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    Post by Amesuke Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:16 pm


    Below is a list of N:SoL's Basic Techniques which all Shinobi learn in the Academy years. Each of the Basic techniques are techniques which each RPC starts with upon Character Creation.

    Name: Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
    Prerequisites: None
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: E
    Description: Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. The Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja without substance. The copy resembles the ninja in every way. This clone can function as a distraction or as means to confuse one's opponent. As soon the Bunshin gets attacked or comes into contact with an opponent, it will disperse. These clones may only move in the dimensions of the real shinobi which often makes for a dead giveaway as they only act as a mirror. However, with adequate skill, they can actually fool even skilled shinobi.

    Name: Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
    Prerequisites: None
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: E
    Description: Henge no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents. However, it does not grant one the properties of said objects or skills of that person, meaning turning into a weapon will not allow you to cut an opponent and turning into a dog will not give you a great sense of smell.

    This technique can also be used in conjunction with someone, who may a person, a pet or a summoning creature, in which case it is called Konbi Henge (Combination Transformation). However, its principles remain the same.

    Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu - Body Substitution Technique
    Prerequisites: None
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: E
    Description: Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack. Naturally, it won't work with another person unless their skill gap is enormous, and the object to replace oneself with must be close in size and weight to the ninja themselves. This technique must be set up a little ahead when fighting skilled opponents, otherwise, you may end up getting struck because you wouldn't have enough time to use it.

    Name: Kai - Release
    Prerequisites: None
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D
    Description: A very useful technique that dispels or prevents the effects of genjutsu in its early stages. To perform it, the user only needs to hold their hands in a tiger hand seal and channel some chakra into it. A lower-level genjutsu will be dispelled without any harm to the user. This can also be done on someone else, in which case the user must touch them before releasing the technique. However, it is a low-level ninja skill, as there are more effective ways of countering genjutsu. This will only dispel genjutsu of B-rank or below.

    Non Elemental

    Name: Kinobori no Waza - Act of Tree Climbing
    Prerequisites: None
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: A skill that every self-respecting shinobi must have. It is based on concentrating chakra to the soles of one's feet and using it to stick to objects, which would allow one to walk on vertical surfaces and even upside down. This is also often used as chakra control training, since the soles of the feet are said to be the hardest place to control your chakra.

    Name: Suimen Hokou no Waza - Act of Water Surface Walking
    Prerequisites: Kinobori
    Type: Ninjutsu / Genjutsu / Puppetry / Ijutsu / Taijutsu / Fuuinjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: A more advanced technique than Kinobori, it allows one to walk on water or other similar liquid or amorphous objects. It is used in a similar fashion to its predecessor, but the shinobi must also release a constant flow of chakra into the water to keep themselves on its surface. It is often used as advanced chakra control training, since it takes the same basic concept as tree climbing technique and kicks it up a notch. (Since this technique is a must have technique for literally all ninja. It may be learned as any type of technique, opening the possibility of learning the technique to literally any ninja, as long as they have allocated at least one style point.)

    Name: Bunshin Bakuha - Shadow Clone Explosion
    Prerequisites: Shadow Clone Jutsu
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A
    Description: This technique requires a shadow clone to exist prior to its use. It does not require any hand seals to execute. The user can detonate their shadow clones at will, creating a powerful explosion. While it is a waste to create shadow clones just for an explosion, this technique may be very useful in some cases.

    Name: Doku Kiri – Poison Mist
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: Without the need for any hand seals, the user will take a deep breath. By using a moderate amount of chakra and this special technique, they will then exhale a large cloud of poisonous gas. A very versatile technique, it can be more harmful than useful if not used correctly. The paralysis, while versatile is mild at best, generally only slowing the enemy by 25% over the course of 5 posts. After 5 posts, the poison will wear off.

    Name: Gyorai Shin - Torpedo Needle
    Prerequisites: Multiple Senbon or Similar Items
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: A trap ninjutsu. Using chakra, a shinobi can plant a number of senbon or similar small piercing weapons into the ground and make them sink into it, hiding them from sight. When the opponent steps into the area, the user can make some of the senbon quickly emerge, effectively nailing the unfortunate victim to the ground, and then launch the remaining at the enemy, potentially dealing extreme damage.

    Name: Hari Jizou - Underworld Guardian Spikes
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: After they form the necessary hand seals, the user's hair will rapidly grow in length and size and wrap around the user, with spikes protruding in all directions. This technique provides good defense against physical attacks and will harm anyone who attacks with their arms or legs. If the hair is hit with a ninjutsu of equal or higher rank, it will not hold and the user will take full force of the attack.

