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    {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one!


    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
    {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Left_bar_bleue0/12500{Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
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    {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Empty {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one!

    Post by Amesuke Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:38 am

    Amesuke would leave the Tsuchikage's tower, a small scroll with in his grasp. The council had given him a special mission that they ensured would hit home for him. Opening the scroll, he would read through the mission, his eyes widening at the goal he was to accomplish. It also stated that he was to come up against some Konoha opposition. The idea of this made him grit his teeth, slightly anxious. The girl was trying to escape Konoha. She was like himself, a shinobi that had taken a dislike of Konoha for their underhanded ways. With his hand on the scroll, he would close it, wrapping it back up and heading for the rendesvouz point. With his hands in his pocket, he would walk lazily through the town with no particular direct way to get to the location. Apparently they were to meet at the academy, to know each other, then head out. He would be paired with a Genin, showing how little the Iwagakure cared about the actual matter. Then again, most of the Jounin were out at war, fighting and dieing.

    Amesuke would sigh, standing in front of the academy with his hands on his hips. Looking up at the sky, he would guess at what time it was. The sun was going down, giving a purple and orange look to everything in the location. If he wanted to get the girl before sun down, it'd be one hell of a run. He'd probably have her before the coming morning though. It wasn't all that impossible to believe that he could reach the girl in such a small amount of time, though it'd take quite a bit of skill. Especially if the girl wasn't willing to come or if the opposition was harder than he expected. Anyway, he would dismiss the thoughts, waiting for his partner to arrive.
    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

    Fame : 551

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    {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Left_bar_bleue500/500{Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)
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    {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Empty Re: {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one!

    Post by Erika Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:57 am

    Being out for the day trying to relax and still get over the "failure" of your last mission is what many go through during a time of war. For the girl trying to relax at one of the many spire mounted cafe's her failure was more of a personal matter. Her childhood friend was dead, and by someone who seemed to know her somewhat personally; and sadly that was the part that bugged her. She had already cried all night the night before over his loss, so that was over and done with and now the true thought process kicked in. She was worried that there was something else going on, something far more sinister that would end up distracting her from her duties and getting the war over sooner. People fought and died at the very moment she was looking around as the sun started to set and feeling somewhat sorry for herself and the one she had lost. It was a selfish kind of feeling and that made it all the more bitter to behold. No matter how strange your body was, humanity could still shine through, and she had plenty of it to go around right now. While she had been sitting there for an hour just watching the various crowds and trying to ponder her troubles, a ANBU appeared.

    Erika was startled by it, as he did not walk up but flicker instead, being actually ninja like. Damn him for not using his clever potential orange jump suit to yell and scream attacks and his presence. His true purpose was defense of the village though so the fact that he was talking to her meant that she was either in trouble or... You have been assigned to a Jounin as a back up, we are low on forces go and meet up with him within the academy, here is the scroll detailing your mission. Good luck, and do the village proud. Not getting a word ine dge wise Erika saw him set the scroll down and then vanish away after a hand seal. Efficient but cold, just like anything military. Opening it up, she was surprised by the invoice, she had to recover a traitor of another village? Erika could only imagine what they would want to do to her, and to boot she was supposedly not much older/younger than Erika. She skimmed that part due to how it was potential disturbing hunting one as young as her, despite how she had, had to do it before.

    Getting up for her table, she placed the scroll within her side hip pouch and made her way towards the academy. It wouldn't take her too long as she was rushing there, and when she did arrive she would look for one befitting the profile listed within the scroll. He wasn't hard to find as he was standing right at the academy entrance. Obviously lost in his own thoughts, she felt bad for speaking up but she didn't want to delay a capture mission as those had time frames. Amesuke? I have been assigned to you for today, I am Erika I shall try my best to follow your orders. trying to act somewhat professional she as she didn't want to leave a bad impression and wasn't in much of a talk back mood right now; Erika hoped her greeting would be good enough. They had a mission to attend to after all.

    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
    {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Left_bar_bleue0/12500{Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Empty Re: {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one!

    Post by Amesuke Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:13 am

    Hearing a small voice snap him from his ridiculous thoughts, he would look down, a hand on his chin. He would see a little girl standing before him. Iwagakure was in no better situation than Konoha, the war had dragged even small children to the front lines. With a smile on his face, he'd look down to the girl, speaking with a calm tone, Lighten up. His smile would widen a little as he began walking, heading towards the gates, not caring much whether the girl was following or note. He gave a carefree atmosphere with each step he gave, as if he were living in the moment. Speaking in that same calm tone, caring very little whether the girl heard him or not, If you're paired with me. Means you've got quite a bit of value. This is an A-Ranked mission after all. Don't worry so much about following orders, listen more to your gut. He would finish the last bit of his sentence, patting his chest lightly.

    Exiting the gate, he would take a backpack off his back, placing it on the ground and going through the supplies. He had very little time and needed to assess what materials he was leaving with. A disappointed face came over his smile as he looked through the bag. It contained really only basic supplies. Supplies that he already had. Taking a couple Kunai, a little wire, and some shuriken and placing them in his own pouch, he would look at the girl, speaking, Take what you need, leave the rest here. None if it is essential to the mission so if you need none of it, simply leave the bag. Someone else will take it. Pulling his hand from his pouch, he would begin walking, this time, slowing his pace so that the smaller girl would have little trouble keeping up with him.

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

    Fame : 551

    Shinobi Information
    {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Left_bar_bleue500/500{Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one! Empty Re: {Mission Pairing} Come along now, little one!

    Post by Erika Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:50 pm

    His first words to her, were not what she was expecting to hear. Her normal sensei was very stern in his training doctrine and battlefield practice. While they had yet to get onto a battlefield, Erika could sense this is what he would be like the entire time. Instead of doing the whole yes sir and salute him in a goofy way, she just decided to follow him. If he was this relaxed he was either fool hardy or more likely confident in his abilities. This was kind of nice especially since he complimented her, he didn't know it but every little bit of encouragement helped her out right now, and though it might have potentially been shallow, it was still nice to hear. Hew would simply head towards the village gates and tell her to remove anything non mission related, honestly all that was non village related was her wallet, and the scroll with the mission details which she figured would best be left behind. Sadly don't carry much with me that is beyond just combat tools. I have been on far too many light recon missions and patrol duties recently to afford anything else. Bitter sweet were her words as she thought to herself about the various conflicts she had to partake within. They were horrible and should be ended, but it was what paid her bills; and what allowed her some degree of freedom within this harsh world. Still she hoped one day they would end like many probably did including the man she was paired with this day.

    Catching up to him, she left the village preparing to deal with whatever difficulties that would inevitably show up. This was war after all, and war... war never changes.

    {Left, going to mission topic.}

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