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    A walk through the Village [OPEN]


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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Shizuko Tue Apr 02, 2013 2:57 am

    It was a calm, breezy afternoon, the Village was calm and at peace. Coming through the Village gates was Shizuko, calmly walking into the Village after a recent mission. His face seemed calm, and happy, his movement seemed relax and his outfit seemed comfortable. A black, high-collared shirt with the Uchiha Crest on the back, a long with a matching pair of pants and sandals. He slowly strolled through the Village, looking here and there at various shops, before stopping at a wooden bridge to gaze up to the mountains in honor of the past Hokage. Shizuko let out a brief yawn, stretching out slightly with a blank stare to the mountain. Hrm.. good to be back in the Village, I wonder where brother is.. Eh, i'll find him later.. I'm starved. he clenched his stomach, with an irritated face he began to stroll off to the nearest Noodle Shop. Nodding and waving to various Villagers and even a few Shinobi, he stopped again to gaze down at the Ninja Academy, looking at the various Shinobi, and students. Rolling a shoulder, Shizuko began to walk off again, finally stopping at the Noodle Shop, reaching into his pocket for non-existent currency, Hrm.. forgot, left all of my money at home. he slowly turned around into the opposite direction towards his apartment.

    Finally arriving at his door, eyes droopy and stomach growling, Shizuko reached for his key to unlock the chamber in his door, finally arriving. He grabbed a handful of Ryo and looked at the various stack of mail that was left on his table, swiftly turning his heel into the other direction, stopping. Instead of a slow walk back to the Shop, he thought he'd take a faster route, swiftly climbing out of his window and rushing towards the Noodle Shop and eventually slowing down, and leaping off of the rooftop, walking to the seat's with a satisfied look on his face and placing the ryo on the counter, ordering Eggplant Soup and Sweet & Sour chicken and kicked back in his seat, finally able to relax and enjoy his food. I really should report to see if any new Academy Students have become Genin and are in need of a team.. I'll do it as soon as I finish this and change, so I look presentable and not.. sloppy.

    OOC: First..

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Amesuke Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:45 am

    Saotomi had been out of the Academy for some time now perfecting her skills in the arts that she had been trained from birth to use. Her physical strength was above average for a young girl and though her chakra pool wasn't particularly large, she had gotten so good at controlling it that her running out of chakra wasn't a particularly large threat. More to the point however, today was a day like any other, the village was a tad bit empty due to the war against the Iwagakure and there was an eerie silence that would leave a strange tone in the highly populated village. With many of the higher ranked shinobi gone, only the trainers were left around to keep the lower ranked shinobi company.

    Saotomi would leave a boarding house that she had been living in for the past 2 years. With the large amount of people that she was living it, it had quickly become a great home for the girl with the families that lived there quickly becoming her new family. Some time after the girl graduated from the academy, her parents died during the war, leaving the girl plenty of money to inherit once she'd gotten old enough, however, at her current age, the money was to be used specifically for housing her and providing the girl with just enough food to stay content.

    Stepping down off of the stoop quickly, her hair would flow in the wind. Her powdery pink, skin-tight body suit would show virtually nothing of her body due to her young age. Walking with a wide stride, she would smile in the afternoon sunlight, one hand on the white forehead protector that was wrapped loosely around her waist.

    The girls stomach would growl, causing her to instinctively place her hand over the spot on her small tummy. I haven't eaten all day... The thought spun through her head quickly, causing her to immediately, without even knowing, begin walking towards the local Ramen shop. With all of the adults in the war, it was basically the only shop still getting customers and that still had a working staff. Walking into the shop, the girl was small in enough to not have to move the flaps out of the way which promptly stated "Ichiraku Ramen." Walking to a seat, as she was far too short to sit at the bar, she would notice a Jounin sitting in the same shop as her, an Uchiha at that. The Uchiha ha been a very strong clan, being around since the beginning of the Konohagakure and it was almost like sitting in the same room as nobility.

