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    Post by Shizuko Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:08 am

    As the sun began to set once again upon the skies of Konohagakure and the Land of Fire, Shizuko sighed as he neared the Hokage's Mansion. Slightly nervous as of what he was about to do, so much going through his mind he couldn't think straight. Sweat beginning to run down his face, as he removed his cloak and exposed his body, a standard issue ANBU vest wrapped across him, with a Konohagakure tattoo on both of his shoulders, he felt the cold breeze of the air rush through him with Muramasa and Paper Death strapped to his back, he slowly walked into the Mansion and removed his porcelain mask, his inverted Sharingan brightly visible as a mark of who he was, but what was he doing there? They were about to find out..

    As Shizuko slowly entered the Mansion, he was greeted by an assistant sitting at the entrance's desk, noticing his headband and uniform, she replied: Can I help you, sir? as he looked up to her, his stance becoming more serious along with his facial expression, completely visible he replied I'd like to speak with the Council, and i'd rather not specify the subject please.. she nodded, sliding him a blank piece of paper and a ink and quil, he took it and began to fill out the blanks, simple things such as his name, rank and such. After he was finished he returned it to the assistant, and she immediately took the filled in paper towards another room, most likely the council. Shizuko was slightly nervous of course, what he was about to do would be worrying to anyone.

    As the Assistant walked back into the room Shizuko resided at, she replied The council will see you now.. as she motioned her hand. Shizuko nodded, standing up quite quickly with a very serious face, however sweat slightly running down his face as he slowly pitter pattered towards the room that held the Council, afterwards crossing through the door way and the door shutting behind him. He was slightly blinded by the light coming out of the window before his eyes adjusted, the room was quite small, as a large table of assorted members of the Konohagakure Council sat there, with a few Jounin guard here and there, Shizuko bowed towards the council, awaiting a response before speaking of course, so much rushing through his mind as he waited for the response of the Council, what was he going to ask that was so nerve wrecking?

    Last edited by Shizuko on Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by NPC Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:25 am

    The group of elderly retired shinobi squabbled amongst themselves as usual, deciding what they should be doing about the village and its place in the war. As usual, the group never seemed to get anything done aside from yell and insult each other. More than anything, at this point, Konoha needed a Hokage. It needed someone to preside over the Council and give order when it was greatly needed, such as now. The jounin sat quietly, not actually caring enough to intervene in the petty fights the elderly had together.

    At the sound of doors opening, the old shinobi would stop bickering, looking down to the man who had walked in. The jounin with their eyes locked on the shinobi, would stand, their arms folded at their chest. The old man in the middle would speak first, looking to the newcomer, State your business, if you will. His hands would link together on the table, his face showing an absolutely serious tone. It almost sounded as if the man didn't want to be bothered by the pesky newcomer, but he would never actually say that. He was, after all, supposed to be one of the few role models in Konoha that hadn't died from the war.

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    Post by Shizuko Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:56 am

    As Shizuko rose from his bow, he looked up to the Elder of the Council, nodding slightly as he was stuck in a cold sweat. It took him a moment, but he let out a firm and serious tone, It is an honor to be in the presence of the Council, I am Shizuko Uchiha. I have come here as this great City is without a true leader, and therefore is without hope. I will spare you the boring formalities, and head straight for the point.. as his face slightly went pale and he seemed breathless, this was a bold move to simply waltz into a meeting of the Council, Shizuko didn't want to waste any time or interupt anything important with the Council, but he deemed this important. His stance once again shifting as the outside began to slightly dim..

