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    Amari | Konoha

    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Amari | Konoha  Empty Amari | Konoha

    Post by Amari Tue May 07, 2013 11:21 am

    Name: Amari
    Chatango: RainandSunsets
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 102


    Amari is a short individual and that is what most notice first. However she isn't quite as short as her mother that stood barely over five feet. For this she is a bit grateful, it isn't that she dislikes being shorter than most, but it does have it's disadvantages. Her body is a rather slim one with an otherwise average build. Her muscles not really showing and actually lacking compared to most shinobi her age. She prides herself in other forms of fighting after all, and never really took an interest in hand to hand combat. That being said she has never really cared much what people think of her or her body. Not that Matsu would let others look at her like that anyways. His overprotective-ness had run many a suitor away, but she couldn't stay mad at her brother. He did it because he loved her after all.

    Moving on to her hair, the raven black hair that rested on the woman's head. She took great pride in her lineage's hair. The Uchiha were known for their black hair and she was no exception. It would shimmer in the sun and with her eyes it would be a very powerful deterrent to would be bullies. The Uchiha weren't known to play nice with such people after all. It fell to her mid back and was much longer than her mother's. Amari takes very good care of it though and finds joy in brushing it when she's upset. Perhaps finding the same effect as a comforting hand by doing so. It also added it's own level of repelling boy as well as attracting a few. Some feared the jet black hair while others found a love for it. Well perhaps not the hair exactly...

    Her eyes, those dark and deep black eyes were much more likely to be what caused fear. Many a person has been known to fear the glare of the Uchiha, and they were known to glorify them as well. Hunting the eyes that were known to be powerful weapons. Amari's will do nothing to hinder this. He genjutsu specialty is something that backs the claim after all. It's something that she takes pride in though, not afraid to use her sharingan like others of her clan may be. It's a part of her and something she isn't going to hide for the purpose of being discreet. Regardless the eyes are there, and they show the pride of the Uchiha clan within them.

    Looking at her body the first word that comes to mind is frail. She looks small for a shinobi and as such is often underestimated. This is a mistake however, it is just that she trains her mind more than her body. Thus leaving her with a lacking physical strength while her mental abilities are something to make people envious. She generally wears a sleeveless top and black jeans that allow for a good range of movement and comfort. Amari's favorite is a red and black top that she views to represent her clan a bit while she wears it. She also generally wears a half sleeve on her left arm that stretches from from just under her thumb to her elbow. For shoes she simply wears a closed toe black pair. They aren't boots as they only rise to her ankles, but they offer decent protection while not being uncomfortable. That's the real point of her wardrobe after all, comfort. Lastly she has a tattoo on her left arm. It's really something simply personal to her, though to find that you'd have to ask her. The tattoo itself covers most of her upper arm and has several butterflies with leaves mixed in as well.

    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Black
    Body: Small, Almost Frail
    Ethnicity: Land of Fire
    Personality: Amari's a very relaxed individual. Never really flustered by the every day things that happen to go wrong. This has translated to be used in battle as well. She is very calm and calculating of an opponent when she fights. Being a laid back person like she is though, fighting isn't her favorite thing to do. She'd much rather take a nap under a tree than go about picking fights. Besides, Matsu Is much more likely to accept or start a fight than she is. It's all in good faith though. He can get a bit overprotective of his baby sister after all. Digging a bit deeper Amari has always had an affinity for water and thus a great joy of the element itself. She loves swimming for this reason as well as any trips to Water Country or Rain Country.

    Speaking of rain, that is without a doubt her greatest love in the world, short of her family. She absolutely loves walking in the rain, and as such can be found outside anytime the weather turns "bad" in Konoha. Rainy days are her ideal type of day and she thinks even more clearly than normal within the rain. Along with the love of the rain, Amari can not stand the heat. If it is too hot outside she will be found inside, likely in one of her books or even just sleeping. She is miserable if the temperature is too high and this has led her to be able to develop her mind to the point it is at currently. AS there are plenty of hot days when one lives within Konohagaure.

    A genius? She's been called one. She ranked up with her brother pretty much on point. Despite his own natural ability. While not the pinnacle in Uchiha intelligence, Amari is certainly among the smartest. Especially if the field of conversation is genjutsu. She has taken it upon herself to know everything there is to know about the style that would otherwise evade some. As such she even began developing her own little tricks to increase her combat effectiveness with her so heavily specialized into genjutsu. She realizes the flaws of this fighting style as much as it's strengths and does what she can to reduce these flaws in battle, and increase her own advantages. For this reason she is a bit feared in her spars even with the knowledge of her techniques known.

    Quiet. The last of her major traits. While she can open up to people she trusts. To most she is a quiet girl that doesn't cause any trouble. This has left a bit of the trouble maker reputation to be passed to others even if she was in on the ordeal. Even with this said, if you get into her friendship circle she'll talk a lot more openly. Simply getting there is a challenge on it's own though. One actually has to try given her being quiet and Matsu playing his protective brother. This is another reason why books held so much off her interest. Though she never really grows bored with Matsu either.

