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    Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN)


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    Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN) Empty Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN)

    Post by Amesuke Fri May 24, 2013 9:10 pm

    The Chuunin would push the door open, his eyes squinted as if almost closed as the light hit his face. With a pat on his face, dust would fly everywhere. With a groan, the chuunin would grab the chalk-boar eraser from his head, sighing and opening his eyes while patting the chalk from his hair. The class would erupt in laughter as the man walked through the door, closing it behind him. Walking to the board, he would take a piece of chalk, writing the words "Genjutsu 1Oh!1" On the board. It was the first day in class and this meant he could have a little fun with the new students.

    Touching the board with a single finger, he would smile and turn, looking at the children in the class with his back to the board. Hello students. I'll be going by Mr. Tsume! And this is the basic... He would point to the board before finishing his sentence, Genjutsu 101 class! Knocking on the board with a single finger, he would straighten up and then grab the chalk again, rubbing his chin. With his free hand, he would grab a clip board, then smile, looking down at the seating chart for the class. The students had been given a seating chart before coming to class much like he had so that they would know exactly where to sit. The fun part, though, was manipulating this information.

    With a single hand seal behind the clip board, he would survey the classroom.

    Fame : 659

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    Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN) Empty Re: Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN)

    Post by Shizuko Fri May 24, 2013 9:29 pm

    The young academy student ran through the halls, trying to reach the classroom in time, he had overslept and was about to be late. The boy charged towards the door, causing it to fly open and caused him to tumble over on the floor, his facial expression was shocked, the contents of his satchel had spilled across the entire floor of the classroom, he quickly stood and apologized S-Sorry I am late! as he rushed to shuffle all of his items back into his cramped backpack, rushing off to his seat at the back of the class room with a shameful expression on his face.

    The Academy student pondered at the identity of the Chuunin, he had never seen him in the Village before, perhaps we was recently promoted? The man had a smile on his face, staring down the children as he greeted them all, looking at the board it had the writing "Genjutsu 101!" across it, Genjutsu, his worst subject. As he let out a large sigh, his face turning to a frown as he rested his face on the desk. While most people had no trouble practicing basic genjutsu, it was absolutely dreadful for him. Perhaps this Teacher would be different, and he'd finally be able to get it through his head? Who knew, but regardless this young Academy Student was not excited for what was next.

    Fame : 2739

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    Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN) Empty Re: Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN)

    Post by Amesuke Fri May 24, 2013 10:52 pm

    Just as he went to circle the name of the one absent student today, he would hear a thud, looking up over the clip board to notice a child had fallen into the classroom, probably tripping over the doorstop. With an uncaring yawn, he would tap the board again, clearing his throat. He said simply nothing as the boy scrambled his items together, putting them into his pack and walking to a seat in the very back of the class.

    Clearing his throat once more, he would speak, scratching his head and smiling, Now that we're all here. As I was saying before! He would tap the blackboard again, which now stated, "Genjutsu 1101." Welcome to the advanced class for Genjutsu! I assume you're all well versed in the art of... He would write the word "Illusions" on the board in big, thick letters, then underline it several times while tapping the board with the chalk. ILLUSIONS He would circle the word and continue speaking about its practical uses, making sure to make every word and gesture he made seem extremely important before stopping and looking at the class. Surveying the students, he would point out to the boy who came in late, saying, You! Repeat back to me the words I said please. Additionally, can you please explain to me the difference between an Oral Genjutsu and an Aural Genjutsu.

    Folding his arms, he would tap his foot with an impatient demeanor. He would turn around and begin writing more on the board while waiting.

    Can't look:


    Last edited by Amesuke on Fri May 24, 2013 11:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Fame : 659

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    Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN) Empty Re: Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN)

    Post by Shizuko Fri May 24, 2013 11:09 pm

    Advanced Genjutsu, exclaimed the man, how had this boy managed to get past basic genjutsu? The subject was confusing and complicated for him, it was almost frustrating to listen in onto a conversation. As he heard the voice of the man close in near him, he stuck his head back up, his face turned white as he swallowed his fear and exhaled.

    The man had seemed impatient, tapping his foot constantly, making it even more stressful for him, he had no idea between the difference of the two, all he really knew was what the two words meant. You were speaking about this class, and asked if we were well versed in Illusions.. as his eyes focused on the man, shaking his head and finishing his reply with: I don't know the difference. he had been listening into him, even if his face had been planted directly on the table, had he said something more then that? Perhaps he had truly dozed off or just lost interest.

    Fame : 2739

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    Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN) Empty Re: Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN)

    Post by Amesuke Fri May 24, 2013 11:23 pm

    ((You can look now, I know nothing about your character, so I assumed your hell was being called out in a class where you know nothing about the subject =].))

    Pardon...? Mr. Tsume sat with a blank stare on his face, the boy had spoken unprovoked, additionally, he wasn't really saying anything of importance either. It meant his Genjutsu had worked perfectly. Placing the clipboard on a table, he would fold his arms over his chest, looking at the boy, saying, Please do not interrupt my class again young man. Turning around once again, he would write on the board again.

    The board would once again show Genjutsu 1Oh!1, returning to its original writing and in big bold letters, the Chuunin would write "DO NOT BE LATE FOR MY CLASS AGAIN." With a sigh, a bell would ring throughout the class, causing him to check the clock. That time already? Time sure does fly... The children would all stand and scamper out, all mentally fatigued from the days hard work. He couldn't really blame them either, they had all viewed their own hell. With a small laugh, he would leave the door open as he walked from the classroom. Placing his hands in his pockets, he would shunshin through the hallways, quickly departing.

    Fame : 659

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    Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN) Empty Re: Genjutsu Class 101 (OPEN TO THOSE WILLING TO LEARN)

    Post by Shizuko Fri May 24, 2013 11:38 pm

    The boy had received a warning for interrupting him, the man had asked a question about Genjutsu, why would he have been yelled at? A confused look appeared on his face as his right eye twitched, planting his face into the desk out of embarrassment, was he dreaming? He looked back up, watching as the man wrote across the black board, letting out a light sigh for what came next.

    The bell began to rang, it was quite quick too, his face turned to an even deeper confused expression, the Chuunin hadn't even taught them anything, or had he? The young boy shook his head, as he stood up from his desk and hastily ran out of the classroom, slowing down in the hallways. He couldn't wrap his mind around what happened, it was extremely confusing. His body and mind was exhausted from a long day of practice, and was excited to get as far away from the Academy as he could, eventually departing the school grounds, noticing the Chuunin shunshinning constantly.

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