    Shizuko finally mustered out the rest of his sentence after a moment of complete silence, and his hands began to clench tightly, as the Council and Jounin were all staring at him, Shizuko shook his head slightly. My request for the Council, is to give me the chance to be elected for Hokage, as everyday I see this war getting worse and worse, and I pray that someone will eventually do something to end it, but there is never any response. I wish to be that person who finally does something, so that Konohagakure can finally prosper once again.. as he finished, with his head held high and his hands to his side, Shizuko actually seemed less nervous now that he had let it out.. Now he either had to prepare for laughter, or a serious response.
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    Post by NPC Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:17 am

    A bold idea had been brought to the three of the old shinobi which sat in their chairs. They looked to each other, then back to the boy. Before the elderly man in the middle could begin to speak, one at the far left would spout out a massive No way in hell! Slamming his fist to the table before him with a thud. The woman at the right would speak back to the man, beginning a vicious cycle of bickering. Oh give him a chance! He's one of the stronger shinobi in Konoha after all. The one at the far left would retort, yelling back, True as that may be, this village was founded by the Senju clan! There's no way I'd let an Uchiha take it's spot as Hokage while I have the say! Look at him, he's no better than our enemies, walking into our chambers with his Sharingan Activated. How is that any different than coming to us with a blade at our necks?!

    Enough! The man in the middle would yell, placing his hands on the table. There will be no more bickering on this subject. I understand that with the two of you bickering back and forth, my say will decide whether or not he will take the spot of Hokage. Rubbing the white hair on his chin, he would look the man up and down, then scratch his head. Hm... He would close his eyes for a split second, thinking the matter, then a sound would come from him... Was it... Snoring? The old man had fallen asleep amidst the chaos in the room and with that, the two elderly shinobi would bicker once again.

    The jounin, who looked to each other perplexed, would scratch their heads before walking to the sleeping man, shaking him gently to waken him. Ah... Yes... Where was I again? I was just resting my eyes! Quickly noticing the bickering had begun again, the old man would waive a single hand as if shooing the Uchiha away, Yeah yeah... You be Hokage, sick of hearing these two bicker anyway. The old man would yawn, not really caring about the verdict he had made.

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    Post by Shizuko Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:14 pm

    Shizuko listened in on the conversation of the Council, hearing a straight no from one, a yes, and another no. It was strange to hear one of them state that the Senju founded the Village, even though the Uchiha assisted in creating the foundation, but he didn't really bother correcting him. As he watched the man in the middle slam his fist down, as he closed his eyes and began to snore.. Did he really fall asleep in the midst of a decision!? As the two started to scream at eachother once again, Shizuko stood there silently as he watched as a few Jounin shook him to wake him up. He thought of a lie and thought it up quick, something about him resting his eyes.

    He looked blankly towards him, hearing his verdict. It was that easy to become Hokage? It was a bit shocking, and Shizuko honestly flinched slightly, but then proceeded to go back to his cool and calm state, nodding. I will not fail this Village. as he bowed, and once again stood up tall, Right then.. as he looked towards the Council, What's next? he loosened his body up a bit as he showed a confident smirk, now slightly looking out towards the window, then to the Council as he listened in for a response, he had no idea what would come next. But, most likely the Council still had something to say about him. His eyes began to flicker, as they shifted back to his normal onyx eyes, this was the first in a long time he de-activated his Sharingan.

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    Post by Amesuke Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:47 pm

    The council would mumble among themselves, speaking in a slightly hushed tone before the man in the middle would speak out, saying, Whats next he asks. Whats next?! Laughing in a jolly tone, the three would stand slowly and with help from their jounin companions, would leave the room, waving to the new Hokage and saying, Well what's next is entirely up to you! You Are the fourth Hokage after all! They'd all shuffle off, laughing to themselves about the decision. They'd be fine either way and they were happy they no longer had to deal with the bickering and decision making.

    To be quite honest. The three didn't really care who made the decisions anymore, as long as they were genuine in their choices. With the three gone, the New Hokage would be left to all of the tough choices, effectively relieving them of their issues.

    (Completed, Shizuko is now Hokage)

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    Post by Shizuko Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:20 pm

    As Shizuko stood there silently, a blank face was shown, looking as the Council and Jounin left his office.. Shizuko had became the Fourth Hokage, and the first Uchiha Hokage, it was a proud achievement, but he was amazed how fast they came with a decision. Either they were extremely tired of the bickering, or they were desperate, either way, Shizuko now had a lot of responsibility to deal with. Well.. First things first.. as he walked out of his new Office and looked towards the Assistant sitting at her desk, Well.. Apparently I am Hokage now.. as she smiled at him, letting out a charismatic reply Congratulations sir! My name is Saotomi Yuki, i'll be your assistant until you see fit to either hire a new assistant, or just keep things the same. Shizuko shrugged, yawning as he looked towards her, Well thank you Saotomi, would you mind doing the favor of sending a scryer to report the Village has a new Hokage? I have some work to do.. as she nodded, Shizuko ran to his office before she could even reply!

