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    {Retrieval Mission}


    Fame : 2739

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    Post by Amesuke Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:33 am

    Deep in the small Grass-land Country, battle raged on the front-lines between the shinobi of the Hidden Leaf, the Hidden Sand, the Hidden Stones, and The Hidden Mist. The already misty battlefield had very little perception due to the darkness of night. Trees, shrubbery, and bushes all over the place would work as great cover and the hills in the plains lay strewn with the bodies of dead shinobi from each of the hidden villages. The star-light above trickled through the cloudy skies, giving a mystical look to the strange location.

    The little girl, cloaked in her white cloak and powdery pink bodysuit would move silently through the area, her cloak flapping in the cold wind of the night. Her breath could be seen visibly before her and her panting would make it obvious. Luckily, very few ninja were still on the battlefield. Night had fallen and the ninja had retreated back to their camps for sleep, rest, and restocking. However, this didn't mean the girl was safe. She still had to worry about the scouts and tracker ninja, they were the worst of them all. It'd be significantly harder to hide from them than the average shinobi. She moved through the shrubbery quickly on the ground with her head low. Moving from tree to tree, she would hear a crackle in the distance. Appearing before the young girl with a shunshin, Amesuke would look down at the girl with a smile on his face. You're uh... Looking at the scroll again for a second, he'd look back at her, Sao-tomi... Ko-haku... Right? The description matched the little girl and with a smile on his face, he would hold his hand out to the girl, waiting for her to take it. I'm here to give you a home away from the Konohagakure... The girl would look up at him, seeing no Headband and jump backwards, drawing a kunai and tossing it at the man. Shifting his weight slightly to the left, the kunai would dart past his face, scratching it and causing the blood to seep out slowly.

    Amesukes face would turn serious for a second, then a smile would stretch across, continuing to hold his hand out to the girl, That'll heal eventually. He'd laugh a little, finishing his sentence. It's not safe out here for you, you really should come with me. I'll be able to take care of you. The girl would shake her head, her green hair flowing with each shake.

    I'm not going... I want to return to where I'm from. I want to go to the Frost Country. Amesuke's face would turn serious again, taking his hand back and placing it in his pocket. He would let the girl decide for now, as he knew that enemies would be arriving at any time. He didn't want to spook her, drawing more attention to the situation at hand.

    Fame : 659

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    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Shizuko Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:45 am

    Pale, Nervous but however quite calm, Shizuko was in his black mantle and porcelain mask to keep his identity a secret, he couldn't just waltz in and tell everyone he was a Leaf Ninja that possessed one of the three Great Doujutsu. As Shizuko waited for his brother patiently, he couldn't wait very long and went on ahead without him, he believed that he could possibly defuse the situation before it even happened, his brother would prevent that. Shizuko went running off in his black mantle and porcelain mask, removing his Konohagakure Headband so no one would know his identity, as he zoomed through the trees, eventually ending up in the Battlefield in the Land of Leaves, using his Sharingan to track chakra, he didn't know what he was running into, but he wanted to find her fast and hopefully get there before someone else did, he tried to avoid any contact or to be seen, so he moved quickly and did not stay in one place to much. He eventually located the young girls chakra, along with another chakra source, so he moved faster. Shunshinning into the area, he quickly readied himself for anything, finally arriving he took a look at the young girl and the man wearing no headband, he quickly made the remark, Everyone remain calm, i'm not here to spill any blood.. I simply came here to bring the girl back, under orders. We don't have to make this a big deal, as we can leave all of the mindless fighting for the War, i'm sure we don't want to make tensions worse in this war by doing anything stupid.. he stood straightened, ready in case the other man didn't feel the same way as him.

