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    Post by Nagakami Wed May 08, 2013 4:36 am

    As the sun began to rise, leaving an orange tint in the midst of the sky, Nagakami wrapped herself within her bed's comforter, groaning at the sight of sunrise, obviously she wasn't a morning person. Eventually having to get up from the inability to sleep any longer, Nagakami rushed off to the shower, and began to slowly get dressed. Her attire was that of a Konoha Chuunin's uniform, that consisted of a long blue sleeve shirts inside, a green flack jacket on the outside, and long blue trousers that have leg braces around the right thigh. With a confident grin of herself, she readied herself for another day of exciting training. As a loud rumbling could be heard, she forgot the most important thing to do.. eat, so she rushed off to her home's kitchen and readied herself up a quick bowl of Ramen, and without goodbye to her new father, ran off outside of her home, headed directly for the Training Grounds.

    On her walk down to the training ground she had noticed new Sakura tree's had blossomed, covering the Village in beautiful pink leaves blowing through the wind. Once she had arrived, she was greeted by several of the new Academy Students, who would one day most likely become great Shinobi. She went straight for the target dummies, and wanted to practice and test out her new Doton jutsu, but to her dissapointment, a loud roar of thunder could be heard, and almost immediately after was followed down by heavy rain. It made to be interesting test of her jutsu, and now she felt inspired enough to also practice her Suiton jutsu. It was a strange combination of elements, but she had a plan to do something with them.

    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by BornRoyal Wed May 08, 2013 4:51 am

    Hirou hated standing still. Immobility bugged the living daylight out of him, and it seems it's always been that way. In part, it was probably due to his blind spot. When his Byakugan was activated, though people said it gave him 360 degrees of vision, he actually had about 359 degrees. What he couldn't see was anything within a small radius behind his head, and he'd be damned if he let anyone take advantage of him for that. So maybe he just got used to moving around a lot, rather than just facing one direction. Which, at the moment, was why he was moving around a log as he used it to train.

    Most shinobi would stand from one spot and hit the log, usually with their leg. Maybe stand a certain distance, throw kunai, fetch, repeat. But with Hirou, he needed variety. As he hit the log, he did it in as many different ways as he could think of, as fast as he could do it. He rotated around the log clockwise, then counterclockwise, and then he even lifted himself over and kicked it once before landing on the other side. 'How could anyone ever train in such a boring way?' he asked, wondering what someone could gain from repetitively hitting something without changing how.

    And then it started raining. Hirou's opinion on rain differed depending on his mood. Sometimes it was beautiful, and he loved to just stand in it, to hear it. Other times, he disliked the thought of getting wet, knowing it'd take him forever to dry off whenever he decided to do so. As he hit the damp log, though, he decided he'd enjoy the rain. It felt good after a small training session. He looked up, trying to see the rain drops as they fell. He figured if he activated his Byakugan, he'd be able to. But just looking up, his vision unaltered, he could only see the rain as it passed by the background around him.
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by Nagakami Wed May 08, 2013 10:45 pm


    The rain was pouring down heavily, to the point the person couldn't even see a few feet in front of them because of it, it was a hard environment to train in who isn't experienced with the use of the natural elements. This gave Nagakami an actual challenge for practising, she was bored of a piece of wood, and wanted to try out a mobile target. Nagakami let out a string of hand seals, causing a clone to come from seemingly nowhere. The clone's appearance was identical to Nagakami's, and controlled it to run around in zig-zags in order to test her ability to use ranged attacks on a moving target. Quickly opening up her satchel and pulling out several shuriken and tossed them towards the moving clone, she tossed each shuriken individually in a different direction in the hope that the clone would accidentally run towards one of the shuriken

    Each shuriken ultimately missed, the clone was moving too fast and Nagakami hadn't calculated where the clone was going to move. She actually needed to prepare and think of where the target was going to end up, pulling out more shuriken, tossing each one into a separate direction, not targeted for the clone itself, but to cause the clone to be trapped in the middle of it, and instead pull out a kunai and throw it towards the clone once it was stuck. The move was a success, causing the clone to be hit and fade away into a large puff of smoke. Nagakami had a huge grin on her face, and now wanted to move on to something more serious, learning more Suiton and Doton jutsu.

