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    The Long Way Home [Open!]

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    Post by Princelet Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:39 pm

    Carrying the bags of make-up and clothes was good training, she told herself. They weren't terribly heavy, but it was enough that the slow walk back to her apartment was putting a good strain on her arms. It wasn't like she'd bought much, just an entire new line of civilian clothes and the latest in eye make up and lipstick-- honestly her biggest concern was less their weight and where she was gong to put them.

    Probably she should donate all of last year's clothing to a charity of some sort, that would take care of the problem, but she knew the moment she started to look at the old clothes she'd start finding things she didn't want to part with.

    "Probably... Probably I should look at the missions again." She hadn't been pressed enough to find a mission before, enjoying a short lull in activity, but now she was starting to grow antsy. Antsy enough that she'd started talking to herself and she shook her head. As long as she didn't start answering herself though, she supposed she was okay.

    Home wasn't too far away, and Fumi paused in the street, hesitating. When was the last time she saw her mother? Not since she came home from her last mission, surely, and she was overdue for another visit, but...

    "You could get married, you know. You're pretty enough! If you just stopped flaunting it everywhere, you could really get someone good! Settle down, live a quieter life. Why do you have to put your life on the line all the time? That's how your father died, you know! If it weren't for this ninja business--"

    Fumi winced and heaved a sigh, shifting the bags in her arms so she could free up a hand enough to move her hair back from her face. No, no that was the last thing she needed when she was this wound up. She'd take one more walk around the neighborhood instead, a sort of self-punishment for skipping out on a visit to her only family, and a way to clear her head. She'd lived independent of the woman for a good couple years now, but the claws still sunk in deep.

    She turned on heel and began to walk; despite her best efforts to keep up the mask of calmness, the stormy expression broke through, making her look agitated. Halfway around the block there was an ominous tearing noise, and Fumi let out a cry of dismay as the bottom of one of her bags seemed to just give up and bottom out, spilled the kits and canisters of make-up all over the ground.

    Fumi stood for a long moment in shock, before crouching down and starting to pick some up. Where was she even going to put them? Stacking them on top of the clothes seemed the best course of action for now, but halfway through the the bag began to tip from the weight until it bent, spilling the make-up out--again--but this time accompanied by some of her clothes (mostly tops; thankfully the more embarrassing items were at the bottom of the bag).

    She just set the bag down and remained crouched there a moment, pressing her hands to her face (being mindful, of course, to not smudge the make-up she was already wearing).

    "Deep breaths... In...and out..." She chanted to herself, trying to calm herself down. It just had to be one of those days, didn't it? Someone, somewhere, was laughing at her and she was not about to give them the satisfaction of seeing her unbalanced and annoyed.

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    Post by Shizuko Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:13 am

    With a bright and shiny morning, Shizuko was on a regular walk through the Village, he had a re-assuring grin on his face, his onyx eyes seemed dull and oblivious. He had just gotten out of a meeting with the Tsuchikage, and went on a little casual stroll for the day, his regular high-collared dark blue Uchiha shirt, with a pair of tan pants. As he strolled the Village with his hands in his pocket, he noticed that more shops were beginning to open up, and could finally hear citizens bickering at eachother over various and minor things, shop prices and such, he could now hear young children playing and chasing eachother through the streets, and now even the leaves from the Sakura Tree's seemed brighter. Jounin were bringing there students out on various missions.

    It was an over all happy day, things were starting to get better, even during these hard times of war. He passed through the Academy, looking at the Mission Outpost to find any news and listed up a few new missions, mostly C and D ranked missions, and several Academy Students and Jounin began to look at them. As he passed through the Uchiha district of the City, he was greeted by a large amount of his kin, it was a decent day for now. Shizuko continued to stroll through the Village as he heard a slight shriek along the way, it sounded as if someone was in trouble. Shizuko prepared a hand seal and was off towards where the sound came from. He was worried as to what it would be, but was suprised with the outcome..

