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    Kimera, Ava Evangeline (WIP)

    Ari Phoenix
    Ari Phoenix
    Academy Student
    Academy Student

    Fame : 528

    Shinobi Information
    Kimera, Ava Evangeline (WIP) Left_bar_bleue0/0Kimera, Ava Evangeline (WIP) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Kimera, Ava Evangeline (WIP) Empty Kimera, Ava Evangeline (WIP)

    Post by Ari Phoenix Mon May 06, 2013 2:19 am

    Name: Kimera, Ava Evangeline
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 135 lbs

    Kimera, Ava Evangeline (WIP) Nekomata_zps93af36eb
    A pair of glasses adorn her face, with thick lenses, showing that her eyes are not the best. She wears a suit under a lab coat, showing that she is indeed from the Kimera clan. Her body though slightly tall, is slim, and yet curvy enough to show a very womanly body under her suit. Unlike most, she actually wears boots, so as to protect her feet, be it from the chemicals she works with, or from being stepped on or stubbed. She does not wear jewelry usually, but instead wears a tie, and carries around a book. Most other apparels are foreign to her. Her hair can be seen as messy mostly when she is in the lab, but outside, she keeps it combed and brushed. Her ears stick out enough that no one can mistake her for a human unless she covers them, same with her Twin tails that sprout from her lower back.

      Race: Nekomata Cat girl(technically human Child of a Grim)
      Hair: Brown/Black, kept down, reaches down to her mid thigh.
      Eyes: Amber Yellow, with a tint of honey
      Body: Curvy figure, on the slim side
      Ethnicity: Oni no Kuni
    This young lady has a problem, she is a mad scientist with an inferiority complex, prone to depression, though at the same time, a perfectionist, seeking to perfect everything, when she fails, she goes into bouts of crying, but when she succeeds, she laughs like there is nothing in the world that can stop her. She doesn't really think about others much, being that she prefers to focus so much on her work. Though she does know the body through and through, she doesn't understand things like psychology. Her interpersonal skills are lacking, and even though she is a scientist, she has a messy habit of leaving things around, and in a mess. She can be caring, when it comes down to it, though only when the person has some how caught her attention.

    Her biggest personality trait that is overlooked is her allegiance though. Her first allegiance is to her clan. Her second, to the country for which she was born. Her third is to her friends, if she has any. And finally to the village that she has been fostered into. She is part of an Organization known as Shadowed hearts, who hope to one day bring about a reclaiming of Oni no Kuni, and the village of Yomi, through the works of what ever is deemed necessary.

    Rank/Village Title: Chuunin
    Village: Kirigakure
    Organization/Team: Shadowed Hearts

    Style Allocation:
    Total Points to Spend: 3

    • Ninjutsu: 0
    • Genjutsu: 0
    • Taijutsu: 0
    • Puppetry: 0
    • Ijutsu: 3
    • Fuuinjutsu: 0

    Kekkei Genkai/Clan: Kimera: Franken, Creator
    Element: Raiton,Suiton


    • (Primary Slot)
    • (Secondary Slot)
    • (So on)
    • (So forth)
    Starting Inventory:

    • Franken Lab Coat
    • Franken Grimoire

    [/list]Jutsu Total:

    Kekkei Genkai:
    • Medical Genius
    • Chimera Child
    • Creator Franken

    Bloodline Jutsu:

    Ava was a bright mind with a problem, she always was belittled. She was always being put down, which lead to herself putting herself down. She grew up in a family who practiced an art that only those with in the special group could do. She watched as her parents experimented and created things that nature couldn't make, and felt the way that the clan was, she would easily fit in. To make sure of that, she studied chemistry and Biology as a child.She didn't want to fail her family, so she forced herself into further studies when she was done, learning theory after theory. The reason, was that she couldn't stand the thought of being unable to work as part of the clan.

    The studying and her natural intellect made her realize things that she had never concept-ed before, that others didn't, and lead to slight discoveries and proved them to the clan, in response, they stated that she could join, when they were ready to accept her. In her spare time, she decided to work on learning how to apply her biology and chemistry skills to the work of life, leading her to train as a medic. This would help her in her further endeavors, and make her a valuable asset to the country she would serve.

    She would become accepted by her clan soon, when she hit that ripe old age of Sixteen. She was not just accepted by the clan, but by the Organization that worked in the Shadows. Shadowed Hearts was its name, and though it was harmless, it was an Organization inside an Organization, as Shadowed hearts was inside, and outside of Kimera. It was technically an organization dedicated to the homeland of Oni no kuni, the Demon Country.

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