    Afterwards, Nagakami turned her head to notice the Hyuuga attacking another target dummy, he seem to have stopped to look up towards the rain, some people loved standing in the rain, for one reason or another. Nagakami hated it, causing her clothes to be soaked and her hair to be flat down over her face, she didn't pay much attention to him as she was focused on her training. She attempted to learn a new jutsu, one where the user exhaled mist infused with their own chakra in order to blind doujutsu and normal shinobi alike. With a few hand seals and a deep breath, Nagakami released almost a roar-like exhale in an attempt to release mist, but ultimately failed and only released a small huff of air and made a fool of herself, letting out a deep sigh. The process happened over and over with many failures, after a burst of frustration, Nagakami cleared her mind. Preparing another line of hand seals and let out a deep exhale of mist across the Training Field, most likely blinding anyone with doujutsu or regular vision a like.

    Training Complete.
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by BornRoyal Thu May 09, 2013 2:57 am

    Hirou's head lowered as he went back to facing the training log. It bored him, really. He could only hit it so many different ways, and after he'd done that, either he'd try coming up with something new or just give up. And sure, he was creative, but he wasn't the kind of person that could entertain himself that way. Not if he could come up with something better to do, at least. And so he turned, looking around. He wanted to find something else to do, maybe someone to train with? And, as luck would have it, he found someone.

    When he was a kid, he always had another Hyuuga to train with, to spar against. That was kind of his 'right' as a Hyuuga. From the main branch, anyways. There was always someone there. But it didn't help him to fight the same person all of the time, especially someone from his own clan. Why would he bother trying to fight someone that fought exactly like him? Sure, they'd improve and learn to fight against him, in time, but Hirou doubted he'd ever go against someone that used the same fighting style as him. Especially if his opponents weren't shinobi from his village.

    It hit him, suddenly, that he wasn't alone. He turned his head to face someone who had just arrived, a red-haired girl that he assumed was an Uzumaki. He watched as she looked away, she had probably just been glancing his direction, and noted the way her face got serious. He tried to follow her hand signs, wanting to guess which jutsu she was about to try, but he couldn't. He didn't know it, whatever she was trying to do. And it didn't seem to matter much, either, because she failed it quite a few times. If he'd have missed it the first time, he would have been able to see which seals she were using the second time.

    She had failed enough times that Hirou thought he could perform the seals himself. However, she finally got it, and suddenly she disappeared. Not in a space-time-dimensional-shift kind of way, but more of a background-swallowing-you-whole kind of way. If he wouldn't have been paying attention, he would have sworn the mist that appeared from her and surrounded the area were natural. Instead, though, he brought a tiger handseal to his lips, "Byakugan!" he called out as his eyes deepened, veins showing near them on his face. Suddenly the world got clearer, the mist no longer clouding his vision. He could see for quite a distance, and even the rain that he was having trouble with before was now clear to him. And, now that he noticed, he could see the woman was clearly an Uzumaki. Her chakra reserves and her red hair gave her away similar to how his own eyes would give him away if she looked into them.
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by Nagakami Thu May 09, 2013 10:42 pm

    Nagakami cheered loudly in victory, she was always overly excited after learning a new jutsu, she acted a bit childish at some times with it, but it was healthy. She had realized the mist had covered almost all of the training ground, and that she was blinded by it, as she prepared a single tiger hand seal and watched as the mist began to disappear into moisture on the ground, as she sighed calmly. It was calm in Konohagakure, at least for her, most Shinobi were off fighting in the war with Iwagakure and Kirigakure, several of her friends had been sent off to fight, and several of them came back in body bags. Perhaps with the new Hokage and Tsuchikage, the two could work towards peace, and fast. Nagakami had planned on learning more jutsu, and practicing a little further, but after the mist had cleared up, Nagakami heard a shout, and then noticed a figure.