    However, it was still fairly awkward that a Jounin, who should be fighting in the war, was sitting in a Ramen Shop. Particularly one of a clan that was known quite well far and wide for their battle prowess. Ignoring her thoughts, she would order a small bowl of ramen, just enough to fill her up, and smile cutely at the waitress who would return the smile, going to get the food.

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Shizuko Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:43 pm

    The Noodle Shop was open, lit and breezy, smelling of wood cleaner and salt. Sitting in a terrible leather stool at a counter made of wood and arms stretched behind his head, eyes closed. Shizuko laid back in his seat, relaxing after his long trip, he opened his eyes to notice the youngling's arrival, shrugging it off again, not really minding his surrounding. After all, he had just returned from a War Camp that was attacked by Iwakagure, his left arm was in a cast, (suddenly, because the poster was not aware we're in the middle of war >_<) and his clothes seemed dirty, he looked suddenly bothered, flinching. Eventually standing back up to take a breather outside, leaning back on a post near the exit of the shop, looking up to the sky, thinking heavily about his situation. I wonder where brother is.. he wasn't at the apartment at night, meh, shouldn't worry too much. What I really need to focus is on is myself right now.. he looked up to the sky, shrugging and walking back into the shop.

    He peered at the young genin sitting by herself, in the middle of the Village, at night, in a bar that serves alcohol. With an eyebrow arched, he stood behind the student and asked, What are you doing here so late? Isn't this place a little too inappropriate for a young genin? his available arm hanging freely at his side, his facial expression calm and normal, his onyx eyes seemed.. odd? Perhaps he was just tired. His stance seemed off, like he was putting pressure into his right leg, instead of them both.

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Amesuke Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:04 am

    The woman would return with a very small bowl of ramen for the girl. Smiling and picking up the wooden chopsticks that would come with the bowl, the woman would un-wrap them, breaking them for the girl and placing them in the bowl for her to use. Thank you... The words escaped from her mouth with a soft tone, amplifying the fact that she was particularly small. Nodding her head and smiling at the waitress, the woman would leave, tending to other customers. Clapping her hands together quickly, she would close her eyes, saying a short prayer with a smile on her face.

    As she opened her eyes, she would notice that the Jounin she had noticed earlier had confronted her about being out at this time of day, especially in a bar. The young girl, originally wanting to simply ignore the man, would respect his clan and his rank by giving a dignified response. Though she had thoughts about it prior. Too young to be in a bar... Old enough to go to war. Her face would show no emotion, looking up at the man, she would speak, I suppose so... Though this is the only shop open thanks to the stupid war! She would emphasize how she felt about the entire situation of war in that sentence. She didn't believe anyone had a reason to kill, but she did believe in incapacitation. Taking a mouthful of her food, making her cheeks puff out, she would continue to talk with her mouth full to muffling the sound, And what about you? Aren't you a little old to be in a bar? Regardless of what the man would say, she technically was right, most shinobi didn't live longer than the age of 18 or 19 anyway. She would stick her tongue out with her mouth full of food and pull down her lower eyelid to tease the older man.

    Anyway, I'm just here to eat. I'll be going home soon enough. She would swallow her food, putting another mouthful into her mouth. Though she was filling her mouth with the food, her size made these mouthfuls very small in comparison to a much larger person, making it seem as if the small bowl she was eating from held quite a bit of food.

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Shizuko Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:45 am

    Shizuko's stance slightly shifted, his arm still hanging loose, a charismatic expression appeared on his face. The bar seemed to dim slightly in colour and light, and overall seemed to slowly turn gloomy, perhaps his question was a bit silly, after all times had changed, and the five nations were at war. And it was the only shop someone could get a meal at, which was a bit sad honestly.. Shizuko flinched after the silly gesture the girl made to him, he showed a bigger smirk. His face then shifted into a emotionless and overall scary stare, his inverted Sharingan activating, widening his eyes and turning his deep onyx eyes into a black background with a single red tomoe, making the look even more frightening, he often used it as a prank. Returning to his normal face, he shrugged I suppose you are old enough, after all you're just eating, and sometimes.. We have to do things to protect those we love, just because you don't like war, doesn't mean you can't ignore it. he looked at the young Genin with a very serious glance.