    Shizuko moved around the furniture in his office, pulling out the large desk the council had to fit all of the members into another room of the mansion, running outside to somewhere else and slowly pulled in a new desk with the help of another Jounin into his office, he couldn't in an extremely clustered room! It seemed un-proffessional and it would look like it too! After he finished moving around the furniture in the office he pondered for a moment, looking at the now furniture-filled room he turned to his assistant, asking Could you find someone willing to pick up all of this furniture and move it to storage? as his assistant nodded, he walked out of the mansion and back to his apartment, when he neared the apartment, he realized something.. He accidently blew it up, all of his furniture and clothes destroyed, so he turned around and walked off to a local tailor..

    As Shizuko walked back into the mansion, a new ANBU uniform, along with a black shirt and pants so he wasn't so exposed, and threw over a white cloak with some black sketchings over it. He looked in his hands a headband, and a porcelain mask as he walked back into his office, placing his old mask onto a mantle, and wrapping his headband around him and fastening it. He looked out the window with a confident smile, looking around his office with a confident smirk, he un-hooked his gunbai, Paper Death. And hung it over his office desk, as he nodded towards it. I hope you are now proud of me, Tatsuma.. I finally beat you. and fastened 10,000 Cold Nights with a sigh. He closed the window and proceeded to walk outside of it, looking at the people moving all the furniture out of the tower and he sighed, awaiting Satoshi to hear news of his accomplishment. As he sat down on a chair, closing his eyes and leaning his head down.

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    Post by Shizuko Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:29 am

    As Shizuko sighed, he sat back in the chair of his office. He had now made a great success, achieving the title of Hokage, he smiled slightly at the idea and it was visible on his face. He tapped his new desk slightly, looking at a Konohagakure Headband and some assorted items from past Hokage. Shizuko then proceeded to stand up, and walked off slowly out of his office, entering the library of the Mansion, he realized how empty this was, and he walked towards the fireplace, releasing a small exhale of Katon chakra to ignite the fire wood to light up the Library, taking a assorted book from the large collection and he walked towards a large sofa and took a seat. As he opened up the book he was curious as to what would be in it, it was something about some Shinobi somewhere, honestly he couldn't pay attention to it and slammed it shut, placing it next to his side as he stood up and walked off to another area of the Mansion. As he swung a chain of keys around while humming a tune, he found another locked door and proceeded to look inside it, he found the master bedroom, where he'd most likely sleep at, it was quite clean and comfy, but dusty as all hell, no one had been here for a long time..

    As Shizuko un-dressed down to his boxers, he unpacked a box of clothes and pulled out a high-collar dark blue shirt, with a large Uchiha symbol on the back, and a pair of tan pants with several pockets, dressing into them and tightening the belt around his pants. He then continued to browse the room, underneath the comforter of the bed he saw a strange coat, that had the prints of several leaves across it, along with a Konohagakure forehead protector next to it. Could these be heirlooms of a past Hokage? As Shizuko smiled, thinking of something that happened long ago, and he snatched up the Forehead Protector and coat, and neatly folded the coat and placed the Forehead protector on the desk next to him, grabbing the sheets of the bed and taking them to the Library fireplace to be burned, watching as the flames consume them. I'm not sleeping in sex sheets!

