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    Erika Guren {Iwagakure}

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

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    Erika Guren {Iwagakure}  Empty Erika Guren {Iwagakure}

    Post by Erika Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:17 am

    Name: Erika Guren
    Age: 11
    Gender: Appears female, ‘technically’ None.
    Height: 4’ 3”.
    Weight: 47lbs.

      Erika’s appearance is very bland. Normally she just wears plain colors and honestly could be considered quite homely in that regard. Never having a good sense for fashion, and used to hand me downs, she is perfectly content with nearly anything so long as it isn’t a slut next door outfit. This being sad she only happy with anything as she hasn’t been exposed much to the nicer side of life due to previously not having her own income, eventually she may find the world of clothes to be more of a fun invest of her time, but for now it lack luster at best; necessity over interest.

      Erika physically is still very young looking and in age. Overall somewhat average, though a bit on the skinny side and not really weighty at all; mostly due to the Jiongu that she has always had for her entire life. Her skin tone is very pale almost albino due to the stress of when she was born, and her time developing. Her hair color is red almost crimson and is very long reaching down below her waist if not put up into a style of some kind. Her eyes are that of a crimson in color and appear to be blind once again due to the Jiongu that she possesses as it has made her lack pupils. She isn’t very muscular once again, right pretty much most of her appearance is influence by that talent. Regardless she is four foot three inches tall, weighs forty seven pounds, and is right handed.

      Race: Human, Caucasian.
      Hair: Crimson, normally worn straight or in a pony tail.
      Eyes: Crimsonb, lacks pupils.
      Body: Athletic, Skinny, lacking in muscle tone.
      Ethnicity: Earth Country.
      Erika is a strange cookie. She isn’t one to be bossy, but at the same time she isn’t one who enjoys being told what to do. She enjoys going with her own flow in life, a quirk which has netted her into more trouble than it was probably worth on occasion. She isn’t disrespectful; Erika knows full well the boundaries of not listening/obeying another, and being flat out rude. While she may not be the best soldier in the entire world, she won’t blow you off and ignore you completely if you should so happen to be the one barking an order, and it’s important. Basically those who are rude or too over bearing find themselves in the ignore folder of her mind (in the long run), while those who are far more lenient or kind in their presentation get her full attention.

      Previous paragraph about Erika aside she isn’t mean, far from it. If you are rude to her once it’s not like she will never give you another chance. Many times she will chalk it up to a horrible day or possibly a tummy ache at the time. This makes her extremely laid back and sociable with many types of people so long as they don’t throw weight around or act like complete donkeys. Willing to give you a fair shot at getting her friendship Erika honestly attempts to listen to your stories and see if she can’t find a common ground between you and herself. Without a common ground though you will find she isn’t willing to become more than just an acquaintance, since you can’t really be friends without having something you share with another; that’s just how she views it.

      Remember how it was said that Erika isn’t one for arrogant speech? In casual conversation this is the very definition of truth for her, but in a battlefield role? The gloves come off. Erika doesn’t find the usage of taunting words, and overblown arrogance to be a problem in combat, since if people are going to be that way then obviously they have self confidence issues, be it lack of or too much of, and most of the time they fail to back it up. Erika will frequently return it in kind, adding her own little snarky twist to the words, and throwing in some horrible puns for free as well. Making others feel the sting of her own little attitude has been known to make others more annoyed than amused, especially if they are on the other side, and many a time she has been called a female dog after or during the conflict. Still she tries never to drop her smile despite the conflict as it helps her to focus and perform better than she normally would; plus in its own way it is a taunt to always smile despite what the situation would normally bring about.

      You may have guessed that Erika is a very joyous person most of the time, trying to use almost any opportunity to make something into a witty joke or find common ground between her and the new person she just met. If you did not I apologize my job was not done well enough. Erika has another side, one which she doesn’t like to show, unlike the friendly conversationalist part. Erika had developed that side specifically from her own desire to not be neglected. Erika has always had issues with others rejecting her for who she is, and as such finds it horrifying if she is alone, preferring the company of others to the point where it may as well be a need. She may not come off as obsessive towards those she knows, but if the opportunity presents itself she will generally ask if she can come along with them even if it is to a place she would rather not be. Better to be doing an activity she dislikes with others than to be sitting around alone in her mind.

      There is a side to Erika that isn’t witty or clever though, that side to her is the one that wishes for Romance. She is sadly far too serious about it and self doubting, viewing herself as not good enough for that sort of thing. It would take a real push to make her openly admit her feelings for another even if it hurts her on the inside, and more often than not she will let them pass by due to her own inner voice saying that she isn’t what they want in the long run, and that she isn’t perfect enough. In reality that may not be the case at all, but in her mind it is just as real as the air that she breathes.