    His legs shifting again, pondering the question himself, he could be considered 'old' and this honestly saddened him that not everyone could live to an old age, who knows, maybe even he wouldn't. In these times, people died around eighteen to nineteen because of all of the conflict, he continued by saying Suppose I am old for these times.. It's not something a lot of people get the privilege of.. I just wish people could, time flies so fast now a days, children fighting in wars.. But who knows, maybe after this war is over, something good will come out of it.. Maybe people can live to the age of a hundred. But that's something a person has to accomplish, not just for themselves, but for everyone. And sometimes that comes with a price.. and removed his sling and stretched out his left arm. Offering a hand to shake, I am Shizuko Uchiha, pleasure to meet you. he showed a charismatic smile, his sharingan fading away to reveal his onyx eyes once again. And you are?


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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Amesuke Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:23 am

    Eating her food, Saotomi would listen to the man for a split second, seeing the face he had made and noticing his eyes. Only one tomoe? Don't the Uchiha develop to three very quickly? Either this guy is really good even without his Sharingan or the leaf village is just taking anybody in. Unfazed by the face, the girl would continue eating her food, quickly beginning to zone out of the mans voice. At her young age, she cared very little for what he was talking about. Something about hoping the future would be more calm and hoping people could age to ridiculous ages. She had only just hit double digits and didn't care very much for the triples. Taking another mouthful of the food, putting it in her mouth and swallowing it down quickly. Kohaku. She would respond to the man, wrapping her hand around two of the mans fingers with her very small fingers. Her hands were not big enough to give a legitimate hand-shake and what she gave was just about the best she could do.

    Her one word response, while not directly cold, was enough to tell the man that it was all she had to say about the topic he was speaking. She wasn't really much of a talker, being generally introverted. Taking her hand back, she would continue to eat her food, finishing the small bowl and leaning back in her seating. The waitress would come, taking her bowl and putting it away while Saotomi would put the money in the middle of the table. She had been eating there a lot lately and had become somewhat similar to a regular in the restaurant. She had planned on going to train now, as it was night time and the cool air always seemed to make her focus more. I'm going to practice Jutsu now! She moved as if she had an infinite amount of energy, scooting out of the seat and standing up with her eyes closed with her arms straight up above her head. A childish grin stretched across her face.
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Cuhullin Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:49 pm

    Just then the entire of the shop would go silent. The only sound was the door opening and closing. The silence hung like a stench upon the air. No one on the restaurant spoke a word but only waited with bated breath as the newcomer stood within the doorway. Outside the street had been more hushed then usual before the man had entered.

    It was odd for those who did not know who the man was. He wasn't particularly tall, only about five foot two inches tall. His physique while muscled was not heavily muscled like a lot of the Shinobi of these days. The only thing abnormal about him was a scar on his forehead. The rest of his forehead was covered by deliberately styled hair but this scar was left in the open.

    The scar was in the shape of the Konoha leaf village and any who knew anything about the rising stars about the leaf village would know who he was. Tatsuma Uchiha, known as the Glacial Shinobi; Lord of the Uchiha clan. Everyone knew they were indeed in the presence of nobility. Beyond that the only thing that marked him as different was the massive war fan upon his back and the Uchiha symbols on the ends of his obi.

    He looked around the restaurant almost casually and his eyes immediately locked upon Shizuko. For a moment he stood there only looking before he resumed his casual scan. Nodding to himself he began strolling casually over. As he walked he appeared to walk with a slight limp and one could see dried blood upon his Hakama pants was dried. He had obviously sustained an injury.

    A shinobi for sure and one who had returned from the war probably due to the injury he had sustained to his leg. He did not make a bee line straight for his brother but stopped and shook hands with a fairly prominent member of the Konoha smiling amiably and chatting calmly. A quiet laugh later he patted the man on the shoulder and walked on.