    Name: Hitei Mushou - Flying Nail Mist Pierce
    Prerequisites: Multiple Senbon or Similar Items
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: This technique requires no hand seals. By grabbing a considerable amount of small needles or similar weapons into their hand and bringing it to their mouth, the user can launch a shower of projectiles by exhaling and sending chakra with thier breath. It will make the small projectile weapons fly in a rather wide range in the intended direction. The damage potential of this technique is not very high, but it is useful to wear down an enemy.

    Name: Jouro Senbon - Sprinkling Needles
    Prerequisites: An Appropriate Weapon
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: This technique is performed without hand seals, but it requires a weapon filled with senbon needles to be used. The user will toss said weapon, usually an umbrella, upwards and release the senbon hidden inside using their chakra. This will create a dense shower of senbon, which the user can also direct using their chakra. This ninjutsu is very powerful not only because there is practically no escaping it, but also because each needle can pierce through iron armor at the very most.

    Name: Kanashibari no Jutsu - Temporary Body Paralysis Technique
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D-Ranked
    Description: This is a rather basic technique that does not require any hand seals to be used. Ideally, it temporarily paralyzes a number of targets. However, this is not likely to work on strong opponents, unless they are considerably weaker than the user themselves. This technique is used via eye-contact in a very similar way to genjutsu, however, where genjutsu's effects are strictly illusory, Kanashibari actually restrains a target. The restraining lasts for 1 post for every rank above your enemy. If it is used on a shinobi of equal rank or higher, it will have no effect.

    Name: Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu - Mist Waltz Technique
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: After forming the necessary hand seals, the user will exhale a large mist cloud. This mist is transparent and only slightly hinders the vision of those caught inside, but that is not its purpose at all. This mist is actually highly flammable, a perfect trap for fire ninjutsu users.

    Name: Kawara Shuriken - Roof Tile Shuriken
    Prerequisites: Usable Items
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: Named as such because of how it was first used, this technique actually turns any relatively small and light object around the user into a projectile weapon. The user must for a few required hand seals and then channel their chakra into a desired small object. Notably, the shinobi does not have to be touching the object, but the objects must be rather close and they need to be able to send their chakra through a solid surface, for example, into small rocks through the ground. These objects will then float up and be launched at a target like common shuriken.

    Name: Kokuun no Jutsu - Black Rain Technique
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: After the user makes the required hand seals, they will start releasing chakra from their body. This chakra will rise in the form of black mist, forming black clouds some way above the user, which they can then control. After setting the clouds where they want, the user will have a black rain pour down from them. This rain is actually highly flammable oil. This technique requires something to set the oil on fire to be of any use.

    Name: Meisai Gakure no Jutsu - Camouflage Concealment Technique
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: An advanced ninjutsu that allows a shinobi to basically become invisible. It acts on the principle of a chameleon, making the user appear the same way as the background, except from any point of view. To execute this jutsu, the user must form the required hand seals and then press against any surface until the camouflage is applied. They can then walk around freely without fear of being seen, but can still be detected by other means. Special detection techniques may be able to expose the person using this.

    Name: Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu - Haze Clone Technique
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D
    Description: A technique that seems to be a direct advancement of the usual Bunshin no Jutsu, it requires a few hand seals and creates dozens of clones of the user. Just like common clones, these are merely illusions, but they can easily be recreated if some are destroyed. Naturally, this jutsu's sole purpose is to confuse the enemy.

    Name: Ranji Shigumi no Jutsu - Wild Lion's Mane Technique
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A
    Description: This technique utilizes the user's hair as a weapon. After they form the necessary hand seals, the shinobi's hair will lengthen greatly and become very hard. The user can then control their hair almost freely, using it to directly attack someone in a stabbing manner or trap them by wrapping their hair around them. The range of this technique can be between 5 and 10 meters, however, if ones hair is particularly long, the range can reach 25 meters with significantly less control.

    Name: Kebari Senbon - Thousand Hair Needles
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: After forming the required hand seals, the user can harden their hair and launch them like senbon. Naturally, chakra is used to make the hair into usable projectiles and to launch them. This results in a massive rain of needles flying at a very high speed and as strong as the toughest steel. The more projectiles are launched, the more chakra it takes to use this technique.

    Name: Shunshin no Jutsu - Body Flicker Technique
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance. While it may seem like the user simply appeared or disappeared, the technique is actually a momentary increase in movement speed towards a set location. Because this is an A to B direct movement, it should be noted that this technique cannot be used unless the user is pushing off of something solid, or in the case of walking on water, a liquid.

