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    Seizui clan

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

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    Seizui clan Empty Seizui clan

    Post by Erika Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:43 am

    Bloodline Name: Seizui
    Clan Name: Jurei
    Leader: None
    Village: Amegakure Primarily (Village/missing optional)

    Clan History: The history of the Seizui bloodline is one that many would consider to be that of a tragedy. A once proud clan the Jurei used to have their influence within many different lower villages, to which they built library’s, and founded areas of study in an attempt to educate not only their future children, but the people within the different villages. This however was not all charity and pure in its attempts as the Jurei used it as a sort of a learning experience in its own right, to see the effects of their work upon the masses, and how much influence they could get by putting on their own façade of wishing to help, and instead used this as a giant experiment procedure to learn the real ways of the world from others, and how to truly shake countries.

    It wasn’t long however after that several of the countries discovered this little secret, and the clans own were driven out of several different villages as they shared the information of what the clans activities were, and out of a rage that surprisingly did not lead to violence the clan was cast out of almost every ninja village within the world, at least the smaller ones. After several decades however, the Jurei became somewhat scattered, some of them dying, and others forming new lives within several different countries and cities, very few of them could really predict what would happen to them next.

    As fate would have it, one of the members of the Jurei had managed to get influence within the village of Yukigakure, a move that by many whom had remembered the older days as a blessing something for them to hold onto if only out of nostalgia, this turned out to be a death sentence however as the clansmen appeared on the shores of the snow country they were not met with rejoicing, and flowers but rather that of arrows and jutsu, half of the Jurei if not more wiped out all for a false dream that they could hold onto a dream that turned out to be true if but a few days too short, as the one whom had helped the village had also fallen to his own greed, and after a visit to the kage’s daughter, several negative outcomes happened, the first being that of the clans near destruction, and the second being that the clan was now the target of the village of Yukigakure.

    Several more decades passed as the clan was either hunted or simply failed to reproduce, due to their own bodies structure, many within the clan whom had maintained contact with each other feared for the day that they would no longer exist, that is until they got news of the new rain village. The new current Amekage whom had charged in and taken over leadership of the village seemed to offer sanctuary to those whom wished for it almost no questions asked. Though untrusting of this person the clan decided it would be better than allowing Yukigakure to have its way with their clan as they hunted them down as missing ninja the world over, and as a large group of the clansmen approached the village it seemed as though the promise was golden if only that it was not the Amekage whom they met but one named Shun, a leader of both his own ‘clan’ and the village, and with the promise to be loyal to Amegakure till the end and work for its benefit, the clan was accepted into Amegakure, and thus gained the protection of the villages ninja, and the (if a bit tense) trust of the people.

    While the clan was mostly safe within Amegakure some weren’t present during the “betrayal” and lived in other countries as such there are still members scattered throughout the world.

    Bloodline Description:
    The traits that the Jurei share are the same but different. Every single Jurei that is born, for some reason share neither hair color nor eye color with their parents no matter how small the difference they shall always be different in some way; besides this however they do not have any specific in born appearance traits.

    They do have several traits that are not physical in appearance, but rather within their bodies. The first of these traits is their chakra network is not made up of chakra nor appears like a normal network, instead it has an energy called essence within it, and appears as a spiders web throughout the body, and has been recorded as one of the most complicated networks within the world. The second trait is that of their heart, the very organ that pumps essence throughout their body, it is not like a normal heart. The first difference is that the heart of a Jurei is a sphere in shape, while the second being that it grows upon the right side of their body instead of the left. The last trait however is one that is more of a curse than anything special, as all Jurei due to the way their bodies are different from not only others, but one another have trouble reproducing their own bloodline, making their bloodline a recessive bloodline in terms of conception.

    The Jurei really have no personality traits that tend to show up right away, instead they have a much more deep rooted personality trait that makes up them as a whole(s). Normally they have a fondness of learning in all forms, and take to learning many common facts quickly, making them able to absorb information and often be referred to as scholars by others. As such they normally view only absolute methods however as the right solution, and it is has not been unknown for them to know as heartless for trying to use the logical, and rational approach over the risky and emotion filled one. This does however not apply to all as their own fondness of learning has lead more than a few to swing in the opposite direction, favoring the actual improbable as a method to which they can only learn more, and rather would favor the irrational than the rational. However one could be completely different from this in every single way, if only to be looked at by the other members of the clan as a bit weird.

    The Jurei’s that put them in a different state than others, one of which is that their chakra network is ‘nonexistent’, instead in its place is something completely different. Essence, is the substance that has replaced their chakra network, creating more of a web throughout their body, as described above and while the “chakra points” (comparison words) are still around there are many; many more of them. Jurei learn all non clan jutsu with double the posting/point training requirements, and they may not learn the gates.