    He looked at the two, a bit worried for the mans reaction, it was stupid of him to rush ahead, but his brother was too unpredictable and could have made the situation worse if Shizuko hadn't rushed ahead, he was more worried about the Jounin than the girl, he didn't know what he would do, he could either be calm and free minded like Shizuko, or rash and violent like Tatsuma, time would only tell. The background was calm and soothing, a forest at night, with the only sound that could be heard were crickets. If it weren't for the circumstances, this would be a very peaceful place to be.. But Shizuko was focused on peacefully bringing the girl back to the Village, he didn't know her reason for leaving, but she had to much information and he couldn't let her just waltz off, someone was going to have to be held responsible if any other countries got a hold of her, and this would only make the war worse and could cause a lot more deaths over one girl.
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

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    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Cuhullin Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:08 pm

    Tatsuma did not have any of the grievances that his brother did about showing his identity. Wearing his typical outfit, the only addition being a pouch filled with his typical weaponry. Kunai, Steel String, explosive tags, and food pill; he was prepared to absolutely decimate the traitors. He had fed his brother the bull about wanting someone to hold him back in this battle to bring him here but actually just wanted to show him what traitors to the leaf can expect.

    His emotions towards his brother were still the same though he did believe his rage needed to be controlled. He did not want to become his father in any shape or form. Following his brother at an even pace he activated his one tomoe Sharingan as soon as he saw his brother pick up the pace. Shunsuining to the area along with his brother he appeared ten feet away from his brother to the left Kunai that had a long steel thread attached to it.

    Hearing his brother attempt to entreat he snorted in derision, amused by the idea of trying to 'reason' with the enemy. He shook his head sadly, no one truly was going to exit these woods unless a battle took place. Withdrawing seven more kunai he threw them outwards in several directions. All of the directions would be headed towards Amesuke and the girl but aimed in such a way they would not collided with him or the girl. If they did end up in the way they would receive the typical puncture style wounds of a kunai being thrown at them.

    Otherwise the Kunai would hit several tree's around the area. One kunai would fly above Amesuke and the girl, one to their left, one to their right. One over their shoulders (one shoulder each) and one landing in the ground besides them. It was a 'net' of sorts and Tatsuma did not make a move beyond that. This 'net' would be very efficient in funneling their movements in certain directions. And he would be able to use Fire Dragon down them to help make sure they move in certain directions if necessary.

    He nodded to his brother hoping his brother had noticed this, not taking his eyes off the enemy for one second, "My brother has a point. At this point a fight would only be beneficial towards us, you are attempting to protect a child. We would LIKE to bring the child back but if we can't see if we are able to well... you are the one stuck protecting her." He smiled amiably. None of his words were meant to enflame they were merely meant to remind Amesuke of his situation, two Jounin; one perhaps even an Anbu, were right there willing to tear into him to get this little girl. And if he were to recognize the Konoha symbol carved into his forehead as that of Tatsuma Uchiha's, he would also be able to recognize that his opponent was one of those who never give up and a fight would end up with both of one side completely and utterly decimated before Tatsuma let the girl go.
    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

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    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Erika Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:58 pm

    Lagging behind Amesuke was not only good for Erika health wise but tactic's wise. She didn't want to show all the cards in case conflict actually happened unless she had too. That, and she while physically competent was slightly depressed so her movements were slower for the jog towards the last reported location of this "capture" subject. All was fine and good in her little self pity fest, and recollections until Amesuke vanished from her eye sight. Meaning one of two things, she took the guess that he had spotted their quarry, and would attempt to capture her. She figured it would be best to just to keep her pace, and arrive when she arrived in case there was resistance from the girl, she could provide the surprise back up capture in that case. When she did arrive on the scene she had arrived into something far more troubling than just a little girl putting up resistance, though she did notice that she had, and Amesuke was either so bad it hit him, or he let it him to show he wasn't trying to be hostile. Once again probably the second one, and if that was the case he wanted to show her good will unlike what her previous village had, very shrewd, and Erika would have to follow suit in that plan; and attempt to complete the mission perfectly. When Kunai went flying towards the girl and Amesuke however, Erika figured the Amesuke wouldn't be bad enough to get hit by their as they weren't the target of hospitality and clearly were hostile. While she had only heard the Tatsuma's words being spoken she didn't like it nor the Kunai, which is why while he was speaking, Erika made her way to block them.