    Name: Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique
    Prerequisites: Shadow Clone
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: This technique is used to create additional projectile weapons. After throwing some shuriken or other weapons at the target, the user will quickly form the required hand seals. As they do that, the amount of weapons they threw will increase. The chakra usage of this technique is directly dependent on the amount of copies you create and the size of the actual weapons. The cloned weapons are real and can deal the same damage as the originals, except for weapons with special qualities the clones of which will be common ones. The weapon clones appear slightly displaced close by the original and follow the same trajectory.

    Name: Soushuuha - Multiple Advancing Blades
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: A useful technique that utilizes chakra to float projectile weapons in front of the shinobi. The user must first put some chakra into a weapon as they throw it, and they can then make it float in the air several inches in front of them. A large number of projectiles can be made to float like this, but it requires greater concentration with each additional weapon and also depends on their size. These projectiles can then be launched at a target all at once, which allows one to have more ranged attack options than if they were throwing the weapons.

    Name: Utsusemi no Jutsu - Empty Cicada Shell Technique
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D
    Description: By using their chakra and a few hand seals, a shinobi is able to project their voice to different areas in the vicinity, thus masking their location and numbers and possibly confusing the enemy.

    Name: Genjutsu Break
    Prerequisites: Kai – Release
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A
    Description: This is an advanced skill for breaking genjutsu, however, no shinobi should be without it. It allows one to break illusions without hurting themselves, does not require any hand seals and works against stronger techniques than Kai. Since every genjutsu in essence is the opponent confusing one's five senses by interfering with their chakra flow in a specific way, momentarily stopping your chakra flow completely and then reversing it, which is what this skill is about, can break theoretically any illusion. It should also be noted, that this is not always the most efficient way to break a genjutsu as regardless of what genjutsu you are breaking from E-Rank to S-Rank, it WILL COST A-Rank chakra. Additionally, a shinobi may only break a genjutsu up to the rank which they are able to learn. For example, Genin level shinobi will not be able to break an S-Ranked Genjutsu by using this method. If the user of this technique is of higher rank than the caster of the genjutsu, they will be able to break the genjutsu immediately by using this. If the user of this is of equal rank to the caster of the genjutsu, they will have to wait 1 post to break the genjutsu and if they are of lower rank, they will have to wait 1 post for every rank below the caster of the genjutsu.

    Name: Stone Needles
    Prerequisites: None
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: The user will hurl several shuriken or other bladed weapon at a target. The object doesn't have to do much damage, just enough to pierce the skin. Once this condition is met, the user will run chakra through wires or ropes attached to the weapons and paralyze their opponent. Because this requires a constant stream of chakra from the user this technique can not be held indefinitely and is often only useful if the user has allies to attack. Victims to this technique that are skilled in chakra absorption often turn this technique against its user by instead draining their chakra and nullifying the technique.


    Last edited by Amesuke on Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:30 am; edited 5 times in total

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    Post by Amesuke Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:25 pm

    Katon - Fire Release

    Name: Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique (Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu)
    Prerequisites: Katon Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Jutsu Rank: C-Rank
    Description: A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire, and expelled from the mouth in a massive orb of roaring flame or as a continuous flamethrower. The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater on the ground's surface. This technique apparently requires more than average chakra reserves and most genin should not be able to do this technique. Due to the size of this technique, it can generally only be used effectively as an attack when fired downward from above as its own size and the lack of speed makes it extremely easy to dodge.

    Name: Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning (Katon: Haisekishō)
    Prerequisites: Katon Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Jutsu Rank: B-Rank
    Description: The user spews a stream of chakra infused gun-powder from their mouth, which surrounds the area. As the gunpowder is composed entirely of ash, it stays in the air around the victim like a cloud, which can be used like a smokescreen. After surrounding the enemy with the ash, the user can ignite it with a flint placed on their teeth beforehand to create a spark, resulting in a violent explosion, burning the enemy. However, this technique requires keen senses to read the air currents, the insight to read the movements of the enemy, the tactical experience to not also enfold one's allies in the flames, and careful attention for the timing of the ignition.

    Name: Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique
    Prerequisites: Katon Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Jutsu Rank: C-Rank
    Description: The user breathes fire along a cord or any other type of long object, which rushes forward in straight line catching the enemy on fire. A line of enemies can be used as the conductor as well. The flames are meant to target, and assault the enemy's upper body just like a projectile weapon.

    Name: Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet (Katon: Karyūdan)
    Prerequisites: Katon Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B-Rank
    Description: The user will form the hand seals then gather air in their mouth, spitting out balls of fire. The technique can be used with the earth version to cause the balls of mud to ignite, causing an explosion. While when used alone, the fire is very weak, having very little pressure or piercing damage, the user is able to fire out very many for the cost, allowing the user to pepper enemies and wear them down before unleashing a more damaging attack.