    Stopping at the table of someone more common then dirt he sat down and began speaking with him in low tones nodding briefly and patting the mans hand looking grave and when he shook the mans hand, one could see pulling away he had given the man a few pieces of gold enough for a months pay to the man.

    Finally stopping at Shizuki he reached out and ruffled the hair of the child, "Take care. Make sure to curb that energy and shape it into something useful for the Konoha." Sitting down into the seat the kid vacated he finally turned to his brother and gave his brother a small smile. Reaching over he gently punched his shoulder and smiled wider the only sign that gave away he was genuinely pleased to see Shizuko.

    [color=blue] "Welcome home... brother. I recommend you try the noodles here they are quite wonderful."[/blue] He then waved a waitress over and quietly told her to bring one serving of all the noodles and four dumplings.

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Shizuko Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:33 pm

    With the reply of the young girl, a bit rude, but she was a child and Shizuko didn't expect much of a reply, he simply nodded. Before he could reply she had already placed money on the table and she stormed out filled with energy. (And bitchiness) The room went cold and silent, the shop's door was opened, out of pure reflex and maybe a little of the Sharingan, Shizuko snapped his focus to the left, completely ignoring the girl sitting down as he quickly lost interest in her, she didn't seem to be one to act her age. He focused onto his brother, his inverted eyes almost seemed to target him, the first thing he noticed was the scar, he had known about it already, but it always bothered him. He simply stood there, watching his brother's every movement, his arms hanging freely at his side as he focused his weight into his right leg, he began to eye the men he was speaking to, he didn't really know them at all. So it didn't matter much, he just felt uneasy for some reason, maybe it was just the kid. He watched as his brother slowly began to approach him, feeling the punch to the shoulder, he raised a brow. Hello brother.. His facial expression changed, but blank and uneasy to charismatic and friendly.

    Shizuko took a seat with his brother, waving his hand to him I already ate, thank you. he pulled out his sling to place his left arm into it so it could properly set, leaning back with a sigh, his inverted Sharingan switching to a deep onyx, he looked at his brother with a curious expression on his face, Haven't seen you in awhile, what have you been doing? he smirked slightly, looking at the plate of dumplings and bowls of ramen being delivered, shrugging. He's buying, might as well eat. And he unwrapped his silverware and began to ate, quickly stealing two of the dumplings. He kept his focus on his brother, not much else. He looked at the war fan on his brother's back, replying Glad you didn't lose that.. and chuckled slightly, it was good for Shizuko to be back with his brother, after all Shizuko had been out of the Five Countries for sometime and was a bit out of the loop for some time.

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Amesuke Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:40 pm

    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Cuhullin Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:26 am

    Tatsuma looked up sharply at his brother, "Why would I lose it? You know I would lose my life before I would lose Paper Death." His face changed to something more serious as he glared at his brother for a moment. His eyes never wavering before he broke out in a smile breaking the tension just before a waitress came up delivering the massive loads of food, "Ah yes! Dinner is served!" Handing the waitress all the money for the bill as well as a rather generous tip he smiled amiably at her , "Thank you for the service now I would like to have a private conversation with my brother so I paid the bill in full when we leave you may clean up."

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Shizuko Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:21 pm

    As his face turned a bit cold and nervous, letting out a fake cough into his hand, Shizuko let out a slight shrug, his fingers tapping nervously, trying not to keep direct eye contact with his brother, before eventually just sort of saying it. Yeah.. I lost Muramasa.. and began to whistle nervously, his face turning a bit worried and looked at his brother, You don't have to pay for this meal, i'll take care of it.. as he pulled out enough Ryo to cover the expenses, placing it on the table, before stretching his arms behind his back, and letting out a relaxed sigh. He looked at himself, his clothes dirty and battle-torn and overall unfashionable he scoffed, I need to get new clothes, maybe i'll use my black cloak.. or a proper Jounin outfit. he smirked slightly, he could finally worried about such unnecessary things. As he was about to let out a question to his brother, he caught a female at the corner of his eye, kind of losing his focus and turning to her, but eventually she walked off and sighed, turning to his brother. Private Conversation' bout what? he smirked slightly, a bit intrigued honestly, raising a brow.