    The second trait is that of their heart. As ones blood pumps blood through their veins, so does essence pump through the Jurei, the cause of which is their hearts unique structure which has lead to it appearing as not the normal lump, but that of a sphere in shape, if not slightly different in appearance depending on the users own genetic disposition. (Meaning slight bumps etc.) On a small note their heart grows on the right side of their body instead of the left. In the case that a Jerui should die however their body due to the lack of response to the heart’s lack of a pulse, and the overall state of being dead, shall cause their unique bodies to crumble into nothing but a fine powder the likes of which cannot be used by any means. This happens no matter what state they are in when they die. In addition to this their soul being that is made of Essence partial is impossible to use by any means even by the Jurei themselves.

    The third trait is the of Essence’s properties itself, and energy which many have tried to compare to that of chakra, and have found it to be an impossible comparison, as essence has no real solid form about it when let loose, instead it can be rather described as a catalyst, or a substitute for chakra in the actions they perform. Essence is a vastly different type of energy able to adapt to mimic other types that it comes into contact with, be it chakra; kinetic etc. all of which this form of energy is capable of creating via mimicking, so long as it has come in contact with the energies before. Another interesting trait of Essence is that it cannot be copied in any way by a non Jurei clan member, though hand seals and such can still be copied; the use of essence itself cannot unless they are another Jurei. Adapted energies from Essence merely mimic the properties of what they adapted making the Jurei capable to faking their energy signature easily even from birth. Essence also makes using the styles of the ninja world without first having a catalyst of adaptation around nigh impossible; and many young Jurei are the worst in their classes in a ninja program. Jurei do not gain style points except through their own limits that can grant them.

    Oddly enough the clan is implantable, but only if the heart is still intact, making transportation of it as a problem as despite its shape it function likes a regular heart and if it can’t pump blood will crumble away. If one is clever enough however unlikely it is possible to implant.

    Bloodline Limits:

    • Name: Essence
      Requirements: Jurei; at creation/gained upon implantation.
      Cost: 0EXP.

      Description: An ability that is unique to the Jurei, and is their birthright. It is one that has been predetermined from conception, as part of their very DNA. All Jurei start off with this limit, as it allows them that of their most basic ability, the controlling of Essence. This energy is one which allows the Jurei to in a way adapt their own brand of energy to mimic other forms of energy to the point where they can switch between them so long as they have least experienced them before. How a Jurei can adapt essence however is unique in that they must make either contact with the energy raw, and unaltered, or make contact with the host of the energy, allowing them to mimic the energy they come in contact with. This does not allow them to copy any kind of special abilities with the energy, just the raw properties of it, and as such they cannot as of yet learn the abilities that those energies provide, only how to create the very primal form of the energy. It should be noted that chakra is not Essence so talents, jutsu, etc. that grant additional chakra do not affect them unless it say’s essence specifically gains the boost.

    • Name: Tracking.
      Requirements: Jurei
      Cost: 0EXP.
      Description: A trait that all Jurei are born with as it within quite literally their blood. The Jurei may adapt their energy to allow for them to gain the opponents chakra signature allowing for them to mimic it along with other energy properties that the one adapted from possesses. They can also find said target’s energy they have adapted within a 5 mile radius easily, but can only track one person’s energy signatures at a time. They can freely switch between energy signatures they have gathered through their life however.

    • Name: Imbedding
      Requirements: Jurei
      Cost: 25EXP (per weapon).

      Description: A trait that allows the Jurei to take the knowledge of their energy and apply it to other objects; allowing for them to apply different energies and abilities to weapons that they can wield according to rank. These weapons must not have abilities already upon them, nor can they be made of any chakra based material. This allows you to place one ability of your own within a weapon. (Note the term weapon applies to anything created using the post weapons application format/another bloodlines limit. This limit cannot cause percentages to stack with one another.)

    • Name: Bodily adaptation
      Requirements: Jurei
      Cost: 200EXP.
      Description: A trait that is perhaps one of the most devious traits that Essence carries. It is one that allows for the Jurei to after taking ones essence transform into the person in question in appearance. This transformation will be perfect in every sense of the word, right down to the smallest DNA details, allowing the Jurei to mimic in appearance the one whom they have taken energy from to the point where no one would be able to physical and spiritually tell them apart from the original. The one weakness to this ability is the Jurei of course doesn’t actually have the users bloodline limits, nor abilities, only their own, nor do they have their knowledge, and they still have to put on a good poker face and attempt to act the user in question. They will still have their own abilities however.