    Rank/Village Title: Chuunin
    Village: Konohagakure
    Title: Genius
    Organization / Team: N/A

    Style Allocation:
    Total Points to Spend: 3

    • Ninjutsu: 0
    • Genjutsu: 3
    • Taijutsu: 0
    • Puppetry: 0
    • Ijutsu: 0
    • Fuuinjutsu: 0

    Kekkei Genkai/Clan: Uchiha
    Element: Suiton, Fuuton


    • Katana

    Starting Inventory:

    • Katana

    Jutsu Total: 9



    Kekkei Genkai: (The abilities granted by bloodline)
    Bloodline Jutsu: (The Jutsu learned from the bloodline)

    Background: Amari was born to an Uchiha mother and a Senju father within Konohagakure. She grew up with a fairly normal life at least for the blood that ran through her veins. The clan would expect good things between the siblings of the two strongest clans in the village. This was the farthest thing from the minds of those two siblings though. They could care less what blood ran through their body. Could care less how powerful they were supposed to be. They were simply themselves. They wouldn't act like more for others. As the came of age for the academy they would be allowed to join despite their mother's disliking. She had known it would come at some point, but she had wanted to protect her children as long as possible. She had never been much of a fighter after all.

    As they would enter the academy one year apart the siblings quickly showed why they were considered special. Both would ease through the lessons. Both mastering the visual arts a bit more than anything else. For Amari her brother would serve as the role model. His skill in genjutsu bolstering her already strong affinity for the the style. This wouldn't quite show up just yet though. While within the academy they would both graduate near the tops of their classes in all marks. Naturally they were the top when it came to certain areas, however others would lack and drag them below the one or two that were more well rounded. It was here that a bit of their differences were seen though. Here that they were viewed for the first time as more than just the siblings of a Senju and Uchiha blood mix. It wouldn't be seen quite so much just yet, but that would grow as they progressed.

    Upon graduating, Matsu would immediately be given a team. Being a year ahead of Amari they would never be teamed together as genin. At least that was the plan. Matsu would ruin their plans though when the Chuunin exams came around. Purposely failing his first run through to stay behind and make sure his sister could pass the trial. While it was likely him being over cautious it would bolster both their chances for the next round. Being held back, he was forced to be placed on a new team. Amari made it apparently clear what team she wanted him placed on, and though they had to mix the teams up a bit to make this work the Kage eventually let it happen. They were placed on the same team with a mid range ninjutsu user to augment their genjutsu abilities. He was a decent fighter in his own right and wouldn't hold back the Uchiha siblings, even if he felt like a third wheel sometimes. They would get past that and with Amari's open personality he'd feel more at home before long. As the exams came upon them, the trio would easily handle themselves within the first couple rounds. When the final head to head fighting would come around is when things ended up becoming a bit more tense. Their teammate was knocked out in the opening round of the bracket. Amari and Matsu would continue through several strong opponents to end up fighting each other for the final fight. Laughing at the idea of fighting each other, they humored the crowd to begin with. Giving a fight that would go back and forth before both looked tired. Now however they would disappoint the onlookers eager for a winner. Staring at each other they would both turn and give a bow towards the crowd and walk away to the torrent of boos. They didn't care though. They had fought all they would against one another. From this they would both be given their Chuunin rank and their story would continue to unfold...

    To start with, they were viewed by their own clan to be failures in their own rights. No Uchiha that had the capability had ever made it all the way to Chuunin without activating their sharingan. Yet these two had managed. How was that? No one really knew. Though it was another little weight that they would share and laugh off. The clan couldn't do much to them for simply not learning the sharingan. As such they wouldn't worry themselves to much with it. Amari was curious why they hadn't been able to unlock it yet, but it wasn't the end of the world for the Uchiha after all. While Amari wasn't able to develop her sharingan just yet, she has been at the forefront of the genjutsu field in Konoha. Developing many of her own techniques and even bring her illusions to life in her Mirror Image ability. This has led many people to be a bit scared of the Uchiha's visual prowess, going as far as to call her a genius when it came to genjutsu. She knows every in and out trick at her disposal when it comes to her style of choice and dares others to try and stand on even footing with her within the field...
    Leaf Shinobi
    Leaf Shinobi

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    Amari | Konoha  Left_bar_bleue0/0Amari | Konoha  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
    Ryou Pouch: 500

    Amari | Konoha  Empty Re: Amari | Konoha

    Post by Amari Wed May 08, 2013 1:44 am

    This is finished as soon as the genjutsu gets approved.

    Fame : 2739

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    Amari | Konoha  Left_bar_bleue0/12500Amari | Konoha  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
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    Amari | Konoha  Empty Re: Amari | Konoha

    Post by Amesuke Fri May 10, 2013 3:36 am

    Approved and moved.

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