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    Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart.

    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

    Fame : 525

    Shinobi Information
    Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart. Left_bar_bleue400/12500Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart. Empty_bar_bleue  (400/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart. Empty Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart.

    Post by Cuhullin Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:49 am

    Name: Tatsuma Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'2
    Weight: 140 pounds.

    Tatsuma is one who you would say is always dressed for the occasion. You would never find someone more proud of his apperance then this young man. He wears a pure white Hakama which is tailored to fit him more snugly then most. The bagginess of the Hakama had been lessened and tightened in various area's to make it more battle worthy but the alternations are such that there is no disrespect to the traditional aspects of Bushido, the Seven Aspects of the Warrior that the Hakama represents.

    He wears the Unamori version of the Hakama, the bottoms being more pants then the typical flowy outfit of most lords. He wears a pitch black himo to keep it in place and at either end of the neatly tied strands of cloth a small Uchiha symbol is placed the only representation of his clan that he bears with him. Unlike most he does not wear a Kimono underneath his Hakama but it is layered slightly different so that it is not as noticable. The vest is cut low and left open to expose his chest almost as a challenge to his foes to come strike him.

    He does not wear his headband in the traditional sense. He felt that the headband while honorable was a bit too cumbersome for him. Instead when he reached Jounin status he took his Kunai and carved into his own forehead the Symbol of the Leaf. Now it serves as the most reminicent note of his character. Any who see that symbol will know who they are dealing with.

    His physique is an interesting balance of muscles, none larger then the others and none are particularly large. Neither is he a very tall man but nonetheless he strikes an imposing figure. One would feel that he is looking down on them no matter their height.

    His eyes are the purest blue with a hint of silver around the edges hence his nickname as the Glacier of the Leaf, or the Cold Fire of the Uchiha. His hair is a very light brown edging towards mousey but still shines in the tiniest amount of light with a hint of gold. He has a perpetual amount of scruff along his cheeks and chin, but none on his upper lip or neck.

    Upon his back he wears a sheath, it is a very wide sheath not meant for a sword. The sheath is meant for a war fan a massive one. Whether or not the fan occupies the sheath it matters not the sheath remains upon his back a constant reminder of his duty towards the Uchiha clan. The sheath has a massive Sharingan eye painted upon it marking the individual carrying it as the Uchiha lord.

      Race: Human
      Hair: Light brown hair in a stylistic mess.
      Eyes: Blue eyes, sharp and pure like sapphires.
      Body: Balanced and usually slumped. He rarely pulls his hands out of his pockets.
      Ethnicity: Land of Fire

    Personality: His personality has only grown more outwardly calm and deadly. But with that he also feels warm towards any he speaks to. Highly charismatic he is able to charm even the most crotchety old woman with a smile and a single word. He listens to all he interacts with and takes whatever they say into serious consideration if it was intended that way.

    His anger has not changed though, a cold glacier that is capable of destroying the mountain. When you anger him he goes from the smiling but calm man that all know and love to the deadly sharp spear of a man they fear. Chills would be sent down anyones spine seeing him. And no matter what whenever someone angers him this way his Sharingan activates itself, a spinning whirl of tomoe that would cause a dizzying sensation to those who are motion sick prone.

    People fear this man as much as they love him. They know he tries and he is a loving man but they also know the seething cold darkness that lay within him. While he has given life to many he has taken far more for the simple fact they slighted him. His dark impulses are the reason the Uchiha fear and respect their lord still, they know if they cross him they may not live.

    The only sign of his darker urges is the scar he has carved into his forehead. The ultimate sign of loyalty he brooks no disrespect to the leaf. Absolute loyalty he has pledged and death to any who oppose the leaf, criminals and enemy ninja alike. His punishments to the guilty are swift and earth shattering. He is known as the harshest judge within the Konoha, his judgements never going too far beyond fitting the crime but the inventiveness of the punishments cause people to whisper.

    He is constantly berating himself internally for any failure no matter how small. He refuses to accept less then perfect on anything that he himself does and often times works himself into exhausted sickness doing this. His drive is not from ambition or greed nothing as petty as that. He has a promise to keep and dead he must honor.

    Rank/Village Title: Jounin
    Village: Konohagakure
    Title: Uchiha Clan Leader.
    Organization / Team: N/A

    Style Allocation:
    Total Points to Spend: 4

    • Ninjutsu: 3 Specialty
    • Genjutsu: 1 Minor
    • Taijutsu: 0
    • Puppetry: 0
    • Ijutsu: 0
    • Fuuinjutsu: 0

    Kekkei Genkai/Clan: Uchiha, Sharingan.
    Element: Katon, Fuuton.


    • Custom War Fan, Paper Death.
    • Kunai x 5

    Starting Inventory: (Any Non Weapons and tools. This includes puppets scrolls, etc.)

    • Food pills x 10
    • Explosive Tags x 10

    Jutsu Total: 7 Currently.
    Jutsus: (The Jutsu that are known)

    Kekkei Genkai:
    Bloodline Jutsu: (The Jutsu learned from the bloodline)


    Last edited by Cuhullin on Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:53 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
    Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart. Left_bar_bleue0/12500Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart. Empty Re: Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart.

    Post by Amesuke Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:29 pm

    • "Lord of The Uchiha" is not a title, that should be changed to Uchiha Clan Leader.
    • The Kekkei Genkai should be organized, using the actual talent that is in the Uchiha clan topic.
    • Konoha Police Force doesn't exist as an actual Organization.
    • You are only capable of Learning Ninjutsu and Genjutsu of up to A-Rank.
    • Style Points Allocation should be above Kekkei Genkai, not under appearance.
      • 140 pounds for a 24 Year Old man is fairly small and 5 Feet Two Inches is abnormally short.
      • You should colorize your bio so it's easier on the eyes.


    Fame : 2739

    Shinobi Information
    Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart. Left_bar_bleue0/12500Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart. Empty Re: Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart.

    Post by Amesuke Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:34 pm

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    Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart. Empty Re: Tatsuma Uchiha: The ice that dwells within the Uchiha's heart.

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