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    Post by Erika Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:12 pm

    • Name: Kujaku Myoohoo: Mysterious Peacock method.
      Requirements: 100 point training.
      Cost: 400 EXP.
      Description: Years ago various meteorites were scattered about the world, but unlike other meteorites these were chakra infused. These chakra infused meterorites held a strange potential within them, one which Hoshigakure saw fit to attempt and use for their own gain. Years of training though and use of said chakra proved to be too dangerous for most people and in almost all cases users of the strange meteor chakra would die after a few years of using said chakra; this lead the village to ban the training, and keep the meteor as nothing more than just a reminder of their failure. This was not the only meteor that fell from the skies and others have been discovered and various training methods attempted. The result has been other ninja with this method popping up around the world, some able to survive through the effects and make the chakra useful, while others perish just like the star ninja or worse. Kujaku modifies the users chakra into a stranger form which is far more malleable than the “typical” chakra one has, and whenever a technique is in use typically a user will have a large purple shaded “peacock tail” behind them, thus where this techniques name came from. This effect gives them a 50% boost to all chakra control and allows for them to have 1 jutsu per post cost 1 rank less in chakra. In addition to this the Kujaku user has access to jutsu through this talent that are unique to the meteors chakra, all of which take 2 ranks worth of chakra less to create to full effect than other techniques.

      • Name: Mysterious Peacock Method: Predation
        Prerequisites: Kujaku Myoohoo: Mysterious Peacock method.
        Style: Ninjutsu.
        Jutsu Rank: B-Rank, Kinjutsu.
        Description: A technique that allows for the user to steal the Peacock Method chakra of other users and comrades who use it. It is useless for anything else however, and takes up to five posts to fully gather their chakra, making it 20% each post. If two peacock users both use this technique it cancels out, and nothing happens. It also cannot kill the peacock method user being drained and will always leave them with 1% left. This process is visible even to the naked eye.

      • Name: Mysterious Peacock Method: Rope.
        Prerequisites: Kujaku Myoohoo: Mysterious Peacock method.
        Style: Ninjutsu.
        Jutsu Rank: B-Rank, Kinjutsu.
        Description: Creating from their body a rope the user shall attempt to bind a target, or use it for other purposes occasionally. This technique is said to be un-cuttable, though that is a big fat lie. It is tough however and is harder than average to break as another B rank jutsu might be. This technique requires no hand seals.

      • Name: Mysterious Peacock Method: Apparition.
        Prerequisites: Kujaku Myoohoo: Mysterious Peacock method.
        Style: Ninjutsu.
        Jutsu Rank: S-Rank, Kinjutsu.
        Description: A technique used only as a last resort, and even then is only effective if the user had thought it out. Placing a seal somewhere that is not on another person/truly moving object, the user can leave their chakra behind to act as a guardian should they perish. This guardian does not activate until they have died, and cannot move 50ft from the location of the seal. For all intents of purposes the seal’s guardian has all the same abilities the user had at the time of its creation, and it is recommended you make a topic, or note somewhere what your RPC had at the time. In terms of combat this guardian shall fight with 50% reduced abilities all around of what your character had (as in strength, speed, chakra.) and can be “killed” just like the creator of the seal could. Only one seal can ever exist at a time, and only guardian can ever exist at one time. The guardian appears as an ever distorting and restoring version of the user with a glowing purple chakra outline around them, and a faint white glow over their body.

      • Name: Mysterious Peacock Method: Beast.
        Prerequisites: Kujaku Myoohoo: Mysterious Peacock method.
        Style: Ninjutsu.
        Jutsu Rank: B-Rank, Kinjutsu.
        Description: After forming the correct hand signs the user shall make out of their peacock chakra along their back a beast. This beast typically look canine, and this technique alone can create up to two of the creatures which the user can freely control. They are tough enough to have shuriken just bounce off of them, and deal high impact damage and cutting damage if left to their own designs for long enough.

      • Name: Mysterious Peacock Method: Join
        Prerequisites: Kujaku Myoohoo: Mysterious Peacock method, Mysterious Peacock Method: Beast active.
        Style: Ninjutsu.
        Jutsu Rank: A-Rank.
        Description: If two beasts were created using Mysterious Peacock Method: Beast, then this technique can be used. By having the beasts combine with one another at the cost of no hand seals, the user can make a giant beast far more powerful than the previous ones, and capable of bouncing most katana away with ease. Otherwise it functions just like the previous jutsu Beast.

      • Name: Mysterious Peacock Method: Choke.
        Prerequisites: Kujaku Myoohoo: Mysterious Peacock method, Mysterious Peacock Method: Rope known.
        Style: Ninjutsu.
        Jutsu Rank: A-Rank, Kinjutsu.
        Description: After forming their chakra feathers behind their body the user can turn them into ropes to try and ensnare their opponent. The difference between this technique and rope is that this technique is stronger, and typically attempts to strangle the target to death rather than just simply restrain them. Like rope it is tougher than average in terms of resisting hits, but is not un-cuttable like some foolishly had claimed.