    Name: Fire Release: Flame Bullet
    Prerequisites: Katon Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C-Rank
    Description: The Fire Release: Flame Bullet technique is executed by the user gathering oil in their mouth which is created by chakra, spitting it out, and igniting it. This technique simply shoots a flame bullet at the enemy. If the amount of oil that is prepared is kept down, the time it takes to invoke the technique is reduced. This allows the enemy to be stricken unaware, allowing the oil-containing flame bullet to burn them up completely. It is also possible to shoot out a series of flame bullets by partitioning the oil. Thanks to the nature of this technique, the damage is increased. The oil itself does quite a bit of pressure damage while the fire scorches the enemy.

    Name: Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique (Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu)
    Prerequisites: Katon Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C-Rank
    Description: This technique creates a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled one by one with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction.

    Name: Katon: Ryū Kaengiri (Flame Beheading)
    Prerequisites: Katon
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B/A
    Description: The user first imbues their blade with fire, before slashing in the direction of the desired enemy, resulting in the creation of large arcs of intense flame that follow the trajectory of the previous swing. A skilled user of this technique, is capable of surrounding their immediate area with a circular wall of flames, incinerating multiple targets even if they approach from numerous angles simultaneously.

    Name: Exploding Flame Shot
    Prerequisites: Katon
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D
    Description: By creating a spark from their hands, this technique allows the user to throw multiple balls of flames, which are able to either cause fiery explosions on impact or set the target on fire. This technique isn't very strong. It's only notable feature is the fact that the technique doesn't require hand-seals, making it very versatile in almost any situation. Since this is pure fire being thrown, it lacks the punch and range of some of the stronger techniques.

    Name: Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu (Great Dragon Fire Technique)
    Prerequisites: Katon
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B/A
    Description: The user compresses a large amount of chakra built up inside their body and changes it into a dragon-shaped fireball. The user then skilfully manipulates that great fire, and attacks their opponent. Even outside of the attack range, its power and reliability are stressed. The flames have a high temperature, as they can create an upward movement of air currents which in turn can give rise to thunder clouds. A master of this technique can fire off several flames in succession and anyone caught in the technique could potentially be reduced to ashes.

    Name: Katon:Running Fire
    Prerequisites: Katon
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: The technique's medium is the feet that can be used as a ranged. This technique creates a stream of fire that can be manipulated into several forms (so far, rings of fire that runs on the ground or a circle of fire flying through the air) before striking the target. It can also be used to leave a trail of fire behind a user if they run while using the technique. The trick to this technique is that the flames only need a trail of chakra as a medium. This means that as long as chakra is supplied, the flames can make any shape on any surface.


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    Canon Ninjutsu Empty Re: Canon Ninjutsu

    Post by Amesuke Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:28 pm

    Doton - Earth Release

    Name: (Doton: Shinju Zanshu no Jutsu) - Earth Style: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D-Rank
    Description: The user, emerging from the ground below the target area, pulls down the opponent so that only their head is above ground. Unable to move, the opponent can easily be decapitated or tortured. Obviously, in order to use this technique, the user must be directly below the target while they are standing on the ground. So without some way to move while underground, this technique is limited if not absolutely useless.

    Name: (Doton: Gansetsukon) - Earth Release: Rock Staff
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D-Rank / B-Rank
    Description: This jutsu allows the user to take a small chunk of rock and turn it into the shape of a staff. The user can then use it as a weapon or throw it. The accuracy and range of the throw depends completely on the thrower. A variation of this jutsu allows the user to create several staffs and launch them at the target, but with less accuracy.

    Name: (Doton: Ganban Kyu) - Earth Style: Bedrock Coffin
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C-Rank
    Description: This jutsu allows the user to control multiple sections of rock and move them around their opponent. The user then forms two gigantic sections that crush the opponent. This is generally used by the user stomping the ground or forcing their chakra into the earth to cause the sections on either side of the target to flip up and slam together, effectively crushing the opponent. Since the technique is very direct, and only works if the user and target are both on the ground, it is not always available.

    Name: (Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu) – Earth Release: Hiding Like A Mole Technique
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C-Rank
    Description: The user changes earth into fine sand by channeling chakra into it, allowing the user to dig through it like a mole. While underground one can sense what is happening on the surface and use the information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. Once can also hide deep in the ground, escaping to a depth where the enemy cant reach. Without some way to move at extreme speeds underground, movement while using this is reduced to a crawl.