    Nagakami gazed towards the ninja, the first noticeable thing was his eyes.. It wasn't hard to tell which clan this boy hailed from, he had been using the Byakugan, but what was strange was that his hair was blonde instead of black, even his face didn't seem that of a Hyuuga. But she shook her head, and walked closer towards the boy with a curious look on her face. On her way closer towards the boy, she closely examined him, he seemed to have been looking at her since before she cleared up the mist, and probably could even see her in the mist with the use of the Byakugan, she had always heard that the Byakugan could see near 360º field of vision, and that the Hyuuga were skilled in certain Taijutsu techniques.

    After she finally reached the boy, she waved towards the boy, Hello there.. as she smiled, her long red hair covered most of her face from the rain soaking it down, her outfit was a simple Chunin uniform with the Uzushiogakure symbol on the shoulder, she spotted instead of a Konohagakure forehead protector that of a Uzushiogakure Forehead protector, even if the Village had been destroyed such a long time ago, it was an heirloom of her clan.
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by BornRoyal Thu May 09, 2013 11:12 pm

    Hirou watched the Uzumaki as she celebrated. He wondered if she had ever used this technique before, or if she had just learned it on the spot. It seemed pretty miraculous for her to have simply just tried it out and have it work. No one Hirou ever knew could learn that quickly, and pick up on something with just a few attempts. Then again, maybe the jutsu she was learning was just that simple. It juts seemed to be chakra infused with water, anyways, nothing too complicated. Especially if all the mist really did was expel, which is what it seemed to do. Without his Byakugan, he wouldn't be able to see three feet in front of his face.

    The mist died down a bit, and the Uzumaki seemed to have noticed Hirou. Did she hear him activate his Byakugan? He didn't think he was being very loud, but it wasn't like they were anywhere popular. No one else seemed to be around. So it didn't surprise him when he saw her heading his way. Without a need for his Byakugan any longer, he closed his eyes and relaxed them. The veins in his face disappeared and when he opened his eyes again, his pupils were no longer defined. An odd characteristic of the Hyuuga, but a defining one no less.

    When she made it to him, he smiled. The Uzumaki girl waved as she approached and greeted him very simply. He noted how social she seemed to be, especially since it was raining, and greeted her back. "Hey," he called, throwing out a simple wave of his own. That's when he noticed her headband, though, and his eyes burrowed a bit in confusion. He knew immediately that it wasn't Konoha's symbol, but knew he recognized it from somewhere. [b]"Is that the symbol on the back of Chunnin jackets?" he asked, curious as to what the symbol was at all. He wasn't sure where it came from, or where it meant. More importantly, he wasn't sure why this girl was wearing it in place of the default forehead protector.

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    Post by Shizuko Fri May 10, 2013 2:50 am

    With the rain continuously pouring down overheard, Nagakami looked up and unstrapped her headband and pulled it into her hands, looking down towards it with a smile.It's an heirloom, from Uzushiogakure, Where those of the Uzumaki clan had originated from, it was recently been destroyed for fear of it's powerful use of Fuuinjutsu, causing the survivors to immigrate to Konohagakure, the two had always been allies, hence the Uzushiogakure symbol on regular Shinobi attire. she replied, it was sad to know of the destruction of someones original Village, but at least she was still apart of Konohagakure.

    Nagakami sighed calmly, strapping it back up upon her forehead and shrugged it off. The Shinobi seemed as social as Nagakami was, which was a great thing, I take it you came here to practice more jutsu, and had your day rained down on too? as she sighed, taking both of her hands to her hair in an attempt to ring the water out of it, looking back up the the Shinobi and quickly bowed. I am Nagakami Uzumaki, and you are? as she stood back up and let her hands hang freely from her side, she was quite interested in this Hyuuga, could he be from the main-branch of the clan? He didn't fit the normal description of a Hyuuga, and Nagakami just couldn't get over it.

    (PS, I used the wrong account. >_>)
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by BornRoyal Fri May 10, 2013 3:20 am

    Hirou nodded as the story of the Uzumaki clan, or at least a summarized version of it, was told to him. Apparently the village her clan was from originated from somewhere else, and she instead wore the symbol of that village. Still, he wasn't sure that was exactly 'allowed'. He decided to bring it up later, though. He didn't want to act like he knew what he was talking about if he happened to be wrong. Given, that wouldn't stop himself from finding out if he was wrong later, it just stopped him from making an ass out of himself just in case.