    Shizuko placed his arms to his side, and began to sit up straight, focusing on his brother while enjoying a bowl of noodle and two pieces of dumplings, he was intrigued about what his brother had to say, and who it concerned, after all Shizuko had been out of the Five Great Countries for some time and was a bit out of the loop. As of right now Shizuko was really focused on missions and forming a team of Genin to train, it was his duty as Jounin now, he also had to worry of the Third Ninja War, and with the recent death of several great ninja, this concerned Shizuko as it crippled the Konohagakure and Sunagakure deeply, people were dying every day at an alarmingly high rate. Shizuko didn't quite know what to think right now, it was all rushing along and Shizuko couldn't keep up, he felt weak and vulnerable at this time, and alone in trouble.
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Cuhullin Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:29 am

    Shizuko would have only a few things that would tip him off as to his brothers anger. The first thing would be the silence. It was palpable, sickening, Tatsuma had not spoken a word since Shizuko mentioned the Muramasa was missing. Second was his face. He was smiling pleasantly up til that moment. Then his face had frozen in a smile, a dark smile that told of suffering and destruction. The third and final thing was Tatsuma's eyes. Swirling tomoe twirled around the pupil in a dance upon a sanguine background. All of this should tell Shizuko a single thing, prepare for the Glacial Wrath that moves mountains.

    Standing up after his brother paid without even taking a single bite of the massive feast he ordered he left it for whoever wished to eat it. Reaching over he would grab at his brothers collar and if Shizuko knew better he would let his brother drag him otherwise whatever was coming would be worse(Continuing under the assumption that Shizuko will allow himself to be dragged). Not even attempting to pull him out of the booth he started walking out of the building dragging Shizuko with him assuming Shizuko could get out of the booth easy enough.

    As soon as they were outside Tatsuma's form would blur briefly, the Shadow Flicker technique. Dragging Shizuko over a short distance quite rapidly they appeared in a nearby alleyway that was deserted for the moment. As soon as they were in the alleyway Tatsuma put his force against Shizuko, his fist would press into Shizuko's upper chest region enough to cause a grinding of bone upon bone and shorten Shizuko's breath. Tatsuma shoved his face into Shizuko's face that moment his smile still there and his voice still calm but obviously he was nothing less then livid, "You might want to restate what you said. You said you lost the Muramasa I must have misheard you in there. You will have to restate it, you know how War messes with ones hearing. Now you are going to tell me the Muramasa is within your care and still quite safe right?"

    Tatsuma did not finish his threat he knew that by his attitude that his point was clear. He hoped his brother allowed himself to be dragged to this point because to put more force into this would be exhausting and he disliked hurting his little brother too much, but if it was made necessary he will rip the building apart just to pin his brother and state that question.

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Shizuko Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:54 am

    As his brother shot a cold and evil smile at him, he began to become worried, watching his every movement as his brother's sharingan stared into his, he was suddenly pulled out by his collar and pulled out of the Shop. The hell?! trying to plant his feet into the ground but ultimately just following him so no one else got involved, he became worried and began to think of his father and how abusive he was to his brother, it felt like Tatsuma had become Shizuko's father, and just as rage filled. He didn't like what was happening, afterall, he was just kidding about Muramasa and didn't realize his brother had such a temper, he had never pulled a prank like this afterall, as he was suddenly taken into a dark alley by his brother, being slammed into a wall and feeling his brother force his fist into his chest, causing him to lose his breath and looking at his brother with a worried look, he was concerned about his brother and his bad temper and violence without even assessing the situation.