    Name: (Doton: Ganchuusou) - Earth Style: Stone Spikes
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C-Rank
    Description: The user creates spikes of earth that come up from the ground to stab the enemy.This jutsu can be made in a short or mid distace but the jutsu its self is made of a 6 foot radius of spikes. These spikes can be broken and evaded fairly easily. Additionally, this technique loses almost all of its effectiveness on a target that isn't on the ground. It is mostly used to get distance from a target.

    Name: (Doton: Yochi no Douyou) - Earth Release: World Shaking
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C-Rank
    Description: The user will concentrate and release their chakra into the ground to create a small tremor that can result in harming the enemy target. It doesn't do much other than that though, making this technique somewhat useless. If used correctly however, unexpected results could happen. The technique itself is very situational.

    Name: (Doton: Dorosandan) – Earth Release: Mudshot
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C-Rank
    Description: The user spits a thick globule of mud at the target. If aimed correctly, it can blind the target's vision and choke them. It can also be used to create a sticky patch on the ground. On its own, it is very weak and has very few practical uses in the middle of a heated battle.

    Name: Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet - (Doton: Doryūdan)
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B-Rank
    Description: After using a technique to bring mud into the area, the user may use this technique to turn it into a dragon that will be sent launching at the enemy. When ignited with a fire technique, the dragon will explode on contact with its enemy, causing searing pain and blunt damage. The dragon itself hits with blunt force, able to easily break bones and incapacitate enemies without killing them outright.

    Name: Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall - (Doton: Doryūheki)
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B-Rank
    Description: The user creates a solid wall of earth as a form of defence. Chakra is either converted to earth within the body and then spat out to form the wall or the user can manipulate pre-existing earth to form the wall. The earth then instantly rises up and takes form. The barrier itself is also coated with chakra, making its strength incomparable to that of a normal mud wall. Because of the earth's special characteristics, the wall is highly resistant against, for instance, fire and water. Fire and water techniques of A-Rank and below have no effect on this wall. However, other techniques of B-Rank and above can destroy the wall.

    Name: Doton: Keijūgan no Jutsu - (Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique)
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A-Ranked
    Description: This allows freer manipulation of the affected objects, which would normally carry considerably more weight and as such, require a greater amount of exertion to move. The technique can be used on the user or other shinobi to increase their speed, but as a consequence of using it this way, it results in the decrease of the physical force of their blows. By learning this, the user is also able to reverse the weight, adding weight onto objects that are normally very light.

    Name: Doton: Kengan no Jutsu - (Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique)
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B-Ranked
    Description: By encasing their arm in rock, the user can deal a powerful hardened punch against an opponent while being protected from direct contact with their target. If necessary, the weight of the rock can be increased to further increase the punch's destructive power.

    Name: Doton: Doro Domu- Earth Release Barrier: Earth Prison Dome
    Prerequisites: Doton Element
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: A technique that allows the user to create a dome of earth that comes up from the ground, and encircles the target(s). It is large enough to be able to contain more than 5 full grown adults, and is capable of repairing itsself after receiving heavy blows, though only if the user remains in contact with the dome.


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    Canon Ninjutsu Empty Re: Canon Ninjutsu

    Post by Amesuke Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:58 am

    Raiton - Lightning Release

    Name: Gian - False Darkness
    Style: Ninjutsu, Raiton
    Rank: B-rank
    Description: Gian is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Lightning Element. The user will use their lightning natured chakra to release a strong bolt of electricity from their mouth. This strong attack can be defended against by an equally strong attack of the same element such as Raikiri. Gian has very strong piercing capabilities and additionally any enemy hit directly with this technique will have an intense numbing throughout their body.

    Name: Hiraishin - Sparking Electric Needle
    Style: Ninjutsu, Raiton
    Rank: B-rank
    Description: Hiraishin is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Lightning Element. After coming into physical contact with their opponent, the user will raise their free arm into the air. They will then generate a bolt of electricity which will travel through their body into the body of their opponent. Causing a good deal of pain and damage and effectively numbing the enemy. Because of the way this technique is used, the user will also feel a slight numbing which over time could cause temporary paralysis if used multiple times.

    Name: Lightning Wolf Technique
    Prerequisites: Raiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B-rank
    Description: Lightning Wolf Technique uses the raiton technique. After creating Raiton in their hand, the user will send out a wolf made of lightning to attack the target. Lightning will run from the user's hand to the wolf itself, limiting its range t 20 meters. The wolf can be controlled very intricately, allowing the user to manipulate the wolf with amazing skill.

    Name: Kaminari Shibari - Thunder Binding
    Prerequisites: Custom Equipment capable of breaking into three and working as a chakra focal points, Raiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B-rank
    Description: Kaminari Shibari is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Lightning Element. After launching the equipment into the air, the user will form the needed hand seals and cause the tool to break into three equal pieces. This three smaller pieces will then implant into the ground in a triangular shape around the opponent. These Raiton infused pieces will then create electrified fields between themselves to form a triangular shaped prison. The field can be penetrated by a more powerful Wind Element infused weapon. This weapon can then be used to cut through one of focal points, which ends the jutsu.