    Once she finished her story, she replaced her headband over her forehead. It was the common place for forehead protectors, but he wore his around his neck. He reached for it and looked at the hidden leaf sketched into the metal, curious to know of all the other symbols that were erased from the map to make this one so strong...

    Tossing the idea aside, Hirou shook his head and looked back up to the Uzumaki, who introduced herself as Nagakami. A long name, sure, but it was definitely memorable. Not like most names he heard. He smiled to Nagakami, holding out his hand to her. It was an old fashioned gesture, but it still had place in society, Hirou thought. "Hirou Hyuuga," he introduced himself with a smile. "I wouldn't say jutsu, I'm more of a tai-guy myself. No chakra needed." he said, reciting what probably sounded like a motto. Sure, though, some of his techniques required chakra, but that was only to combat chakra. He definitely didn't need it to fight, which is something he prided himself on.
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by Nagakami Sat May 11, 2013 2:47 am


    Hirou, a decently common name for Shinobi now a-days, she wasn't quit sure what it meant, or if it even had a meaning. Nevertheless, she was interested to learn that the young Shinobi had little use for Ninjutsu, instead mostly focusing on Taijutsu. At least that's what she had picked up for him, she always loved watching people using different styles, it came in handy during combat, so she could always know what to expect from an opponent, while she hadn't seen this young Shinobi in action, she got a bit of a taste of his personality, and even possibly heard his catchphrase! The boy seemed confident with his abilities, a both useful and dangerous trait. Nagakami was a bit surprised with the formality offered to her, a hand shake was quite old-fashioned, but Nagakami wasn't one to judge, and firmly gripped his hand and shook.

    While it wasn't regular to wear a Uzushiogakure headband as a ninja of the Hidden Leaf, she liked to keep a hold of it, and most likely no Konohagakure ninja would object, the two villages were strong allies, and now even the Uzumaki took shelter in Konohagakure after it's destruction, and only fragments were left of their history and culture. Nagakami was pretty confident there were no objections to her headband, after all, the standard attire for a Shinobi had the Uzumaki symbol on it after all. It may have been just a pride of her clan, but the forehead protector was always good luck for her.

    Nagakami pondered for a moment, biting her lip as she replied excitedly Well, since we're both here to train, why don't we do a friendly sparring session? She enjoyed the idea, always craving to discover new forms of combat, it was like reading a book or looking at a fine piece of art for her. It'd almost be disappointing to hear a no from this boy, she had the mind set of discovering his talent.

    Last edited by Nagakami on Tue May 14, 2013 8:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by BornRoyal Sat May 11, 2013 2:58 am

    Hirou's hand rose as it made it's way for the back of his head, "I guuuesss," he said a bit doubtfully. He wasn't entirely sure how well he'd do against a kunoichi, but he had to figure it out sometime, right? All he really knew about her was that she knew Suiton jutsu; An element that mostly comprised of long range attacks. That, he was perfectly fine with. If he could get in close, then he'd be fine. At the same time, he'd also revealed his fighting style revolved around Taijutsu. Did that mean his opponent would underestimate his effectiveness at long range? Probably. He knew a long-range jutsu, and he knew when he should use it, as well. On top of that, he had his Byakugan, a distinct advantage. He would be able to see around and through anything she threw at him, as well as the movements she tried to make in secret. Luckily for him, though, none of this was normally assumed of a Hyuuga. If she hadn't fought one before, there was no way she would know exactly how much his Byakugan gave him the edge in a fight.