      • Name: Mysterious Peacock Method: Destroy.
        Prerequisites: Kujaku Myoohoo: Mysterious Peacock method.
        Style: Ninjutsu.
        Jutsu Rank: B/A/S
        Description: Enhancing the chakra wings created from them they shall attack the opponent. This technique is useful in that the strength of the wings is universal attacking or defending making it highly versatile, if not costly to keep going for long periods of time. Mostly a close combat technique, or a back off move, it has it’s uses but is limited by range.

      • Name: Mysterious Peacock Method: Dragon
        Prerequisites: Kujaku Myoohoo: Mysterious Peacock method.
        Style: Ninjutsu.
        Jutsu Rank: B/A
        Description: Creating a Chinese style dragon out of their chakra, the user shall begin this technique. The dragon itself is just as durable or strong as other jutsu of its rank, the main advantage is its ability to fire out blasts of chakra at the enemy. The higher ranked version of this technique creates wings behind the dragon just increasing its power in both close combat and the blasts it fires. Each blasts costs D rank chakra regardless of the rank of this technique used, and is not affected by this techniques chakra reduction buff. The dragon itself is connected to the user’s back and typically hovers 10-20 feet above the user, though can be freely controlled should the need arise.

      • Name: Mysterious Peacock Method: Wings
        Prerequisites: Kujaku Myoohoo: Mysterious Peacock method.
        Style: Ninjutsu.
        Jutsu Rank: C
        Description: Unlike the peacock feather like wings this technique is known for, this technique creates wings around the users limbs, designed for gliding and better aerodynamics’. Effectively this technique allows for the user to far more acrobatic than previously, though sustained flight isn’t possible with it.

    • Name: Jashinist experiment.
      Requirements: 100 point training.
      Cost: 500 EXP.
      Description: There exists a cult that focuses around the god of death who expects nothing less than utter destruction and death in the form of his followers enemies. Ritualistic prayer is needed within the religion to keep Jashin’s favor, and often time’s prayers simply involve asking for a good kill, or if unable to kill the target forgiveness. Jashinists are known for not being the nicest people, and typically within the ninja world are missing due to villages having some form of morality involving killing. One thing that Jashinists have been known for now is done through their secret arts to making someone a avatar of their god Jashin. These secret techniques which are currently unknown to the public, and enemies the Jashin have faced (meaning have fun with that lore part, when you write the sequence for your RPC) cause the Jashinist in question to become immortal in body. Able to survive nearly any injury such as being decapitated, or losing all of the blood in their body, even able to function so long as the parts in question aren’t snapped in half or removed. Their body also does no decay if say the heart is removed and the head cut off, and will reactive once they are connected properly again. The main disadvantage of this immortality is that while they are still impervious to many techniques they are not invincible. If their body is completely incinerated into ash for example they would be dead for all intents and purposes. Making it a situational immortality that while extensive is not omnipotent. Users of this method of Immortality have a technique that they favor above others known as “curse technique: death controlling possessed blood” Which all Jashinist followers with this talent can learn.

      • Name: Curse Technique: Death controlling Possessed Blood.
        Prerequisites: Jashinist Experiment, ingested sample of targets blood.
        Style: Ninjutsu or Fuuninjutsu.
        Jutsu Rank: A
        Description: First the user of this technique must acquire a sample of the targets blood and ingest it successfully (so you know actually having a mouth and digestive system ). After doing so the user shall create the Jashinim seal upon the ground typically using their feet, though other more creative methods can work. The circle must be big enough for the user to at least fully stand within, though a bigger is recommended due to the techniques weakness. After this is done and the user is standing within the seal with opponent’s blood ingested, then they shall be linked to them in terms of damage (meaning stabbing your heart pierces theirs). Due to the Jashinist immortality this becomes a one sided attack for the most part, and effectively turns the Jashinist experiment into a living voo doo doll. This technique does have a few weaknesses firstly in order to cause any damage to the opponent they must be within the seal fully otherwise this technique will have no effect, and secondly must have the blood of the one they desire to hurt, which is very important as if you took an allies blood too you would hurt them as well. Should one have multiple of the same organs (such as hearts) it will take repeated stabs to your own said organ to fully kill them. When using this technique the users skin turns a midnight black, and has bone like patterns appear all over the user effectively making them look like a strange skeleton, or as Jashinists put it the embodiment of their gods view of death and destruction. This technique requires no hand seals to perform.


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    Post by Amesuke Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:29 pm


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