    He let out a cough, staring at his brother, You've obviously.. never heard a joke before, have you? It's safe in my apartment.. Now get out of my face. Shizuko suddenly turned from fear filled and calm, into a blank but frightening zen of anger at his brother. He didn't really appreciate being slammed into a wall and having a fist pressed into him. He'd attempted to push Tatsuma off of him and dust himself off, if successful of course, he'd glare directly at his brother. I hope the next time I see you.. You have a better attitude and don't slam your brother into a wall and threaten him after not seeing him in months.. he tossed a smoke pellet to the ground and disappeared into the night, retreating to somewhere else in the Village, he sat by himself, now in his Black Robe and Porcelain Mask from his ANBU days, he was reading a "Icha Icha" book about a romance between a Clansman and someone skilled in the art of healing, Shizuko hadn't had the chance to read it, so he thought this would be the best time to do so. While reading his book, he ever so often gazed down at the Village to look at the Villagers enjoying their lives, and companions spending time with eachother, Shizuko was a bit jealous honestly.

    After finishing his book for the night, Shizuko headed home to sleep, placing his key in the door and unlocking the door, undressing and stepping into his shower. Before he turned on the shower, he had to make sure Muramasa was actually still in the apartment, and then afterwards stepping back into his shower and turning it up to a nice 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Fixing his hair and brushing his teeth, laying into his King Sized bed, and looked at a headband on his counter that belonged to his former love. He couldn't help but think about such stuff on this night, he was frustrated at his brother and felt totally alone after his brother lost temper. Shizuko had a blank face, and a sad mind, he finally began to drift into sleep.. Of course he couldn't catch a break in his dreams either, nightmares are a bitch.

    [Timeskip to Morning]

    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Cuhullin Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:03 am

    Tatsuma blinked a few times his sharingan vanishing in a moment. When his brother pushed him off he let him his hand falling numb to his side. He heard what his brother said and watched the smoke rise. He took a few breath's like he meant to say something and shut his mouth. Looking down he said one thing, "Oh...".

    Turning away he began walking towards his house blinking a few times. A rain drop must have fallen on his face because a droplet of water dripped off his nose as he went. He ignored it refusing to admit for the first time in years he had shed a tear, a tear of shame at his own actions.

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Shizuko Tue Apr 09, 2013 4:24 am

    In the next morning, it was a calm and breezy morning, the sun was shining bright and the day was colorful, the slight smell of roses in the air. As Shizuko awoke, he rose up, and yawned, stretching out. Damn.. I thought that was a dream, well, we can't all have what we want.. and he put on his Jounin Outfit rather then his black robe, and tied his Konohagakure No Sato band to his forehead. He immediately began a walk through the village, enjoying the bright and shiny scenery of the birds chirping, and the breeze of the forest. He greeted Villager's here and there, and stopped at the Academy to see if any Students were ready to begin their Bell Test, but was disappointed to find out no one was ready for a team. He then went to the Market, to pick up some organic food for him so he didn't have to keep stopping at the Ramen Shop, and then went to the Village book store, examining their merchandise and not really finding anything of interest at all, disappointing. Today was boring for Shizuko, he didn't have much to do, there were no A or B Ranked missions for him to go onto, and no one to train. He couldn't think of anything to do, so he just continued to walk throughout the city all day, he often thought of who would become the next Hokage, maybe it would be him, or someone else. All that really mattered to him was that someone became the Hokage to lead the nation into peace. He then stopped to see a man and a woman, the woman was pregnant with the man's child and they seemed overall happy. Shizuko was honestly jealous of them, walking off so he could get his mind off of it.