    As he continued to browse the area, he found a large armoury, filled with riches and armour, weapons and even a few strange scrolls. Shizuko looked down at the scrolls, Are these.. What I think these are? Better not mess with them.. as he walked back, whistling as he explored the large and empty mansion, he couldn't go much further due to exhaustion, walking back to the master bedroom and plomping down onto the bed, lying there in the dark, he couldn't stop thinking about Tatsuma, and remembering his cold, lifeless body..
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
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    Post by Riku Tensei Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:38 am

    There was no way Satoshi could know that things had gone according to plan, but he had a strong feeling. There was no reason it shouldn't all go according to plan. With the Hokage gone, there was no one to step in and Shizuko had said that he was a moderately respectable ninja within the village. He certainly had the strength to lead, so why wouldn't he be accepted? But things all seemed too good to be true. It was all moving so fast. Were his ideals truly about to come to fruition so soon?

    Today, he was here to ensure that his plans didn't fall through. With confidence, he strolled into the village, no disguise at all. No one batted an eye at him, save for the two ANBU guarding the gate. Looking between them, adrenaline began to surface within Satoshi's body. This was it. The moment of truth.

    Not twenty feet into the village, a group of ANBU flickered into existence around the Uchiha, blades drawn and encircling him. Satoshi's eyes flashed red and he looked between them but made no move to attack. "I'll inform the Hokage that the rogue ninja Satoshi Uchiha has shown his face." One of the ANBU spoke before vanishing suddenly.

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    Post by Shizuko Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:22 am

    As Shizuko laid asleep in his new bed, he let out a snore every once and so often, it was the middle of the night and Shizuko had an exhausting day. As he heard in his sleep the window open, he immediately reached for his pocket and tossed a kunai out of pure reflex, thankfully missing as it happened to be an ANBU Ninja at the window. Hokage-Sama. we've captured a Missing Ninja, and require you to decide a verdict on him, if you'd follow me.. as he nodded, shrugging it off and leaped out of his bed, the ANBU ninja sunshinned slowly away and Shizuko followed, he was a bit nervous of who it was. Did Satoshi get captured? Or was it just one of the few who decided to run away from their Village, Shizuko was about to find out as he arrived at the Konoha Police Force head quarters, where the Missing Nin was being held. As Shizuko entered, he was greeted by many people formally Hokage-Sama! they all replied, as Shizuko nodded tiredly and asked Where is the Missing Ninja?

    As he slowly walked down the corridors of tightly sealed prison cells, he was directed into an interrogation room, as he slowly and nonchalently opened the door and entered the room, he yawned and opened his eyes, to see a ANBU Ninja standing to guard Shizuko, and his eyes adjusted to the light to see Satoshi, a bit of a relief honestly. Shizuko didn't want Missing Nin running around his Village, but he never really thought of Satoshi as a traitor, and sat down, looking towards him, he pulled out a bingo book even though he knew Satoshi, he couldn't tell people he was running around with a Missing Nin, so he thought of a good idea to make it so he was no longer a Missing Ninja, amnesty. It says here.. Your name is Satoshi Uchiha, is this correct? as he looked up to him, his onyx eyes dull slightly. He sighed, continuing to read through the bingo book, humming a light tune as he looked back up. There are no crimes reported under your name, so tell me.. Why did you flee Konohagakure? he was actually curious, even if he was putting on an act to give Satoshi amnesty to reclaim himself.


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    Post by Shizuko Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:02 am

    (Going to be skipping you Riku, as you once again haven't replied to a post.)

    In the middle of the night, with the frogs humming and the wolves howling, Shizuko left the room, he turned to the ANBU Ninja standing near him, If he's willing to rejoin Konohagakure under close surveillance, let him go. as he walked through the white corridors of the Police force HQ, he began to stroll through the Uchiha district, looking at the closed shops and sealed windows. He shrugged it off, noticing several ANBU following his every movement in order to protect the Hokage, he shrugged it off and walked back to Hokage Manor, and slid a key through the door and walked inside, locking the door behind him. He slowly strolled up the stairs and through the house to finally reach his room, yawning as he laid down for a moment, and growled. I can't sleep anymore now! as he stood back up, looking towards the folded cloak sitting on the table, next to a Konohagakure forehead protector, he looked curiously at it. I wonder where these came from, and which Hokage they came from.. he shrugged, hanging it up in the closet near his bead and stuffed the head protector into a night stand, walking throughout the house to find a kitchen..

