on them (even themselves as they lace their blood with more chakra than normal), and cause their ability to heal major wounds to be increased to make it only take 5 posts to fully heal. They are more sluggish and slightly weaker and thus lose their strength and speed bonus while this is up, but it’s still better than dying outright… right? It also makes them wish to properly feed more so than other times, but that was as the creator put it “an unavoidable side effect”.


    Emi was born to a rather wealthy family within the walls of Kirigakure, and as such enjoyed a life of freedom and luxury. This had it's downsides as all styles of life do, hers would come with the lack of attention her parents would be able to give her. Though they would try to compensate with other things, but it wasn't the same. It never would be. This was the way of things though, and it wouldn't change as the years passed. Emi would find her time mostly spent roaming the complex in her early years and the village as she grew older. At the age of eleven she would meet what would end up to be a long term friend. A boy that would appear to be her age and the two would grow inseparable as the days went by. This was Emi's first time to ever really think about a shinobi's way of life. The boy was a genin and would begin showing Emi some of the basics of being a ninja.

    This would go on for over a year leading to Emi being proficient in most of the academy tricks without actually having ever attended. Knowing her parents would never approve it either, Emi would simply be learning to do so. She was a good student for her friend picking up on things quite quickly and devoting a good deal of her free time to impress him the next time he had time to teach her something. Her parents wouldn't even notice the growing ability of their daughter, simply happy to let her have a friend. This would prove to help Emi as they would allow her to go out and meet him most any time she wished. Though she did have to juggle this with her own classes for elegance and grace that would be needed in high society life. That was okay though, she was quick to pick up this as well, keeping her parents happy with a daughter that could show her elegance and would make a good wife one day. This being all her parents really wanted for her.

    That wasn't her life though. She wasn't one to sit around a house all day doing nothing. She couldn't be content with that. As such she continued to learn from the boy. Now at the age of thirteen moving on to what he specialized in. Genjutsu. She picked up a knack for it as well, though she was no match for his raw talent in the style. It wasn't what she was meant to do. She gave it her best effort though, and through the hard work would eventually beegin to show her ability in it. This had taken a bit of time in Emi's eyes but in reality she had learned the style like a prodigy would given her lack of general training. She was a devout student of her genin teacher and would even be a match for him in duels at this point. He did win them all, but she was able to make him work for the wins now.

    This time would pass though. Later that year he would be promoted to Chuunin, and be taken away on missions more and more. Given less of the missions at the bottom of the stack and more of the ones towards the middle. This would show in how dangerous they became. One day he would come back to the village alone. His entire team wiped out during the mission. He was found at the gates with what should have been a fatal wound in his abdomen. Realizing he was still alive however he was taken to the doctors and they would immediately begin healing the wounds. Emi of course was inside and watching the doctors do their best to help her friend. The friend that was more like a brother at this point. She would then know what she wanted to learn to do. She wanted to be able to heal like the doctors that, in her eyes, had saved her friend's life. While they weren't what had saved him, he wouldn't argue the point with Emi.

    So for the next few months Emi devoted her time to learning the ijutsu style. She picked it up much easier than genjutsu and was an exceptional user of the style. This made her quite happy being able to heal any small wounds her brother would take in his missions. At this point she was quite upset that he had to continue to go out there without her being able to protect him. For this reason she was further developing her skills, she had even surpassed his abilities in everyday things. Given time to train constantly and not having to travel any allowed her to surpass him. Though now, as Emi would just turn sixteen, he would gain the title of Jounin. His missions paying off and giving him his hard earned promotion. Still, now he would go on even more dangerous missions. Taking missions off the top of the stack where they were the worst.

    Emi's parents meanwhile had been busy. They were attempting to marry their daughter off to other prominent families. One in particular would give way to a rather large merge in businesses that could have led to a very dominant control of the market. The man she was to marry however was a disgusting individual and Emi would let her parents know her disdain for the man. They cared little for this though. They knew this would set their daughter up for life both politically and financially and wanted that for her. It was a move of love when they would push the wedding through. Emi wasn't for it though. She would leave her families complex one night. On her way to his home. He wasn't there, he had been out on another mission to the Land of Tea, but that was fine. She would hide here. She could stay away from the wedding that she viewed to ruin her life here.