    Shushining in front of The girl they were supposed to capture Erika with her own kunai blocked them, only noticing after she had that they would have missed. Odd tactic on the guy's part though, and looking at them she noticed the ANBU attire, and the non ANBU attire. One of them was cautious while the other seemed reckless, this was interesting and bad. It meant that both of them were probably pretty good, but their mission wasn't to engage the enemy only retrieve the girl which meant Amesuke being so cocky was for a good reason. Regardless of what may supposedly "happen", Amesuke would probably come up with an idea to capture her without worries, which is why Erika had in the first place moved to block the attack against Saotomi, well that and to show she wasn't a complete bitch and neither was Iwa. When the people from the village you fled from throw Kunai at you, you know that you made the right choice leaving. Saotomi right? Erika turned so that she was within her peripheral vision, not only to watch her movements, but to have some eye contact going on as well, to show hospitality once again. Personally I think you made the right call leaving if this is how they treat you now imagine what will happen if you are returned? I would suggest for the time being you accompany us Saotomi, and quickly I fear the Kunai happy one may decide to attack again, you know. Erika looked towards Tatsuma, and smiled a bit, cause I just called him out on his real intentions.

    Fame : 2739

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    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Amesuke Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:45 pm

    Erika had arrived, making the situation better. The two girls were about the same height and though they looked like polar opposites as far as appearances, they'd probably make great friends later if things were to work out for the mission. Watching the Kunai sail past his face over his shoulder, he would stand, his face still in it's smile, and look at the two Jounin that had arrived. Typical. He'd place one hand on his stomach for a second, making sure that his flak jacket was completely closed, then began going through hand seals at a leisurely speed. The mist around the area would thicken, being infused with his own chakra. Crouching down to the little girl, looking her in the eyes, he would tilt his head, speaking to her in a very calm tone, I won't force you to decide just right now, Little Miss Kohaku... Though I can promise you that Erika over there... He would point with his thumb to Erika, finishing his sentence, She'll take care of you and when you're ready to make a decision on where you're willing to go... We'll escort you there. Of course, after taking you to the Iwagakure to stock you up with supplies. The smile on his face was genuine, he meant what he said and it could be felt in the energy with which he spoke.

    Saotomi would watch as the mist thickened, looking at Amesuke back in his eyes. She realized that escape wasn't something that was impossible, actually, it was easier now that Amesuke had made such a thick fog in the area. It was apparent to the girl that she wasn't going to be able to simply travel the world on her own. She was just a little girl after all. Biting her lip, she would consent, nodding her head and looking at Erika and walking to where she stood. I guess I don't have much of an option... So I'll take the lesser of two evils for now. Amesuke, watching the little girl walk over to Erika would stand back up, drawing a kunai and holding it with a reverse grip. He was ready to fight now, since the little girl was out of the field of combat.

    Unlike the two idiots, he wasn't planned on making some epic scene to show off who he was or who he stood for. He was just a regular guy on a regular mission and the only way back home was to survive, defeat his enemies, or get the hell away from the location. He'd probably try and exhaust all of the choices for now. If you can find me... Come along. He would move silently through the mist, a smirk on his face. Unlike his demeanor outside of fighting, in combat, he was sort of a dick. If he knew what abilities the enemies relied on, he would make them regret ever having it. The first most obvious tactic the enemy relied on was eye-sight, this was his go-to if he ran up against someone he'd never fought before. Regardless, he was in the here and now and he would focus on it, ignoring all outside distractions.
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

    Fame : 525

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    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Cuhullin Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:27 am

    Tatsuma sighed softly as the mist collected. It was seriously just a pain really, people always felt that they could simply just 'mist the place up' and everything would be fine. This is why he took the precautions of throwing the Kunai down. Did people simply think that it was for show? He really did not care what they had to say, his actions were just and soon they would feel the wrath he had been holding back.

