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    Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin

    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

    Fame : 626

    Shinobi Information
    Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Left_bar_bleue700/12500Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Empty_bar_bleue  (700/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Empty Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin

    Post by Riku Tensei Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:00 pm

    Name: Satoshi Uchiha
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6' 4"
    Weight: 237 lbs

    When looking at Satoshi, a watchful eye can easily tell that he is of the Uchiha bloodline. Though he does not bear his clan's symbol anywhere upon his clothing, his black hair and even blacker eyes begin to give away his lineage. His face is rather angular and gives off a young but aged appearance, combining the best of both worlds. When looking into his eyes, the deep curse of hatred that runs through the Uchiha clan's blood can be seen burning brightly, but he works his best to suppress it. When successful, he often appears bored and detached from the world around him which can be true at times. His black hair is short and spikey, the spikes going off in different directions.

    At six foot four and two hundred and thirty seven pounds, Satoshi's a rather menacing individual in stature. His body has a toned muscular yet thin appearance, akin to an athlete. His skin has been tanned and is adorned with various scars from the countless hardships and battles he has suffered throughout his lifetime.

    His outfit begins with a black sleeveless robe which extends down just past his knees. Atop this he wears a grey coat. The collar of this coat is rather high, coming up to his cheeks, and is open in the front to reveal a bit of his chest, the top of his robe, and the blank forehead protector he wears around his neck, showing his allegiance to no country. The left sleeve of the coat comes down to his hand like usual but the right sleeve stops at his elbow. A grey cloth ties this coat around his waist. Around his right hand from his knuckles all the way up his forearm is a grey bandage wrapped around which allows him to get a better grip on his sword. Slung over his shoulder is a black sling made for carrying his sword. This harness also contains a few smaller pouches for holding various ninja tools. His lower half is adorned with a pair of grey shorts which match the color of his coat. The shorts cut off and reveal another set of pants under which are the same shade of black as his robes. His sandals are grey as well.

    As a terrifying testament to what he believes in, he wears a necklace around his neck made of Sharingan eyes that have been preserved.

      Race: Human - Japanese
      Hair: Black. Short and spikey.
      Eyes: Black normally but crimson with the Sharingan activated.
      Body: Toned/Athletic
      Ethnicity: Hi no Kuni
    Personality: The man known as Satoshi Uchiha is a complicated individual that cannot be fully understood by a single individual. Every bit of his personality has been shaped by the events he has lived through and what he has observed around him. He is his own man and serves no one but himself, though he aspires to one day be an asset to a greater purpose. As a man without faith, he is a Nihilist. To him, life has absolutely no meaning. Nothing happens for any reason but rather everything is just made up of a series of coincidences and the way people react to these events. Unfortunately, he always felt he had been born with the short end of that stick.

    The most dominant positive quality of Satoshi's is his will. When set on a belief, it would take an argument backed with substantial evidence to so much as nudge his way of thinking. It is a cliche to say that an individual has an iron will but that is potentially the only way to describe this man. He fights for what he believes in with all of his being and would be willing to sacrifice himself if he knew that his own cause would benefit from it. Nothing can sway this man and, at times, he's been called stubborn because of this, but it's just his way. A man with a hard head and a clear mind is a dangerous thing.

    Like most Uchiha, the emotions which he feels are intense and strong. At first, these emotions were his strength. His hatred and rage fueled his power in combat and his love for those around him gave him the determination to go on. But after witnessing what his clan has become, he has begun to see these emotions as a curse. They pushed him to do outrageous things and clouded his mind in combat. To counteract this, he began studying meditation and has mastered the art of locking away his emotions. This allowed him to fight with a cool head and give his all even against the most frightening and intimidating of opponents with no problems, but a soldier who fears none is just as dangerous as one ruled by hate.

    A great deal of suffering and pain have followed him throughout his whole life. Because of this, he has taken his meditation to a frightening level, often shutting out his own emotions in regular situations as opposed to waiting for combat. Because of this, he is cold and distant to the world. His eyes have witnessed so much death and those around him have always either betrayed him or died, so he keeps his distance from people to avoid the pain. With his emotions shut out at nearly all times, his decisions are typically made with logic rather than anything else, but this may often lead to some less than favorable or even rash decisions. Still, he feels it's better than the alternative.