    • Name: Soul of Essence
      Requirements: Jurei: Chunnin level.
      Cost: 500EXP.
      Description: A trait that few ever mange to truly obtain as ones with such energy needed are few and far Between, and only of the most advanced members of the Jurei clan have ever attempted to tune themselves with their energies and lived. Once one has had the experience with enough energy, and learned how to adapt them within their body, they shall attempt to merge the energies fully within their soul, and attempt to expand and increase their own essence within their bodies, turning the network they have into a cocoon of sorts over their body, for the next few weeks. During which time they shall go through a period in which they shall become nothing but essence within their cocoon, and as such if their cocoon is broken in any way they shall die in an explosion of pure energy, though the shell is very tough in the first place. Once this has been completed however, the cocoon shall fade away as simply as it appeared, and the user shall emerge with what appear to be glowing glyphs upon their body, in a golden color. These glyphs patterns are different for each Jurei however they will cover almost every part of the Jurei’s body at least at first for a few minutes; afterward they shall turn invisible upon their skin. After one has this limit they may gain the following limits listed below this one in the bloodline limits list. They receive however from this limit itself besides the limit unlock; a 50% boost to their essence pool’s total capacity.

    • Name: Essence of the Physical
      Requirements: Jurei, Soul of Essence.
      Cost: 200EXP to unlock, 500 additional per point from NPC.

      Description: An ability that only ones whom have fully bonded by making their heart and soul one with their own Essence can attempt. This ability allows for a Jurei to manipulate the essence of a dead body to their own advantage. As there is no force opposing the grabbing of energies from them; the Jurei is free to take and adapt the energy into their glyphs allowing for them to gain 1 style point from the target in the case for NPC’s and 2 from RPC’s, towards their own. You may only do this once per person however as their energies are already adapted, and won’t provide any benefits.

    • Name: Essence of the Mind
      Requirements: Soul of essence.
      Cost: 200EXP.

      Description: An ability that only ones whom have fully bonded by making their heart and soul one with their own Essence can attempt. This ability allows for a Jurei to manipulate the essence they obtain from another in a way to gain the memories of a person, whom they have adapted the energy from. This information cannot be transferred to others in any way other by simple speech, or by being written down, as such no mind probing reading or anything will extract the memories from the Jurei in question besides them telling you what they know.

    • Name: Essence of the manipulator
      Requirements: Soul of essence, 10 point training.
      Description: An ability that only ones whom have fully bonded by making their heart and soul one with their own Essence can attempt. This ability allows for a Jurei to adapt the energy of an attack to replicate it in a form that is similar to how it was used upon them. This ability that allows all Jurei to copy any jutsu that they are hit with without the need of the requirements for the jutsu in question; These jutsu’s count as bloodline jutsu for the Jurei, however they may only use the jutsu while using the essence of the one whom used the jutsu in the first place, and the one exception to the requirements is that of elements, meaning is a Jurei lacks the elements that another has they cannot gain said jutsu.

    • Name: Perfection
      Requirements: Jurei: Jounin level; All bloodline abilities prior to this one unlocked.
      Cost: 1000EXP.
      Description: A trait that only one in the entire history of the Jurei has ever attained, it is one that is perhaps one of the most dangerous if not rewarding processes that anyone within the world could take. In order to begin the ritual for this ascension the Jurei must first have obtained a knowledge that far surpasses others, and utmost mastery over their essence that it seems not to be a part of themselves, but themselves, which exactly what this ritual is for. The Jurei shall first carve out runes within the area in question matching that of the glyphs upon their body. After doing so they shall place themselves within the center of the area, and by pouring all of the energies they have adapted into the glyphs upon the ground they shall start the ritual. After but a few seconds the glyphs shall glow the colors of the different energies colors, and wrap around the user in sort of a gigantic cocoon made from all the different energy they have previously adapted. This shall last for about a month’s time afterward if successful the cocoon shall shatter into a pure liquid that shall be re adapted into the Jurei, the latter of which shall emerge appearing no different from normal, in fact they shall appear to the naked eye as weak as they were back when they were born. This however is not the case at all, and is in fact the farthest from the truth as underneath their entire body shall have become nothing but pure essence, essence that is there’s and theirs alone, this meaning nothing can absorb, use or create etc. within their form in any way, as their form is theirs and theirs alone. Due to the way their body is now nothing but a mass of the previously adapted energies and their own essence; they are no longer a being in mortal flesh, but rather a being of energy, thusly this limit grants them immortality in terms of their remaining life span.


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    Seizui clan Empty Re: Seizui clan

    Post by Amesuke Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:55 pm

    Honestly looks alright to me. There will probably problems in the late future with it due to people who can't actually understand all of the lore. But as of right now, since we're a fairly small group, it'll be fine.


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