    As Shizuko stood atop a roof, looking down at the female who had apparently spilled items from her bag, as she was beginning to collect them. A worry over nothing, at least it wasn't something drastic such as an accident, or an attack, Shizuko gave a dull look and a groan, hopping down from the roof towards the female, standing over her and bent over to assist her in retrieving the lost items, not really saying a word. His face leaving a calm and lackluster expression along with his onyx eyes, a Konohagakure Forehead protector fastened neatly. Taking hand fulls of the canisters, he took a look at them, if he wasn't wrong they seemed like make up? Why was she carrying such a large amount of make up? He'd accidently let out the question, Why do you need so much make up? You're only one person.. he didn't mean to, and it was overall embarassing and rude. His face turned pale completely and he sighed.
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by Princelet Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:49 am

    Her head jerked up the second Shizuko landed, and she felt the color drain from her face when she realized just who it was.

    "H-Hokage..." How mortifying. The kunoichi quickly shoved the blouses into the bag, stuffing them down, before standing to face the older man. She liked to keep up a facade of being an ice queen, but this had just been embarrassing-- his question even more so.

    On the bright side, she at least had a legitimate reason for it. "Well... Because, if I don't, I'll get behind on the new collections. Most of the make-up I had went stale, and with the new line coming out I had to restock anyway. I need it for my missions most of the time anyhow..." Fumi trailed off, shifting her own headband from where it rested around her forearm. Was she boring him? But he had asked, so it was fine, right?

    "You didn't have to do this, really." She took a deep breath to get herself calmed down and extended her hands to accept the canisters. "Not that I'm not thankful," Fumi added quickly, "but you must have better things to do."

    She was more concerned about wasting his time--she hardly considered herself worthy enough to be the cause of him missing anything important; especially since he'd caught her in an embarrassing situation when she'd worked so hard to make herself seem perfect all this time.

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    Post by Shizuko Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:38 am

    Seeing the look on her face, and watched as her skin go pale, Shizuko wasn't quite sure, but he finished placing the items back into the bag, shrugging it off. Good enough reason, I suppose.. was his answer, even though it was a terrible lie. Shizuko wasn't one to badger people with questions, so he took the simple answer, she seemed like she was a bit nervous, standing back up as he shrugged a shoulder While I admit it's not my usual line of business, i'm willing to help anyone in need. as he gave off a friendly smile, he had never met this Kunoichi, he didn't even know her rank, usually he kept track of ninja with the Bingo Book, so he asked I don't believe we have met, I am Shizuko Uchiha. And you are? and began looking towards her as he noticed the hefty amount of bags, which looked like a pain to carry, as he looked at her curiously, he asked the question. Do you need help with those? he didn't really mind what was in the bag, whether is was beauty care, uniforms or even weapons, he didn't judge people simply, he was awfully curious as to who this woman was however..
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by Princelet Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:01 am

    The smile helped her relax and she gave a small smile back. He didn't seem as scary and imposing this way, talking to him like he was a another person. Which she supposed he was, really, but the rank had always thrown her off.

    She exhaled slowly, willing her tension to leave with it, and bowed politely. "Fumi Kurokawa. I'm a Chuunin." She straightened and pushed her hair back again, wishing she'd thought to tie it up before going out. "Pleased to meet you personally at last."

    Honestly the bags were a pain, and with having to double up since the one bag broke it was going to be even worse. She'd never been that strong, relying solely on her genjutsu talents to get her through the exams, and her arms had been aching fiercely from carrying all the bags earlier. If there was anything she knew, it was muscular pain, and picking the bags up again would more likely than not cause her to pull something. And how was she going to face anyone with the lame reasoning of 'I pulled a muscle carrying bags'? Still she cast him an uncertain, but hopeful look.

    "Would you really not mind? I'd appreciate the help."

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    Post by Shizuko Sat Apr 27, 2013 8:38 pm

    Shizuko noticed the smile, nodding happily of the fact she wasn't entirely nervous of him, and gave the same bow. I am pleased to meet you too, Fumi. as he looked back down at the several large bags, nodding slowly towards her. Of course, it's no trouble at all. as he wrapped his hands around the handle of several of the bags, lifting them mostly with ease. And nodded, keeping them hanging down from his arms and shot a curious look towards her, Where to? as he smirked, his stance shifting to the point he focused all of his weight into one foot, it was nice to meet more Shinobi around the Village, as most were off in the war, bravely sacrificing themselves against Iwagakure. Shizuko noticed something at the corner of his eye, turning around and saw nothing more then an ANBU Ninja staring down at the two, and disappeared, peculiar.
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by Princelet Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:15 pm

    "My apartment isn't far," She reassured him, picking up the remaining bags. If she was ever asked she'd given the stock answer of being prepared to go to battle if she was called on, but the truth was she was pretty relieved. Fumi was somewhat suspicious her mother might have had a hand in making sure she wasn't out on the front lines, but that was fine with her. After all, she new her talents were best suited here, and in case anything happened in the village they'd need all the remaining shinobi to be ready to jump into action any time. "This way."