    Name: Kangekiha - Inspiration Wave
    Prerequisites: A way to create water.
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C-rank
    Description: Kangekiha is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Lightning Element. The user will first create a protective wall of water. They will then form the needed hand seal and emit a bolt of electricity into the water which will increase its defensive effectiveness and stun any targets who attempt to pass through.


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    Post by Amesuke Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:31 am

    Fuuton - Wind Release

    Name: Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough
    Prerequisites: Fuuton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C/A
    Description: A very powerful technique when used correctly, the user will gather air in their lungs, then gather chakra to their throat as they mold the air. Upon exhaling, the air will release a powerful force that is capable of blowing down just about any structure. Additionally, the technique can be used to pick up and carry along anything on the battlefield. This allows the user to set up weapons all over the place, then use the technique to send an enormous amount of weapons at the enemy all at once. When used at full power, the technique is capable of turning back enemy attacks upon themselves.

    Name: Reppushou - Gale Wind Palm
    Prerequisites: Fuuton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B-Rank
    Description: A very simple technique which requires no hand seals, the user will gather chakra in their palm and explode it outwards, sending a a gale force towards a target. The range of effectiveness is very small, reaching only 2~3 meters, but when used with a thrown projectile, it can drastically increase the piercing damage or cause thrown weapons to be deflected when timed perfectly.

    Name: Renkuudan - Drilling Air Projectile
    Prerequisites: Fuuton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B-Rank
    Description: The user inhales a large amount of air into his chest and then slams his fist into his chest to expel it. When expelled it forms concussive spherical projectiles capable of inflicting large damage. The damage of this technique is extremely strong, causing powerful pressure damage even at a great distance. This technique is able to punch through other techniques of equal rank, assuming it is not being used against katon.

    Name: Dai Kamaitachi - Great Cutting Whirlwind
    Prerequisites: Fuuton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: Dai Kamaitachi is a technique that requires some sort of weapon that can create a gust of wind such as a fan. The user will force chakra into their weapon and then blow a gust, causing massive arcs of wind to form in the direction that the user swung. This technique when used at full strength, is able to slice down even multiple trees without losing speed and power and can be extremely dangerous when used around allies.

    Name: Senpuu Hashira no Jutsu
    Prerequisites: Fuuton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: This encircles the opponent in a small tornado which will increase in speed, lifting the target into the air. Once the opponent is imprisoned inside the spiral, the user can add projectiles, which will also encircle the opponent, effectively cutting them. That can make this jutsu deadly. This requires a fan, and will last one post unless the user decides to continue it. Each continuous post this is used for will cost B-Ranked chakra.

    Name: Tatsu no Ooshigoto - Dragon's Big Job
    Prerequisites: Fuuton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A
    Description: By using a weapon that is capable of creating a stream of wind such as a fan, the user will gather strong winds around the area. This is notable by a heavy increase in wind and darkening skies. The user will then swing their weapon down, causing a large tornado to drop down upon the enemy. This tornado will be easily able to slice flesh and can do massive amounts of damage in a short amount of time. The user must have one post of gathering the wind before dropping the actual tornado, making this technique very situational and hard to use.

    Name: Atsugai - Pressure Damage
    Prerequisites: Fuuton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B-Ranked
    Description: After doing appropriate hand seals the user will gather chakra in their mouth as air and pressure, forming it into a ball. When it finally readies, the user will release it from their mouth, blowing it at their opponent. The technique will explode when it hits its target, releasing all of the pressure. It does a fair bit of damage if it causes a direct hit, but can also cause splash damage.

    Name: Kaze no Yaiba - Sword of Wind
    Prerequisites: Fuuton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A-Ranked
    Description: Kaze no Yaiba is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. Like many other techniques in the Fuuton family, this requires no hand seals. The user will hold their hand out, forming an almost transparent blade of wind in their hands. This blade can be used like any, able to slice and carve with very little able to stand in its way. Kaze no Yaiba is able to slice through any non-custom items and weapons with no problem and is able to cut through projectile jutsu of one rank below, though this is unadvised.