    As he loudly ran throughout his new house, he finally reached a place where he could find some food in the middle of the night, quickly opening the fridge as his stomach growled. He sighed as it was completely empty, why wouldn't it be? No Hokage had been here for a long time, as he rummaged throughout the rest of the kitchen, looking for something non-perishable that could have been left behind, he was out of luck. So he threw a coat over himself, and grabbed a hand filled with ryo and ran off to the only place open, the Noodle Shop. Business had been good for this shop, it was the only place still open during the war times, so Shizuko sat at one of the bar-stools and was greeted by a Waiter Hokage-Sama! he exlaimed, happy to see an old customer, Should I get the regular for you, sir? as Shizuko nodded, placing the ryo on the table and sighing as he looked around, he noticed it began to rain in the middle of the night, and quite harshly too. As he sighed, looking back to the counter as a steaming hot bowl of noodles awaited him, he nodded to the Waiter and began to stuff his mouth. Looking around the shop out of pure boredom.

    As he slowly walked outside into the rain, he didn't have anything to cover his head with, so he just peacefully stood in the rain while he walking through the Village, his hair getting soaked along with his high-collared cloak, as he sighed, noticing an ANBU Ninja constantly following him through the rooftops, it wasn't thath ard to notice him being there. Shizuko walked back into his Manor, throwing off his wet cloak and shaking his hair to get all of the water out of it, walking back to his office as he sat down and began to look at paperwork, reports and even requests from Villagers, This is going to take a lot of work to sort out, i'll need someones help with it.. as he sighed, turning to the ninja standing outside in the rain, rolling his eyes as he motioned the ANBU ninja to stand inside, What's your name, Shinobi? as the ANBU Ninja calmly replied, You may call me Hebi if you wish.. as he shrugged, looking towards him. Your new name is left. as he motioned the ninja to stand at his left side, the ninja quickly proceeded to stand next to Shizuko, not saying a word.

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    Post by Shizuko Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:28 pm

    After the meeting with the Tsuchikage, Shizuko slowly walked out of his office, his eyes droopy and lackluster, and his face seemed dull. He slowly walked throughout the building to eventually reach his bedroom, plomping down on his bed, not even bothering to get under the comforter. His eyes began to slowly shut, and a strange sound emitted from him, most likely just him snoring. He had fell asleep in the middle of the day, and let his dreams run wild, he couldn't shake the memory of Tatsuma, how violent and irrational he was, he haunted his dreams every night, and now he had Satoshi in his nightmares, everyone Shizuko came in contact with died. It was stressful, trying to bring a good name to the Uchiha Clan, he had no anchor to keep him from floating away, would he become as unstable as Tatsuma? Or just something much, much worse. Shizuko woke up in a cold sweat in the afternoon, immediately popping up and running off to a shower, stripping himself and turning up the heat to a boiling point. Breathing heavily under all of it, his eyes seemed dialated as he supported his weight onto a wall, sighing. As he placed on his clothing again, he looked towards his new cloak: A black long-sleeved coat, with a high-collar, and a purple flame pattern along the hemline, with black garments underneath and a Konohagakure Symbol on the shoulders, fitting it on himself with a confident smirk.

    As he left the manor, he gazed up at the Hokage Mountain, walking off through the Village as the sun began to sat, creating a pink layer in the sky, a beautiful sight so see. He looked through the Village, and he noticed something, a few shops had finally opened back up, their lights were and they all had a sign posted outside of them that stated they were back, Shizuko had a slight shock of happiness, it was good to see that Villagers were starting to feel safe again, and that they were able to re-open their shops. He slowly walked towards them, browsing the wares of the shop, purchasing a thing or two for his new home, purchasing ingredients for meals and such. With a bag of items, Shizuko slowly began to walk through the Village, watching as the moon began to rise and the sun couldn't be seen. He stood infront of a large lake, sighing calmly as he looked towards the reflection of the water, for a moment, he saw Tatsuma standing behind him, and turned his head in shock, but no one was there. He walked back off to his home, leaving the items he purchased on a table and headed off for the roof of the building, towering basically every building and construction in the entire Village, a perfect view..

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