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    Ari Phoenix
    Ari Phoenix
    Academy Student
    Academy Student

    Fame : 528

    Shinobi Information
    Kimera(WIP) Left_bar_bleue0/0Kimera(WIP) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
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    Kimera(WIP) Empty Kimera(WIP)

    Post by Ari Phoenix Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:39 pm

    Clan Name: Franken
    Village(s)/Country(ies) Of Origin: Oni no kuni, but live anywhere.

    Clan History:
    In the early years of the five countries, a Sage accomplished with the medical arts began testing ways to manipulate bodily functions in order to combat widespread viruses. While trying to find ways to build a better human, one that was immune to most disease and better adept in ninja ways, he came across the scholarly records of an ancient teacher of the medical ways. The ancient records told of old methods of limb and organ transplants. Though the results of such surgeries often yielded more superior specimen, it stole from the essence of one's being. In order to utilize the strengths of said experiments, as well as to negate the side effects, the Sage began to use mediums in which he would empower, controlling the mediums for his own goals. Usually using medium-sized animals as test subjects, the sage created Chimera, beasts consisting of multiple species and utilizing imbued abilities. The surgeries often stole away from the beasts essences, allowing the creator to control the beings as if willing servants.

    As the ages passed, the techniques of the medical sage were passed down through his own family, forging a powerful clan of mad scientists. When the villagers were founded, these ninja became great assets to the village, who employed them to begin the many experiments they conducted. The leader of their division was a man named Shimo, who was a genius behind the scalpel. The scientist clan began offshoots who specialized more in human modification, while others began to specialize in beast manipulation. Because they were so large in size, their ties and bonds were loose and fragile, causing the clan to eventually split apart, until only a few remained loyal to the way of old. When Shimo abandoned the village, many of his human experiments escaped and sought revenge on those who tested on them. Because of this, a large number of the clan got assassinated, with those who had strayed from the normal ways, returning back to the clan for safety. The scientists brought with them their acquired techniques, assimilating them into the clan's traditional jutsu, however with their small numbers, this only gave them a smaller chance at continuing their clan's unique styles.

    Clan Description:
    Members of the Kimera clan specialize in one of two scientific professions. Each profession has bloodline limits unique to its own style, meaning members can be of entirely different skill sets even though within the same clan. The Franken use their special knowledge of bio genetic alteration to create and manipulate artificial beings, created from both living and dead bodies, and infused with the user's own life-force. These beings are created as pets, and have the characteristics of the creatures used to create them.This style is fueled by Ijutsu and medical knowledge, as well as focuses on ranged attacks utilizing their creations as the focus of their attacks. Franken as Shinobi tend to ignore personal jutsu outside of their techniques for healing, and maybe simple support abilities, in favor of teaching their Chimera techniques to fight with.

    Clan Talents:

    General Franken Talent

    Bonded Franken Talent

    Creator Franken Talent

    Clan Techniques:
    General Franken Techniques

    Creator Franken Techniques

    Bonded Franken Techniques

    Clan Items:
    • Name: Franken Grimoire
      Requisition Rank: Academy Student
      Weight: 1360 Grams
      Description: A book owned by all people of the Franken Branch, it is a book that contains all the secrets and techniques and finding of their fellow Franken. This book was created by a group of Shinobi Franken who wanted a way to pass their knowledge around, but did not want it getting into the wrong hands. As such they used several techniques, so as to allow only the owner, and those who they entrust to be able to open it, and only those of certain levels in the clan or of certain permissions to be able to access higher levels of secrets.

      Other than that, this is just a three pound book, with information on medical knowledge. It is quite a nice read for those who want to improve their medical calibur.
      A Leather bound book, with the Kimera clan insignia on it.

    • Name: Franken Lab Coat
      Requisition Rank: Genin
      Weight: 907 Grams
      Description: A Lab coat with the clan insignia on it, usually modified by the Franken to show their own style. This lab coat is usually granted as a Graduation gift from the Academy. It has seals in its pockets for keeping Medical supplies or other tools needed for their research or other such things. This coats functions are mostly for holding stuff, and being worn to protect their normal clothing.
      A white lab coat with the Kimera clan insignia on it. Modified in form to the Franken's liking, but always has pockets on it somewhere just for holding those items they hold dear.

    • Name: Franken Black Lab Coat
      Requisition Rank: Chuunin or higher, special title granted
      Weight: 1000 Grams
      Description: This is an advanced version of the prior lab coat. It is equivelent to a Jounin Vest, or an Anbu outfit, but still holds the things for a Franken like the prior one. The appearance is a little modified though. This lab coat is usually worn by Franken Block ops, or those who have attained some powerful rank in a Shinobi military.

      As with the prior, it holds seals, but this coat is also nearly indistructable comparitively. Does not mean the Franken will not take damage from attacks hitting it, just means that even if the Franken wearing it gets cut to bits, the Coat will remain.
      A Black leather Lab coat, with the Kimera Insignia on it, and like the white one, modified in appearance to suit the needs and style of the Franken wearing it. Still has pockets somewhere on it.

    Note: Franken Creator Chimera limit
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    Last edited by Ari Phoenix on Mon May 06, 2013 2:44 am; edited 19 times in total
    Ari Phoenix
    Ari Phoenix
    Academy Student
    Academy Student

    Fame : 528

    Shinobi Information
    Kimera(WIP) Left_bar_bleue0/0Kimera(WIP) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
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    Kimera(WIP) Empty Re: Kimera(WIP)

    Post by Ari Phoenix Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:39 pm

    On hold for now, may be re-opened later.

    Last edited by Ari Phoenix on Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:49 pm; edited 5 times in total
    Ari Phoenix
    Ari Phoenix
    Academy Student
    Academy Student

    Fame : 528

    Shinobi Information
    Kimera(WIP) Left_bar_bleue0/0Kimera(WIP) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Kimera(WIP) Empty Re: Kimera(WIP)

    Post by Ari Phoenix Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:40 pm

    On hold for now, may be indefinite or until I feel up to working on it, also may be re-opened upon interest.

    Last edited by Ari Phoenix on Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:48 pm; edited 6 times in total
    Ari Phoenix
    Ari Phoenix
    Academy Student
    Academy Student

    Fame : 528

    Shinobi Information
    Kimera(WIP) Left_bar_bleue0/0Kimera(WIP) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Kimera(WIP) Empty Re: Kimera(WIP)

    Post by Ari Phoenix Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:41 pm

    On hold for now, may be picked back up later.

    Last edited by Ari Phoenix on Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:36 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Ari Phoenix
    Ari Phoenix
    Academy Student
    Academy Student

    Fame : 528

    Shinobi Information
    Kimera(WIP) Left_bar_bleue0/0Kimera(WIP) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Kimera(WIP) Empty Re: Kimera(WIP)

    Post by Ari Phoenix Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:16 pm

    Chimera and Goille Techniques:
    Chimera Pet Techniques;
    Goille Puppet Pet Techniques;


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