    Annoying, it truly was. And their speech about "oh how dare you!" it was even more annoying. As the mist wafted in he made four rapid hand signs. So fast they were that the movements blurred together into what would almost appear to be a single hand sign. Bending down he would breath over the steel wires and suddenly a massive blast of chakra would rush through the steel threads.

    Almost faster then the eye could see a rush of flame ran along the wires, almost as fast as the reaction of Potassium hitting water. When each rush of flame hit their destination a massive blast of flame would expand from the epicenter in a massive rush of energy, air, heat, and flame. The explosion would rush outwards, catching the forest ablaze. The kunai that would have hit right at their feet would also go off and due to the cluster of individuals who had yet to move away from it, they would most likely be sent flying. Concussions were inevitable, and heavy burn damage was most probable. Death would not occur from these injuries. The ones standing right above the Kunai (Ie. Most everyone there) would suffer from broken shin bones, perhaps even compound fractures. This was the devastating effects of Fire Release: Dragon Fire technique.

    The explosions and heat also had the side benefit of clearing away the mist very rapidly and from the clearing mist a form could be seen rushing. Tatsuma had dived in head first, hoping to take his opponents by surprise. In his hand was a large war fan almost as large as he was. As he ran he shouted, [color=blue]"Shizuko! Secure the girl!"[/blue]
    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

    Fame : 551

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    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Erika Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:17 am

    Erika was both pleased with the girl deciding to take the lesser of two evils. Honestly if it wasn't for the attack by the Konoha ninja's part Erika wouldn't have had a easy time to talking with this girl about siding with them. Perhaps the other Konoha ninja would have been far more reasonable than this one, she didn't know she wasn't there for that part of the discussion, and frankly right now didn't have to worry about it. Later if she survived through all of this she would worry about it, as it stood now Saotomi was the main point of concern. The mist covered the landscape presumably a ploy by Amesuke or one of the Konoha ninja to gain an upper hand, though she assumed Amesuke as this provided a great chance for Erika herself to shine, and get the mission done. SHe just hoped that Amesuke wouldn't do anything stupid.

    Attempting to whisper to Saotomi, Erika has the back of her shirt seem to come to life and wriggle around I'm going to get us out of here, trust me for a second and all will be fine, the man with me can handle himself and get away too. Attempting to grab the girl around the waist with her tendrils Erika would turn as the explosions of fire would ring around, thankfully even though the fire would be behind her and possibly destroy her clothes, she was attempting to move away from this anyway so as the explosion rang off, and Erika shunshined away the explosion caught the tail end of her clothes pretty much destroying the backs of them, and giving potential pedo fan service. Erika on the other hand hopefully with Saotomi in tow would be out of their range for a bit, and let Amesuke take the fight to the main man, as Erika would not stop shunshinning and changing direction until she was a good distance away. The good distance would be three to four miles depending upon how much danger she felt at the time, and since the cover of both the explosion and the mist was behind her when she faded, they probably wouldn't be able to spot her unless they had gotten clever beyond just exploding everything.

    As she stopped and looked towards what was hopefully Saotomi and not some burned corpse or nothing at all, Erika would state, You alright? not even bothering to hide her back as the clothes had been burned mostly except for underwear as this forum has to still be PG13 and i'm not writing weird stuff guys, besides tendrils. The tendrils sticking out from various rips in her back sown together by her other tendrils Erika completely forgot this might be a little freaky as she had, had them her whole life. Oh well maybe the girl wouldn't panic, and everything would be just fine... maybe.

    {Attempting to leave with Saotomi.}

    Fame : 2739

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    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Amesuke Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:38 am

    Boom! Crack! Snap! The sound of the environment bending and twisting to the fire around him was enough to make even the most hardened soldier crack under pressure. The smoke would spin and spiral around the damaged field, singed wood sticking out of the ground in every which way. The perfect burial for a shinobi who'd died doing his duty... The wind would flow through the area, picking up the dried air from the recent explosion, blowing the dust and ashes away. It really was a menacing sight. The blackened grass, the blackened trees and the thick, tough air.

