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2 posters

    Sage Mode (canon talent)

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

    Fame : 551

    Shinobi Information
    Sage Mode (canon talent) Left_bar_bleue500/500Sage Mode (canon talent) Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Sage Mode (canon talent) Empty Sage Mode (canon talent)

    Post by Erika Sun May 05, 2013 9:07 pm

    • Name: Sennin Mōdo: Sage Mode
      Requirements: Advanced Genin, or Advanced Chunnin; Jounin or kage level. Summons that have a dedicated “sage” boss/character within it, or a jutsu like summoning mode that has sufficient lore for sage mode.
      Cost: 1000EXP and 200 point training.
      Description: Sennin Mōdo is the result of mixing natural energy along with the users own chakra to drastically empower them within combat. Sennin Mōdo Is a sacred art that requires the full commitment of the one who attempts to learn it lest they find themselves a statue within a garden of failures. Sennin Mōdo focuses on the gathering of natural energy which is made up of all living things around them, making the potential energy and in turn power gained from their surroundings incredible. The one reason why this art is not practiced by all is because natural energy without proper training is poisonous to the body, resulting in the potential user turning into stone (typically) in the shape of the animal tribe they are trying to learn it from; though it has been noted that some have gained it without the use of an animal tribe; the way that this has been done is unknown but the same process just with other catalysts is assumed. Training to learn how to control natural energy is no easy task and it is normally done in an area high in concentration so the user can get used to extreme amounts and be prepared for nearly any environment thereafter. The training involves gathering it while remaining perfectly still and focusing upon the nature and energy around them; slowly but surely learning how to sense said energy from the world and tap into it faster and easier. This process could only take a few days for some, while others it could take years; as it is with all things in learning. Once the training has been mastered however the user shall gain access to the fabled Sennin Mōdo which will drastically improve their capabilities and make all that time worth it.

      Sennin Mōdo has many benefits with only a few (if not potentially fatal) drawbacks. Sennin Mōdo is a form which must be entered by gathering sufficient natural energy and as such takes a full 2 posts of preparation beforehand to enter; during which the user can move around and fight as normal; should the user have summons or a specialized catalyst (that is in contact with them at all times leading up to entering the mode) to help them gather natural energy the form can be entered within 1 post instead of 2. Sennin Mōdo has the benefit of restoring 15% standard base chakra pool per post to represent the reserves of natural energy within them; should you not use chakra in a post that you are within Sennin Mōdo you will instead gain +15% of a standard base chakra pool, which cannot exceed a total gain of 60%, or you will begin to turn into stone and need to discharge the energy. Sennin Mōdo also increases your capabilities within all your style fields by 15%, making all moves that much better for you overall; and allows you to learn a special type of jutsu “senjutsu”. Sernjutsu is usable both in and outside of Sennin Mōdo however it loses the special edge that it has when not used within Sennin Mōdo. Senjutsu is learned like Kinjutsu and functions like normal jutsu except it costs 2 ranks lower in chakra to perform whenever you use it while within Sennin Mōdo. Sennin Mōdo also gives the unique ability to dispel genjutsu by using natural energy to regulate your chakra flow; however doing this is risky, and not advised to be spammed. For every genjutsu broken in this way you lose your ability to regenerate natural energy or add it to your chakra pool, and lose 15% energy, though the effects are immediate for breaking out. Should you ever not be either regenerating natural energy or gaining it (even if you hit max 60% you “count as” regenerating.) you will leave Sennin Mōdo, and have to enter it again. Should you ever use up to 30% of your chakra pool (including natural energy pool) in one go (aka post), you will leave Sennin Mōdo immediately after the chakra expenditure that took you over the edge is launched/used. The cool down for re entering shall be 4 posts instead of just 2, without a reduction bonus from outside and inside sources possible. Being within Sennin Mōdo also confirms a 50% bonus to speed, strength, and endurance. Within Sennin Mōdo one typically has animalistic features and while a “perfect” mode is simply just having the eyes of the animal you learned it from (or tattoo’s if you used another method) there are other possibilities: simply list your Sennin Mōdo traits on your profile below this talent in a list format and a moderator shall review them, remember nothing game breaking as it is more for flare and fashion than effects.

      • (animal traits here)
      • (animal traits here)
      • (animal traits here)
      • (animal traits here)


    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
    Sage Mode (canon talent) Left_bar_bleue0/12500Sage Mode (canon talent) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Sage Mode (canon talent) Empty Re: Sage Mode (canon talent)

    Post by Amesuke Tue May 07, 2013 5:45 pm


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