    As he came home though it was quite the surprise to find her in his home. She had never done this before and doing so now seemed a bit reckless. He too wanted what was best for her, but unlike her parents he wasn't going to go against her own wishes to see that happen. So when she asked to be taken on his next mission he would allow it on the promise that she stay out of fights and near him at all times. It was a simple mission anyways. Nothing was meant to go wrong. Nothing was meant to happen. He was simply escorting a young hostage from one clan to another. That had been the deal to maintain peace. They were to trade hostages. This wouldn't be so simple though. The little caravan would be attacked as they rounded a corner in the mist filled jungle. Fighting them off was fairly easy for the boy, however they had managed to get his hostage in the attack.

    Emi had attempted to defend the girl but was over run int he attack. She had suffered a deadly attack in the process. This left a hasty decision in the boy's mind. He quickly went to action. Biting into her neck with the fangs he had passed off before so well as just a strange development of his clan. While this wasn't a lie, it wasn't the whole truth. He had in fact been a vampire and wasn't going to let the only person he cared about die here. This was how he had survived the fatal attack years early and this would be how she would survive the same. As he let the changes take effect, he would return her to his home and have to let her fully change there. He left a few blood packs within the fridge with a note on what had happened. Though with any luck she wouldn't need to read it.

    He hoped to be back by then. First he had to find his hostage though. This would end up going wrong though. He would be ambushed as he tracked the trail back to a small village in the outlands. It was here he would die, he managed to take out a good amount of his ambushes but his heart would eventually be pierced by the effort. As Emi awoke from her transformation, she would realize that she was in fact alive. She would also notice the strange hunger she had. She had never been so hungry. Immediately going to the fridge she would first try to eat the fruit within. The fruit he had kept specifically for her. She couldn't keep it down though. It was as if her system couldn't handle the food. She would take it as a reaction to being out for an amount of time. Reading the note though she would realize what had happened.

    She wold also know that he wasn't going to be coming back. She knew that the one that had saved her was gone. Though his note explained everything about her new being. She didn't believe it at first. Going back to the fridge to find the blood packs that had been mentioned. Her eyes hitting it and her hunger would send a surge through her being. So it was true. She couldn't resist the hunger now either. Immediately drinking one of the packs. She couldn't control the thirst right now. Emptying a second pack as well. So now she was on her own to learn how to acquire her sustenance and keep a low profile for she knew she couldn't go about telling people of what she was now. Just as he had kept this secret from her she would have to keep it from everyone.

    For now she needed a way to make a bit of money to support herself. She would no longer have her families wealth. For this cause she went to the village council asking for their acceptance of her as a shinobi. Explaining who had taught her, and demonstrating her skill. They would start her as a chuunin, but she quickly showed her ability to be above this and would be promoted within the year. She would also grab blood packs from the medic tent whenever she could. Gaining other sources through her missions. So now she lives her life as he had once lived his. She wasn't fond of what he had left her with, but she was grateful for the fact she had lived. So she held no ill will towards the boy she had called a brother. Now though she simply lived day to day. Having no real plans for the future.

    Last edited by RainyDay on Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:24 pm; edited 5 times in total

    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
    Emi Roiyaru | Kiri  Left_bar_bleue0/12500Emi Roiyaru | Kiri  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
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    Emi Roiyaru | Kiri  Empty Re: Emi Roiyaru | Kiri

    Post by Amesuke Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:26 pm

    Rainy dear, still doodlin' around with this?
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

    Fame : 505

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    Emi Roiyaru | Kiri  Left_bar_bleue0/12500Emi Roiyaru | Kiri  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Emi Roiyaru | Kiri  Empty Re: Emi Roiyaru | Kiri

    Post by RainyDay Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:16 am


    Done for now I think.

    Fame : 2739

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    Emi Roiyaru | Kiri  Empty Re: Emi Roiyaru | Kiri

    Post by Amesuke Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:34 pm


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