    Even with all of these barriers, it's still quite difficult to shut out all of the negativity that his clan has been cursed with. Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things to ever get out of him. Intense grudges form easily and incubate in his mind, growing and fueling his hatred for nearly everything. Keeping his emotions at bay as he does has begun to take a toll on him as well. Though his method is a surefire way of shutting out his emotions, it doesn't come without adverse effects. His mind has begun to break as the water began crashing against the floodgates, metaphorically. This can lead to him snapping and over reacting in situations or even completely blacking out into a fit of rage.

    Still with all of these negatives comes a light at the end of the tunnel. Those who he does rarely allow close to him are under his watchful eye at all times and have his undying support and protection. He would sooner give himself up than watch the life of another friend be taken away from him. Everything in his power will be thrown just to save the life of one friend.

    Satoshi's outlook on his own clan is mixed, as is he. Though he detests the Uchiha and what they've become, he has heard tales of the old days where the Uchiha name meant something, when they were once a respected force in Konoha. And so a small amount of pride remains; a flame which he hopes to rekindle as he aspires to restore the good reputation of the Uchiha and turn the power that drives his clan mad into a gift that protects the innocent.

    Rank/Village Title: Missing Nin (Jounin level)
    Village: Missing
    Title: None
    Organization / Team: None

    Style Allocation:
    Total Points to Spend: 5

    • Ninjutsu: 2
    • Genjutsu: 0
    • Taijutsu: 2
    • Puppetry: 0
    • Ijutsu: 0
    • Fuuinjutsu: 1

    Kekkei Genkai/Clan: Uchiha
    Element: Raiton/Katon

    Starting Inventory: (Any Non Weapons and tools. This includes puppets scrolls, etc.)

    • 300 feet of wire
    • 100 explosive tags
    • 2 10 foot spiked chains

    Satoshi Uchiha was born and raised in Konohagakure no Sato within the Uchiha Clan district. His father was a respected ANBU within the village while his mother was a medical nin. The marriage between the two, Kaien and Sayu, was seemingly normal but the differences in their blood would create a hostile environment for their young son to grow up in. Though both parents were of the Uchiha clan, Sayu had not been gifted with the clan's Doujutsu, the Sharingan. With this one difference came a whole slew of changes. The hatred that tainted their clan as well as their lust for power seemed not to touch this woman, leaving her at peace. Kaien, on the other hand, was just like the rest of his kinsmen.

    Each day he pushed his son to become something great. He shouted and made insane demands all in the hopes that Satoshi would one day grow up and become a powerful shinobi. The pressure was too much and the child could not take the anger and hostility thrown at him. His mother's arms were a sing of comfort and Sayu's treatment of the boy was deemed "too soft" by Kaien. Much turmoil arose within the family because of this.

    A target of random bullying, Satoshi's time in the Academy wasn't much better. Though he gave no reason to be teased, some children didn't need a reason to pick on someone. He was berated, made fun of, and occasionally attacked by a trio of kids within his own class. It was in these days that he learned of both the gift and the curse of the Uchiha.

    On a seemingly random day, his tormentors took things too far. The kids had wanted nothing more than to scare Satoshi. Though they had hurt him numerous times, there was no real intention to damage this kid. But appearances were important and they had to keep the fear alive in this child. So he was dangled off of a bridge, left to feel that his life was in the hands of these three kids who seemed like they couldn't care less if he were alive, dead, or even had existed in the first place. Hatred and rage rose within him and the Sharingan activated within him for the first time. A fight ensued and Satoshi arose the victor. After seriously maiming the three students, it was then that he was faced with a decision that would shape the person he would become: Would he forsake the power given to him by his blood for a better life or would he let hatred and power consume him?

    What he had done to those three kids had disturbed him but that wasn't the worst of it. Weeks later, a bit of eavesdropping revealed that he and a few other Uchiha children had been chosen to be candidates of a special project. The children bullying him had been ordered to do so in hopes that it would help him awaken his Sharingan. Though he couldn't glean more information, he at least discerned that this would not be the last of his torment. Once again he was seeing his clan succumb to the allure of power and there was little he could do to fix things.