    Flash Back

    The fire would rush up the wire at a quick pace, seen only slightly through the mist. Amesuke, smiling would run through a small string of hand seals, placing a single hand up and absorbing all of the mist in the area, turning it into a dome around his body. As the fire would hit the dome, it would burst into an explosion, causing steam to rise up off of the water prison. It would hold him fine against the fire technique, especially one if such mediocre caliber. Watching the wire melt within the flames, he could see that the technique had reached its finish, leaving large amounts of smoke all around him. He would disperse the dome, looking around, noticing that the two girls had escaped. With a smile on his face, he would stand, his hands in his pocket, staring smugly into the smoke.

    Real Time

    The sound of a voice rang through what was left of the smoke. You guys... Truly are idiots. Amesuke would stand, unscathed by the explosion that had occurred before him. It was strange. Not even a scratch would be on the man, only droplets of water in his hair. Running his fingers through his hair, he would smile, closing his eyes and turning around. The job was done. Do what you want, just don't chase. Otherwise... Turning his head to look back at the two, I'll rip that little leaf symbol off your forehead and show it to you. Allowing the water from the dome to be turned back into mist, shrouding his exit. With a few hand seals, he would use shunshin, putting a great distance between himself and the two. As cocky as he was, he wasn't particularly sure he needed to be fighting these two on his own. He WAS out of practice as it stood.



    Saotomi, startled by the sudden situation would watch, looking to Amesuke just before the explosion went off. There was a sense of calmness in his face, even in his current situation. Saotomi would watch as the explosion happened, closing her eyes tightly and feeling a strange object wrap around her. Maybe a root? A... Tendril? Being whisked away against her will and with no way to actually prevent it from happening.

    The girl would open her eyes to see the little girl in front of her. However this was no ordinary little girl... She was made of... Tendrils! Saotomi's face would look on in horror, trying to inch back, away from her with her hands on the ground. Keeping her mouth quiet, she would hold her breath, mostly out of fear to breathe. Watching as the tendrils would sew the girl up, she would clench her teeth, her eyes wide with confusion. What... What are you? She wasn't even sure if she really wanted the answer, or if she wanted the closure of knowing the person in front of her would actually answer the question. She didn't realize until later how rude she had been to the girl who had recently just saved her life. I'm sorry... I'm... I'm Saotomi. But I like to go by Kohaku. Even though she was horrified, it was interesting to find more "girls" around her... age... It wasn't something that she was used to. She would force a smile, even though it was slightly awkward and could easily be seen as fake.
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

    Fame : 525

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    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Cuhullin Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:36 pm

    Tatsuma saw his opponent had escaped unscathed. It was rather unfortunate but he did not expect anything else. His chakra signature suggested someone of Jounin rank at least. He knew by their attitude that they were going to make a tactical withdrawal. His eyes grew wider with fury, were they cowards?! He knew he could not capture the children as they had almost assuredly escaped now.

    He was, however, in rage of Amesuke whether or not the man realized it. Suddenly he leashed out with the fan throwing it out like a ranged weapon as he held onto the chain at the base of it. Combined with his arm length, the length of the fan and the blades on top of it, and the chain he had a reach of almost eleven feet. This was more then sufficient to reach Amesuke as he had not moved from the spot. The speed of the strike would probably cause it to reach Amesuke before he Shunsuined out of the area. The rough estimate of time would have been just after the dome turned to mist but before Amesuke completed his hand signs.

    If Amesuke did not dodge the blow or block it the blades would more likely then not impale him straight through his chest lodging deep to where the blades met the fan. This would cause mortal injuries that would need immediate medical attention if he were to survive.

    Tatsuma continued to charge forwards behind his strike grabbing the warfan at the hilt of it as he charged through what used to be a water wall, now a mist. He knew that tactically charging through a wall of mist his opponent created was probably not the best idea but this fear was alleviated somewhat by the fact that he would feel of his blow was blocked. Also he knew from the width of the fan, dodging to the side was a simple impossibility. So the only way would be to jump back, go under, or go up. In his left hand he removed a Kunai as he continued to charge forwards, prepared to block any blow from above or below.