      There is one last subject which has yet to be touched upon for this most curious girl, anger. To be put simply she doesn’t feel anger; people can be as abusive to her as the next and she will normally just get upset and throw a witty retort towards them and then scuttle off to go and cry. When it comes to those who she considers friends or someone who she has just met who seems nice enough, she will get angry in their steed. Normally pulling off the classic good guy attitude of yelling their heads off, and telling them to take back the insults before she gets serious about possibly starting a conflict when in reality she will just be focusing on getting the other person to feel better by letting them ignore their own anger and focus on hers instead. In essence she doesn’t get mad unless someone else is offended since she can handle herself but someone else might not be able too, and being mean to someone who can’t defend themselves is just cowardly in her book.

    Rank/Village Title: Genin.
    Village: Iwagakure.
    Title: Genius.
    Organization / Team: N/A

    Style Allocation: Ninjutsu: 2
    Kekkei Genkai/Clan: N/A
    Element: Katon {Primary}

    • Name: Jiongu: Earth Grudge Fear.
      Requirements: Character creation with a good enough background, or acquired through 100 point training, cannot have/removes bloodline.
      Cost: 500 Exp points to purchase, 500 additional per NPC heart.
      Description: Classified originally as a kinjutsu that hailed from the village of Takigakure, Jiongu is undoubtedly a powerful talent. Through an “unknown” process one can transform their body into that reminiscent of a rag doll. This rag doll effect is a result of the user’s organs, bones, and other internal body parts becoming that of thin and thick black tendrils. The only bodily parts that seem to remain are the skin, eyes, and heart. The skin is normally stitched up by the tendrils as to allow for their free movement outside of the husk of the users body. The eyes of an earth grudge fear user are distinguishable by them having no pupil though this oddly has no impact on their ability to see. Third and most important aspect that remains of their former body is that of the heart. The heart of a Jiongu user is their life force, and destroying it will kill the Jiongu user; though this isn’t the only part that the heart serves in being important. Jiongu users can take others hearts and assimilate them into their own body gaining certain abilities, and extending their life through the others heart. These hearts can be stored in all sorts of areas within the body and tendrils, be it just simply within the body, or within a mask upon the back. The possibility to gain others hearts and the potential bonuses they can give a user of Jiongu have caused this Talent be labeled as forbidden, as it causes “immortality”. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, while a Jongu user can only truly be killed by having their hearts either removed or flat out destroyed, they aren’t omnipotent. Their chakra network while lacking organs attached to them are still visible and within the same locations. Jiongu users do not have to eat in order to stay alive, however they still have to breathe and sleep like anyone else.

      When first gaining (or starting creation with) Jiongu, the user shall only be allowed to have 1 primary element, and barred from gaining special elements. Jinogu users can store up to 5 hearts within their body. These hearts can be from RPC victims, or NPC victims the latter of which have an EXP cost associated with them to obtain, and aren’t as powerful as other RPC’s hearts. When a Jiongu user gains another heart be it NPC or RPC they gain their first basic element as a primary in addition to their own original element, should it be the same then they shall gain their secondary as a primary instead, and if both are same then they gain no element. If the heart was that of an NPC the only thing gained is an element, but if the heart was that of an RPC then 1/3rd of the elemental jutsu that matched the element gained are automatically learned, unless they are clan specific or require a talent to work that the user of Jiongu does not have. The user also gains 25% more to their chakra pool, making for a total boost from this ability 100%. The tendrils themselves are capable of stretching up to 70ft from the users body, and are capable to stitching up wounds be it their own or others. The stitching of the wounds while it can restore bodily function to the part stitched the stitching isn’t done with chakra, and isn’t strong making for an easy detachment if not properly treated.


    • Shuriken x20.
    • Kunai x10.
    • Smoke bomb x10.

    Starting Inventory:

    • Radio.
    • Explosive tags x10.
    • Wire 40ft.

    Jutsu Total: 9
    Basic jutsu

    • Name: Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
      Prerequisites: None
      Type: Ninjutsu
      Rank: E
      Description: Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. The Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja without substance. The copy resembles the ninja in every way. This clone can function as a distraction or as means to confuse one's opponent. As soon the Bunshin gets attacked or comes into contact with an opponent, it will disperse.

    • Name: Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
      Prerequisites: None
      Type: Ninjutsu
      Rank: E
      Description: Henge no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents. However, it does not grant one the properties of said objects or skills of that person, meaning turning into a weapon will not allow you to cut an opponent and turning into a dog will not give you a great sense of smell.

      This technique can also be used in conjunction with someone, who may a person, a pet or a summoning creature, in which case it is called Konbi Henge (Combination Transformation). However, its principles remain the same.

    • Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu - Body Substitution Technique
      Prerequisites: None
      Type: Ninjutsu
      Rank: E
      Description: Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack. Naturally, it won't work with another person unless their skill gap is enormous, and the object to replace oneself with must be close in size and weight to the ninja themselves. This technique must be set up a little ahead when fighting skilled opponents, otherwise, you may end up getting struck because you wouldn't have enough time to use it.

    • Name: Kai - Release
      Prerequisites: None
      Type: Ninjutsu
      Rank: D
      Description: A very useful technique that dispels or prevents the effects of genjutsu in its early stages. To perform it, the user only needs to hold their hands in a tiger hand seal and channel some chakra into it. A lower-level genjutsu will be dispelled without any harm to the user. This can also be done on someone else, in which case the user must touch them before releasing the technique. However, it is a low-level ninja skill, as there are more effective ways of countering genjutsu. This will only dispel genjutsu of B-rank or below.

    D-Rank Jutsu

    • Name: Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu - Haze Clone Technique
      Prerequisites: None
      Style: Ninjutsu
      Rank: D
      Description: A technique that seems to be a direct advancement of the usual Bunshin no Jutsu, it requires a few hand seals and creates dozens of clones of the user. Just like common clones, these are merely illusions, but they can easily be recreated if some are destroyed. Naturally, this jutsu's sole purpose is to confuse the enemy.

    • Name: Kage Shuriken no Jutsu - Shadow Shuriken Technique
      Prerequisites: Multiple Shuriken or Similar Weapon
      Style: Ninjutsu
      Rank: D
      Description: This is a simple ninjutsu used to disguise projectile attacks. The user will throw a shuriken or similar weapon at an enemy. However, they will secretly launch another same weapon right afterwards, so that the second weapon is hidden in the opponent's blind spot behind the first. A rather basic technique, it may catch even experienced shinobi off-guard.

    C-Rank Jutsu

    • Name: Shunshin no Jutsu - Body Flicker Technique
      Prerequisites: None
      Style: Ninjutsu
      Rank: C
      Description: Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance. While it may seem like the user simply appeared or disappeared, the technique is actually a momentary increase in movement speed towards a set location.

    • Name: Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique (Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu)
      Prerequisites: Katon Element
      Style: Ninjutsu
      Rank: C-Rank
      Description: This technique creates a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled one by one with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction.

    • Name: Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique (Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu)
      Prerequisites: Katon Element
      Style: Ninjutsu
      Jutsu Rank: C-Rank
      Description: A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire, and expelled from the mouth in a massive orb of roaring flame or as a continuous flamethrower. The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater on the ground's surface. This technique apparently requires more than average chakra reserves and most genin should not be able to do this technique.

      Erika wasn’t born in the normal sense of the word, sure she was conceived, but birth was different for her and others of her peer age group. Iwagakure the village hidden in the stones had been having a decline in recent years of new recruits and money coming in from the feudal lords who funded their lands. This was putting pressure upon not only them but the villages surrounding them to get more funds, and more ninja. One man offered to fulfill the lack of personal, and all he had requested was that they do not question his methods. Originally he was thrown out for proposing such actions, but eventually he was contracted secretly by one of the Fuedal lord’s councilmen to perform the project to ensure the village’s future, and their dominance within the world. Happily accepting the man known as Kheine got to work on his schemes.

      Taking the money with a grin and forming his own underground lab, he began the process of creating his test subjects. He was and still is the type of man who would only use human subjects as there is no point in his mind otherwise. What can be learned from mice and not from men; nothing important, not to him at least? Hiring with the money he had received from the councilman couples which desired to have a child, he paid them to give him their first conception and then offered to fund a full year of their lives normal expenses. Eventually a good number of couples from all over the country accepted such offers, and soon his fine batch of test subjects was born.

      Filtering the newly conceived future test subjects within his various jars created to simulate the wombs environment, he began to look into manipulating the basic structures of those who were involved within the experiment(s) into being better than average. In order to accomplish this he choose only the couples who didn’t have much bloodline connection or it was so diluted he could easily remove and replace it if need be. He needed the perfect candidates in order to create an “army” for the land that had hired him. Many months went by and while some fetuses didn’t make it, others barely hung on while some flourished with the processes done to them. Kheine found it all as a game anyway, and applying various abilities and mock Kekkei genkai to the aging embryo’s he forced them down paths that normally the children probably would have never crossed.