    The day finally came when Satoshi graduated from the Shinobi Academy and was named a Genin. Immediately he was placed on a team with two of his peers; a boy by the name of Keito and a member of the Inuzuka clan known as Asuka. The two, along with their sensei, Ryo, were nice enough. It was the first time that he really felt like he fit in somewhere. The group formed a strong bond quickly and they advanced through the ranks. Missions came and went and the team completed every task thrown at them with gusto. They weren't the best team out there, but Team Six definitely had made a name for itself. It wasn't long before more dangerous missions were being thrown their way.

    Life continued on for a few years without incident. The Chuunin exams came and Satoshi passed on his first attempt. Both of his parents were so proud and things had been settling at home. The fighting had dulled down and everything in life seemed to be going right. But the Uchiha hand behind the scenes remained, orchestrating his progress. Sure his own talent had quite a bit to do with his standing in the shinobi world, but it was not entirely of his own merit. Soon, the next step would come.

    Team Six assembled again for a mission. Nothing more than a simple escort mission to the Lightning Country. Escort missions were commonplace these days and it was nothing a team of Chuunin couldn't handle. This mission would be different. This was no ordinary mission. It had been planned to further advance Satoshi's power. They wanted to breed a super soldier and they would spare no expense. Not even a human life.

    They were ambushed. The plan had been to kill off Ryo first which went off without a hitch. Then by placing Keito and Asuka into a Genjutsu, Satoshi would be forced to kill the two and awaken the legendary Mangekyo Sharingan known only to the most informed of people. Things didn't go according to plan however as Satoshi was knocked unconscious. Seeing it as a failed experiment, Keito and Asuka were killed. Satoshi would awaken and flee back to Konoha. It would be years before he knew the truth.

    And when that truth was revealed, it would be an earth shattering revelation. As he advanced to the rank of Jounin, life seemed to be going on the right track again, but the death of his team would never leave his mind. Things would never be the same. A dream came to him, replaying the events of that night but with greater clarity. Something just seemed off and, though it was strange to base a true feeling on a dream, it was all he had to go on. So Satoshi confronted his father, bringing up that mission and the special project he had heard about years ago. Cornered, Kaien revealed everything. Knowing that his team - no - that his friends had died all in an attempt to make him stronger enraged him.

    It was on that night that he fled Konoha. Without a word, he disappeared into the night. Though the village was not his problem, he knew he would have no place within its borders as long as the corrupted Uchiha clan remained there. So he left with hopes in his heart that he could one day restore the clan to its former glory and redeem his crime of desertion to the village. They would understand it was necessary. They would understand that he did this for the greater good. They had to. It was all he had left to go on.

    Last edited by Riku Tensei on Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:50 pm; edited 6 times in total
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

    Fame : 626

    Shinobi Information
    Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Left_bar_bleue700/12500Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Empty_bar_bleue  (700/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Empty Re: Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin

    Post by Riku Tensei Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:06 am


    Jutsu Total: 11




      Katon Techniques


      Raiton Techniques


    Kekkei Genkai:
    Bloodline Jutsu:

    Last edited by Riku Tensei on Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Fame : 2739

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    Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Left_bar_bleue0/12500Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Empty Re: Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin

    Post by Amesuke Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:22 am

    Can't start with blazing lightning. You haven't actually trained for it.
    Riku Tensei
    Riku Tensei
    Missing Ninja
    Missing Ninja

    Fame : 626

    Shinobi Information
    Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Left_bar_bleue700/12500Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Empty_bar_bleue  (700/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Empty Re: Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin

    Post by Riku Tensei Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:03 am

    I wanted it to be an innate ability only this character had but you made me tack on training -.- It's removed.

    Fame : 2739

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    Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Left_bar_bleue0/12500Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Empty_bar_bleue  (0/12500)
    Ryou Pouch: 0

    Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin Empty Re: Satoshi Uchiha - Jounin ranked Missing Nin

    Post by Amesuke Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:23 am

    Aaaaand approved!

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