    Chances were more likely that the man dodged backwards, allowing him a moment to think as he punched through the thin layer of mist to assess the situation on the other side with his Sharingan.

    Fame : 659

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    Ryou Pouch: 0

    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Shizuko Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:35 pm

    Shizuko knew it was a stupid decision to run face first into a group of enemies, instead of scouting the area, but he felt like he had no time to take things slow, he was worried his brother would arrive too early and start a fight. It didn't matter now, what mattered was that Shizuko and Tatsuma completed the mission, he hoped his brother would arrive soon as if this turned into a fight, he could possibly be outmatched. And in nearly a blink of an eye, several kunai flew past Shizuko, aimed to miss around the now three Shinobi. Immediately afterwards, mist began to cover the area, effectively blocking Shizuko's natural sight, he knew that he couldn't catch up to the girls now, he had blew it. He saw his brother go into a rage of attack, tossing Paper Death towards the who would appear to be leader, Shizuko couldn't let this man escape too, he had to assist his brother in any way possible, even if he was attacking into the blind, Shizuko prepared himself, taking a cold breath.

    It was almost as if time had slowed down, everything slowing to a complete stop for Shizuko, his black mantle flowing through the air and explosion, his mask flying off of his face as his identity was revealed, his inverted Sharingan showing and his messy hair flying back. Shizuko's face was a cold calm, instead of a expected rage-filled, but inside Shizuko was extremely angered, he had blown it for the both of them, being rushed with guilt, his distrust for his brother caused Shizuko himself to fail. He had realized sometimes actions speak louder then words, and what comes first is the mission, he didn't have time to be diplomatic in this cold times of war. Shizuko realized that now, he looked to his brother, turning to a confident grin, and then immediately looked back.

    Immediately topping off a string of hand seals, Shizuko released a large amount of Katon Chakra from his body, an explosion erupting from his mouth into a large fireball, Shizuko then manipulated the chakra into the shape of a dragon, immediately headed for where he believed the Jounin to be, flying past the chain of paper death. He didn't care if it missed or not, he had to give it a shot, he then performed another string of handseals, this time releasing a strong bolt of electricity directed at the same area, his face remained blank during under all of this, he was so focused on landing a blow on the Jounin, he knew it was his final opportunity.

    Rock Shinobi
    Rock Shinobi

    Fame : 551

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    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Erika Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:01 am

    It seemed as if all opposition had left them, and was not going to give chase. This meant one of two things the plan had worked and Amesuke would show up soon, or the plan did not work as intended and Amesuke was the real target of their attacks. The mission was pretty much completed though, but only if they kept moving. Erika wasn't about to take the chance of this mission failing and such despite how much she hated to do so, was going to have to move on right now, and ensure that they arrived within the village at the right time. Erika of course didn't feel right about it as she knew the girl would be interrogated, but it was better than being imprisoned and killed at Konoha, or at least that's what Erika assumed they would do. It was only until she heard the girl freak out and say what are you that Erika stopped her watchful gaze to look around towards her back, and feel somewhat ashamed, Sorry I didn't mean for you to see that... I don't mean for anyone too. I don't really know what I am but... While she didn't wish to continue on that further she did wish to reply with her name, the enemy probably already had it or some description of her on file so what did it matter now. Erika Guren, sorry that we had to meet in such unpleasant circumstances as these; honestly like meeting people when I don't have to worry about weapons being thrown at me.