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    Canon Ninjutsu Empty Re: Canon Ninjutsu

    Post by Amesuke Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:47 pm

    Suiton - Water Release

    Name: Water Prison Technique
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: This technique is used to trap a victim inside a virtually inescapable sphere of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep at least one arm inside the sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. This technique requires a sufficient amount of water, which can be provided by expelling it from one's mouth. Despite the fact that the prison is made up entirely out of water, it is stronger than steel as stated by Zabuza Momochi. Once trapped the target is unable to move while within it due to the heaviness of the water. Because of the density of the water it can be used, to a limited extent, for defensive purposes if performed on oneself.
    Water clones/Shadow clones can be used in preparation for the technique, which block an opponent's attack and trap the attacker in the prison using the clone's own water

    Name: Hidden Mist Technique
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D
    Description: This displacement technique is a speciality of the ninja from Kirigakure, where one causes a mist to spring forth by lifting up some water from either a pre-existing source or expelled from their mouth, then goes in and out of sight at will from within the pearly-white realm. The mist's thickness is controlled by the amount of chakra kneaded into it. It can't fool the Byakugan, but, due to the mist being created with the user's chakra, any Sharingan and Rinnegan-user will see the mist coloured by their opponent's chakra, which will effectively hide the user from the dōjutsu. Sensing techniques(such as Mind's Eye, or any bodily sensing techniques like hearing, sound, and touch -through vibrations in the round) have been proven to be the only successful way to detect the user when in a cloud of mist of their creation.

    Name: Watercutting Sword
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A
    Description: A secret technique of Takigakure that allows the user to manipulate water into the form of a sword. This sword is also shown to be very resilient as it is able to withstand and cut through most Fire Release techniques.

    Name: Thick Stream Flow Technique
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: The user manipulates the water density, molecular composition, and overall viscocity, and creates a substance that can entrap any foe caught up in it. It can bind them, or keep their limbs pinned against almost any surface(the only thing that doesn't seem to stick to, is very oily surfaces). It can also be used to clump together dust, dirt, or even sand. Fire, lighting, wind, and sheer strength seem to be the most effective way to fight off this substance.

    Name: Tornado of Water
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: A technique that utilizes water to create a spinning water vortex around the user. The water vortex acts both as a barrier and an attack mechanism. The power of the vortex is enough to knock an opponent unconscious.

    Name: Water Release: Tearing Torrent
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A
    Description: This technique creates water that spirals in the user's hand which fires at a high speed towards the enemy. The overall amount of water formed is large enough to help extinguish even large-scale fire release techniques. In the past, it was shown to be able to be conjured from the surrounding area in the form of a torrential wave.

    Name: Typhoon Water Vortex Technique
    Prerequisites: Wind Release Rasengan; Water Release Tearing Torrent
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A
    Description: This combination ninjutsu uses the wild rotation of the Wind Release: Rasengan to swallow up the water current created by the Water Release: Tearing Torrent, creating a large quantity of water vapour. Once invoked, a strong wind whirls around inside the highly concentrated mist, turning it into a solid barrier. The mist created by the violent rotating of the Rasengan also has the effect of taking away the enemy's field of vision. Of course, the mist can be used as a smokescreen when escaping, but the confusion it creates can also be used, for instance, to launch a surprise attack. If one can use multiple natures, it is possible to perform this technique alone.

    Name: Water Clone Technique
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones out of water that have one-tenth of the original person's power.[2] Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water.

    Name: Water Release: Exploding Water Collidin Wave
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: The user spits out a great volume of water from their mouth, swallowing up and crushing the enemy with the advancing surge. The user can ride the wave, allowing them to move at high speed, and attack the enemy, now swept off their feet, without fear of counter-attacks. The amount of water created is proportional to the amount of chakra used; when used with an enormous amount of chakra, even a dry wasteland can become a small ocean. Afterwards, the excess water can be used for additional Water Release techniques.

    Name: Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave//Water Release: Water Prison Shark Dance Technique
    Prerequisites: Exploding Water Colliding Wave
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: A/S
    Description: A stronger version of the Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave. With it, the user spits out a large amount of water, covering an entire area with crushing, unavoidable waves. The water then forms into a giant orb, instead of letting it flow freely like the original. After using the Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave, the user acts as the center of the resultant giant dome of water. Once this technique has been activated, the dome alters its position in order to reflect the direction of the user's movements, making it difficult for its target(s) to escape as long as the user continues its pursuit. This technique provides the user a tremendous field advantage if it has a way to brethe under water, allowing the user to freely move underwater while its target continues to drown as they attempt to futilely escape the large body of water. This technique is extremely effective in one on one fights, but the user would probably not be able to contain two enemies fleeing in opposite directions.