    He was still in shock from the sudden outburst from his brother, he didn't know he could act like that. Maybe some of it was Shizuko's fault, Tatsuma DID take all the hits as a child. He just continued to walk down the street, eventually stopping at a tall oak tree and leaned against it, opening up one of his various books and began to read even more, it was his favorite past time. He thought of various things at the time, simple things such as what he was going to do next, what he would eat. But something else was eating away at him, he felt guilty that he had a better childhood then Tatsuma, at the expense of ruining his. Shizuko never really thought anything about it, he was oblivious most of the time. It didn't matter now, all that mattered was what he did now, in the present. Shizuko put on a charismatic smile, and closed the book he was reading, sliding it into his satchel. Walking off to the Academy and Mission Board, waiting for anything that needed to be done, it was time he stepped up his game, he couldn't just sit in the dirt.
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Cuhullin Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:19 am

    Waking up Tatsuma sat there for a few moments. He debated over what he had done the night before and then sat up sighing, no point in dwelling upon what he could not change. His demeanor was almost icy calm as he dressed himself in his typical outfit, forgoing the typical Jounin outfit. Most did not begrudge him this, one look at his scar and they knew how devoted he was.

    Sheathing his war fan he took a deep breath and clapped his hands twice. Two women entered the room carrying a steaming plate of eggs done western style with toast on the side and a cool glass of orange juice. The other carried a single piece of paper, a request from a clans member. Drinking his juice he considered the proposal and disallowed it, not wanting to put resources towards a venture such as that. Giving it back to the second female he finished his breakfast swiftly before handing the dirty dishes and tray back to the first.

    Standing he departed with a purpose towards the Academy and Mission Board. He also was already bored of standing in one place and wanted to do something. He would take even an E rank mission if that was all that was available but he could not stop moving, things needed to be done. Time enough for rest when he took his final bow.

    Fame : 659

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Shizuko Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:17 am

    In the afternoon, as the sun started to lower, the concrete started to cool while the smell of wet dew was in the air. As Shizuko scouted the Mission Board, he found nothing at all, nothing besides something about some cat-dog, which wasn't really what he was looking for as a Jounin, he wanted something a little more serious, maybe it was just because of the war that missions were slow, but it didn't really bother Shizuko too badly. What should I do.. not much going on today.. he sighed, looking at himself in a puddle of water, he stared into his own eyes, blinking once and awakening his Sharingan. He looked deep into his own soul, the eyes that so many before him used as tools of war, instead of peace, Shizuko didn't want to be like so many before him. He didn't want to have to be a blood thirsty combatant, he felt like he could use his Sharingan for another purpose, as he thought of something quite curious, why were his colours inverted? Did it have some meaning, or was it merely a birth defect? As the black background of his eyes looked like the went off forever, a single red tomoe was swirling around in the middle of his eye, only one? Surely a Jounin ranked Uchiha would have awakened all three tomoe by now, why didn't he ever attempt to awaken them? Surely it'd grant him more power, but he was afraid.. Maybe the Sharingan did something to those that used it, and that was why it was used as a tool of war..

    With his feet planted into a puddle of water, he looked at himself, he felt angry at his brother. He finally was showing rage, he questioned why his brother suddenly went into full rage and attacked his brother, he demanded an answer of why, maybe it was the Sharingan? Afterall, this is the first time he had ever seen his brother use it.. He didn't know, but Shizuko felt they both needed a change of personality. As he stepped out of the puddle, he wanted to experiment to see if that was what made his brother so angry, he was going to keep his Sharingan active at all times to test if it was making his brother so rage filled. As he began a stroll back to his apartment, he looked around him, the various closed shops, people hiding in their apartments, he realized what this war was doing. It inspired so much fear people hid in their homes, people closed their shop, after all there was only one shop in the entire Village that was open. Something had to be done about it, the Village had no Hokage, no leader, and no hope, Shizuko wished that someone would take a stand to inspire the Village, Shizuko didn't know who could do it, but someone had to. As he finally reached his apartment, he removed his headband and flak jacket, sitting on his bed. He glanced at the headband that had once belonged to his previous lover, he murmured the words Yorokobi.. as his face turned blank, and overall a little terrifying, he reached for the headband and his porcelain mask, placing the band over his mask and threw on his mantle, he often used the mantle as almost like a security blanket.