    As Erika turned to look about the area she got a increasingly sour expression on her face before it turning into a worried frown, she would as it did this turn to look towards Kohaku, I don't think my friend will be joining us for a while, and if he never does I would prefer you still make it back in one piece. Can't let any possible sacrifice go in vein so let's get a move on stay close to me Kohaku and we will get to the village in one piece and then you can uh.. well... she sighed and tried not to sound too dooming, they will probably take you to be questioned first off, and find out the secrets of the village or rather what you know about said village; and then honestly I don't know what they will do, but I haven't seen a captive killed nor imprisoned due to this kind of case so I doubt anything horrible. Sorry I sound like a doom bringer but I don't want you to feel bitter and surprised after all it is still a ninja village and we are still in a damnable war; a war I hope will end soon. Preparing to head out Erika tried to maintain a brisk pace, and would make sure Kohaku was following her, Erika knew she said some harsh stuff but she also knew it wasn't good to sugar coat it. She didn't want this girl to be angry with her over the fact that she hadn't told her the whole truth. Regardless she would make her way hopefully with Kohaku in toe back to the village, to complete this supposedly simple mission.


    Fame : 2739

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    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Amesuke Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:38 am

    Amesuke would hear movement from outside of the smoke, with his head already turned to the two. First an orange glare, then a light blue one. Jutsu? Maybe he should've left with more quickness than he gave off. Hearing footsteps and the sound of electricity, he would interrupt his own seals to insert different ones, ones he learned back in the good ol' academy and easily done while looking at the tree which sat before him. Finishing the seal, his technique would be immediately readied and he would turn around, allowing the fan to seemingly pierce him through the stomach. His timing was just about right, as the fan pierced his body, he had substituted out with a large amount of mud, allowing the fan to pierce through it and directly into the tree behind him. It would likely be stuck there for some time and with the mist about, Shizuko would never notice from the outside looking in.

    He himself, hadn't the time to move very far away, only replacing himself with mud that had been around the backside of the tree. Holding his breath, he would feel the blade slice deeply into the thick wood of the large tree, planting itself. Slowly, but continuously adding chakra into the air, the mist would thicken. The two jutsu used by Shizuko would spiral and crash into the mist from the outside, headed directly for Amesuke's previous whereabouts, though he'd have been long gone from that location. Re-initiating his seals for Shunshin, Amesuke would look in the direction of the Hidden Stone village, dashing off and completing his seals.

    Within a second, Amesuke would be long gone. He cared not of what would happen to the two shinobi, they had shown Konoha's intent and that was enough reason for him to get away and stay away.

    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

    Fame : 525

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    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Cuhullin Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:05 am

    [OOC: Currently had an argument with Rain about timing and such.

    Issue is standing. I would like to speak with Rai and one other mod about it to clear up the issue. (*Requesting Rai specifically because he is friends with both Rain and Me, thus negating any possible bias.)]

    Fame : 2739

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    Ryou Pouch: 0

    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Amesuke Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:20 am

    Your choice, however, know that you are thread-locked while both I and Pikmin are not. (posted actual (LEFT) information)

    Locked until further noticed. Those who need to post here will post here via moderation powers.

    For the record, next time you say I'm pulling rank, I'm going to absolutely ignore you. At the end of the day, I created the forum and the systems myself. To dispute with me the dynamics of the rules is like complaining to the maker of a video game because your character can't do triple backflips. The systems are mine and mine alone, thus even pulling other moderators would defeat the purpose as they would be determining the way in which my rules are interpreted. *pointless*

    On top of that, you're going to be in for one hell of a wait. As Rai is the only other person with mod powers as RadicalFayth does not count as a moderator, but as a graphical designer and doesn't hold jurisdiction over RPG situations (unless he clarifies with me that he want's that job.)

    Good day.

    Fame : 2739

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    Ryou Pouch: 0

    {Retrieval Mission} Empty Re: {Retrieval Mission}

    Post by Amesuke Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:27 am

    Oh by the way.

    375 Exp to Kuramas Shizuko Uchiha. He redeemed himself by actually posting and explaining why he hadn't been able to post earlier.

    400 Exp to Cuhullins Tatsuma Uchiha for performing well in the mission, especially since it was his first post of the site.

    450 Exp to Pikmin Avengers Erika Guren for the actual Mission Complete.

    50 Exp to Saotomi for the actual situation.

    0 Exp to Amesuke, because derp, I don't want any.

    For future reference:

    Collaborate more with your partner before going on missions. It'll help you out a lot.

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