    So Hirou took a few steps back and faced Nagakami. He was curious to see what her fighting style was like; her weaknesses, her strengths, and her uses in combat. He knew that eventually he'd be put into a squad, and he was curious if Nagakami would eventually be his teammate. Obviously, she was already his ally, the two of them being in the same village, but that's not what he meant. He decided to wait on his fighting stance; it'd be something he saved for later rather than use outright. He figured Nagakami wouldn't threaten him at close-range right off the bat. It'd mean an near-automatic loss for her, Hirou thought.
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by Nagakami Tue May 14, 2013 8:59 pm


    Nagakami nodded excitedly, exclaiming "Alrighty then! Let's go!" and took a step back, she took one last look towards the boy, she had discovered that he was efficient in Taijutsu, and rarely used any long-range attacks, of course all Shinobi usually have a diverse range of attacks. Nagakami wasn't sure of his full extent of power, therefore kept an eye out on this man. Unable to see what type of elemental type he used, sadly he hadn't performed any jutsu before the fight, so she was at a disadvantage as the young Shinobi probably knew of her use of Suiton Jutsu. If she was going to win this fight, she'd have to keep a distance and be able to surprise him.

    Nagakami let off a string of hand seals, focusing chakra into the earth below the two, causing it to slowly turn into sand. Nagakami then used both of her hands to quickly dig deep underneath the two in order to hide, also deep enough to most likely avoid any close range attacks. While she was underneath all of this sand, she could still sense anything happening up top, allowing a chance for a surprise attack if she was lucky enough, she let out a deep sigh while under all of the sand, thinking for a moment about her next move, waiting for some feedback from Hirou in order to calculate the next part of her plan.


    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by BornRoyal Tue May 14, 2013 9:52 pm

    Hirou smirked as his opponent rushed into battle. No formalities, which he loved. Just straight to the fighting. Now, Hirou was funny. He was pacifistic, in a way. Especially when it came to those in his own village, he didn't actually want to hurt them. Even if that was, really, his job description. Even his gentle fist fighting style focused on immobilizing his opponent, not actually hurting them. Ironically enough, it was more efficient than most other styles, which you wouldn't think of someone who was pacifistic. He would try his best not to hurt his new friend, but as far as he knew, he couldn't, really. His jutsu knowlede extended to a puff of wind and a healing technique. His only real weapon, he thought, was his taijutsu.

    Nagakami spared no time in disappearing into the ground. Instantly, Hirou cursed. His specialty was taijutsu, which was useless if he couldn't reach his opponent. Hopefully for him, though, Nagakami would have to come back up to attack. Hirou brought a tiger seal to his lips again, calling "Byakugan!" as he did before. He really didn't need to; the seal was only something younger Hyuuga needed to use in order to activate their Byakugan. But at this point, he wasn't going to let his opponent know that. Or any opponent, for that matter. Maybe one day it'd come in handy, give him an advantage of sorts.

    The moment his eyes deepened and his pupils became more apparent, he could see Nagakami. Did she know that, though? What was the extent of her knowledge of the Hyuuga, Hirou wondered. How much she knew and what she could do would greatly influence the tide of battle. Hirou looked to his left, and to his right, falling back into his fighting style, The Gentle Fist. His head turned as he looked at the ground, curious where Nagakami would appear from next, even though he knew her current location. If she could see him from underground, somehow, maybe she'd fall for his act. Maybe she knew nothing about Byakugan, or maybe she only knew it let him see through her mist. Regardless, he was playing the waiting game. He couldn't get to her while she was underground, so she'd have to come out sometime.

    The Byakugan:
    Gentle Fist Style:
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by BornRoyal Fri May 17, 2013 7:53 pm

    Hirou stood in place for a while as he waited for his opponent to make a move. His Byakugan allowed him to see her while she was underground, but it didn't seem like she was up to anything in particular. At first it seemed like she was waiting for an opportune moment, but it wasn't like Hirou was doing anything spectacular, just standing there himself. As he waited for a bit longer, he dropped his hands. He was seriously bored out of the mood to fight, and he didn't think that was really possible.

    Hirou shook his head, a bit disappointed. He thought he could get some legit training done, but apparently not. He looked around again, curious if he missed something or not. The ground around him had gone unchanged. He knew Nagakami's nature types were water and earth, but aside from the rain which was not infused with chakra, and the mound of dirt that was left from when she submerged herself, there was nothing to even hint that she was trying to pull something on him. So he turned north and simply walked away. He had better things to do than just stand around all day.


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