      One of such growing “test tube babies” was Erika, and while others received manipulation from half dead or well thriving clans, Erika received one from the village of Takigakure. Originally a Kinjutsu created by the village to gain partial immortality, Kheine found it very amusing to give it to a future girl just as he found it amusing to give the more “girly” looks to some of the guys, and to just out right kill of the test tube projects as he didn’t like how they were turning out. Needless to say little Erika was one ot eh lucky ones, as out of a batch of one hundred only around eleven lived to reach the age of being a baby. Oddly enough the injection within her still caused her to age, and while he was close to killing her off along with another boy who’s Hoshizuki clansmen DNA seemed to be somewhat out of sync, he decided to keep them around and keep more notes as they were growing up for his own amusement. Always what he did it for anyway, his amusement?

      Telling the councilman after around nine months of the project starting that it had yielded some results, the council man had an orphanage founded for the poor lost children of a village out of the country as a good will towards them. In reality it was wiped from the map for this project to be covered up on some of the highest levels. The children within the care of the orphanage were to be the ones Kheine had used, and thus he could still get reports from the care takers of their progress while he went out and completed other tasks that he desired to undertake. So Erika and the others who had survived were all given fake identifications and birth certificates to go along with their former “families”. Now truly begins Erika’s own conscious story.

      As she grew up within the orphanage more kids from outside of the research would enter, and leave but Erika herself always seemed to stay, and wondered why it was that she was never taken when others were. Her and another boy names Kaijo were never taken away by prospective parents and as such she became friends with him. During their years spent together they would go on all sorts of adventures that honestly would just be considered filler, adorable but filler. One day the care takers announced that the children that they had known before were all going to the ninja academy (guess why!) and that they too would go there. It was kind of exciting to meet all of them again, but when push came to shove and the class finally started she found the kids to be less than happy with her, and Kaijo. Many of them had changed and were meaner or just plain different.

      So it was that Erika kept the company of Kaijo all the way through the academy, and they became even closer friends to the point where they would almost always hang out together. Though Kaijo’s health seemed to wane more as the years went on, she still found him fun to be around even if Hospital trips were more and more common. You could say that she was starting to fall in love with him as she got older and started to know what those feelings were like. Obviously mocked by others for it she chooses to ignore them and keep on going down the path she had chosen. Finishing the academy and being assigned to a genin team, Erika was upset that she and Kaijo were on different teams, but still it was good to meet more people right? The other team members she had were both boys and were alright, while the sensei was a man who seemed to be of strong convictions, which Erika would later choose to ignore.

      The war then started, and war; war never changes. As the forces on the front lines started to wane her team was sent out to recon the enemy positions and analyzes their strength. It was a simple task that Erika felt even she could do and come back alive. Later before they moved out from the village was that Kaijo’s team was also sent on the same mission, and getting excited she figured that they would meet up again as it had been a while since they had last talked. If that set up doesn’t scream something went wrong, then you have no hope in the Naruto verse lore. Erika’s team scouted the enemy’s positions successfully and then attempted to contact Kaijo’s team. Doing so successfully and then meeting up Erika could barely contain her excitement for their meeting again for only the two teams to meet up and no Kaijo was present. Kaijo’s team sensei said that he had gone off to recon another area that he thought was suspicious and that he would be back before sunset.

      Erika having the utmost faith in his abilities snuck away as sun set started to approach, and look for him. It didn’t take her very long to find out where he was based on what the Sensei had told her, and when she arrived on the scene she wished that she hadn’t. Standing over Kaijo’s assumed corpse was a man in an all black coat (he’s the bad guy), holding a blooding Kunai knife. Attempting to fight him out of her rage and worry for her friend, she was quickly beaten down a notch by the man almost till death, despite even her weird body structure. Telling her within the cold night’s air that “She was far better than her sickly friend, and she had better stay alive to prove it more” She was left to fade from consciousness. When she awoke again Erika was within an Iwagakure Hospital recovering from her wounds via the personal there, though they really didn’t know what all to do with her considering her anatomy, but regardless they did their best. She lived because they did, and trying to hide the pain of losing him and remembering those nights’ moments, the only thing she could focus on was the cloak, headband of Konoha that the man wore, and more importantly what the man had said to her. Not blaming the enemy village, but more focused on her sorrow and wondering who the man who killed Kaijo was, Erika gradually got better, and was let go from the ward to re join her team on the front. Vowing to not let her life go to waste as did the growing former friends had Erika now lives within the day to day of Genin life within a growing war. Hoping that she can survive through it and attempt to answer many questions she has always wished to know, and to live life in place of those lost for their sakes. Hating the war for its lack of compassion for human life, and why it was started in the first place.

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

    Fame : 551

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    Erika Guren {Iwagakure}  Empty Re: Erika Guren {Iwagakure}

    Post by Erika Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:47 am

    Reserved, and finished.

    Fame : 2739

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    Erika Guren {Iwagakure}  Empty Re: Erika Guren {Iwagakure}

    Post by Amesuke Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:57 am


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