    Fumi was about to turn away to lead them off, but paused, noting Shizuko's sudden turn. She followed his gaze, but too slow: the ANBU had disappeared by the time she looked. "Is something wrong, sir?" Her hand slowly moved towards her pants pocket. Hidden there was her sealing scroll that contained her weapon; even if she was just a chuunin she'd gladly put her life on the line to protect her Hokage no matter the circumstances.

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    Post by Shizuko Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:01 pm

    As he focused on the now vanished ninja, he heard Fumi's question, turning back with a fake smile. Nothing. as he hefted the bags up from the ground and returned to normal, he didn't really mind the ANBU Ninja, after all, he was Hokage, surely they weren't spying and instead investigating the cry. His blade was still safely fastened onto his back, he didn't bother at all for conflict, proceeding to walk with Fumi towards her apartment, not sure what he was going to do after he helped this Chuunin, possibly go to one of the shops? He didn't really care, he had nothing to work on at the time, he had an urge to train but for some reason he was holding it off.

    While he walked with Fumi, he was honestly curious about this girl, he had never seen her in the Bingo Book before, a brow arching up and he asked, It's a bit odd we've never met before, usually I keep track of all active Shinobi but i've never seen you on the Bingo Book, I might have accidently just skimmed over you. as he shrugged, and looked towards the Villager's passing by them often, nodding towards them silently, looking up the sky he noticed that even more clouds were rolling into the Village, with birds flying through the sky to move away from the storm, as he slowly shook his head and focused back onto the Kunoichi.

    Last edited by Shizuko on Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:44 am; edited 1 time in total
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Post by Princelet Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:21 am

    Fumi drew her hand away then and nodded. "Alright." If her Hokage was sure it was safe, she'd trust him. She turned instead and began to walk with him, head held high and a slight sway to her hips she wasn't even aware of. It was an ingrained part of her training, committed to muscle memory.

    His question makes her look over, a little surprised. She didn't quite know why they'd never met before, or why he hasn't seen her in the bingo book--she checked in with all the usual channels and did everything by the book, so she simply shrugs. "You must have. I've been a chuunin for quite a while now. Too long, really..." Fumi trailed off with a light sigh, then turns her gaze back on him. "But, that's fine. As long as I'm being useful and serving you, it doesn't matter. I made enough to move into a place on my own, so I'm already halfway to my goals."

    Her head lifted to glance at the sky, a frown turning down her mouth. A storm? It seemed to be coming in fast, and she hoped they'd get to the apartment in time before it started.

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    Post by Shizuko Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:21 pm

    As thunder began to roar through the skies, the sun was completely blocked out from the view, and it became very dark. Shizuko looked up, pondering for a moment if the thunder clouds were by natural cause, they seemed a bit off, and heard a noise come from behind, thinking it was another ANBU Ninja, it was merely a person running to their home. Shizuko shrugged, and replied to Fumi Being Chuunin isn't all that bad, and never think of your duty as a Kunoichi as serving the Hokage, it's about protecting the Leaf and those who inhabit it.. He felt as if he needed to be killed in order for the peace of Konohagakure, he would sacrifice himself for that, however he slightly turned the mood up afterwards, his smile returning as they neared the apartment complex, with several Villagers running inside to take shelter from the storm, Shizuko nodded. I believe this is where you live? and if so, would reply with a calm tone. If so, I think this may be where we part ways, Fumi, it was a pleasure meeting you. as he placed the bags at the doorway, he didn't want to intrude any longer.

    As he gave a bow, and looked up to her once again, If you need anything, you can stop my Hokage Residence and talk to my Assistant, Saotomi, and she'll contact me. as he threw a cloak over himself to protect him from the on-coming rain storm that was about to roll through Konohagakure, it seemed strange that the Village was constantly being hit by rain, when usually it's sunny outside all year, Shizuko thought nothing of it.

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