    Name: Water Release: Five Feeding Sharks//Water Release: One Thousand Feeding Sharks
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C/S
    Description: The user puts his hand on the surface of a body of water and from the tips of five fingers, chakra is released into the water, changing it into the form of five ferocious sharks. The sharks circle the target with high speed, creating a raging stream that takes away their prey's freedom of movement and their sharp teeth tear into the enemy with each consecutive attack. These sharks can regenerate from surrounding water, making them difficult to destroy. A much more powerful version of the Water Release: Five Feeding Sharks, is the One Thousand Feeding Sharks. The user creates one thousand sharks out of water, and they enter a wall formation, raining down to attack the opponent. This takes much more chakra needed, since it creates an army of sharks. The second variation of this technique needs a great body of water to be performed.

    Name: Water Release: Black Rain Technique
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: This jutsu creates a flammable black mist that forms a small cloud. The user can then move the cloud above their target and disperse it, covering the target in flammable oil.

    Name: Water Release: Five Gluttonous Sharks
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: The user slashes a body of water, creating a pillar of water that launches the enemy into the air. The user then releases five water sharks that attack the enemy until one devours them before imploding, launching the enemy into the air. The remaining water sharks surround the enemy and force them under water where they implode in on the enemy. It is known that if the sharks are damaged, they can regenerate themselves, unless completely destroyed.

    Name: Water Release: Demon Fish
    Prerequisites: Hydration Technique
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: After using the Hydration Technique to merge with a water source, the user can form a giant wave that looks like a demon-like fish. The user can use this form to battle larger opponents, or he can use it to shield allies from attack. Due to the large amount of chakra needed to sustain such an enormous amount of water, it's possible for the user to be rendered unconscious, and in a jelly-like state if a powerful enough attack hits the user.

    Name: Water Release: Great Excavation
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: The user coats their weapon, fist, or any other appendage used to attack in water, and forms it into the shape of a drill. After drilling the opponent into the ground the user can use this in conjunction with Exploding Water Colliding Wave, which will cause the water to spread out into a tsunami that drenches the battlefield. The additional cost of the wave technique must be applied for the combo.

    Name: Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: The user shapes water into the form of a large shark, and thrusts their hand forward sending it towards the opponent. The shark moves at high-speeds and creates a powerful impact. The user can also ride inside the water shark to increase their swimming speed.

    Name: Water Release: Great Water Shark Bullet Technique
    Prerequisites: Water Shark Bullet Technique
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: A stronger version of the Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique. The user creates a gigantic shark out of water, and thrusts both hands forward, sending it to attack the opponent. This technique differs from the original in that it is able to absorb the chakra from an opponent's technique, and in turn, use that chakra to grow larger and more powerful. It will disburst after one lunge, and cannot be controlled like its weaker variant.

    Name: Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: This technique extends water over a large scale, surges and rises up to several dozen meters high. Then it streams down to the ground in one big cascade, much like a gigantic waterfall. In doing so, it resembles a huge wave, with tremendous power that can hollow out the ground. What remains after that technique's utilization is reminiscent of no less than the aftermath of a natural disaster. This is a considerably advanced ninjutsu, and activating this technique requires a fair amount of chakra.

    Name: Water Release: Great Whirlpool Technique
    Prerequisites: Suiton; An appropriate weapon
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: B
    Description: The user uses a nearby water supply to create a giant water vortex around its weapon(nothing smaller than a Kodachi). The user then wields the vortex as a weapon. He then jumps above his opponent and uses his sword to smash the vortex into his targets causing massive damage.

    Name: Water Release: Gunshot
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: C
    Description: The user kneads chakra, and converts it into water, and then spits it out in the form of condensed balls. While this is a water release technique, it can still be employed someplace where no water is available, which is a great advantage. It is also possible to increase the power of destruction of the spheres themselves by building up the chakra inside of them. The number of bullets is determined while kneading chakra. By taking advantage of gravity, the bullets can brutally increase in power. With a user the size of a boss summon, the bullets can actually be more like cannonballs, making them much deadlier.

    Name: Water Release: Hiding In Water Technique
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: D
    Description: The user blends in with water to be undetected by the enemy, similar to the Earth Release:[/b] Hiding in Rock Technique. It was shown that this technique is usable even in water as shallow as a puddle. It's still possible for someone with some form of sensory type ability to detect the user, since most water puddles aren't infused with chakra primarily used by living beings.

    Name: Water Release: Rising Water Slicer
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: S
    Description: This jutsu will create a fast jet of water running through the ground that is powerful enough to slice through solid rock. However, it can easily be avoided by jumping upwards.

    Name: Water Release: Wild Water Wave
    Prerequisites: Suiton
    Style: Ninjutsu
    Rank: E
    Description: Water gushes out from the mouth like a waterfall and washes away the enemy. One can freely control the power of this technique with the amount chakra one releases. Having many variations, this is a basic Water Release technique.


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