    As the sun had completely set, and the moon was shining brightly, Shizuko rushed out the window and onto the rooftops, that was his absolute favorite place. No one was around, they were quiet and he could see everything from a distance. Eventually sitting down to look at the Kage Mansion, the second most fascinating structure in the Village, he pulled out a small book and took a gaze to the mansion, reaching for a pencil in his satchel, as he started to draw whatever came to mind, he looked up to the sky, to see a crow shadowed by the moon flying overhead, as he began to create the body of a bird. The next thing that came to mind was his own eyes, imagining himself in the possible future of him wielding the triple tomoe sharingan, and gave the body the eyes of an Uchiha. The third and final thing he thought of, was remembering his entire squad being slaughtered by Missing Nin, seeing all of the bodies piled, leaking blood.. He drew a body with no face next to the crow, with bloody claw-prints on the floor. He looked at the final results, a crow with the eyes of an Uchiha, responsible for the death of a random man, bathing in his blood. Shizuko was terrified of his own creation, he never realized had such a odd mind, so he packed up and went down to the streets to continue his walk, as he let his creation dry in his satchel, he was more of a night person, so this was his favorite past-time.
    Mist Shinobi
    Mist Shinobi

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Cuhullin Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:34 am

    After grabbing the mission he went to his bed and laid down to rest for the night. He could spend the day looking for his brother but why do that when he can wait and catch his brother out at night.

    Standing up later at night he jumped out onto the rooftops and began looking. It did not take him long to find his brother. Looking down into the streets he jumped down and started walking beside him, "Hey... Shizuko.. I am sorry for what I did earlier. I should learn to control my temper. I don't want to become dad... I need you to be here to help temper me alright? Make sure I don't do anything stupid. You have always kept me in check."

    He pulled out a piece of paper containing the mission.

    "Like on this mission. This is something where I would lose control... she betrayed the leaf. But she is only a little girl. As I think about it all I want to do is... kill... I need you there to help me. Maybe we can do this together?"

    Fame : 659

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Shizuko Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:47 am

    As Shizuko was patrolling the nights, he felt a sudden figure appear from behind, immediately reaching for his tanto he pulled on the man, ready to attack, his expression looked serious and un-forgiving and his stance seemed professional. Immediately stopping in his tracks as he noticed it was only Tatsuma, muttering some bullshit about how he loves him and he'll never hit him again, etc, etc. He scoffed, Yeah yeah, you only hit me because you love me, yadda yadda. What's the mission? Shizuko didn't seem like he was really buying into his brothers apology, and he sheathed his tanto, straightening his stance and attempting to snatch the piece of paper from the man, examining the poster. A missing girl, it didn't sound good, Shizuko knew he had to go otherwise this girl would probably get killed, and his brother would make the tension between the countries even worse then they were, maybe Shizuko could be the voice of reason in this situation, and bring the girl back. He hunted Missing-Nin for a living, it felt like any other day of work of his, he was prepared to do what was required, no matter the costs of what he had to do. He nodded to his brother, Let's get on with it.. I'll prepare, and we leave in an hour. I am taking the lead. he tossed down another smoke pellet, using his Shunshin Technique to disappear into the night, and more specifically, his apartment.

    As he arrived back at his apartment, he readied his tanto and wakizashi, preparing their sheathes.. He took a glance at Muramasa, shaking his head.. I can't risk you, you bloodthirsty demon.. He stared at the blade with his Sharingan, almost as if he was listening to it speak, it didn't really matter, Shizuko had to prepare. He gathered some food pills, smoke pellets, and the rest of equipment you could imagine. He felt that this mission was his burden, and had to take all costs to keep the Leaf's secrets, even if he had to take the life of a child, no matter what reason she had to leave. He didn't want to, and hoped to god he could end this peacefully, but he was prepared to protect the secrets of the Village, no matter the cost. He felt sad of what he was planning to do, it disgusted him, but he had to do it. His demeanor was pale and expressionless, his body slightly shaking and looked afraid almost, but he had to rest on his thoughts, tommorow was a big day.

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    A walk through the Village [OPEN] Empty Re: A walk through the Village [OPEN]

    Post by Amesuke Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:43 pm

    I'll say like... +55, nothing really happened here lol.

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